Now that the nostalgia glasses have worn off it's time we admit it's actually a pretty bad game. Not Mighty No. 9 levels of bad, but definitely a 6/10.
Bloodstained was never good
Other urls found in this thread:
Cry more, Konami.
I expected Alucard with tits and they delivered
9/10, would kickstarter again
metroidvanias are a pleb tier genre
nah, there was some jank for sure, but it was still a damn good game, 8/10
IMO it's a 7/10 nothing world changing but a fun new Castlevania.
Not true but all a dev has to do is follow the cookie cutter formula. A brain dead ape could make one today.
Bloodstained is adequate with terrible boss battles.
6/10 is a fair score
i disagree. bye
This was made by a westernfag fan artist wasn't it? I'd be willing to bet because of how fucked up that face looks. Why do westernfags always fuck up the faces?
If Bloodstained is a 6, then SoTN on replay is a 5 and the handhelds are 3 outside Portrait of Ruin
Literally the only thing I don't like about it is the castle map is almost completely unremarkable and uninteresting.
Every other iga-type CV, it might not look internally consistent, but it's easy to remember where the unique rooms are just by looking, and everyone's got at least a couple areas that stood out to them.
The only part of bloodstained like that is the last cocytus-type area, and even then, a lot of people probably don't notice more than "oh, ice cave. Bleh."
looks like there was a patch yesterday that nerfed some of the ridiculously OP shit, looking forward to my next play through now.
the only single player game thats held my interest enough to finish it in a while
bretty solid
Just beat it tonight actually.
The epitome of a 7/10 game. Not bad by any means, but I don't know how anyone could say it's an instant classic in a world where something like Hollow Knight exists. And I don't even love Hollow Knight.
They nailed the "feel" perfectly, though. I hope they make a sequel using this engine but with art that doesn't feel like an HD version of an early PS2 game. And enemies that aren't so fucking spongy.
I only played the first one and really enjoyed it myself. Great gameplay, OST, switching characters is neat, bosses are all pretty cool and well animated.
However the games pretty easy, even the bosses are a bit of a cakewalk.
7/10, Great in some ways lacking in others.
Enjoyed the shit out of the first one
Second one put me to sleep
That's me though
Zangetsu when? getting tired of waiting.
hollow knight is gay flash shit. This is a good Iga game. Nothing spectacular but worth playing.
What's that other game with the bigger tiddie witch called?
Dragon's Crown.
Nah the one with blue in her hair
It's a hentai game I think, where you're supposed to protect the MC's virginity or something
Huh? Bloodstained is dope!
My GotY 2019 along with FE 3 Houses.
I'd say it is around the same level as the other igavanias
Pretty good
Vengeance of the Evening
nah its good fuck off, not SOTN but 8.5/10
>Now that the nostalgia glasses have worn off
yawn, boring ass bait statement
I disagree. The gameplay of Bloodstained scratched the itch for a good SOTN-like that I've had since OoE. My only real complaint was that weapon skills were really inconsistent to perform and that it felt like bosses had too much HP. Otherwise it was very good. Shame that the performance is so poor on the Switch when undocked (the version that I bought).
Still no nerf patch right? There is no way to avoid the patch if you bought the game on steam?
Dusk of Vengeance
nerf patch?
They are nerfing some weapons and some shard for the sake of "balance"
It's been on steam for a couple of days now. The "nerf" is so minuscule that I don't even know why they bothered wasting their time.
true arrow
Read the patch notes for yourself. It's a nothing burger.
wew, It was literally nothing. I'm still a bit bitter about a single player nerfed for no fucking reason.
Sorry dude, but a 6/10 is just you shitting on it for no reason.
>They are nerfing some weapons and some shard for the sake of "balance"
Not this tho
She's literally just Shanoa
okay, retard
A downgraded Shanoa
this, it's textbook neo-nu-Yea Forums "everything is overrated my taste is superior to yours don't ask me to defend my opinion" shit.
Fuck Master Carpenter with his chisels that might as well home in on you.
Cool strat tho. I never bothered with that werewolf shard. Good to know.
just get invert, and stand on the ceiling above him. Jump and hit him with a two-hander. He can't throw the chisels straight up. When he spawns ads, kill them quickly then just keep jumping and slashing him.
