Just finished my first full run of this game and man, what a great rogue-lite

Just finished my first full run of this game and man, what a great rogue-lite.

>Buffed to Hell and Back with Strength
>Kept myself alive with Reaper hitting 30-40 each enemy
>Brought down Donu and Deca with 3 HP left

I wish I could get a good Poison build going, it feels amazing. But The Silent feels really lacking in that department. Maybe I need more unlocks.

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Is it, though? It isn't like unlocking cards or making it to the boss for whale bonuses really carries the next run.

The amount of viable deck types requires all the unlocks. Until you get them all sometimes you won't be able to pull them off.

Gonna start a run and see what I can get.

Silent is broken

Game really picks up once you get all the unlocks and start doing ascension runs. Unfortunately I'm a shitter and can't get past ascension 4 right now.

>shitty card game that any brainlet can mathematically beat consistently
>zoomers eat it up

I could literally make you a list of what cards to pick and you would beat the game 100% of the time.

And thats why its a rougue-lite not a rouge-like. The lack of true permadeath is the big dif.

Having some builds more viable than others is a plague that effects every game. Change my mind Protip: What's a good build for the Defect? I don't like his massive buff build though I'll admit it's fun

It's almost as if the game gets more difficult if you play it on greater difficulties. You have very obviously not put much time into the game.

>run going great
>one turn against a particularly strong enemy
>massive attack and your deck decided that all defensive options should be at the bottom
>happens twice

The Mega-Imp should be removed from the first act or made only possible to show up just before the boss. If you get him as your first boss he's unbeatable run ender.

I really like building around 0 cost cards, with one for all and scrape, it's super goofy with the top.

Why is there still no good clone of this game? I've gone through 10 of them and they all suck ass. Neoverse is the best one but it's also the most derivative.

What builds do you guys use?

I've only done about 10 runs and I made it to the final boss once as the Poison person with a deck stacked full of Poison cards and potions after every match, card upgrades at every inn and got my HP boosted twice. I also had a card to heal my HP by 3 points I think? MIght have been 7 points, but either way I got super lucky and have never done that good since then.

Usually either Block or Searing Blow Ironclad, Poison Silent, and Frost or Claw Defect. Core Construct, Shift Servant, and Goop Slimebound.

Everything past Ascension 10 feels like a crap shoot though. You need just the right starts to have any success.

I've had success with Powers, Lightning, and 0 cost builds

Can be, but she's also weak af without the proper deck to back her up.
2 upgraded catalysts = instant win

I'm a fan of power-heavy decks, I usually end up getting lucky with creative ai + some plasma orbs so I have the energy to play them. If you can get mummified hand, you win.

I don't remember if this is true because it's been awhile since I've played last. But I felt like the power heavy deck just was so hard to get off the ground. I like a build that I can at least do something with even if it's not in it's prime before act 3

And then you fight the Awakened One.

Yeah there's that possibly.

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You literally have to go full attack mode and block as little as possible. It is important to have picked some attack cards or you are going to lose a good chunk of your health

>it's a cursed run episode

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Is the slay the spire for the humble monthly deal drm free?

It’s pretty awful once you play for a while and realize what little control you have on higher ascensions.

Good mods?

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Animator has an entirely new Act 4/5. Cards are pretty decent too, but they constantly get changed in balance patches.

Featuring Dante from Devil May Cry is pretty broken, but I like playing with it.