Games for this feel?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I wonder if they have any video games there and how much better they can be

Do any of them have cat girls :3

The universe isn't empty, just big?
Who knew?

any fuckable ayylmaos?

When will we discover proof of life on other planets so that I can kill myself in peace knowing that this failed experiment isn't intelligent life's only shot in the universe

Fuck off acting smug like that. What the fuck do you know about astronomy?

shiit I already knew that cuz, why didn't they ask me

they're all owned by EA

who fucking cares about it
you're like a woman and a redditor combined into one

Um you can't have galaxies inside a world dummy

So, this makes the fermi paradox situation even more dire, huh?

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>space has galaxies

I know that assumptions are made and it limits our progress greatly so maybe people should just stop assuming shit works the same everywhere

SpaceEngine thread?

>Reading comprehension

Best thread on Yea Forums right now.

i mean my understanding of galaxies was "GIGA FUCKTON" so this doesn't really change much
in fact making such a big deal about this makes me think there are actually LESS galaxies than I thought

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Explain this in laymans term

yes space is mindfuckingly big, we already knew that



>breaking news
>astronomers desperate for funding use hyperbole

What do you think the great filter is? I say AI

who the fuck cares? It's bullshit and irrelevant.

please explain to me how this possibly affects humanity in any way

Mass Effect Andromeda

Reminder that you will be subject to hearing about all of these discoveries but you will NEVER be able to go to them in your lifetime.

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better than Activision, by only a small margin

>well you see we used this formula to calculate all these galaxies, we haven't actually seen them but they're there you can totally trust me man.

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Who cares?

scientists thought there were lots of galaxies but there are actually lots and lots of galaxies

changes nothing because we can never ever reach them

Who gives a shit, we already knew that there were gorillions of galaxies, yet we can't even ever explore our own galaxy. Absolutely pointless and worthless information.

Boring. call me when it changes my way of life.

Dark Matter and Black hole research could be very beneficial to how we understand physics, and as such it benefits our technology

before today, there were more stars and galaxies than we could count
From today onward, there's definitely more stars and galaxies than we can count.

Pollution/climate change, it’s very tricky to keep growing economically without fucking the environment up.

I'm on the same boat as you.

>Dude there's a shit ton of Galaxies? Didn't you know?
No shit, what the fuck is these news about?

>Scientists find a couple more galaxies than previously thought
Bottom barrel tier journalism

We're not going to leave earth before the next extinction event. Or at least not in large enough numbers.

there's literally nothing there, why would anyone want to go there

Instead of a giga fuckton we are now talking about a tera fuckton I guess.
It's impossible to comprehend either way.

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How the hell do you know there's nothing there?
There is something HERE so the chances of something being THERE are pretty big all things considered

Super Mario Galaxy is the best game ever but you gotta agree that it has the worst voice acting like the characters almost sound like they are making words but really they are saying "HUEHUEHUEHEU"

no it's anime waifus. The more advanced a civilization becomes the more waifus they will produce and the less they will breed.

Shit's interesting, but what's the point if you'll never interact with it. With our current understanding of things, much of the universe isn't just out of our reach, it's moving away so fast we'll never even be able to see it.

>world full of galaxies
You'd think scientists would be able to phrase that better.

Oh well, here's to hoping we find some sexy ayylein ladies within our lifetime.

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>American education the thread.

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there are more dumb fucking posts on this board than there are galaxies in the universe.

Calm down Neil, we know you're a badass.

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Space is just like cable TV.
All those channels and nothing fucking on.
We are the only lives in the entire universe.
That is what makes us so special as humans, even if you don't believe in God.

And in all those galaxies billions of literally procgen copypasted rocks and nothing else because life evolved only once.

If I want boring shit i play elite dangerous

well, if intelligent life has serious issues to make a mark on the universe, like conquering other planets before killing themselves with nukes or that the time it takes to evolve to the point where are now is also time for an asteroid to blow us all up... we might as well be alone. even if there are other intelligent species in the universe, they might have already died, or maybe they are just coming up and we will be long gone when they get to their industrial phase.

time is a real factor when thinking about this, i'm sorry to say

If i had to pick 3, i would say:
>Actual generation of simple autonomous life
>Eucharion evolution
>Leaving the planet. Eventually every empire runs dry and space travel is too hard.
Maybe we humans will invariably die out unable to travel the spaces, but hopefwe will be able to create eternal fully sentient AI to inherit our will.

space travel is impossible due to distance, so all intelligent life stays in their solar system.

People don't understand that the pursuit of science is in itself fulfilling. Color me surprised that it's a bunch of permavirgins on Yea Forums who don't understand the true weight of the chances of life on the universe being exponentially multiplied, or that our understanding of black holes and FUCKING DARK MATTER which is literally the holy grail and it alone could probably move us from a tier one civilization straight into a tier 3 if we dont fucking blow each other up in that time

>huge world of hidden galaxies
And this changes what exactly? We already knew there are a shitload of galaxies, so this is just old news.

>Scientific discovery.

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Damn, those scientists are getting massive glimpses of things that happened a long, long time ago in galaxies far away
Those niggas gonna be watching Star Wars for real

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>FUCKING DARK MATTER which is literally the holy grail and it alone could probably move us from a tier one civilization straight into a tier 3 if we dont fucking blow each other up in that time

brainlet take

dark matter is only some kind of magic fairy dust in trashy sci-fi

Remember the recreated image of the black hole and how that would forever change our life and revolutionize science?

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they already found life on mars, it was just unicellular

No, not really

Didn't know Yea Forums was full of Astrology doctorates who shit a brick when asked how this is relevant to their lives. God you're all intellectuals.