>She's literally just Shanoa
Bloodstained is Order of Ecclesia 2 because Konami did not let them develop more castlevania games.
>Fuck Master Carpenter with his chisels that might as well home in on you.
>Cool strat tho. I never bothered with that werewolf shard. Good to know.
Or you know, duck.
She's worse Shanoa
Yes, I would fugg
Is that stuff on her body cancer?
What weapon is that?
Recycle had should be "X percent chance to proc" not "never need ammo again"
At least in the Switch version, he can throw it low enough to hit you while crouching.
>What weapon is that?
Adrasteia + diamond bullets + recycle hat. Basically it shoots omega beams that hunt down enemies. They even zig-zag to the target the same way.
How do you guys go about grinding for Gold? I been trying to dismantle Fire Mails from the Fire Mortes but I feel that is too tedious. Would dismantling something else yield better results? I need to craft the higher Items to 100% the game.
Its p fun but normal is also easy as shit after this fucker. Nightmare is a huge letdown too since early game you do maybe 30% of a dullahammer head's damage. As far as pic related goes I did about 7 damage a shot and each of my hammer heads did something around 40 AND he has 3k life. The game just so heavily incentivizes you to cheese nightmare because they kept the stupid level up system instead of completely replacing it with food at base. And before anyone says it, normal and hard are a joke and far too easy.
I give it 7/10 its okay but not SOTN 2
Couldn't you craft gold once and then buy it from the shop?
I just use cheat engine.
>says the retard who needs to post lewd pics so his thread doesnt get ignored
Opinion discarded.
It sure would be worth doing a whole quest line for 15% chance to conserve your 50gp bullet.
How do I get the adrasteia and recycle hat?
I just reached, what i think is the final boss Nun girl who's name eludes me.
Also does that boss and the one after drop medals for no hits too?
It's a mediocre game
There is way too much plot and text, and the story is shit.
Also level design kind of sucks.
Get augment gold shard and max it out and then equip it twice for double effect, go to tower of dragons and find that room off the elevator shaft with the three torches and just run back an forth with the spiked mail. They drop 500g, 1000g and 2000g bags. Once you get Gebel's glasses you can do the same thing in one spot in the forbidden waterway with the accelerator instead and get gold even faster.
>It sure would be worth doing a whole quest line for 15% chance to conserve your 50gp bullet.
I was thinking more like 50%
>Gebel's glasses
I don't understand why artstyle and graphical quality never come into these discussions because I think the game looks like hot kusoge ass and is legitimately distracting.
Gebel Glasses give unlimited MP when equipped.
Because sane people learn to not care about graphics.
So is the implication that Shanoa has a dick? I don't get this.
I assume you get that when you get every shard in the game?
You're not allowed to say graphics are your reason for disliking something or else you're a 12 year old graphixfag who thinks every game should look like bullshots.
I agree though, I really wish it was in pixels and a more classic artstyle, Curse of the Moon looked great.
It's okay, but I don't like some of the character designs or the general color palette. I also miss the spritework from other Igavanias. The animations in Bloodstained are still kinda janky. It could have been more than what it is, and that makes me sad.
Because people have already come to terms with how unappealing the graphics are and schizophrenic the colored lighting is. Most, myself included, were willing to suck it up for the sake of the gameplay.
The artstyle is fine. Artstyle isn't the same as graphics.
The artstyle is in fact the biggest, and in my case the only, actual flaw of the game.
Why they couldnt just make it in pixel style like the usual Castlevania? I will never understand.
Yes. When you get every shard in the game. Johannes gives you a chest in front of him with the glasses within.
>Why they couldnt just make it in pixel style like the usual Castlevania? I will never understand.
It literally never would have come out and there'd be even more palette swaps.
>being a graphic whore in 2019
Welcome Company
Spawns 5
Spawns 3
>It literally never would have come out
What the fuck are you talking about.
Are you really implying that 2D pixel games are harder to develop?
Cuz if you so you need to school yourself on the matter.
Even small indie developers can make pixel games nowadays. I know from experience its easier to draw and animate pixels than it is 3D models.
