Final Fantasy XIV's monthly subscriptions...

>Final Fantasy XIV's monthly subscriptions. Let's say 75% of Square Enix's PC MMO revenue is from Final Fantasy XIV (which seems reasonable to me), which puts it at $20.7M. Let's say 75% of that figure is monthly subscription revenue (with the other 25% being micro-transactions), which gives us $15.53M in monthly revenue. At an average subscription price of say $14/mo (blended average between the $13.99 and $14.99 price points), we can estimate that Final Fantasy XIV has 1.1M subscribers. This figure is pre-Shadowbringers launch, so this figure is likely conservative.

Where were you when FFXIV officially surpassed WoW in active subscribers?
the genre is dead literally 1/10th of what WoW was

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Other urls found in this thread:



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That's him!

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>here's some math with estimations i took out of my ass

>I'm too dumb to look at charts

>75% of revenue is subs
Good joke, so much of it is preorders/first time buyers as well as the literal landfills worth of people who spend a lot of money on the mogstation on skip pots, mounts, outfits, housing items, dues, etc on a weekly or monthly basis

>Dragoons can currently change their direction during Jump.
what does this mean?

All those subscriptions and they still refuse to make the game better. Really makes you think.

>it's a castrum episode
afk for 30 minutes

Can someone post the cutest girls they've seen in game? More the better.


I miss when I got Praetorium every time, now it seems like I just get Castrum.


That's cheating.

>its another game is next to unplayable this week without mudfish
comcast pls

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dude DQX is releasing in NA oct 24???

Not really.

>single Rokan Dreamer
>stand in Wrath of Rokan to trigger third eye for some dps
>healer doesn't heal, bitches and moans in his esl english faggotry
>keep myself up with self heal
>tank pulls more than 1 stack
>logs off
Insta queue for healcucks was a mistake

Playing this game makes the fact that I live in Commiefornia slightly more bearable.

>FFXIV at the top of its historical popularity
>WoW is 15 years old and at the bottom of its
>XIV fans still can't stop obsessing over WoW and constantly comparing the two despite literally no one else in the world except them give a fuck about WoW anymore
Is there a name for this type of mental illness? Imagine if WoW fans back in like 2007 when the game was still alive made daily threads about how better their game is than Everquest.

Stop embarrassing yourself trying to do math

I'm a XIVfag and even I'm getting tired of people constantly bringing WoW into it, I just wanna talk about the game.

>Imagine if WoW fans back in like 2007 when the game was still alive made daily threads about how better their game is than Everquest.
People literally did this retard.

>WAR is no longer head and shoulders above the other tanks
>WARs all jump ship for GNB

Imagine my fucking shock

Third eye doesn't give you DPS anymore.

I jumped ship to GNB from DRK before we even saw how good it was. Man I love this job.

Genre has been dead longer than however old you are. the only way it comes back is through VR and actually bringing social interactions back.

war is fucking boring

In 2004, sure. By 2007, average WoW player has never even heard of EQ

I can believe it, this boring ass game stole like half my friends from me. They're fucking obsessed with it and it's obnoxious. Fuck MMOs.

>Dragon Quest X
>"To be launched October 24, 2019"
Is that about its upcoming expansion or is the impossible finally happening?

It doesn't, but it enables seigan which is still a free attack

Or you could quit being a contrarian faggot and actually try it.

Don't worry, we're taking good care of them.

>zone in Dohn Mheg
>healer has 22k hp and in shire gear

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Why are MMO fans and FFXIV fans so fucking pathetic

Will DQX ever come to the west

I did and it was lame and pointless.

they're probably sucking tranny cock in limsa lominsa inn atm

The only reason I'm playing GNB is because I want the Sabertooth Tiger, otherwise I'm a WAR main.

What level did you get to?

>game is making more money and increased playerbase
>community still defends the devs giving them the bare minimum
>devs themselves have fallen to "Patch It Later" mentality cause they struggled to do the same expansion a 3rd time
Obsessing over their profits as their consumer is pure retardation as you're not seeing any money nor will you see anything done in terms of game improvement.

>Wanting to ride fucking Diego from Ice Age
There are many reasons to play GNB over the other tanks and this is not one of them.

Just move innawoods. There's tons of innawoods to move in commiefornia.

I have all the other tank mount beside it, so yes for me it's important.

>the bare minimum
Mother fucker the story in this past expac blew away any RPG I have played since fucking 2007. Fuck your dumb bare bones argument, I already got my money's worth with that alone.

Way higher than I needed to to know I didn't give a shit, like 20 or something.

DQ10 makes more money than FF14

5 billion yen? So does that 200 dollars cover the server costs?

That don't correlate with what you said

The game doesn't even fucking get interesting until like 35 you complete fucking retard.

>DNC is supposed to be the most support focused class
>No party wide damage buff
>Only party wife buff is Shield samba which both BRD and MCH have access to
>Party wide heal which is dogshit
>Can only buff one other person at a time for 5% damage

I was so excited for this job too. A shame, really

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>I'm getting tired of people constantly bringing WoW into it
Well I'm tired of the blatant rip off they did of WoW. It's no wonder everyone compares the two constantly.


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I kick anyone who just right clicks and follows someone, I'm not doing your shit for you. the rest of the party follows suite

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Then it's a shitty fucking game and doesn't deserve the time I have to waste to get to that point, faggot.

>>No party wide damage buff
What the fuck is Technical Finish nigga?

>August 7, 2018
Sup retard

You can get there in less than a day you fucking idiot. That is literally like 2% of the game. You played a fucking tutorial and said "yeah nah this game is shit". Fuck off, you are clearly just a contrarian retard that WANTED to hate it.

>>No party wide damage buff
Stopped reading there. You should actually finish leveling before forming an opinion retard.

If i buy this game for PS4 can I download it later on my PC and continue from there?

Sadly you'll have to buy it again for PC, but otherwise yes you can continue just fine.


>he didn't see the latest numbers
damn retard

I just spent 7 hours trying to climb moonfire tower

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You'll have to buy the game again, but you can use the same account and characters.

Cool thanks for the info

Cool thanks for the info

For what purpose? There aren't even any good rewards for these dumb holiday events. The last time we got a good reward was when the Halloween event gave out a fucking broom mount, and that was YEARS ago.


>320 potency for 25 kenki vs 220 potency for 15 kenki
>64 potency per 5 kenki vs 73.3 potency per 5 kenki
It still does.

It's fun

>he didnt use savestates

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>you have to play 80 hours before having any fun

You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.

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>7 hours of failure is fun


I just spent 7 hours trying to clear E2S a second time


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I actually do refuse to touch it because there's fucking nothing to do with it.

I level it to 50 and learn the spells, fucking then what? Play through content that is 4 years old that I have done a gorillion times? Fuck that. You can't even fucking PvP as BLU, what a trash implementation.

All these fucking jews trying to sell haddock at the moonfire faire. Disgusting.

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Which is a bigger waste of time?

Do your BLU weeklies user! They're fun challenges!

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Fuck I can’t read, I’m retarded

considering I also spent 7 hours doing the same thing yesterday, probably E2S

Uhm..... WOW.... have you ever considered that not doing anything with it except self destructing for upvotes is FUN...? just because you can't do pvp or the main story or deep dungeon or raids or roulette anything above level 50 you think it's bad...



It's a meme

this dragoon spent literally the entire bossfight using his ranged attack from the edge of the arena what the fuck

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>that inventory
what the fuck yourself

have a buddy that has both a class that can raise and BLU and just back and forth raise/suicide to not lose progress

How's everyone's Eden Savage progress going?

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WAR faggots thinking they were getting buffed again to be God Tank 5.05 like they did in 4.05 when they bitched and moaned.

Only this time they didn't and Yoshida said WAR is fine as it is right now kek.

WAR mains fucking KEKED.

Faggots have been using BLU's self destruct to kill themselves, then a fag friend of theirs revives them higher up on the tower.

If you ever see one of these losers, be sure to throw a swiftcast revive at them before their friend does while you're lower on the tower, so they get set back for cheating.

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hes a literal spear chucker

I cleared E1S last night, this is the fastest I've ever gotten into a raid tier. Not looking forward to slamming my head against the next one.

