Attached: EEXrmiz.png (1149x772, 1.01M)

Other urls found in this thread:

nobody gives a fuck about this gimped game

i care

Attached: nigtendo.png (617x812, 223K)

just know that it will not live up to the expectation

fuck i actually checked

lmao why wouldn't it? it's a perfect game on consoles already, 100+ FPS, normal controls, ultra-wide and mod support will make it the world's comfiest game.

Stop doing this it actually gets me excited. I have it on my ps4 but I'd like to play it on my PC.

Why do Rockstar fanboys hate when games release to PC? I play this game on xbox, but I don't hate PC players like they seem to do.

Attached: 1554154917298.png (714x800, 73K)

Attached: e0stFTO.png (800x800, 84K)


finally the full potential of the game can be brought out, free from the suffocating restrictions of consoles

>normal controls
T. retard

Attached: 1549375773137.gif (200x317, 892K)

>OP didn't even post a source
Does anyone here actually believes this is real?

fucking wasted it

Attached: 1445902908864.jpg (500x738, 39K)

t. consolefag

nice quads

This is it bois we going to TAHEEEETI

Lol this game isn't even out on PC and you're calling people console fags while simultaneously defending bad controls.

post yfw

Attached: 1562639581419.jpg (540x542, 88K)

Not him but I can't play R* games on my PS4.
I have to wait and buy them on PC because I can't invert X as well as Y. It's unplayable to me.

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you think Christian Bale is aware of this meme and enjoys partaking in it?

rockstar uses their own launcher

so does ubisoft

>mfw 3770k and 1060 6g
I'm pretty much done with gaming, I can't see the sense in upgrading for one fucking game.

Attached: 1533840392459.jpg (350x259, 9K)

And? "Not on steam" doesn't mean "Epic games exclusive" you absolute retard


It'll still be boring as fuck even with better graphics.

yeah but its not a marketplace like Steam or Epic Games Store. plus Rockstar Social Club sucks anyway

Don't fucking play with my heart you cunt

As much as I want this, this seems like total bullshit as no one else is writing articles about it. Not to mention I cant even find the article in OP's pic.

Tbh it'd be great if mods could remove the euphoria physics from the gunplay and the autoaim/aim assist entirely

Holy shit, this actually looked real

I have to commend OP for putting effort into this


Everything bad about GTA5's controls is multiplied by 3 in RDR2.

Yes it looks real because the exact same font used for the title (chinese rocks) is literally free on any fonts site. Literally any fucker with paint could create that poster

Besides not being able switch shoulders and properly duck I wasnt really bothered by Vs controls, what the fuck did they do to Red Dead?

Probably will require rockstar social club or some shit, pass. Have a ps4 copy I haven't gotten more than an hour into anyway.

>The gameplay is shi-

Attached: RDR2 gunplay.webm (1280x720, 2.62M)

GTA VI will probably come out even faster since RDR2 was a "flop"

I truly forgot that this was a game and though it was a new release

gta v was pure shit
i won't even pirate rd2 if someone will crack it, fuck rockstar

>One of the fastest selling games in history
>A flop
Man Rockstar has been lacking as of late but get fucking real

>Red dead 2 comes out on PC
>Creepy Tim buys it for us with Winnie the Pooh's chinkbux
>Sony drones commit mass ritual suicide at having lost 1 of 4 games worth owning a PS4 for.

Be still my beating heart

Attached: 1564524710771.gif (585x700, 325K)

>And somehow you manage to go out of the way to prove the opposite of what you think

I put it in " " for a reason your smooth brained neanderthal

Maybe it wouldn't be so much of a """flop""" if they added content to the freaking Online

Do you actually know what a flop is or are you just being an idiot?

>The gameplay is shi-
>Posts that webm
At least show the actual good gunplay and not your shitter doorway tunneling strat.

The online clearly didn't live up to their expectations. You're on crack if you think it didn't flop

It made its money back hand over fist almost overnight. Sure RDR Online was a disappointment but it was nowhere near a flop.

the writing of this game is literall lobotomy tier.
full of non white california leftist signaling.


Attached: 1562082525744.png (674x476, 356K)

Is online worth it? This decides whether I pirate or not.

Genuinely, no.

I believe the release date of RDR2 PC depends heavily on the state of Red Dead Online. As long as it is still such a heavy work in progress, nothing will happen.

There's still no RDR 1 pc port.

I haven't played since the beta, from what I played definitely not. I'm gonna pirate it, rockstar of david can get fucked I ain't paying twice.

RDR2 RP would be amazing

Even with more stable framerates and possibly better aiming theres so many problems with it that those improvements might just not matter at all.

Gameplay criticisms aside I still have no idea how they got this game to look so damned good on a 6 year old shitbox console

it's all lighting

Businesses dont make these decisions on whether they ported previous entries, they are looking at what increases share prices which is greater net income which comes from greater revenues which is more sales

The online was a flop, the game itself turned a massive profit

Why do people post shit that can be debunked with a literal 20 second google search

This game was decent but it had so many missteps
>Dedicated animations for everything wasting tons and tons of your time
>Horrible controls
>Awful focus on "realism" which means that unless you're ragdolling every animation must happen in the exact same way every time
>No fast travel forcing you to tracel the same roads again and again
>bad gunplay
>Sunlight is bright white and the game is far too colorful for the setting instead of being color corrected like a western
>Storyline is terrible and Dutch is the world's biggest retard. He had NO REASON to trust Micah at any point

But that's why it baffles me. Lighting is usually pretty intensive

huh? rdr2 was already on pc.