Budget limitations.
I can tell you are young, since almost all of the sprites in SotN were either recycled or retouched from previous Castlevania games. No way in hell they could have done that from scratch without busting their bank account.
I agree. The models are jank, the animations are jank, the lighting and shading is jank. I get the impression that a team that only had experience with 2D stuff was brought on, then a decision was made to use 3D models to save on costs. It's a shame when you consider how nice some of the older games look. OoE still looks fine.
The engine is not the issue, but the art department. Sprite animation is the most expensive part of it. hell, animation is general is fucking expensive.
>I know from experience its easier to draw and animate pixels than it is 3D models.
Post your work or shut the fuck up.
There are just a lot of mediocre metroidvanias
He is full of shit. I follow this guy who does sprite art on comission, and it took him a week to make a mid-sized sprite. And another week to animate it.
>tfw can't change shanoa's colors
I just noticed that she is not wearing any underwear.
>Are you really implying that 2D pixel games are harder to develop?
Do you understand how much work goes into 2D sprite games in comparison to just making a 3D model, slapping on a texture, and then animating it any which way you want? You need like 20-40 frames for essentially each animation you want and that could potentially be hundreds for the playable character alone let alone enemies and bosses and their movesets. Skullgirls and Street Fighter both said it was incredibly expensive.
No retard, they didnt need to change sprites between most of the games because its still pixel art. Theres not much more you can change to make it look better from one game to another.
3D models are the complete opposite. Just by looking anyone can tell the quality of the textures in the models, meaning that you need to upgrade it from game to game otherwise it doesnt age well.
Goddamn I'm surprised at how ignorant you people on Yea Forums are about these things.
Not once I mentioned the engine.
And yes, animation is expensive.
But animating 3D models is more expensive and time consuming than animating pixels, this shit should be obvious.
I aint posting shit cuz I dont care enough about schooling your retards.
I could easily draw and animate a character in pixel art here now because its that easy, but 3D models you require not just the model but also the body to be rigged for animation, and all that takes extra work.
Really, how clueless are you faggots?
I already know that he's full of shit. If he *has* animated sprite art I guarantee that it's terrible. In any case it's generally understood that animating sprites professionally is an expensive proposition. Fags will try to reference the exceptions to the rule like Hollow Knight but it's not the same.
id put it on par with PoR. it was decent but the second half of the game felt lazy and rushed
>they didnt need to change sprites
Now I know you are full of shit. You didn't play CV4, nor did you play the PC Engine titles. Fuck off with your blatant lies.
>I aint posting shit cuz I dont care enough about schooling your retards.
I fucking called it, what a shocker.
SPOILER: Your sprite art is terrible. The people you're collaborating with to make your shitty indie game just don't have the conviction to tell you because their art is even worse and they don't have the money to pay for someone with actual talent.
Yeah i dont like poker either the grapgics so shitty, unlike my favorite game Deltarune
Isn’t the level design/progression complicated to get right?
Of course not!
Easier access in case a man pushes her down and she opens her legs!
Don't know about that, I had a lot of fun.
Also Dominique when?
HARD TRUTH: Bloodstained is just the bigger, better, longer, and hotter SotN. This game should go above SotN in all tier lists.
They did a really bad job of concealing that Dominique was fucking evil.
I feel that SotN had the better Faerie lullaby.
One is the biological mother. The other is the girlfriend that she calls "mommy." The same joke is used in an Overwatch comic featuring Pharah, Ana, and Mercy.
Nuns are for _____
was this ever finished?
Unless you are an autistic lunatic like Arc System Works where they manually control everything and basically don't let the computer do anything for them and hand edit everything including the light normal directions on every triangle in the mesh (yes they hand edit that shit too) then 3D models are easier than hand drawn 2D.
That's why NOBODY has done the Arc System Works method even though they have a 2 hour talk where they give away all their secrets. Pretty much went like this.
Rest of game industry: Tell us how you did it ArcSys.
Arc System Works: Ok ^_^
Rest of game industry: Wha.. oh hell no, FUCK THAT too much work.