>saved all the images from the Ryne twitter before it was nuked

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I've officially given up, E2S can go fuck itself

being a crafter/gatherer kinda fucks your inventory space

PUGs need to hurry up and clear E2s, Levi parties take forever to fill

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Hey guys! FFXIV surpased WoW! I have proof!
>pulls numbers out of his ass

It's the Japanese expansion. If Dragon Quest XI does really well, we might get Dragon Quest X in the west. Most likely an offline single player version. But I wouldn't hold my breath. It's going from a 0% chance to a 1% chance.

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no, it's full of useless shit
>cryptic seal and dice in shb
>outdated 24man coins
>allagan coins
>housing item
>battle demimateria

You fucking tell me.

No we still havent cleared E1S. Im the Dancer.

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whats to stop me from clicking away your rez

>Decline res
>Wait for friend to re-res


>run E4 as healer on anything other than a Tuesday
>DPS dying like flies to simple AoEs
I hate this fucking game

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cleared levi last week and saw titan enrage¸ but we aren't raiding much this week because wagies

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>The changes to desynth
I'm pretty fucking FURIOUS

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Cheaters are literally too stupid to do this, I've been doing it all day and it works every time

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Every liveletter I'm reminded just how incompetent and lazy the retards at SE are.

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Why'd you reply to me?

fug im retarded

>muh story
>not one point defending the WoW-clone gameplay thats substandard by MMO standards
>call its a RPG yet the game offers no true player growth as each job and its gearing path has 2 main stat focuses with no difference between players other than "I do Savage"
>paying for a glorified single player experience and getting defensive when people criticize it as an MMO

>go innawoods
>die in a fire

Can NIN and DRG still do the skip to the 3rd level of the Moonfire Faire tower with Elusive Jump and Shukuchi or did they patch it this year?
>answering mostly lore questions with maybes and I don't knows
>little to no real questions with substance in regards to actual gameplay
>deflection to requests and/or considering "Patch it Forward" mentality

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Except how is it not the bare minimum? You're getting a copy pasted Heavensward for the 3rd time and are getting cut corners from most things ranging from glamour to the new races itself. Were it not for the story this expansion would be getting shat on so hard, hell the "Lack of Endgame" sentiment is actually starting to rise up among even the more casual of players since the people around ARR have finally noticed the pattern. The game is a barebones MMO, it's just lucky that it had 2 expansions with decent stories. Hell you should only sub for launch and end of expansion anyways

>Giving a job a whole gauge for one action

Why would they do this

>Samurai’s burst is designed around benefitting from receiving party buffs from other party members
what is this dumb shit

At first I thought this was going to be a pastebin of all the particularly lazy non-answers. Then I realized it was a just the entire Q&A. Then I realized I was correct the first time.

I'd fug Gwen

But user that Gwen is wearing a used diaper, would you still?

why did you post that in a random cops and robbers thread

>Try out DoL job
>It's fine at first
>But then every god damn spots are covered in aggressive mobs
>Have to abuse the fuck out of stealth reducing what little gameplay there is to a super crawl when it's already a crawl

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>Battle Demimateria 3

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This is why you play FSH and relax in one spot for an hour.
>people celebrating the revenue spike
I will understand this new age of people who celebrate corporations making money they'll never see in any form.

I dunno what to say man. Maybe move to Wyoming or Nebraska?

Fits right in an MMO thread then. Its either that or poopsocking.

if a motherfucker undercuts my shit by half one more time I will become president and nuke japan

this, so much this! SMAAAAASH is the only game allowed on Yea Forums!

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Is there a way to bot fishing without paying mmominion? I've managed to bot all my crafting but I can't think of how to bot fishing because I don't know what the trigger would be. I honestly don't know how to code in a vibration from a controller as a trigger.

>paying money to not play a game you pay money for

It's even worse when that asshole goes on PF and complains about undercutters. You can't be a hypocrite like that.



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viera btfo

Sorry that I'm smart enough to think and program a solution that makes crafting faster for me. Sucks that you're a codelet.

vauthry is a law-bringer attempting to return peace and order to the land

Cause Casuals are the main demographic and casuals need that quick hit of achievement before they fuck off. Midcore to Raiders are negligible to them and they'll continue dumbing down this game like they did WoW till it starts bleeding them players.

Why are you still in that group? I've cleared twice with pugs al;ready.

>tfw desynth past 260

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I'm so tired of this meme of comparing WoWs peak subs to everything. WoW was an outlier for popularity in the genre and had such an absurd number of subs that no MMO has ever come close nor should they be compared to it. You don't need to have those kind of numbers for a game to be successful.

Is it better to gamble waiting 10-20 odd minutes as a dps or just use the trust?

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Where are all the ads balls in pvp roulette? Are people using other mounts or did everyone quit? See less and less of them

I wish investors/publishers realized this

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Christ and people still defend these devs

Trusts if you wanna be consistent and treat it like a job.

Hello Yea Forums
So I just got around to doing the phys dps role quest and this helper guy is some rich dude with millionaire parents in eulmore? But I thought anyone who managed to get into eulmore had to give up all they possessed?
Is this some sort of plot hole?

Source on that image?


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they still do business but don't actually own anything

Wait...did they change the recipe for bathered fish?
I remember it being "easier" to make

>You can't even fucking PvP as BLU,
ay yo hol up lemme jus spam doom on the whm from a mile away


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Should I take the lala pill?

queue if you have overworld or afk stuff to do and use trusts if you want to get exp at the very moment


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Do the symbols on the moonfire shirts mean anything? They look kinda like jap writing.

How would it make sense though? To be a snowflake midlander male for 3 expansions, then after btfoing Emet-selch I get turned into a lala.

only poor people have to give up all their possessions, rich people get to keep their shit

What's easier to play, BRD or MCH?

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somebody cast mini on you and it was permanent

remember that lalas stole Ryne headpats from us and deserve nothing but the mash

>less than a day
So how long specifically? 8 hours?

>turned into a lala
retcon yourself to always have been X race and stop being autistic

How am I to fuck any waifus now that I can't reach for shit and has a peanut for a penis?
Also this

It must be shocking to WARs to not instantly be buffed to be the undisputed best tank for once.

you don't have to fucking fantasia if you don't want to, quit being autistic.

Shut the fuck up

>being autistic

>How am I to fuck any waifus now that I can't reach for shit and has a peanut for a penis?
small dom is hot bruh

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>forgetting that a mobile game was the reason Pokemon really started to take a nosedive
>thinking Square really wants to put more money in XIV when they can throw more into mobile games and generate more for less
XIV will never grow and die a stagnant game with an ok story by MMO standards. Where as WoW will die by trying to change everything up FFXIV will die by never moving forward.

The lala alchemist in the THM quest doesn't seem to have any small-dick worries, he went home with several miqo'te on his arms after the bar

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That was a voidsent.

>not being bi
whatever homo lmao

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>I like dealing with shitty RNG for no reason

God Yea Forums """"""""hardcore"""""""" players are the dumbest people alive

It is because WARs made this image. Whenever someone edits this image for their job, they get cucked. MNKs made a version for Stormblood and got cucked. ASTs made a version and got cucked. DRKs made a version and got cucked by being turned into a WAR without guaranteed critical direct hits.

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Cursing GNB.

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Unfortunately the WAR and DRK images were made first, and thus GNB's cucking will be delayed to 6.0 when everything fun about the class is stripped out, or their fun abilities will become role actions.

>Continuation made into a role action

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Yoshi P is a hack. When will you people realize that and demand the true FFXIV return? Or at least jump to a FFXI private server so that you aren't forced to deal with Yoshi P's influence.

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Slap a trigger on an axe, greatsword, or shield and we can make it work.

The real question here is when will we get an actual MMO? An MMO with a living and evolving world and a reason to go out and explore?

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Fuck off.

i don't think there've even really been any games that fit the usual "real mmo" criteria when looking at all of them from the outside

Anyone want to recommend me a game or anime OST to listen to while grinding out DRG?