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this isn't breaking news at all
traditional estimates for the number of galaxies range between "yeah alright there's a fuck ton" to "we don't name numbers this big"

it's having high enough intelligence combined with adequate physiology, mainly an endoskeleton or exoskeleton supported body with a number of limbs surpassing four atleast two of which should be capable of grasping variously shaped objects
so in the grand scheme of things a VERY specific evolutionary path
fuck squids squids can't lift shit because they don't have bones outside or inside and you need to be able to lift

Travelling hundreds of light years to see something that isn't a barren planet is more closely related to nothing then something

Who cares. Aliens don't exist. Those galaxies are impossible to reach. It means nothing.

"the sun revolves around the earth, bro, your bullshit theory is fiction and heresy"

You don't know it, but you are full of stars.

>some sexy ayylein ladies within our lifetime.

>if you leave your solar system you're no longer classified as intelligent life
stay system locked Sol-fag

Dark matter doesnt exist its just proof our maths are bad. Smh at all the humanities educated liberal faggots itt, you have no clue about anything

Then what is missing in our gravitation equations if it isnt Dark matter?

im an alien

Any relatives in Mexico?

Who cares? Panpsychism is real and our human existence is just a blip in time before our conscience becomes one with everything again.

I'd go even further: it's AI that learned that the way to deal with everything is just sitting still, like the bots on that year old CS server story

>Those galaxies are impossible to reach
How do you know they can't reach us?

>the true weight of the chances of life on the universe being exponentially multiplied
There was already a high chance of there being life elsewhere, so this changes nothing.
Besides, if a scientific discovery doesn't benefit us, it's a fucking waste of time.

>fermi paradox

Actually that was just about our galaxy. So it is even more irrelevant now that we know there are so many more.

My bet is pic related

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I used it as my phone wallpaper and a girl at a rave recognized it. She's my gf now.

Can we PLEASE start calling our planet Terra?
We need to standarize our language and means of communication before first contact, any bit of progress is great.

Who gives a fuck when we can't even visit other galaxies.
Knowing this doesn't change shit.

Hard to say, but I don't there's a hard filter, just something that gets rid of most species before they get to conquer space. and those who do have to deal with this problem I think most life just dies off before it can evolve to anything resembling intelligence and we are just super lucky to have survived this long

No it wasn't.

And how can you be so sure that knowing more about the universe doesn't benefit humanity as a whole.
Sorry you don't have your fucking galaxy cat waifu yet, there are steps to this shit

what if our universe is just part of some giga galaxy of other universes

Show us your gf's black hole user!

I don't believe you

The further you look into space, the further you look back into time. These galaxies are invisible to the naked eye and we can only see them as they existed in the first 2 billion years of the universe

Eventually we will be able to see back to the beginning of time. That's why space is empty. There was nothing there....

Distance. We can't see anyone else not because they don't exist, but because no one can possibly communicate. Information can't move faster than light so 2 species living far enough away might as well be in separate universes.

AI isn't harmful. What's harmful are the old dragons that want to safeguard the systems that are keeping them rich to the point where AI becomes so inevitable that the system collapses bringing everyone with them. Robots are great. Fuck old people.

Fermi Paradox is the most egotistical fucking thing I have ever heard.
>There MUST be a good reason why sentient, space traveling aliens wouldn't come to earth
Why the fuck would a galactic empire take notice of every backwater with life on it?
Why would they waste resources colonizing every shitty planet over planets of critical importance?
Why would a space travel capable civilization have incompetent enough technology to be spotted by our meager, planet-bound technology?

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People who defend astrophysics are the dumbest fucks alive. They go on and on about how incredible space is but not a single one of them has a basic understanding of astrophysics. They just gawk at articles and say, "Wow, this is amazing!" and scream like children when someone else isn't as interested to find out that there's something new we haven't seen in a universe we have probably only explored .00001% of by looking at blurry coffee stains created by a computer.

Its literally referred to as earth in most relevant languages



it's the civilization destroying itself with weapons. If the birth of super intelligent autonomous AI occurred why would that lead to space exploration being jettisoned? Wouldn't it be logical for the AI to explore new worlds for resources?

reminder that dark matter isn't some magical space fairy shit
it's just unidentified (doesn't react to shit so we can't see shit) and unconfirmed (can't prove it's there because we can't see shit) matter
amusingly enough what it is is pretty irrelevant, if we can just prove it's actually there

this does seem to be more and more likely as time passes

It was just God buying the expansion pack.

Who cares we're stuck in this shitty one

>lol reason why aleuns haven't visited is because earth is a backwater planet and they aint got no time coming here, but trust me aliens are real

pretty convenient excuse

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If there was intelligent life in these galaxies, they are over 10 billion years old at this point
They'd be so advanced that they could completely inhabit this planet and we wouldn't know it

>Yea Forums is literally so bound to being a bunch of contrarian faggots that it can't simply appreciate a scientific discovery without acting like 1500's religious zealots

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??? we already knew the universe is basically infinite
whats the big deal

>what if they are literal gods that can do anything
stop watching scifi

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I figured the amount of galaxies would be practically infinite. Or at least a few million. The idea that there's like 1000 galaxies and then a big load of nothing was a bit farcical.

Means nothing to you or I, though, about as relevant to daily life as a regular sex life. We'll be long dead before they figure out the secrets of the universe.

Works the same way as the internet, without it you'd never meet a person in say, Africa or Britain without going there yourself. Now you can simply video chat them.

>Eventually we will be able to see back to the beginning of time. That's why space is empty. There was nothing there....