>scas is here right now
Draw more sexy witch backs.
hot and also true take
Our top Jap fun scientists took a pretty good game and added sluts
Looking forward to that BOTW game which follows the same principle
I'm not who you think I am. It's a pretty straightforward joke.
Uncensored version please.
I read that as scars.
Am I the only one who finds scars attractive?
There's already a Zelda mod for BOTW.
Adds cute and skintight outfits.
I would recommend the Linkle mod, but she looks like an inbred child with downs syndrome.
Yeah, it was so fucking obvious, but anyway, the plot was far from being interesting so whatever I guess.
Silence! Now draw sexy witch backs while I go to sleep.
I can get behind this.
As much as I loved the Castlevania series, with SoTN being my favorite, I'm struggling to get interested in Bloodstained.
I dont think its a bad game cuz if so I would be shitting all over it, but theres definitely something missing.
Everything from the visuals to the OST feels decent but not nearly as good as the Castlevania games I loved.
I will put more time into it but I legit forget that I have it installed sometimes, and I hate to say this when I was so hyped for it.
Anyway, pic related kinda got me more into it tho, even if it was just a small detail.
Funny that Arcsy are the only Japs that understand 3d animation
Mixing real face structure into animu style
And I can get behind her.
built for bbc
I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what fuck is that thing behind her.
Also sauce.
I really enjoyed Bloodstained. Got every achievement and got every shard to rank 9. Considered doing grade 9 as well but given some shards can't get there I felt discouraged. Looking forward to more content. It's a comfy game to grind in with a glass of whiskey while you're watching TV.
It's a shame that getting every shard to rank 9 didn't even get one familiar to level 99 though. Those things are a bitch to level.
I wanna fuck a heretical nun.
Looks like a minotaur.
It's definitely disappointing. There was a point during the game (I can't recall exactly) where I started liking it a lot more. I think right after getting double-jump, but I'm not sure.
Have you ever considered having at least halfway decent taste?
First, that art is an abomination, why can't westerns draw for shit? Please never post it again.
Second, I never played a Castlevania in my life or any Metroivania for that matter and I fucking loved Bloodstained, best game I played this year.
its a bad version of symphony of the night, that is all.
Both pictures are bad for different reasons. I'm sorry that your weeabooism has rotted your brain to the point that you can't tell the difference.
Doing these fusion things with characters that look the same defeats the purpose
Miradia is literally built for hardcore anal rape.
It highlights their differences.
It's not rape if she asks for it.
>complains about shitty art
>posts worse art with a weaker execution of the pose
The face in the OP makes me want to vomit, at least the one I posted I can look at.
Yep, OP is a faggot. As always.
It's an ok game but the protag isn't as cute as I wish she was
I wanna have sex with Charlotte
If you want a Castlevania game with the same (general) gameplay system of Bloodstained with obtaining shards and whatnot, you could try out Aria of Sorrow and it's sequel Dawn of Sorrow on the DS. Both games use the Soul System, which is basically the precursor to Bloodstained's Shards. Order of Ecclesia and Portrait of Ruin, the other two DS games, are also very solid games with PoR being my personal favorite in the series. There's also the obligatory mention of Metroid, and there's a 3D take on the Metroidvania genre in the Prime Trilogy, if you wanna try that out.
Not so sure on how the Prime Trilogy emulate, but all the CV games work like a charm and are easy to find. Definitely recommend them!
I'm still playing it. Easily a year defining game for me.
Bossed need all the HP though, Your DPS potential in this game can get wacky with various combinations.
what a funny world.
I want to _____ Dominique.
Never played castlevania before. Got the Switch version. Am I gonna have fun and want the MC as a waifu?
I never felt like any of the shards were that awesome so most of my offense was limited to whatever weapon I had equipped (I mostly used Chaser Arrow and Riga Storaema the entire game without any issue until I got to bosses). In other games like SOTN/Aria/Dawn/Portrait/Order/etc. whatever weapon I had equipped while jump canceling attacks was fine, but not in this game (against most bosses, Zangetsu, metal chicken and Bael were brutal). Is DPS potential really a valid concern for the average player?
Game was a delight. Ty for reminding me about it op. I still have to kill dio in the hard mode.
All modern games were never good.