For these classes I've been using
SAM: Nujabes and Hip Hop, Wu Tang Clan
MNK: DBZ ost (mostly the japanese one), Baki (2001) ost
NIN: Naruto Openings and Ninja Gaiden (nes) OST

hip hop is kinda working with DRG but i don't really wanna double dip.

It's a sub based mmo the revenue it makes directly influences if it continues or not and in what state. They actually do have a reason to celebrate.

I would also like to know this. ANSWER US TRANNYS!

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I can see how you think that if WoW was your first MMO

maplestory was my first mmo


Everquest Online Adventures for the PS2 was my first MMO.

>the mind of someone who only played WoW
>directly influences if it continues or not and in what state
>game making more money than ever
>state of the game hasn't increased and instead slightly decreased given the "Patch It Later" mentality ShB brought into the limelight
No point to celebrate no change. The game isn't going to get more or evolve in any sense because they made more money. If the story was shit the whole expansion would be shat on.

Do you have good ping?


>summer starts in real life
>people start dressing like degenerate sluts
>summer event starts in game
>characters start dressing like degenerate sluts
there's no escape

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People in this game dress like degenerate sluts year round

>They actually do have a reason to celebrate.
What a sad state of affairs if you have to celebrate for your game staying the same because it made more money. Something like that should be met with how the game will grow, not how it'll continue in its mediocrity.

but why did you post alfalfa

>tfw I've never levelled desynth

I'm even mad. It's like looking into the past and watching what happened with WoW. A little more, every patch, chipped away.

I'm starting to believe what Yoshi said in regards to "quitting" and coming back every patch for content. God damn, what happened to this fucking genre.

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I think this is the unfuniest meme that's been forced here

I'm always left to wonder what exactly people expect out of XIV. It seems like no matter what there are always people screeching about how mediocre it is and how much wasted potential the game has, even when almost every opinion I read that isn't this shithole board is in love with the game.

Got filled with people who wanted a glorified chat room, not people who wanted to have some sense of accomplishment after working their shitty fast-food or retail job.

This game is literally a piece of shit to flies, except the piece of shit is this terrible game and the flies are the degenerate fucks that do fuck all but ERP in Limsa.

Is there mods to give myself massive and/or bouncy tiddies?

>every major IP can now survive on selling references of their previous works on mobile because the psychologists they all hire know exactly how to suck away every last bit of wageslave earnings and NEET bux from the consumerist zombies that are millennials
There is no point in thinking good games will ever really come out from any of your past favorite companies or future ones, for that matter.

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Genuinely this... really lowkey wish the admins would ban that transmisogynistic filth...

People expected an mmorpg, not hotbar ddr with co-op matchmaking.

I see no problem with this, fuck healers.

BLU would probably get a random set of skills like every other job

Define an MMORPG then.

yes. dont download them you faggot you are ruining the modding scene

>I'm always left to wonder what exactly people expect out of XIV
You can't really understand if you never played an MMO before Cataclysm completely raped the genre.

Try again.

MMO=Massive multiplayer online
RPG=A video game genre that has been clearly established since the 80s.

WoW was taking it downhill long before, but Cataclysm was the moment they gouged out its eyes and skullfucked the genre beyond repair.

try vanilla you zoomer

So what's a real MMORPG with a LIVING BREATH WORLD then?

FFXIV 2.0 to 5.0 cannot be an MMO because it is not massive. In fact, the world is incredibly tiny, separated by loading screens and further separated into instances for each zone. Unlike 1.0, where loading screen were minimal. FFXIV 2.0 to 5.0 cannot be an RPG, since Yoshi P continues to strip out features typical to regular RPGs and Final Fantasy RPGs in order to please the mouthbreathers that occupy the game. In this sense, FFXIV 2.0 to 5.0 can only be a MOG. Multiplayer Online Game. But even the "game" part is questionable.

FFXIV 1.0 was the only time FFXIV was a MMORPG.

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>I want everyone to flood the market with materials that used to take many hours to become easily obtainable
you sicken me you lazy freak

>Massive Multiplay Online
XIV fits the bill
Fairly limited in this regard, but they seem to be catering to the role playing crowd more in game features built to enhance role playing experience for players.

Contrarian to your core.

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>I used fantasia to change to Viera and I'm enjoying it. As they're a special race and it may not be possible, but feel like the number of hairstyles available for Viera and Hrothgar is quite limited. Do you have plans to add more in the future?

>Of course we plan on adding more, so please wait for future patches. However it will still be race-specific, so there won’t be as many selections when compared to other races.

Of course you're going to add more, because one has to Fantasia on Hrothgar to fucking change anything and people who play Viera are literal dress up niggers that camp the mog station for their next slutglam.

Fuck these lazy monkeys.

I'm trying to see if I can copy the usual XIV 1.0 shitposter. Did I do alright?

and 1.0 was the only time FFXIV was irredeemable garbage

How does one get the shorts that the lalafell questgiver is using with the happi? Also that the hrothgar has in the event page?

Having to spend tomes and hunt seals to bridge the massive level gaps between expansions to level desynths was some of the dumbest shit in the game.

>when WotLK introduced almost every shitty mechanic plaguing modern MMOs

Massive refers to player count, not world size. Massively multiplayer.

Also yeah, 1.0 was massive, but it was also cut and paste central. Large open areas full of fucking nothing

>Dumbfuck thinks Vanilla WoW was all that great.
>The only things it did well when it came out was
>Solo content was actually an option.
>Could run on a toaster.

That being said, I hope it does remotely well so other classic servers of other games become more prevalent like with Everquest and Lineage 2. And maybe more pre-wow oriented mmos like Pantheon.

Make sure to mention 1.23b instead of just 1.0.


It's literally been turned into the brain dead retard class of rDPS. Only thing that matters is ping, but what doesn't in this game.

Open up your wallet newnigger

it was also dead as fuck

It's really depressing how true this is, maybe it's time to finally quit this genre.

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>People dress in lighter clothing when its hot.
>People in-game simulate that with the summer event.
Incel or Puritan?

Don't be stupid desynth is fucking stupid.
Is like when some people complained when you get all your cooldowns when you wipe.

Is it me or does it feel like these trust kill shit alot slower than squadrons do? Maybe thats just me.

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I thought it was because SWG fucked up hard with the Jedi holocrons that everyone just went to play WoW

Squadrons AoE but can't do mechanics.
Trusts do mechanics but can't AoE.

Giantess is best fetish, don't be a homo, brah.

Retards only hold vanilla like its the greatest mmo because it was their first and blizz's mindset of dumb everything down to make it more accessible to casuals worked.

Both iterations have been dog shit and let down the player in multitude, but not always in the same ways.

Pantheon is honestly the last MMO i'm looking forward to. I don't have any hopes, at all, but I need something.

I've been begging for PSO to make a comeback for over a decade. It's still the best video game ever made.

move out of the way weebs and neckbeards, the REAL wowkiller is coming through

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>tfw the era of wowkillers actually had a ton of great mmos ruined by their absolute requirement to try and beat wow at being wow.
Really a shame.

But companies still make good games.

>I'm starting to believe what Yoshi said in regards to "quitting" and coming back every patch for content.
I'm not sure why there was ever any doubt. Look at the game right now. You level to 80, you do the dungeons and Eden tier 1 and extremes, and, unless you decide to get a static and pound your head against savage, what else is there? Nothing. Level another job or a crafter or unsub until next patch. That's how the game has been for years. That's how it will always be.

How the fuck do you compare CD's refreshing on a wipe, to the removal of something that people put time and effort into? It may seem small, but that's always how it starts. Fuck off retard.

>make good game
>kill it off because it didn't hit WoW numbers

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>literally just right click stacks of items and hope you don't get fucked by RNG

Wow such effort

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>want to have all the souls and such
>costs hundreds of dollars
fuck off with that Trion garbage.

There's just not many options, hell, any options, for a modern MMORPG. This shit feels like a lobby based hallway crawl at best.

There is no physical way to create enough content for people to play a game 24/7 and feel happy about it.

Correct, still more time and effort than the retarded comparison you made, chimp boy.

Then play a different genre.

That's the problem with creating disposable content that has zero opportunities for player agency, isn't it?