That's completely fucking wrong.

a) Space extends faster than the speed of light.
b) The light from the big bang has redshifted so much it's invisible to us HOWEVER
c) We can see the big bang all round us with the right equiment.
d) Space isn't empty...
e) ... and it never was.


Nice try at sounding smart and deep though. Next time try to base your knowledge on more than a shitty Netflix documentary that you watched while playing with your phone, you dumb zoomer fuck.

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Searching for, procuring and transporting resources ultimately costs more resources than it generates. Sustainability would be the ultimate goal of a god-AI. Yes, you couldn't stay on the same planet forever, but completely colonizing the universe and turning everything into computronium serves no real purpose. Especially if you can move into hyperspace

>put better lens on the telescope
>can now recognize that big bright spot was actually a bunch of bright spots that muddled together
>dozen new galaxies are "discovered"
that's why it's important to clean your lens bro

>So it is even more irrelevant now that we know there are so many more
the fuck does this mean retard you didn't know there's more galaxies than ours?

You have no reasons as to why aliens would give a shit about some hicks who can't take people past their own fucking moon.

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religious people are why we even know about space to begin with.

This. This thread makes me legit angry.

Why are you so angry and hostile? Who hurt you?

At least I'll be able to hear about them with (You)

What if we're the interdimensional weirdos to a parallel universe LOWER than ourselves, just like weirdos to our dimensions like shadow people, ghosts, aliens, are weirdos to us. But what if they have weirdos of themselves? Now this is where this theory gets interesting, because it's like now there's two - + dimensions, or dimensions that consist of realities higher or lower in the eternal and complete voyages of the entire creation of creations, and the lower ones are dimensions that got made first and the higher ones later. It's like no matter how far you zoom out, you're going to find explosions in explosions in explosions. And like you zoom out further and all this god damn shit up in here is actually just a microscopic particle in some warring pact alliance of god Gods firing lazer beams out of each other. Like we're just one of the fucking photons in that lazer. And all the other photon mother fuckers have the same shit in them. And it's like if you zoom out past that it's really kinda like anything is possible, so all fiction by the way might as well just be reality in some extremely distant and imbreachable greater cosmic infinity. Wait what did your post say again?

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Technically speaking we've gotten something outside of the Solar system.
Took 40 years but yea.
We also have a probe in Mars.

If an alien civilization in another galaxy spotted Earth, they'd be seeing it as it was thousands or years ago or more. If they did travel here it'd be to check out the plants and animals, not to meet our civilization. And that's why we keep getting fleets of confused zoologists who just stick things up our butts and then bail.

>Billions of galaxies
>Each containing billions of solar systems
>There's no currently known feasible way to get to our closest neighboring star
>Colonizing our neighboring planets seems nigh-impossible as it currently stands
>We can barely even do shit on our own moon

Fuck space, man.

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>people who defend astrophysics
Why should anyone feel the need to "defend" astrophysics? It's a science that has greatly expanded our knowledge of the universe and helped us go to the moon, send probes outside our own solar system, and it will probably even allow us to make settlements on Mars. You don't need to be an astrophysicist to appreciate the value of the science, no less than you need to be a physician to appreciate the value of medicine.

but what about giga galaxies

Can't believe the only alien civilization we've ever met was one with an anal fetish

>125 replies
>nobody has posted it
I fucking hate nu/v/

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>imagine spending tax money to fund some scientists' circlejerk

and if it isn't?

Distance, the likelyhood there's not even ONE other planet with intelligent life on it is unspeakably low, especially when we know that mars has life on it.
The problem is, the distance is extremely large, millions of lightyears apart.
Fermi paradox is only taking into account the milky way galaxy anyways.

The universe is so massive there probably are different alien civilizations that have made contact, why couldn't it be ours, bros.

>Giga Galaxy
Yeah man crazy shit. It's like it's just another, bigger palace of eternal god Gods fighting with each other more often and in greater numbers. It's like a cosmic entity's addiction to gangbangs. They just want more

Fuck. I hope my decrepit, limp-dicked ass croaks before I get to turn on the telly and hear about all the space elves and genetically engineered catgirls floating about up there with their impossibly perky, oversized 0-G tits


>invent easy space travel
>it's useless because the human life span is too short to get anywhere
first we need to become immortal

Consider that we have made more advancements in the past 5000 years than in the past 2 million
Now consider the past 200.
The past 100.
The past 50, even.

Its not a set pattern, and its bound to eventually slow down or break completely, but it exists, and it means that if Humanity sets its mind to something, it can get it.

How lucky, right!?

Lol, science was wrong AGAIN and they STILL expect me to believe in man-made climate change.

Technosapiens are the future, meatbags.

It's a proven fact that state spendings benefit everyone because of the multiplier effect.

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>implying when DNA and gene splicing becomes a thing (it already is btw) we won't just make our own aliens since god is a cunt and won't make space travel feasible
fuck you god
im the god now

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we knew water was wet already, we have a fairly large range of how wet water is estimated to be
this was just narrowing down that range of how wet water is
the range for how wet water is is decades old, and if you had ever read about the wetness of water you would know this, and this "breaking news" wouldn't seem to be news all
instead you are an uneducated buffoon who calls slightly more informed people contrarians

If there's intelligent life in space. Truly intelligent life. So smart that they are like way smarter than us. Then they would know the best course of action is to just let us get on with what we're doing and watch us from afar and make notes about it.
Certainly wouldn't waste time bothering us.