Attached: youtube.jpg (650x434, 43K)

>Character Design
Red Dead Revolver>>>>>>>>>RDR2>RDR1

Red Dead Revolver>>>>>>>>>>RDR2>RDR1

Red Dead Revolver>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RDR2=RDR1

Isn't it 100% going to be on EPIC though?

Is this real? Please. I want to kill myself so bad, this would at least give me some reason.

i have less than zero interest in this shit. RDRedemption 1 was boring as shit.

RDRevolver was dank though

FUCK just bought my PS4

rockstar has their own store
it'll be exclusive to that for the first 6 months, then will get an epic release, then 6 months after it'll go to steam

RDR2 kikes unequivocally BTFO

The reason why its taking so long is because, despite what PCbros tell you, console gaming is so much cheaper and most people don't have the rig necessary to play a PC version at PS4-tier graphics.

who cares

Me, fag fag

nobody played revolver and i havent played this series since why the fuck would i care about a survival one

to tell you the truth.... i really dotn give a flying fuck about rockstar games anymore

except it doesn't look good at all. maybe stop trying to judge graphics from a blurry low res webm

Attached: 1551809702082.jpg (1920x1080, 414K)

Fuck off with the fake news screen shots faggot. I have the game and when I plug it in it looks great. Be more butthurt bitch.

Fucking wasted

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Rockstar has their own storefront, retard.

Attached: 1562100735702.gif (284x223, 960K)

>that turret rotation
>that absolutely necessary aim assist
>that retarded enemy AI
well hot damn that sure looks like a pile of fucking garbage

source because im not finding anything

I want that woman to rape me


boomer faggot

Wow, you sure told me with a stupid nintendo gif, fucking stupid boomer.

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Attached: rdo.jpg (1920x1080, 198K)

don't care, may torrent it if it doesn't take up like 200GB

Why would anyone play an even more boring GTAV? At least that game had cool cars and planes and still managed to be boring. This has nothing.

Based Jericho

A rather unconventional way of paying for a drink

It's not, the story gameplay is, it's "slow follow this npc while he tells his life story" bullshit kills it for me

>Epic store exclusive

and xbox..........who had BETTER shit than PS4pro?

so you mean, ALSO xbox suicide

Post YFW you don't really have to wait that long to play it for free
just like when REmake 2 was released and the torrent was posted here overnight

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why even keep the fucking slow time mechanic when the game auto aims every single fucking shot you make?

Pretty sure Xbros all jumped ship a long time ago.

Attached: dog ass.jpg (544x426, 81K)

It already exceeded mine

LOL Nintenlets fucking decimated

your ugly

This shit on PC will rape souls.
It's one of the most beautiful games of all time on base shit consoles. On PC it's over.

Attached: 1559830203098.webm (1920x1080, 2.8M)

He's a fucking retard who probably hasn't even played the game, it controls more like 4

because Arthur activates his stand

Attached: AnimeArthur.jpg (850x1190, 313K)

The controls were great li'l' zoom

>He had NO REASON to trust Micah at any point
Just because you were to dense to understand the story doesn't mean it was bad lul.

Because auto aim does not remove aim completely. Why do people act like it centers and sticks to the head?

The ground in this game makes me want to vomit.

Your posts make me want to vomit

>sjw shit: the game

>normal controls

Attached: 1558125287935.jpg (581x581, 38K)

>complains about SJWs
>shills alt right sjw bullshit

lol fag

So. It's portable Witcher. That's a sell for me.


Came here to post this, RDR is just a dumbed down version of GTA

>one hour

>Woah, what? this doesn't control like fortnite at all!

Attached: dab.gif (931x682, 426K)

You can punch a feminist in the face im this game and people still call this game SJW... Yea Forumstards at it's finest.

Your ability to be so easily imppressed makes me want to vomit.

are you EVER in real danger in this game ?
it doesnt look like it at all.

>but Arthur doesn't even say nigger and that means white genocide is real

I don't even know what Fortnite controls like because I never have played it.

Attached: 1559955051968.png (554x554, 47K)

go for it

Have you never played a rockstar game before?

it is exactly low iq mongrels like you that are easily subverted. just bcs they throw you a bone doesnt mean that the very core of the game isnt leftist propaganda you scum.

Attached: 1559635591683.jpg (248x250, 14K)


100% they'll release a botched ass port. At least it'll make for a nice day 1 pirate.

Sure thing lil'zoom

Not the user, but I have a question. If this masterpiece of visuals is unimpressive to you, what game is visually impressive to you?

Normal controls to me is like... Super Castlevania 4, where R is to use the items, instead of up-b.

>independent thinkers like me get their propaganda from YouTube

>doesnt mean that the very core of the game isnt leftist propaganda
Like what

just makes me happy that San Andreas came out in 2004 when /pol/ were in shota mode.

Not really. You will get ambushed and massacred, you will get fucking stabbed and shot to pieces at times. But for the most you roll around shooting people in the face like a Terminator.


Wow squirt keep it up and maybe you'll beat big bro one day!

Lot of enemies and animals can oneshot you, and in bigger gunfights you can get shredded in a few seconds if you're out in the open

not him but gdgd fairies. pic related

Attached: gdgd fairies.webm (960x540, 2.9M)

doesn't rockstar take the middle ground in their games

You can't use health items if you want to gold missions

SJWs are easily triggered what else is new?

Red Dead Redemption and Revolver deserve a pc port more than rdr 2.

When are we getting the first one?

too SJW
would probably pirate and drop it a few hours in