It doesn't have to be this way, but it's what sells apparently. And daily reminder we'll never get DQX because "westerners don't like that kind of game."

Was it autism?

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I only really have interest/enjoy RPG's. I've exhausted all the single player ones on the market, I fall back on MMO's during a drought.

WoW Classic should hopefully revitalize the genre

I'm not even the dude who originally made that comparison, I just don't thing having desynth leveled is fulfilling or really rewarding in any way. It's the most montonous RNG grind in the entire game outside of Eureka rerolls.


Not him but I seriously, seriously doubt you've played every single RPG out there. Maybe all the current gen ones, but there is no way you've played every single noteworthy RPG release from even the last few years.


Fuck, they'd butcher it to hell and back if they ever did bring it over.

Seriously, there is no way to have a game consistently feel fresh for eternity. It's not possible, no company has done it.
The closest you can get is PvP because pitting player against player creates new encounters, but even then maps and balance can get stale if not updated consistently.
There is no possible way to create dungeon/raid style content at a fast enough pace that people never feel the urge to dip out and also have people feel happy about the time commitment. If you want to timegate everything behind absurd grind then go for it.

>get burned out by E2S
>want to play another MMO
>Neverwinter and ESO are the only real options
>both are trash

I initially thought he would be a Sin Eater leader/ Warden in disguise

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I honestly really respect Yoshi for his just unsub and come back for new content idea. At least he's honest about it, any other MMO dev would want you to stay subbed doing mindless shit like rep grinds or dailies to milk you of your sub money, meanwhile Yoshi knows how shitty that is from his mmo experience so he says go play other things so you don't get burned out.

You didn't read my post or you wouldn't have made this comment. Don't ever fucking reply to me again on this thread, this board or any other board.

More like they don't want non jp people conming in and demanding changes, complaining and being offended by 'problematic content'. I say from experience, dqx has a lot of stuff the avg ff14 or wow player would hate and not forgetting the politically correct brigade.

everyone will play WoW Classic, realize it's not as good as they remember, and leave within a couple months.


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>hitting the fish gap of about 290-390

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If I couldn't play XIV I'd probably play GW2, but god damn GW2 is hideous.
I'm not asking for like sexy races or BDO tier graphics but all the glowing wings and infusions just ruin everything.

When does MCH start getting good?

You're right, I've exhausted all the ones worth investing in and completing. I'm not going to play a game I know I won't like, RPG or otherwise. Same thing with other genres.

I'm currently playing this. I like the exploration and side quests, but I don't like how little abilities you can actually use. Then there's how they force the cash shop on you if you want basic stuff

Letting my house go was best choice I made in ff14. I will come back for 24man for one month.

It really doesnt

He really should've been, the one in the well felt really sloppy
>I can't sense it anywhere so it must be in this old well
>it was there and we killed it let's move on

GW2 fucking sucks and I hate it

Either my brain isn't wired the right way or I'm just too used to getting rewarded for things, but I keep seeing people praise ESO on exploration and I cannot fathom how.
There's actually nothing worth finding that isn't noted on the map and required for map completion.
I wish I could just have GW2 but with ESO aesthetics, however ESO is trying it's damndest to shove as much glowy shit into their game as well.

I wish more people thought like you, there's so many houses that the owners don't even use but they stay subbed so they can keep it just for the prestige of owning one.

if no one is doing 10k dps get out of there.

I'm not even talking about making content that feels fresh forever, I'm just talking about creating content that isn't exactly the same every time you do it, where player decisions can even slightly affect the outcome. Eureka was a stab at this, but done in a fucking horrible way - which I guess should be expected given that they have to work with FFXIV's spaghetti code and terrible engine.

Dungeons should not be straight lines. Party makeup should wildly alter the experience of every group because of how different jobs are. The open world should have a lot to offer and be large and difficult to navigate. These are just a few things that would lend themselves to making a game that stays interesting for a long time, a lot more could be done. ARR was much closer to this than the game is now, but still a far cry from MMOs from the early 2000s.

>Dungeons should not be straight lines. Party makeup should wildly alter the experience of every group because of how different jobs are. The open world should have a lot to offer and be large and difficult to navigate.
These are all things that MMO communities kill off not the developers.

>all crafts take 2 tomestone mats to make
>except Leather for some reason which takes fucking six


>Want to craft furniture
>Requires cloth items
>Here we go again
>Needs 6 items that take 4 items each and those 4 items need 4 each to make
>Have to spend 20 minutes gathering garbage
Why is weaver so fucking cursed

because we all know how painful getting a house is in this game
For just a small amount every month I can hold on to that while still having the option of firing up the launcher to check out the game once in a while. At this point I'm at the point where I have to level up everything to 80 but once that's done I just dont play ffxiv at all until the next patch cycle. And I dont begrudge the small amount to keep my house, I just think of it as upkeep

Do I stack crit or direct hit on SAM?

Does the jumping puzzle for Moonfaire give you anything?

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play the job with a 1.7s GCD, and lower it further with skill speed materia.

Not him, but I'm 100% with you.

I always compare the two most popular dungeons in WoW vanilla for the reason for this:

The giant, sprawling, zone in itself Blackrock Depths, with so many objectives inside doing a full clear was unheard of in one sitting, with loot that was pretty good to endgame level, took about 10 minutes to get there from the closest flight path

Scarlet Monastery (esp. Library and Cathedral), which are straight lines and have lots of easy to gather and burn down trash, with the loot was also excellent and had incredible stats for its level, in addition to the mountain of cloth and greens. Located right next to a horde capital, no less.

People say they want BRD, but they keep running SM over and over and over. Devs look at what dungeons people run over and over again, as they have numbers for this: 10 BRD runs vs 250 SM runs. As such, they extrapolate from that data that people like the straight line dungeon full of easy mobs vs the giant puzzle of BRD

in FFXIV we had Brayflox Hard as the first widely run 'speedrun' dungeon, (I don't count Castrum Meridianum as it was the only source of Philo tomes for a long while). Most speedrun attitudes can find their roots in Brayflox, pulling to the wall, etc

to rain piss on all the brainlets who cant even into platforming

it had a lot of great ideas, but easily burried them in bad ideas as well.

>Dungeons should not be straight lines. Party makeup should wildly alter the experience of every group because of how different jobs are
Do you understand the people that play this game? If you do that, some group of autists WILL find the precise combination that has the fastest clear time, and you'll be ostracized if you even think about deviating from that

1st speed run starts of wall to wall, besides MSQ, was wanderers palace.
if you werent PLD, BRD, WHM or BLM, u werent wanted.
Once the jobs got some fixing, other jobs could speed run much more easily in Bray Hard.
but even so, i still was PLD, and helpping all my friends speed run through it, even with horrible party set ups, and it was pretty normal.
plenty of WARs found work arounds, to speed through it too.
PLD, BRD, BLM, WHM could do it in 8mins, while WAR, SCH, non BLM/BRD would take 15mins (non speed runs were nearly 30mins)
I think SE tried to make it take longer, but maybe im missremembering it.

Thank you, everyone always gets so up in arms dreaming of the days when people ran Gnomer or BRD as if the average person actually enjoyed it.
The allure of a long winding dungeon wears thin very fast and people optimize it because it's content they feel obligated to do for X reason, gear or a currency or even just XP. Then it's just about trimming time off of it.

Thoughts on RDM?

>Chinkshit Age of Fire mobileshit that focuses on manipulating whales as much as possible makes a lot of money
Yes it's depressing that this is somehow the biggest success out of FFXV but I don't see what that has to do with this thread.

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for its foundational playstyle, it has far too many buttons. They went the right path with adding Verholy/Flare to Stone/Thunder and Scorch on Jolt

what the hell is the 150 potency displacement replacement for? what the hell is the 5/5 mana spender for?

Class has a lot of impact though and its sufficiently flashy. Its my favorite caster dps

>what the hell is the 150 potency displacement replacement for?
If you really don't want to backflip at that moment
>what the hell is the 5/5 mana spender for?
If you fucked up your mana or you plan to manafication and you can't get into melee range soon. (Whiffing and not crossing the brambles early enough on Titania EX for example).