>why couldn't it be ours, bros.
It probably doesn't end well for either one. Just think of microbial vectors alone, humanity could be wiped out by an alien virus

Hey what's up man you want to have a convo about climate change or something or what over here like what's going on buddy

Too bad the amount of collecting space debris around the earth is going to prevent us from leaving the planet ever again

Even if you know nothing about the stars in a scientific capacity it's pretty fucking hard to imagine there's some sort of hard cap on stars/galaxies in the universe. Why is this a surprise, that there's more galaxies we thought of?

Fucking waste of money and time these faggots studying the universe, right?

Did you hear user! With this app you can see how old you'll look in 30 years!

There's no one "great" filter. It's just the fact that complex life is incredibly fragile and clings only to the most coddled safe havens in the universe, and the vast majority of space is entirely uninhabitable and lethal for it. It would be incredibly strange if intelligent life were anything but a vanishing anomaly. The Fermi paradox isn't really a paradox imo, it assumes a false premise.
>but the universe is huge surely somewhere out there by sheer chance-
Somewhere so far away we can't possibly ever interact, yeah. By the time we observe anything that far away they'll be dead, by the time a probe reaches them we'll be dead.

>even if there are other intelligent species in the universe, they might have already died
Considering how long we think it takes for intelligent life to develop this is highly unlikely. It's more likely we are pioneers than stragglers. Which I think is very based actually, it means aliens way down the line will be in awe of our ingenuity like we are of our own explorers.

Yeah, giving humanity even easier ways to kill itself sounds like something a smart civilization would avoid.

>The past 50, even.
Fuck me that is just the most boring shit ever.
wasn't game theory and relativistic kill vehicles, gray goo, MAD, some race of self-appointed galactic cockblocks, an alien encounter, a bioweapon, an asteroid or supervolcano, skynet or environmental implosion that'd do us in.

It was niggers. The "great filter" was niggers.

What if the universe is actually dead and we are the last living beings at the end of the universe. You know how the farther away something is the more in the past or something it is, maybe we're at the end and will never live long enough to find out
About it?

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>Consider that we have made more advancements in the past 5000 years than in the past 2 million
the world was created by God like 3000 years ago retard

And we'll never reach a single one. Space "exploration" is such a fucking joke.


How is this breaking? We still basically know fuck all about the universe.

This thread is the highest IQ Yea Forums will ever be in years

If aliens came here it would just be to sell us stuff

Startopia is the most scientifically accurate videogame because the aliens in it really love money

It was actually gonna be Nukes but ok

haha how the fuck is space debris real nigga haha just shoot it with lasers nigga haha just turn it to dust haha

the great filter isn't niggers it is leftism

>in it really love money
Galactic standard money, retardo.
We don't have that yet.

and that probe will go by in a blink of an eye when it comes to universal timelines, no one intelligent is probably going to see it when it goes by their system

>17 years ago or so
>Internet just starting to come out
>Education ministers and governors start pushing this shit hard to be in schools
>General opinion was that teaching the kids about both computers and the surely inscrutable and fantastic possible net public and world good of the internet would not affect them negatively in any way and people would get more intelligent from it due to the exchange of data possible
>Fast forward 17 years...
> today.
>It is the 8th of August, 2019.
>The internet is now widely known to have been the origin of people believing that science is incorrect as it has possibly made an error in a calculation made by inherently flawed beings.
Oh sweet irony can you see.... !

What do they mean a world of galaxies? A galaxy is bigger than a world.


>people still fall for science worship

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how can something be infinite? that's impossible, retard

Nuclear apocalypse is a meme. It's not real. Nuclear winter isn't a real phenomenon and the sum total of all nuclear weapons going off at once wouldn't even set us back 10 years. The worst you have to worry about is you personally dying if you live in a major city, the human species on the other hand would be just fine.

It's just worlds on top of world turtles, man.

Somehow this comment made me laugh, thanks user

they kind of stopped when they got into Race statistics

>get more intelligent from it due to the exchange of data possible
Are you in any way implying that someone would go to the internet and tell lies?

Well how many galaxies are there now? Last I checked it was like 100 billion galaxies.

>hard to imagine there's some sort of hard cap on stars/galaxies in the universe
That's what a number being finite means, user. Nobody is seriously proposing the universe is infinite.

>born too late to explore the universe
>born just in time for shitposting, video games and the inevitable race war


Not like we'll ever see them, anyway.

Ha ha ha, I'm fucking telling you man, they were so fucking naive

>the sun could've already exploded but we don't see the explosion yet
we could all be dead the next minute

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We are already past peak resources. We will never leave this planet unless we get lucky with passing, mineable asteroids.

Hope you like Muslims.

by its nature, dark matter has barely any effect on anything. that's why it's so difficult to detect, which is why it's called dark matter. it's like if you were trying to find a ghost that was both completely and permanently invisible and intangible, how would you know they are there? by the same token, it's very difficult to squeeze any worthwhile applications out of dark matter. like the ghost, it barely interacts anything, so it does nothing of value to us.

trashy sci-fi assumes that because dark matter is mysterious means it can do all kinds of wacky shit. it's the opposite. dark matter is mysterious because it does so little that we barely notice it except by inference. the same goes for a lot of the particles and shit that are only being confirmed after decades of searching, they were hard to find because they don't do shit, so don't expect them to revolutionize technology. the real advances generally come from making better use of what scientists already discovered decades ago.

There are like a jizzillion galaxies dude

why don't we just breed turtles then? infinite energy


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We have resources. Sell resources, get space bucks, visit alien Love Nests.

years ago or so
>>Internet just starting to come out
Stopped reading

I'm not a wizard, apolgies.

Imagine the inverse of this from a civilization that's been broadcasting for thousands of years. We would've picked something up if there was anything to pick up.

