comfy as heck
Comfy as heck
What is this
I played through 50% of this game and gave up on it because I thought it was too hard. it was only years later I realized that I wasn't using the flashlight on the enemies to weaken them and instead was just dumping ammo into the fully powered enemies in the dark like a retard. maybe i should give this another try because I did like the atmosphere
video gam
alan wake now available for free on the epic games store
Alan Woke
Energizer batteries the video game
it was ok on 360
I like how it's a game that takes inspiration from Steven King (the greatest American fiction writer) and true to form, the protagonist is a writer.
A game you probably already own from a humble bundle if you check
For some reason I couldn't get into this game. But looking back, I can't remember what specifically made me quit. It just seemed kinda boring I guess.
Well, it copies Twin Peaks S1, what do you expect.
Too bad you don't spend any time in the city and instead have to run around and fight shadow men with a flashlight
I wanted to like this game but the actual gameplay was boring as shit for me
Post cawfee girl and wife
I know this video game exists, but what's the actual gameplay like? All I know is that it's third person, there's a flashlight that people got bored of, and there's shadow monsters. Is it a TPS? Is it actually good or do people mostly like it for the story?
more like boring as fuck
It's a TPS. It's fine, sometimes very nice and fun gameplay but it gets a bit stale after some time, the story is the only thing keeping it together.
I wish they just made it a comfy detective game instead. But no it has to be shootan.
>go from point A to point B
>stopped by forced battle
>spam batteries to revolver down ghosts
>get to shitty cryptic cutscene
>rinse and repeat
Othet than for the bear section, it is absolute shit
cute, hope they have a happy future together
Is it just me or did anyone else not really like the DLC?
I enjoyed this game. I wanted to make a second one. One of the few games where the plot kept me going.
Put the lime in the coconut
Children of the elder god
The American nightmare?
Is the game any good? I'm playing the evil within right now, is it similar to that
The two dlc's the signal and the writer.