>what the hell is the 150 potency displacement replacement for?
When you don't want to kill yourself from backflipping
>what the hell is the 5/5 mana spender for?
Mana management and attacking during long periods of movement if your other tools are on cd

if hydaelyn is a primal shouldnt she be sucking up obscene amounts of aether

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So, I'm guessing no reward? Why the fuck wouldn't they give you something to mog the retards that are too retarded to complete it.

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in most cases, one of the few thinsg RDMs require skill at, is performing the backflip as much as possible, while not messing up/dying.
but occasionally its not possible, no matter what, and so it was a replacement option.
kinda lame though, since its such a rarely used skill.

the other is also rarely used, but far more welcoming. sooner or later, you have moments where you absolutely can not cast for a long while. if you dont case, u cant dual cast.
and while u can swift cast, thats also a slight DPS loss to use swift cast for that, but obviously a worse DPS loss to not cast at all.
so they made a shitty attack, that has a potency of 132 (says its more, but 5/5 mana is a DPS loss, since mana is worth a lot of DPS)
its technically worse in some cases, since it can ruin the new RDM playstyle of pushing for more WS combos.
but its not terrible, and can almost do what minuet does for mana dumping now at 5/5.
anyways, you'll only use this in savage/EX fights, and never in anything else. (and only a few of them.)

they were made with infinite mana.
they dont need more mana (in theory)

Should be a sign of worry given its one of the reasons Pokemon has really gone to shit. Why invest further in core games when mobile shit will produce more. Try and keep the bare minimum going and expand those profit margins thru cheaply maintained games that you can shit out on a whim.

FUCK Hydaelyn, FUCK Jannies, and FUCK MHIGGERS

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What, the feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction of a job well done not enough for you?

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You get the snackisfaction of a great view and a screenshot to prove you made it up there.

Can someone shed some light on how this makes any sense?
Is it because we are artificially created by Hydaelyn's strike against Zodiark? But are we not also part of Zodiark considering we literally inhabit his divided body?

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Hydaelyn was made differently.

Both of those are meaningless. Disappointing.

its more likely that Hydelayn is the source of aether that lesser primals like Ifrit, etc are draining out of

The divided races are not truly Amaurotine, they were seeded from the life generated and regenerated by Zodiark healing the planet and restoring reality's laws. On top of this, to Emet-Selch you are 1/2 of a "complete" creature, or 8/14ths at best. To him you're a shambling un-man and a bad reminder of the fact that the world is a literal reflection of the one he knew.

I don't give a shit about FF I just saw the DQX logo and got my hopes up for nothing. Thanks alot OP.

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It's because we are objectively inferior to Assians in almost every way. You don't consider killing a dog or insect murder, though some people may object to it; and chances are even less would object if killing a couple million animals could resurrect and save every loved one of every person ever.

ala mhigan lives matter

Hydaelyn is "complete", and doesn't need a constant aether intake. Primals do because they're almost entirely created with the idea of an omnipotent creator-god in mind, and for creation magic to attempt to fulfill that desire it enters a constant feedback loop of drawing in more and more aether.

Go to bed Lyse. Or better yet, turn back into Yda.

>immortal, live for ever.
kill an immortal, YOU brought about their end.
>mortal, you will always die
kill a mortal, and you have the same outcome.
>have a vase.
>vase breaks into pieces.
>pieces have no value.
>vases do.
>you cant "ruin" broken pieces. you use them to fix a broken vase.
>I dont see broken pieces as being ruined, therefor not bad to use them in the restoration of something of real value.

Why do they even bother? The vast majority of XIV's playerbase is new to MMOs and it really shows (especially the console players), getting upset at a game they never played is ridiculous.

>objectively inferior to Ascians
>have wiped out almost half of their supposedly superior immortal council

Maybe he should've rethought things before challenging us

where are you getting this, from the lore book?

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When FFXIV has that many subs, and only then, they will announce it and flaunt it. Those types of things are free hype, publicity, talking points.

FFXIV doesn't have more subs than WoW. It would be using it as leverage.

>The game doesn't get good until level 35
>The game doesn't get good until Heavensward
>The game doesn't get good until endgame
XIV players in a nutshell.

this kind of rhetoric doesn't work in an MMO though, because the PC literally cannot fail and never will. It's pretty idiotic.

>Zhloe and the Miqkittens are at the faire
thats cute.

Mentioning subs is not a good idea because look at how it hurt WoW in the long run.
>WoW announces it has 10 million subscribers
>An insane amount and is definitely not required for a game to hit to feel alive or even be profitable
>Now as subs have dwindled their prior numbers keep getting rubbed into their face as they use new metrics to brush off any questions regarding playerbase
It's a short term gloat for long term drawbacks.
Also if you are the kind of person who plays a game strictly because other people are playing it then even having 1.1 million means nothing compared to things like Fortnite/LoL/Dota 2.


Even if he gets to level 50 he has to get through the boring as fuck questing and MSQ of ARR. Heavensward is barely better, stormblood is horrible and i heard shills hype up SB MSQ but i have fucking doubts.

The point is that Emet is doing everything in his power to bring back his people and save them from their fate.
We as the WoL are doing everything in our power to save our people and prevent them from extinction.
The point is given Emet's position we would probably do the same thing. The Crystal Tower's time machine was even made in part by combining Alexander (Primal) and whatever the fuck Omega is. It also probably doomed whatever little hope the future had considering their best option was to go back in time and undo the calamity.

Most MMOs run with less than 10k players and most are just fine. Having anything higher and be ahead by that much is something to praise but nobody likes to brag, especially the japanese

Nowadays their entire business model is pumping out as many allied races as they can so that they can continue to sell race changes to their tranny audience.

Sadly the same will or rather has happened to FFXIV. They'll continue the bare minimum in terms of content production and slowly increase the Cash Shop addition as they have realized the likes of Balmung and Mateus heavily dip into that side of the game.

Anyone willing to buy me Shadowbringers in exchange for ERP?

No their business model is calling it "Monthly Active Users" so they can just lump WoW Classic and BFA together so nobody can say one playerbase is greater than the other.
On top of shit like the subscription mounts, timegated updates, and everything to do with allied races.
I kind of doubt it, WoW started lofty then started nosediving like a lot of MMOs do.
If XIV has something to it's credit it set a schedule of it's updates and has just continued to be as consistent as they possibly can. Sure you don't have the giant leaps and bounds ahead but you also don't have the gigantic droughts or shit equivalent to the Twitter Update in 6.1 for WoW.

fuck off nigger.

>Still can't find good DPS to reclear E2S

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>tfw so disheartened by pugs fucking up ex primals I haven't even started on savage
I'm screwed.

The WoL is 6/13ths Amaurotian though, more than basically anyone else. It probably also explains why we're so damn good at everything.

Inference based on what we know of primals and of creation-magic, which primal summoning is now known to be. Amaurotines had so much aether that they were all minor gods in their own way, and creation-magic defined their civilization. Emet-Selch gives us a first-hand example of how powerful they are by pulling Y'shtola out of the lifestream, and creating a full-scale creation of Amaurot just before it all fell apart, complete with its own sentient (probably not sapient, not counting self-aware Hythlodaeus) inhabitants that are themselves capable of creation-magic. Even the fake Amaurotines didn't create anything that was a notable drain on surrounding aether the way a primal is, or give you a creation matrix that had a noticeable effect on surrounding aether once used.

It doesn't make sense that if a primal were a completed being that it would be constantly drawing aether into itself unless it was trying to summon up strength for something, the way Alexander did both to travel through time and just to get its body moving.

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I decided to join my friend on JP data center, little did I realize the game is basically dead for me during the day because of this and I have to get up at 5AM just to play when it is active. Have I made a mistake? how bad is parsing on NA? I've never run into any tryhard parsers on JP and I don't want to deal with tryhard fags I just care about clearing and having fun

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My headcanon is still that we are the Ascian we talk to in Amaurot and that we are Hydaelyn's creator hence all the special attention we get from her.
Until it's disproven my gut feeling is 5.x is going to expand on our past as an Ascian in a way to bring Emet back in the form of his life pre-sundering.