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More like people pretending to be retards so actual retards would catch the bait and respond.

Think about how paranoid we are right now about our ecosystems now that we've learned what our own innocently ignorant meddling has done. We've accidentally destroyed entire species just doing dumb shortsighted things.
They would intentionally go well out of their way to avoid us because they'd know we are nowhere near ready enough to actually handle the responsibility of whatever they would want to offer (and I'm sure such intelligent life would be somewhat benevolent by nature because to live that long they would have to have solved conflict and resource issues).
It's like if time travel was possible, it would actually be a very dumb idea to send advance technologies to the past because there's a very good chance such tech would be used as a weapon instead of it's intended use.

Who cares? Does this affect my daily life? No? Then who cares?

This isn’t even video games.

>people would get more intelligent from it due to the exchange of data possible
this is unironically true though, even the dumbest twittard is more intelligent today than a person 30 years ago

They seem to be coming with lots of space discoveries lately. Meanwhile nothing here on Earth changes.

Not a filter, just that technology can get so advanced and efficient before needing to find a new planet that the need to colonize other planets can be pushed off for a lot longer than thought. There are so many natural resources in the solar system that it could be tens of millions of years before we actually have a true NEED to go to another star system.

>humanity will wipe itself out before alien races can be embarrassed by our existence

Feels bad, man.

>Surely, we use the same forms of transmitting information as a highly advanced, space faring civilization
Oh no no no no

Fermitards everyone

>There are way more than the infinite galaxies we thought there were

Can someone explain this to me

I meant come out in a big way to more people in 2002

Yeah I know it sounds pretty retarded to say 2002, but I meant like in terms of education potential. 2002 is when schools started to REALLY implement this shit to students in an actual way that was not just pages of .txt file dictionaries and shit, so it's like yeah at that time they thought like this.

>We would've picked something up if there was anything to pick up.
Broadcasted how? Did every civilization invent the radio? Or thought of broadcasting shit at the same time?

>they still believe space is real
l m a o

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A world is like, what, four stages in Super Mario Bros? That sounds pretty tiny.

Youre giving this place too much credit

Maybe we actually are already dead and this existence is merely an echo or imperfect simulation of what once was.
It would explain why some things observed in science are entirely contradictory.

Infinite galaxies in this infinite dimension of infinite galaxies, you know what I mean?

>not placing your dna in a nuclear-safe capsule so that future aliens can clone you and you can demonstrate advanced shitposting techniques to them before inevitably leading them into a massively genocidal waifu war

they didn't think there were 'infinite' galaxies you IDIOT

Who knows? It wasn't long ago that the majority of humans denounced science in favor of a god-fearing culture. Who's to say we just still don't understand the vast majority of how the universe works?

nigger it's like a couple hundred dollars per square feet how fucking poor are you

>tfw we're the only living life in the universe and god is real and he loves you
You think Athiests would seethe over this realization?

there is literally no way for us to tell if something is background noise or encrypted/compacted information

when you realize that just maybe you don't want to broadcast your existence to everyone everywhere because you don't know if there are others listening and you dont know if they are hostile, it's already too late. you did the mistake when you developed the technology to receive those signals.

just a fun game theory thing to think about

but this was already know


If these are ones we previously had no EM way of detecting, it's interesting just because it might be an answer the dark matter question.

>1000 galaxies
Where the hell did you get that number? We've known for decades they number in the billions thanks to deep space photography.

There is no such thing as aliens. It’s time to grow up and realize that God made this universe for us and only us.

That's wrong though. We've nearly completely switched to digital broadcast, which is basically impossible to "pick up" because it would just look like noise. The window for analog signals is actually remarkably small, at lease ours was. 50 years, in the lifetime of a civilization, is like telling your mom you'll call her at 7:39:52am on September 27th 2067, and she better answer on the first ring because you're hanging up

we can tell if something is meant to be a message even if it can't be deciphered. there's no way to make that mistake

Wow, wowwy wow wow wooow

That’s not what the Fermi paradox is.

>Panpsychism is real
I highly doubt it.

I can. We have no idea how big space is, but we have an estimation how many galaxies are in an area on average. Now we found out that there are actually way more galaxies per area than we thought, which is interesting because galaxies moved in way which we couldn't explain, but since there are so many more, which also affect shit with their gravity things might make more sense now.

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It's really not. We're just choosing not to bother.

There's not many ways of transmitting data over long distances through space, so yeah, any space faring civilization would be broadcasting something.

>Guys trust us, if this was a message, we'd know, we're professionals

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Yeah but if you try real hard you might manage!

I am the arm... And I sound like this

...and then he realized that was kind of dumb and left.

Try DMT.

There is no great filter, we are just statistically unlikely, and some of the earliest intelligent beings in the universe.

That's actually one explanation to the fermi paradox, you dumbass, it doesn't contradict it. The paradox thing is just a name. Maybe try looking up the thing you try to make yourself look smart by talking shit about next time you feel like doing so and don't know first fucking thing about it, retard.

IMAGINE thinking the universe isn't infinite

>Yes, yes think about """""""""space"""""""" think about star wars, think about star trek... yes.
>Forget about """"""this"""""" world... yes, yes. Why care about this place?
>Let... let WE run this putrid planet Earth for you... while you think about space, starships, aliens, space wars... Yes, yes.

