What are his/her canon class and class ups?

What are his/her canon class and class ups?

Attached: 1200px-FETH_Byleth_m_f.png (1200x1196, 1.01M)

Black Eagles and Commoner


you'll unlock it for free around the halfway point of the game, its a sword, fist, and magic class called enlightened one

its going to be the same like female corrin
god i hate waifu fags

enlightened one.
Thats it.

Enlightened One

but there is very little reason to stay that class after you master it, so you better start planning for a another class.

Enlightened One

Why didn't they just call it Nirvana, the actual Japanese to English translation? Stupid localizers.

So did you even read the OP or

Can a Bishop still use a sword? I'm planning that to be my endgame class.

Since Byleth is a no-personality, hollow shell of an an excuse of a player character why the fuck didn't we get total customization of him/her?

Enlightened One. Some Sword/White magic based class. Damn shame because I wanted my male Byleth to main brawling so that I can pretend he’s some sort of an anime twink Bison.

Because in western mythology nirvana is a place

enlightened one has a proficiency in fists, actually
its also the only magic class that has access to fists


I thought it was a band

Don’t you still need proficiency in Sword to access it first though? Or is it just a class that you get straight up once you reach a certain point in the story?

you class change to it for free at during chapter 10 or 11

This. I especially dislike fem Byleth's derpy cute face she has all the time. She doesn't look like a fighter. I'm re-classing her to monk to quell my autism.

i meant after, sorry

That would be neat. I'm guessing the anime portrait would be some anonymous type face, but what about cutscenes?

Are you destined to be stuck with a shitty hair color for the rest of the time after the skip?

You can use fist as a gremory and the knight classes if you dismount. You just get bonus exp for gauntlets in that class. Frankly there’s no point to using gauntlets unless you’re using war master.

well shit thats great!

Any fem posters (real ones not the tranny-kind) up right now? Wouldn't wearing that patterned thin stocking be itchy?

If Xenoverse could do it, they have no excuse.

Enlightened One is so fucking ugly. Swordmaster all the way

Does FE have any budget at all? I've always assumed the studio making it was a single A dev.

you can use any weapon as any class so long as you have the proficiency, only magic is restricted to certain classes.
Its kinda bullshit that you'd suddenly forget how to cast spells regardless of how good you were the second you changed classes but I guess I can see them being worried about everyone having access to healing and ranged attacks with little effort

Yes, unless you treat your skin for it (applying lotion daily)

the goddess gave him autism, please understand

pretty sure if you went this route then you wouldn't be able to do pre-rendered cutscenes, they'd have to all be in-engine. Since they got Koei to do the cutscenes, this probably wouldn't work out well.

Lots of ways around it if they really wanted to, they could have the MC wear a mask, frame the shot so you never see his/her face, lots of first-person perspective cinematic, etc. They probably just figured nobody played around with the character customization much hence why they dropped the ChadRobin and opted for the twinks in Fates.

Unless you slather your legs three times a day with shea butter, yes. You'd also have to shave your legs like twice a day.

It's a lifestyle

I would think so unless it's a transparent pattern

I just want to change his hair, honestly