When Yea Forums FINALLY realizes this, gaming can die, be reborn in a few years with good non-story, non-graphically overblown bullshit, REAL games, and we can move on.
Did they fix the Switch version yet?
no game has ever been good. Dont worry in some 4 decades streamers shit will die and games will stop being popular, and then we can finally go home. Soon brother.
I never even played the game, but kill yourself
I think I'm being a brain let but I can't find the source even though the name is right there. Google is giving me nothing. I just wanna know the big tiddy girls name.
Evening of Rebuke
Night of Revenge
It's pretty shit
Ignore the other autists
>poorly done negrofied edit
fess up user...
oh right the
>projecting your pathetic fetishes onto other people
almost forgot
the fda recommended remedy is still kys :^)
post porn jizzhead
eat shit semencerebrum
eat my ass user!
>miriam ass.png
fugg saved so much miriam forgot to label shanoa correctly
>albus gets to watch these three sleep naked together every night
Zoomie zoomie zoomies!
Its largest claim to fame is not being trash like other Kickstarter projects. It's fun, it's nice to have another game like this, but it isn't terribly good. While overall the game takes a plethora of visual themes from other games, design-wise, they're all just the alchemy lab from SotN. Enemy hallways; sometimes enemy hallways that are two levels; mostly zigzagging staircases ascending on either side. That's it. That's every area. And in all those zigzagging staircases, which turn two-thirds of your screen into negative space, there's always some floaty little shit lilting in and out of the scenery being a nuisance. There's like eight goddamn varieties of monsters that just do that. Enemy drops are gutted in favor of a crafting system that's cool for the novelty at first, then you're actually mad you got a new weapon because you have to look and see if it's something you need to use as a component for something else. There's all this, and it doesn't even touch upon just how much of a shamelessly derivative "Greatest Hits" album of Igavanias the whole game amounts to. Remember the Julius fight? Remember Chaos? I'm not going to dump on the Alucard cameo, that shit was great. Hey look, it's the Long Library! ...kind of. A clock tower, yeah! Floating heads of things that bob up and down... Uh... Weren't there actually like, too many of these games, before they stopped making them?
>that huge bush
nice. Too bad it's an edit.
> Enemy hallways; sometimes enemy hallways that are two levels; mostly zigzagging staircases ascending on either side. That's it. That's every area. And in all those zigzagging staircases, which turn two-thirds of your screen into negative space, there's always some floaty little shit lilting in and out of the scenery being a nuisance
You sound like you don't remember previous Iga games, because they are all like this. You take it or you leave it. Given that the games have a general focus on combat, I'm fine with it.
>nemy drops are gutted in favor of a crafting system that's cool for the novelty at first, then you're actually mad you got a new weapon because you have to look and see if it's something you need to use as a component for something else
I'd prefer not to have the crafting personally, but I'm not mad since they made enemy drops rather abundant. It could have been much worse. It could have been Dawn.
> Remember the Julius fight?
I don't even know what you're referring to here. If you're talking about Zangetsu, his fights are easily a lot more intense than with Julius, I was impressed. There's nothing wrong with Bloodstained being derivative in general. We all knew it was going to be. And frankly, there's really only so many ways one can do a gothic horror based castle. All the same, the game has enough of an identity of its own, at least as much as prior Castlevania games did, and I don't know how this is supposed to be a negative.
I think the music in the later areas was pretty meh. Everything up to the twin towers area was top notch.
And the graphics were okay but nowhere near the quality of Castlevanias pixel art.
What else... Well the secrets were kinda lame and I would have loved if behind the locked doors were actual optional areas not just boss rooms and a music box room that played mediocre tunes.
>the game has enough of an identity its own
Hard disagree. I've played and remember all the previous Iga games, and that's why everything in this game being some kind of "homage" sticks out and mars the experience. And on the room layouts and enemies--bullshit. Other games have plenty of wide open spaces to encourage you to explore with a variety of tile placements and their staircases are just that proportionally speaking, not weird jutting stalagmites that protrude all the way to center frame.
Thanks, friend. Just wanna see cute anime girl tiddies.
Are you trying to use that image as evidence? Thats by a incompetent indie studio.