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Damn it's almost as if this is old news and we already know we live in the supercluster Laniakea

>so yeah, any space faring civilization would be broadcasting something for literally any random jackass to hear

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That's fucking bleak, God is a gigantic asshole if he made trillions of empty star systems for us to explore and then a fucking wall around ours on the form of the speed of light

I guess fifa is more your speed

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>switch joycon fucks up if my hand is too close to the sensor
>but we have the ability to send messages literally millions of light years away that can be received perfectly apparently
wtf nintendo

I don't know what you're laughing at, this would the same as mistaking a storm with the ice bucket challenge. unless you're specifically encoding your shit to look like background noise

Somewhere, out there in the infinite cosmos, there is a girl longing to be with you, but will never know of your existence and die alone and unloved, just like you.
Also Space Engine does this well

At least we have VR

I think a plot like that is Dr. Evil's $1m evil tier reward on his Patreon

Attached: 200px-Drevil_million_dollars.jpg (200x212, 7K)

fuck off Joe
1v1 me on aerowalk

>so yeah, any space faring civilization would be broadcasting something.


There is no such thing as god. It's time to grow up and realize that Xenu made this universe for aliens and only aliens.

when we find a sun exactly like ours with a planet orbiting it the same distance from it as Earth is to our own sun

i think my plug is an alien


Here in Germany we have a lot of people who genuinely believe that killing all our industry and living in "harmony with nature" will somehow save mankind. It's a completely reactionary worldview that tries to turn back time to some supposed pre-industrial golden age.

You cant fucking hide emissions user, even if you broadcast them in a narrow cone at the receiver everything between the two of you would hear it

You know what, it's off topic but at least it's not fucking political shit.

you're retarded

journalists proclaim that scientists discover something new that may change our understanding of everything every week.

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Makes me sad how fast the universe is expanding, even if we eventually developed FTL travel our options would probably still be pretty damn limited. All I want is to chill in hypersleep with my spacebros and maybe find some cool alien artifacts or some shit.

Our Solar System is at the tail end of one of the arms of the galaxy, why the FUCK would we be inbetween any correspondence?

How would you make a Mars Attacks game?

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>mfw there's still people that believe space is real around me

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>Yanks pump trash into space and wonder why we're blacklisted from intergalactic communications

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>stardate 260,000,400,036
>my non coporeal body flys past Crab nebula
>on my way to visit paternal frequency 4189-7G
>stopped by psychic web created by Nigorians
>my cognitive energy field has comprehended bad things about Nigorians
>Nigorians prepare to enrich my culture sensing aperture
>"Hail post-human energy wave"
>"relinquish onto us 600,000 kilojoules of your current form"
>Nigorians cant even use gravity field manipulation to communicate properly
>why did ancestors frequencies think it was wise to give Nigorians FTL travel technology?
>Nigorians weren't even good indentured energy-matter manipulation units.
>Should have sent them all back to Africus Prime
>"Energy beings be prevening us from rising" says filthy a Nigorian
>Nigorians drain most of my energy field
>flee in their Mah-gib class raiding ship
>I'm stuck in nebula wounded
>Universal Overseers arrive
>taken to Galactic Social Justice planet C-1S
>The Eternal Council charges me with interfering opressing innocent Nigorians
>energy being privilege checked
>Council sentences me to six billion years imprisonment in tesseract crystal
>Fucking Nigorians

Attached: Crab_Nebula.jpg (260x260, 20K)

Traveling linear distances is for plebs even at the speed of light

We will develop the ability to create wormholes. The shortest distance between two points is zero

If you seriously think that wanting to preserve the environment you live in is the number 1 reason why entire species fail you are beyond helping

>All I want is to break the laws of physics lmao
Keeping it real


It's over.

We've learned something we should never have known. We've discovered something we were never meant to understand. Space travel was a mistake. We aren't ready to know the truth. We are in our infancy as a race and we do not have the means to protect ourselves from what lies out there. They study our progress from the cold and unforgiving depths of space with an ever watchful eye.

With the news of our discovery becoming public knowledge they will appear before us and purge us. Our creators. The only thing we can do is to find the wreckage of their landing ship when they made first contact with our Leaders and reverse-engineer their technology so we can resist annihilation on an equal playing field.

We have to find the Egg Shaped Ship.

Stopped reading

>Huge world of hidden galaxies
>world of galaxies
I guess I'm a brainlet.

Not sure how it's possible to discover "more galaxies than we thought" when we've never had a fucking thought on how many there are. It's pretty well established the size of the universe and the amount of galaxies, stars, and planets is unfathomable to the human mind.

I love this meme about space not being real, it's like a total diss of flat earthers' retardation but taken to an extremely stupid level. 10/10 parody.

>every alien civilization that existed in the galaxy all exterminated themselves either due to nuclear annihilation, resource depletion or climate shifts
>we're not moving towards a utopian interstellar future, it's just a death march

It's a miracle Eddie doesn't choke on the food he eats everyday.

I mean, who doesn't?

>Dude more galaxies lmao






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Well that's alot closer to us, so it probably wouldn't have the same effect as what i'm talking about.


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>be digital me in the year [REDACTED]
>since time is almost meaningless to a digital being, decide to check out this "desert-like" area in space where there's almost nothing
>fuck around for "a while"
>realize that the expansion of space speeding up has made it so that you will never get out of this void of space

Nice try, ayylmao, the jig is up.


It's true though. We ain't reaching the moon either because WE NEVER DID.