I honestly burned out after doing Eden normal once, unsubbed and wondering how many years before the end of expansion comes so I can finish the story since this is just a glorified single player.

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And Emet still underestimated us just like the rest of his ilk and got fucked for it. As much as we meme on him Elidibus GTFOing when prince Autism broke down his door was probably a smart move considering how his only remaining bro just got utterly BTFO,

If you joined JP to be an ebic raider you got memed on, they'll realize you're a gaijin quite quickly and you won't get carried. Realistically you're not going to run into tryhards in normal play on NA, but if you do it's an easy task to completely ignore them (or report them if they bring up in-game that they're parsing to try and be a cunt in the party).

Emet couldn't see Ardbert which was what tipped the scales in our favor.
If Ardbert had died with the rest of his friends 100 years prior then Emet would've won and probably uncovered the secrets to time travel from the exarch as well.

Pretty much. Elidibus knows that Asciens are being killed. Just why would he risk fighting someone equal to WoLs strength? I'm sure there are other ways to kill Asciens outside of needing an Auricite

>parsing to try and be a cunt in the party
Honestly I have only been a cunt to under-performing players a few times with parses and thats solely due to the fact that they tend to be the players who shit on another weak link for doing horribly when in reality they probably only had a gap of 50-100 DPS from their target member. If you're gonna shit on others for bad performance when you're being a shitter yourself get prepared to be shat on from someone who can give you empirical data.

If we ever learn to chase them into the rift they'll have literally nothing left

When am I supposed to use Flamethrower? isn't spread shot just as or more effective?

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Honestly I kind of like the fact the Ascians are immortal but not omnipotent. The 3 Ascians we fight are a bunch of nerds who have been around a long time instead of being literal evil gods.

Man, i do hope that the 5.X patches focus on the Amaurot part of the story, culminating with a battle against Elidibus in 5.3

Use a controller and the Netflix fishing macro whilst watching Netflix.

Nope, it'll be more Alliance vs Garlemald filler set up

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It's interesting that the amaurotines aren't necessarily *better*, they're just more powerful by huge orders of magnitude. They've been outsmarted, beaten in direct shows of strength, outmaneuvered and plotted against, but they're still capable of more things than the average Hydaelyn-dweller could ever dream of.

Garlemald is toast unless Gaius assumes the throne, and he's aware there's more important things than trying to conquer Eorzea to worry about. Varis is dead(?) and Zenos isn't interested at all in ruling, and the war-of-succession means any other heirs apparent are dead or exiled.

Varis will be possessed by Elidibus once Zenos goes off chasing Hydelayn

I like that Emet seems surprised by the Crystal Exarch and really has no idea how he traveled back in time.
I wish that had been brought up that the "sundered mortals" had finally come up with something that even surprised him.

Yeah, I don't get the point of it either. I've only seen one very niche use for it and it was just using it before the big Titania add spawns to maybe get 1 tick of damage in before continuing what you normally do.

Garlemald has magitek on their side. No way they can lose to a bunch of savages

*unsheathes gunblade*

Rewatch End of an Era, magic tears through magitek like paper.

that was by a BLM. Not like theres a whole army of them

The MNK version is the only edit that even makes sense.

They also have superhuman aether abilities at their disposal.

anyone have the gil spam messages you see in game? I want to trigger a fag in my FC

But I like the astro version.

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>tfw carry previous week party
>tfw this week's party 1 shots it
feels great to be a good player

Emet has such good voice acting and characterization. That he dies so quickly is a shame. I wish they had someone on his level to replace him because every other ascian and villain is just boring as fuck.

Is this one of you fucks?

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If the woman that wrote Shadowbringers continues to write the MSQ, we might get a few more Emet-tier characters. Though my hopes are low considering our main villains seem to be Zenos and Elidibus now.

I think you guys are missing the point with Garl's Magitek.

They appeal to my boob plate/bodysuit fetish.

God dammit, I've seen this faggot so many times.

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There is nothing wrong with Zenos as an antagonist.

Change my mind. Comparing him to another character isn't an argument

It's pretty clear from the rest of shadowbringers that emet selch was a fluke. Someone simply had the great idea of putting a twist on the ascians and having one not be a total edgelord and actually friendly. The rest of the expansion still repeats a lot of mistakes past ones made in terms of writing, like the scions being completely devoid of personality, development and interpersonal dynamics (with exception of thancred, and alisae and Alphinaud sibling banter that happens twice throughout the expansion), and the areas still all consist of you hearing some sob story from a literal who and the helping his group of people do some padding shit so you can get to the fun plot development part.

One thing shadowbringers did right which I wish they'd develop more was the use of graphical content. I loved seeing that girl transform into a sin eater. It really made me feel bad for her and the people's plight in ways that I otherwise wouldn't.

Zenos had his story and his ending in 4.0 and he should have stayed dead.

he's still alive because of well established lore, and anything Zenos was written by the same lady that did ShB. Having everyone be the same style of antagonist as Emet-Selch would make it boring. Zenos is pretty established character and its possible he could change.

Which means, Zenos is getting a redemption arc

dear god help me, my server is filled with rps (famfrit) i don't have a single friend that play this game and i already finished the msq

time to unsub i guess

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has it been stated what caused the destruction of amaurot yet?

it's been said that famfrit has the lowest quality of players in the game


>spent the night learning monk
1% on the e4s dummy, woo

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a fucking fart

If Yotsuyu could be redeemed, so can Zenos

you meta slut

Its already clear from the end of 5.0 that Zenos isn't going to change. He'll probably make the path into Garlemald easy so that the Warrior of Light can reach the throne room and they can have another fight, and then Zenos can possess another primal (maybe Zodiark this time), and there'll be another trial, and then he'll probably kill himself again. And then Gaius, who also should have remained dead, will lead Garlemald as Emperor, or as President/Prime Minister if Garlemald returns to its republican routes, and since FFXIV has a fascination for city-states turning into republics. Hell, Eulmore will probably turn into a republic during the patch content.

>new MNK opener does less damage than previous one even if it makes sense putting FC right after BH instead of a GCD later
I wish I had sub30 ping for the GOOD opener

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It would have spread to them eventually, but I think them bringing over beasts from across the sea in order to study them may have quickened their demise

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Zenos will go out exactly one way:

He'll actually find fucking Zodiark, attempt to fight him and all we'll see is a close up of his shocked/surprised face the instant before he gets disintegrated. Think Gestahl/Kefka opening the esper world gate in FF6 just before Vector was destroyed

so it was cthulhu?

He's too popular for that to happen. He'll succeed

>Static doesnt clear fight
>have to wait 24 whole hours before attempting again
This was a mistake

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I wish I could be as optimistic as you. Zenos will possess a weakened Zodiark, and then say something about how he wants to see the Warrior of Light use the full strength of his fully rejoined Ascian soul.

If we're lucky, he'll try to go for a round 2 and then get killed by the true will of the world.

I expect him to get completely overwritten by Zodiark rather than the other way around. He is far beyond a weakened Shinryu.

>There is no physical way to create enough content for people to play a game 24/7 and feel happy about it.
imagine being THIS cucked and coping THIS hard about patches having a week long lifespan

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my controller broke from playing ninja too much

No I'm not..

>reaching the climax of 5.0 MSQ
>uhhhh you have to go dig around a mine so you can find a shiny rock so we can create the iron giant to push you in a big dumb fucking minecart
I thought you idiots said ShB was good? this is worse than that time I had to run around Costa del Sol for cooking supplies when Titan was summoned

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>>reaching the climax of 5.0 MSQ
no you aren't lol

emet selch is adachi

Go away Tigole

a giant katana.

Am I the only one who unironically liked the minecart?
I thought the boring part was the woods desu.
>skip Quietus or disband is already a thing

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>climax of 5.0 MSQ
cart is actually the worst part of the story, everything about ranjit sucked

I didn't mind it, and really liked what it led to

They're not wrong in regards to this game though. Gearing progression that boils down to "Do you do Savage" paired with an iLvl system that makes sure stats dont mean much to your rotation pretty much limits the kind of content variation you can make without making everything else obsolete due to the way the "+1" treadmill works. The game is fundamentally flawed and another overhaul would be needed.