>I've played and remember all the previous Iga games, and that's why everything in this game being some kind of "homage"
So have I, and I think you're insane if you think literally the entire game is a "homage". I won't deny that there are a lot of familiar things, but stuff like the boat, the train, the oriental lab and even the desert to an extent were all areas unique to Bloodstained (with one admittedly being borrowed from Curse of the Moon)
>And on the room layouts and enemies--bullshit
Then perhaps you need a reminder.
Observe the complete lack of level geometry beyond basic slopes (that are your staircases) and platforms. Observe the rooms that are structured in the same zigzag pattern you described (and in another part of the game where the cavern level is, is almost note for note the same as Bloodstained, which is admittedly to the latter game's detriment)
How much do you think it would think to recreate SotN? Sprites and all? Be honest.
Eh but why should I count the nostalgia part off? It took a great part of enhancing my experience.
I agree that this game has many flaws and some of them are usually overlooked however I still had a great time with it.
If I think objectively about this I will give it a 7/10. But since I'm biased I'll give it a 8/10.
>muh western people can't draw
I think you are just being biased.
Blame Switch fags.
>b-but she can SUCC enemy p-power
She's Soma then. I bet you niggers make food analogies.
It's an h-game but it's very text based. Look up for dream bf patreon.
>literally copying manga and tracing
>manga and tracing
More projecting please, user. You only make yourself look dumber.
>text based
Lame. I prefer combat rape.
Give me Moral Sword Asagi clones.
DLC when
>Am I the only one who finds scars attractive?
ye, it's better when they're covered
Sadly. It's well written though but I'm also not really into text but w/e.
Has any of the 834329 metroid-likes introduced anything new to the genre?
I heard the one with the bugs implemented the "recover your corpse" from Diablo/Dark Souls, which is fine but nothing actually original.
I'm more generous, I'm willing to give it a 8.5/10, definitely liked it as much as the best castlevanias
I expected a castlevania with a fucking huge castle and I was delivered that alongside fun combat and some good ideas mixed like the shards and crafting. The most pleasant thing was that this was by far the longest castlevania game because of the sheer size of the map
what the absolute flying fuck is this?
when I fought the fucking master carpenter the cunt aimed his chisels at me no matter where was I standing, how the fuck are these guys just ducking and avoiding the projectiles?
because in motion it looks great
I agree with you that cutscenes are puke inducing disgust
I think the biggest problem with Bloodstained is just how useless weapons are once you get some decent spells. Once I got water stream or spray or whatever I just beat every boss with that until I was able to replace it with chisel barrage, and then chisel barrage carried me through the rest of the game with tepus oceus or whatever the fuck for clearing rooms. Then once you get gebel's glasses you'll never use anything but summon hellhound again.
The only weapon I ever used while farming for completion was the Oracle blade and only because it had reach and didn't halt my movement like summon hellhound does. There's such a variety of endgame weapons but by the time you get them, weapons are utterly useless. It's a shame too, because some of the weapon arts are actually pretty cool, but none of them are particularly useful except for maybe the katana iai attack and even then only for iframes rather than damage. I guess shield weapon is decent, but again, only for iframes.
Is that Trunchbull?
Booru says this
Huh, maybe not. I thought it looked similar.
Nah, I still like it and can't wait for the DLCs to come out so I can beat it again.
I came to the same conclusion myself very early in my playthrough. I was rocking True Arrow and Welcome Company throughout the bulk of the game. I think Directional Shards in general are the best ones and, honestly, they're fun to use. It makes em want to play another 2D game with right-stick aiming.
>But animating 3D models is more expensive and time consuming than animating pixels, this shit should be obvious.
user there are no words to describe how fucking wrong you can be.
With 3D models you can (simplified to needs of this discussion) basically manipulate model and at the same time do the animation work. Ever seen any SFM? A one dude can crank out a decent 2-5 min loopy clip.
Comparing to sprites where you need draw new sprite for every fucking frame of the animation for every fucking action.
hold hands with
The abilities were cool but the map and settings were woefully boring. The ship at the start was about the most inventive it ever got.