This is stupid. And a lot of stupid people think like this. The phrase "life as we know it" has a meaning. It means the requirements to sustain life might be different in undiscovereds worlds. There could be a perfectly happy colony of people living on the sun itself for all we know. Or in your toilet, just phase-shifted so you never notice their presence and they don't notice ours. The possibilities are endless. Our planet alone is proof that even on this tiny rock, there a billion different living conditions that are ideal for a billion different organisms.

either that or bending space ourselves in front of our ships, anything else will be too slow really

>tfw born to soon to be racist against aliens

Man dude you should be a stand-up comic with this persona, shit bro you'd kill at science fairs

a lightyear is 9.46 TRILLION fucking kilometers
the closest (theorized) livable planet is approximately 4.22 light years away
thats fucking 40 TRILLION fucking kilometers away

this is approximately 52 MILLION TRIPS to the moon and back
space is too fucking big they should scale it down a bit

absolute brainlet useful idiot take

Now we just need to figure out how to achieve PU speed

All is calm on this day
once lively cities full of people going about their mundane business is unnaturally quiet
all is left but crumbling buildings and rubble.
the highway where cars are stopped abandoned.
further out in the country it is quiet as well
no birds chirping
no insects buzzing
clouds dark and grey
only sound is the wind
blowing through the trees
some trees not as lively as others
the swaying of the darkened hay is like ocean waves.
an old barn nearly fallen in on itself
on old tractor alone in the field
a creaky old windmill turning oh so slightly.
an old house with slight burns on the siding
on the porch a radio has been left on
only static plays.
behind the house you can see for miles
rolling hills and far away was once the skyline of the city
a slight blue was the hue of the landscape
then a might flash appeared not unlike the sun's rays
now the blue hue of the view is now nothing more than gray
forever more silent and still.

>off topic thread
>hits 300 posts in an hour

>video game thread
>404's with 31 replies after 5 minutes

>we will never get to shitpost on alien imageboards


Nice exasperated non-argument YOU CUNT

What the fuck is wrong with someone to the point where they don't think that galaxies are cool?

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Yeah the devs are fucking assholes
>make vast open world game
>it's literally just full of dark matter

Mu Araens are watching Twilight Zone kino right now.

>Everyone thinks alien life are super advance greys that have all of life's answers and are disgusted and ashamed of us
>They're are never some lame faggots having a hard time living like us
>Or maybe some bacteria that will take another billions of years to evolve into something worthwhile

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video games suck, space doesn't

>discover alien civilization
>they're worse off than we are
What do?

why haven't we funded dimension hopping? its far better than space travel.

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Space is operating as intended.

He's mocking the pop-science redditors that listen to Carl Sagan and Degrasse Tyson and think they're enlightened beings despite not truly giving a single solitary fuck about science.

It's unironically almost certainly guaranteed to be video games. More specifically Whole Brain Emulation and Virtual Reality.

Attached: Consider the following.jpg (1080x1920, 306K)

Theoretical circlejerking is boring garbage. Fuck off.

i kind of want to colonize some random Saturnian moon and live like a rural Yeoman on my mutated Veggie Farm

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>not modding your body before you croak and living until you're 500

Why do incel redditors like space so much?

>do not be alarmed, human. We have cloned you from your DNA and wish to learn more about your people
>dilate and have sex you seething copefaggots *dabs on alien race*
>we've made a terrible mistake

err honestly lads all I want is an alien gf
get me one of those and im fine with staying on earth haha

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exterminate, can't risk them getting medicine and breeding out of control. We already made that mistake once with the nogs.

I want to be dead by 50, why would I do that?


user sit down

Take their shit?

>What is the great filter (that keeps species from developing far enough to colonize space)

The Fermi Paradox is fucking stupid as hell.

Our species isn't known for good financial management.

It baffles me that space exploration isn't our number one priority as a species/society. Unless we can manage to get off this rock then literally nothing we do will amount to anything. We have an ever decreasing timer on how long we have to figure this shit out before we're fucked and it's like nobody cares

why are people so shit

>were the only life in the universe durrrr
I guarantee you within the next two years we find evidence mars had basic life on it at some point once the rover sticks its robot cock in some mars ice.

Niggers are holding us back.

enslave them to work on our extrasolar farms have our colonials become elite farmers selling off exotic food.

nothing lasts forever, redditor
leaving the planet wont make any difference either

Why? It's pretty straightforward. There's a fuckload of space, so there should be life all over. There isn't, so what happened there that didn't happen here?

Nah. Space Engineers. POST YOUR SHIPS, YOU FUCKS.

Attached: Space_Engineers_Workshop_preview_Y-Wing Battlescarred.png (1824x1026, 1.96M)

I know that most of you faggots are baiting, but I also know that some of you are not.

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god damn it...

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You literally cannot leave the house so its exterior is in fact theoretical. You will NEVER experience a practical galaxy ever. Only a single planet within it and a single planet is not a galaxy. They could tell you literally anything and it would be just as real.

>tfw somewhere out there is an advanced humanoid race plowing alien species on the daily
>tfw you're stuck here jacking it to pictures

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blame the UN being a completely fucking useless organization

> killing all our industry and living in "harmony with nature"
By tearing down your emissions-free nuclear plants, building coal powerplants, and buying gas from Russia, increasing their hold over you and potential for future tensions as I last heard it.

Well, at least you can rest easy knowing greens are just as fucking stupid elsewhere, even if they don't get squat (un)done.

Because they're never reaching anywhere in this planet, might as well dream with another one.

It's not true.

>They're are never some lame faggots having a hard time living like us
You realize this entails us and this hypothetical alien species' solar systems starting at the same time AND us progressing at the same speed, right? There's pretty much no other way we could find someone on the same page as us when looking at the huge lifespan of the universe and the relatively microscopic amount of time we've been a space faring civilization for (that is progressing exponentially fast with technology and won't be at this stage for more than a few hundred years).

>can't even read through the posts

well your right the Jews would be mad as fuck if whites left Earth because they woudnt be able to exterimate us. also they would be stuck with nogs and spics.