Can any drawfags please do one of these but with Alphinaud

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Twine was weaker than the first half of Raktika, but I didn't think either were terrible. The quest for getting the rock was incredibly tedious, though. Who's fucking idea was it to kill mobs that dont spawn all at once multiple times?

>breaking Alphinaud's heart
You deserve death

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For me, its Lyse.

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Exactly what it means, you can hold a direction and move from original start location before landing.

Please I need this in my life. I dont care if I need to spend money. I need this, user.

Must be nice to play with a static of good players...
I'm so tired of shit dps and "healer dps doesn't matter" meme.

Reminder there was an user on here saying Reddit was a shit place to get information because they copy and paste information from the discord.

well no shit, they're the exact same people you retard.

reminder that Ryne, a 15-16 year old teenager or so, has bigger tits than Lyse, a 25 year old fully grown woman.

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This thread

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It's the Minfilia in her.
Why is Minfilia so important to Hydaelyn and the Ascians anyway?

she's probably some incarnation of Hydelayn or the individual that summoned her

HEr highlander blood was much stronger than Lyse's

I had a situation like that over a year ago. A gladiator in Aurum Vale. Unfortunately, most new players are fucking retards and saying "Hey, tank, you should unlock PLD at Ul'dah to make tanking easier for yourself" doesn't change anything. They'll just say "i'm a good tank" and drop a link to their soundcloud or youtube channel. Thanks for reading my blog.

Or complete silence. Fuck the community with their endless void of silence.

Someone explain to me why Bard Songs don't give the 2% Direct Hit buff anymore to the party?

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because passive buffs are boring, and utility =\= make numbers bigger

it's the tits

Sure would be great if the chat channel auto-selected the party when you enter duty instances. WoW had that figured out in 2005.

>tfw the whole reason 1.0 failed was because of the whole idea that they can "patch it later" and fix it
>yoshida even recognized this
>people are now defending the reason why it failed in the first place
It's like people are retarded.

Short answer?


People just want to do big dick damage, and to offset utility, damage needs to be reduced aka. DNC. Also, they want to remove "mandatory classes" that reign supreme and always have a raid slot for the utility they bring.

Aka. Welcome to the trickle down system of homogenization.

Just type /p

I've been at 3-5% enrage on E1S on the pug side, can't clear final phase with FC because none of them care to practice more than 30 minutes at a time. I was just with a group and had one of my best parses yet on BLM, everyone else was putting out between 10-11k, we just couldn't pull it off at the end. I'm so close to a clear I can taste it.

I used to hate Ranjit and thought it was stupid how he inexplicably showed up everywhere, but the more it happened the funnier I found it and eventually I was dying of laughter every time he showed up out of nowhere. It’s just some wacky scooby doo bullshit and I fell for it hook, line, and sinker

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Whats her end game?

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almost certainly the voidwalker, in which case she's the 13th's counterpart of ryne

>team is playing as best as they can
>still can't get Titan to 69% at the end of the first phase
I'm concerned, bros.

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it's purely a trash pull ability, used if you have no heat and bioblaster is on cooldown. It ticks 100 potency EVERY SECOND, rather than every tick so it's 1000 potency total versus spread shot's base of 720 (180x4) at 2.5gcd, or 900 (180x5) at 2.0 gcd

>One of the values of the scions is that primal ware a three and can not be suffered to live
>This is also the founding principal of the Empire
>Which was founded by an Ascian

Shouldn’t the scions be looking into this more? Their goals lining up like this can’t be a good thing, but none of them have thought to address this

What a garbage design. Truly Kingdom Hearts tier.

IIRC its explained at level 57 in the MSQ, right after the aftermath of the Vault

see pic

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i wish i could forcibly tuck everyone who plays this game into bed and then guard them until they lack the want/need to play this game anymore because their addiction finally dissolved away

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But the LORE

He is literally 99 Cents Store Master Asia. He's gonna be back.

Bards inspire, which is vague enough it can be pretty much anything

gaia = minfilia = ryne
unukalhai = (You) = ardbert

My soul has been forever bound to Yoshi-p's wild ride, there is no salvation to be found in tucking.

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JP night time is extremely active. There can easily be hundreds of savage PFs up, and RF queues take less than 5 minutes to pop as dps. Only a tenth of these are english parties, however, and almost everything else has JPonly in the description (same reason NA players don't want to play with the French)
As such, getting your blind clear will take much longer, but finding reclear parties is very fast because you can queue for RF while refreshing PF. The only thing you need to do at this point is follow a macro

Similar to NA you won't run into many tryhards outside of statics. I believe thanks to the culture of abandoning and starting over instead of sitting in a hopeless party for hours with pent up anger, they're less likely to go nuclear in chat when something goes wrong

unsubscribe, give your account away, just stop

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getting headpats from Thancred and Urianger.

Stuck at E2 in pugs for a week. I'm convinced by now that only by next week people will have enough gear to clear the thing.

Why am I labeled as an asshole if I follow the Japanese rule in disbanding after two wipes in a clear party before adds?

Yeah, the girl transforming into a sin eater was great. Another moment that stuck out to me was Ardbert trying to swing his axe at the sin eater that was about to ambush the injured Crystarium guard and the medic. Seeing him realize he could do nothing and just stand there while they screamed in pain for help was amazingly good. I hope 6.0 does more things like that, because when they get that shit right, they nail it. It just doesn’t happen as often as I’d like.

The ascians engineer conflict. Producing primals by teaching summoning to the beastmen, and then engineering civilization to oppose this. The difference between the scions and garlemald is that the scions are aware of the ascians manipulation, and don't seek to genocide beastmen races or go to war with them as a result, they just destroy the primals when summoned, and do what they can to prevent summonings in the first place.

Full scale calamity through war is the general ascian goal. Not summoning, which is just a tool to elevate the power of oppressed lesser races into a legitimate threat to the established civilizations, causing strife and conflict.

I tried saying it before but the tone felt a bit lighter during the second half. It didn't really feel the same as the first half where death was common and people get the disease put of nowhere and are mercy killed.

If you were asking me the tone,
First half would be Nier (prologue)/post time skip
While second half felt like Nier (pre time skip)

>join an (((enrage/clear party)))
>retard sneaker dies to every mechanic
>melees willingly eat shit or ignore mechanics for uptime
>15 minutes later i vote abandon
>motion rejected
>do it again
>get the fuck out of the party
>see it pop back up in PF with some equivalent of "leave the salt in the kitchen"
fucking hell, i wish the fast abandon rule was more prevalent in english communities

Why vote abandon? Just leave lmao.

Really really REALLY thought a scion was gonna die during this xpac. They didn’t even kill off the cat boy. I mean, I’m glad that they’re alive, I like them as characters I guess. But after hearing Ardbert repeatedly say “be prepared to make tough choices, I wonder who you are going to lose, everything comes at a cost” etc I must admit I do feel a bit cucked in the regard. No, Minfilia doesn’t count.

Explain one PvE focused game that can maintain that kind of content delivery then.

I'm honestly surprised people felt anything for the deaths in ShB
Here's a useless escort quest bitch tripping death flags faster than a SMN fingering his ogcds
Oops I'm retarded and turned my back against my enemy and jobbed
Fast forward to Lakeland
Oops I'm retarded and turned my back against my enemy and jobbed AGAIN
It's all so fucking contrived

Honestly, I thought they were going to "kill" off the scions during the fight with hades. The fact the music just stops makes me go "oh fuck.".

the twist is that it was building up to kill off most of the scions, all of the scions except for Alisaie had a target on their back but the one that was actually going to die was you

You should go try and help gacha players they are worse off than any MMO player.

They lost their guts for killing main people after HW. There we lost Haurchefant, Ysayle, then Papalymo. Then SB comes and who dies? couple mhigger literal whos nobody cared about.

Shadowbringers story wasn't that good, it just had constructed emotional moments to trick you into thinking it is

>You should go try and help gacha players they are worse off than any MMO player.
When it's not MMO players, I'm begging gachafags to stop in their routine threads here, too.