I'd give it 7.5/10, it's great but lacks a lot of polish. Also I feel like 70% of shards were just "throws enemy model as projectile"
I dunno the Eastern Lab and the Fire/Water temples were pretty cool. The Den of Behemoths was a double take. The Glacial Tomb however is very barebones.
Why are western "artists" unable to draw? they just copy jp ones...
Fusion is just a cheap tactic to make weak H-games stronger.
It has dozens of skills magic and weapons to play around with. It's perfect in my eye.
you are not wrong, but I played using weapons, to be more exact slow ass two handed swords (although with plenty of riega stoerama and tepts oceus) and I had a really good time. I don't think my experience is much different from yours and that the game has the similar philosophy of SotN in "by the end you are going to have a bazillion of OP choices"
yes, but you save the medal for first boss when you kill 2nd so you don't have to do both in the same run
why are you a nigger.
I had that feeling, but when I started farming for materials to make every food for the buffs, to upgrade the shards, and to craft better weapons it all clicked together. When you get OP as fuck and do 700 damage per swing of your sword, not even counting the active and directional shards damage, it's super good.
do brown people get jealous that their palms and soles are discolored from the rest of them in a disgusting looking way
He can't aim them directly above himself. Simple way to beat him is to change gravity and stay on top of him at all times.
It can't be that bad if a guy streaming it right now has over a thousand viewers.
I can tell you never got the passive shards for the weapons all the way to 9/9, along with the strength and attack speed, because thats bullshit. Weapon damage gets way up there with everything maxed out, about 400 per hit with rapiers, 500 for swords and 800 for greatswords, and you can hit several times in a second with the correct loadout.
The true damageCHAD hits with his weapon, conjure and directional shard at the same time.
All the actually good weapons you have to craft, which can be a bit of a hurdle. I went full finngol with Ukonvasara (which was an axe for some reason) and it destroyed pretty much everything very quickly, sans 2 last bosses.
is the game hard to get into? I only ever played castlevania symphony of the night on ps3 and never figured out magic or secret attacks.
Jesus $2,000 in donations? I tried streaming Bloodstained for over 19 hours this last Sunday and I couldn't amass even 4 viewers.
Crafting in the early game is fine, but "end-game" crafting is full on stupid.
- need way too much Gold (only viable by dismantling over 20 rare drop weapons / armor)
- swords and 2h swords require making multiple copies of the same high end weapon and mashing them together over and over meaning 95% of materials you collect are meaningless, just get more gems and sword fragments along with your gold
- way too much reliance on drops you only get out of blue chests in the last area
- by the time that you can obtain the materials to craft the top 20% of the gear you already outlevel the need for it
Explain why the rapier / boots / whip upgrade paths make total sense (take the previous item and add a few materials to it to make a more powerful one) but everything else just goes to hell.
Don't even get me started on making food. Tons of dishes require one unique ingredient that you never use again.
I love this game but the crafting is just painful.
The game is pretty easy because the difficulty is all over the place and theres a lot of overpowered items and trinkets. If you can't beat a boss, just stack yourself with max health potions and a ton of food and you can just brainlessly bash them to death.
does this game actually have sexy outfits or where they all removed by sony?
and you won't feel like you are missing out on stuff if you haven't followed the castlevania ds games?
It's like a combination of previous Castlevania games in SotN's style (notably Aria/Dawn of Sorrow in how Miriam's shards work), if you liked that game then you might like this. If you're not confident then just play the other 'Metroidvania' games and decide if you want to play it. It does do a fairly alright job at what it does, though.
Might as well use the double bullet consumption hat instead at that point. You know exactly when you'll run out and it even works on basic bullets.
Not the guy you replied to, while I agree mostly on your points, you fail to notice that the game gives you tools to mitigate the farming, admittedly only of you know what you are doing. First of all you have the shard that can duplicate the shit you craft, then you have shards that makes you gain hundred of thousand of gold in minutes.
Then, you can buy anything from the store that you have ever crafted, and you can disassemble that to get infinite materials. You can easily re-buy the weapons and the disassemble item (can't remember the name) with the gold you can farm super easy, so you only ever need to farm for an item once, disassemble it, craft it, and then buy it from the store
Not really. The game has a ton of references but overall its basically Symphony of the Night remake.