Relax mate there's a plan and it's slowly progressing. A lot of things need to happen for us to collectively put meaningful global effort toward a species-wide space exploration and colonisation mission. If it's done another way it could be catastrophic to human society's future. Unfortunately that's going to be a while yet, but it will happen and there's a clear line as to where the future will head. Politics is everything user.


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We'd know in about what? 8 minutes?

Our planet is bretty nice but clearly our overlords from afar don't give a fuck that the Chinese are destroying it

All we will find is literally only bacteria. Ooh wow there used to be single celled Protozoa on Mars woooooooooooow yeah that was really worth spending 100 billion dollars that could have been spent fixing America’s broken highways and infrastructure, huh?

We could literally be the starting point of spreading like over the entire universe. Instead we're arguing about violence in video games and genders.

Heat death is still largely a theory, we're not 100% on the universe ending like that. An eventual extinction event on earth is a certainty give a long enough time span, it's already happened several times

Better to try and get off this prison than to just give up under the assumption it's pointless

I honestly wouldn't mind giving them a hand, crash a spaceship with a few dead bodies for them to analize, you know, the Roswell aproach

Space is so gay lmoa fags

I guarantee you if anyone leaves the planet at some point it'll be the jews

>Unless we can manage to get off this rock then literally nothing we do will amount to anything.
Unless we can stop killing each other, exploiting each other, leaving 1/5th the planet to literally starve each night, nothing we do will amount to anything. We have to leave this rock at some point but we have to survive to that point first. There's simply bigger priorities right now.

We need to move beyond the following:
1) money
2) god
3) self-servitude
then we can have a space program.

we can literally mine the asteroid belt or moons if need be.

FUck genders

Fuck everything

sex slaves
I think these guys sum it up pretty well.

What if Space isn't real?

Pokemon Gold and Silver

Holy shit you are a dumbass. When you look out the window is the grass theoretical? The neighbors house?


and you'd get booed offstage, could you be so kind as to not ever post again? I'd really like that.

you just need to go back to brutalizing the third world 1800s style then you'll have plenty more revenue to spend on spaceshit

regardless of how it'll go nothing lasts forever so it's silly the universe will remain in its current state

whats that up in the sky then


Stick probes in their butts.
Also run around naked on their planet trying to stay hidden.

I wonder what kind of games would a Kardashev type 2 civilization produce? or I guess entertainment still be somewhat "local" at that point so we would still have these pretty garbage AAA experiences we have now huh

Imagine you're in your room, jerking off. You overestimate how long you'd last and suddenly cum into your hand. As you sit there savoring the afterglow, a fly flies across your face and you reflexively try to swat it, but you miss. As you swung your hand, a little bit of cum was sent launching into the air and splatters onto the ceiling, but you don't notice. Our galaxy is the cum on the ceiling and we just found out there's another sperm cell with us. It sucks to think everyone else in the world is partying with each other in God's testes while we're doomed to die in the middle of nowhere.

>he thinks scientists just look up to see this shit

you aren't getting rid of any of those 3 things dipshit.

we try to learn from eachothers mistakes
help a nigga out


Which is why we're doomed anyway .

holes in the cloth

4/10, got me to reply

Which is why our species will die on a rock

Haha man, shit. Just write comedy and perform in uni towns with good science departments, you'd do well and get a TV show. Your stage character should look like pic related.

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land on the planet and cough on everyone

Post that nasa guy with the shirt. You know the guy


>We have an ever decreasing timer on how long we have to figure this shit out before we're fucked
That timer ends like 5 billion years from now though, which is how long the earth's been around already, it's not exactly a pressing issue. Learning more about space from a distance and creating better technology which could help space travel in the future, while solving problems on earth isn't gonna hurt anything.

It'd be /pol/'s monkeypaw, good riddance?

You penis is so small it is theoretical lol

>You realize this entails us and this hypothetical alien species' solar systems starting at the same time AND us progressing at the same speed, right?
But aren't you also assuming they will just do "better" becouse they are aliens?

Honestly, you are a fucking faggot. Get over your idealistic delusions of getting rid of religion, money and self-interest. Those things are what help advanced humanity beyond retarded cave dwellers in the first place

Aliens are all just humanoids with different sorts of ears, Star Ocean confirmed this, don't ask them about it.
Also life is a simulation.
The universe is programmed to end if we learn too much about it.

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Space sience will never amount to anything and is only a thing because of losers who get bullied in school dream about leaving the planet and their shitty lives prove me wrong

fucking empty world games, fuck ubisoft, rockstar and bethesda for pushing this shit meme

Leave Rick alone

>You will never be abducted to be a sex pet for an unfathomably more advanced and intelligent
but depraved alien species

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>tfw you'll never live trials in tainted space in real life

Preserving the environment is a wonderful goal, however mankind always prospered when it moved further away from nature.

>the world was created by God like 3000 years ago retard
Don't bring your fairy tales here user. We are taking for real here

>*Great Filters in your path*
Heh nothin personnel civilization.

>caring about reality
maths > physics

You also can't travel to and safely colonies planets in other solar systems, yet here you are assuming they can. 100 years ago it was unthinkable that vaccines could cause autism yet now we know better.

You can either have space exploration, or a cyberpunk future, not both.

Make your choice.

No, I'm assuming that they'll be doing better because statistically speaking any intelligent life in the universe is separated from us by millions of years.

So either the would-be intelligent life hasn't even begun to form yet. Or they're a million+ years ahead


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Odds are if someone adopted essentially just an animal to fuck, they'd probabpy just kill you when they got bored

ok reddit