This is not how greentext is used you retard.

why are the character models and animations in this game so bad? it contrasts very hard with the great voice acting

I loved Conrad. I actually liked SB story but hated the fact it kept losing focus every fucking minute.

I can't be the only one who liked SB. Can I?

story is subjective

Don't forget people who still buy FIFA games.

This is how I feel when I hear about people using triggerometry and cactbot.

those people aren't human and I don't actually see fifa threads here

PS3 Limitations.
Honestly I just stopped caring about Ala Mhigo years ago, they are all assholes. Your interactions with just about every Ala Mhigan prior to SB is that they are violent refugees who will do anything to try and get their homeland back.
Doma on the other hand was introduced and the Domans were willing to find a way to work for themselves and didn't demand handouts or blame everyone else for their problems.
We were never given an Ala Mhigan character to really give a shit about in a way that made us even care about saving Ala Mhigo.


On Mateus a shitload of people are giving the battered fish for free, you just need to open trade with them.

based contrarian retard

as much as i liked emet's attitude and all the shed light on ascian history, i agree. shb was noticeably manipulative.
then again, manipulative shit sells very well because people can go 'dude hype dude muh FEELS' about it on reddit

It was okay, but I can't forgive them for the retarded Lyse reveal, like in the end it literally didn't matter at all that she wasn't Yda, it would have changed nothing in the story to keep her as Yda.

Conrad? M'naggo?

What about Raubahn?

They absolutely do.
The big character on the back is "pe" and the ones on the front are "upepe", which are both referencing the Namazu and the way they speak in Japanese.

>game's writers try to create emotional moments
>games being manipulative
Am I being memed on?

It’s anazing how much I didn’t give a fuck about G’raha Tia. Every time he got emotional I thought it was cringe an creepy and I don’t know why saying his name is made him cry. He was a little bitch to be honest. Maybe it’s because it’s been forever since I played through Crystal Tower but man. Easily the character that fell flattest to me for ShB.

It's gone? Damn it, share em someplace.

there's a huge difference between crafting believable emotional moments and HERE'S MY ENTIRE FUCKING INSTAGRAM GALLERY OF SHITOLA DID YOU MISS HER YET PLEASE CRYYYYYYY LIKE RUNAR OVER HERE

>We were never given an Ala Mhigan character to really give a shit about in a way that made us even care about saving Ala Mhigo.

This was the entire narrative purpose of Raubahn and Lyse. Did you even play the game?

I personally hate anything to do with Garlean's because they're so grounded in reality, and anything wacky they end up doing has to be tagged with some shallow explanation that's shoved in your face nigh-constantly. ShB was a much needed breath of fresh air where they were able to really open up due to the high-fantasy setting. Basically, fuck humans, I want more omnipotent demi-gods to fight against.

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Why are you being so autistic

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Raubahn gave up on saving Ala Mhigo to start a new life, sure it's still on his mind, but he's not driven by it.
Lyse, M'naggo, and Conrad are really only introduced AFTER you arrive in Ala Mhigo and are expected to give a shit. Then before it can get anywhere Zenos shows up and you run off to Doma to try a different tactic. It needed to take more time and have a better set up and characterization like how the character feels about The First and Ishgard, and even Doma. I just never gave a shit about actually freeing Ala Mhigo.

Lamest part of ShB was definitely Eulmore. I looked forward to going to the First and having a villain other than the empire. Only to find that the enemy for 80% of ShB is the Empire 2.0.

The problem with fantasy stories is that they're usually hard to relate to because sitautions in them do not exist in real life and for that reason can be completely arbitrary which is why they can often feel artificial. There's a reason they had to basically spell it out how to feel about thigns because time travel and ancient wizard ghosts are pretty hard to feel bad about since we could never experience that ourselves.

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memed on, got it.

sorry that people having some semblance of standard bothered you

>AO3 is nothing but tons of Emet/WoL or G'raha/WoL fics now
I'd say they were successful characters.

You can really hate on Ffxiv’s story all you want but to me it sounds like you’re saying Emet-Selch’s arc was artificial when he’s unironically one of the best written rpg characters in recent history.

>plds are borderline mandatory
>never once made an edit with PLD

You might be right

Glad I kept this thread open. Thanks user, that's real neat to know.

I think early game PLD scares the DPS unga bunga crowd off.
I've been enjoying GNB but PLD would be my 2nd pick.

Wake me up when there's Alisaie fics.


>tfw comfy 7/8 static
>worried that the 8th guy is gonna be a bummer

There are some I believe.
but its fem WoL

Yeah, PLD is also fun, and everything added to it from 70-80 feels like a good addition.

I don't have very high standards at the moment.

I do commissions for erotic fiction. Got a request for Alisaie/Krile/WoL cuck/NTR, with the WoL being a male aura porn

>Male Au Ra
It really bothers me they tried to sell Au Ra as a psuedo mongolian race with how the females look. I'm suppose to believe a 5 foot nothing 90 pound twig with a skin condition is from a steppe tribe and a warrior culture.

Should've done Y'shtola/Runar/WoL cuck/NTR just to trigger the pajeetfag.

it was Alisaie being a homewrecker to Krile

How do I even find a static

I get the feeling they wanted a highlander/midlander thing where xaela were amazons and raen were much smaller but they ran out of time

wanna join on primal

I'd believe that.
Viera are another amazon trope so I guess it'd be stupid for another one to show up now.

Care to give a sample?

>make e1s weekly clear party with friends
>everyone is a little hazy on the mechanics
>also we swapped some roles/places around
>wipe a few times getting our bearings
>the BLM cusses us out and leaves
>get new samurai
>we clear two pulls later
i feel sorry for impatient puglets

>acting like a sperg over good writing

>fun is a buzzword

XV made more money than FF14 did too

XV made over $360m in its first month when it sold over 6m at full price, and is way more now that it's at 9m with most of that extra 3m also at full price while less than 500k were half or lower

FF14 since 2013 has been making less than $100m a year, DQ10 when it had 500k subs in Japan alone was making more than either Arr, HW or SB which were worldwide

>tfw I actually thought female Vierra would be amazons and make Viera would be shotas
>tfw were never going to get a playable kid race

I know it’ll never happen because of all the references to sex and liquor and stuff, but fuck. I love stories where a kid has to step up to do what no one else can. It’s why shit like Gurren Lagann and Evangelion get my dick hard. FFXIV’s story would lend perfectly to that too. Oh well...

>good writing
y'shtolafags are this retarded

That's like saying you can't relate to Charles Kane becuase you're not rich


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ShB is literally the worst FF story ever made
it's not even real FF at that



Keep trying to cope wowfaggot


wow is trash
ff14 especially shb is unrepentant cancer

dilate tranny

you’re going to miss your hourly dilation

Will Ryne be stuck on the 1st and fall out of the story entirely after this expac?

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No, because its obviously self insertionistic as the guy just wants two women fighting over him.

I did start to write a fic about an OC WoL (male elezen red mage, and not me as I play as a femlala) who seduces Alisaie by appealing to her desire to be seen as an equal to the other scions and as a competent adult rather than as a child as her brother insisted (at least during Stormblood, when I was working on it). He gives her exactly what she wants, which is recognition from the hero of the land and he makes her feel special, and as such, makes herself easy to use.

He goes on to show a mastery of red magic and that she can't comprehend and its basically undermining her confidence and self esteem, and eventually she thinks all she's good for is sex, which she eagerly engages in so he won't abandon her. I also thought about something something blackmail involving Alphinaud but couldn't make the pieces fit, nor did I adequately make it seem actually vital to the overall story.

I couldn't think of a proper ending, and as the events of 4.5 came about it could no longer make sense. Predator/prey style relationships are also pretty overdone and couldn't make it interesting. I also considered making the man a scholar, with some fairy shenanigans, Lily being his little spy to make sure Alisaie behaved, but decided that the WoL beating Alisaie so drastically at her own game ultimately served the purpose better

t. wowtranny

We will find a way to bring her back with us, and have to awkwardly try to explain to her why our versions of Mord and other beast tribes are considered enemies, and the dwarves are vile little Jews.

Wasn't one ban enough you dumb pedo nigger

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Deserved to be banned just for that Viera.

god I hope not