Post cringe

Post cringe.

Attached: 1565129449125.jpg (2052x2736, 631K)

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whats wrong with this without using buzzwords

I'm from Reddit and this isn't furthering trans rights so I automatically hate it.

The LED lighting is kind of goofy, but otherwise it looks like a nice clean setup.

Consoles aren't in order of release date.

stretching 4:3 image to 16:9

Attached: MNDov4d.jpg (1440x1080, 371K)

I mean... I just think of Melee's Trophy Hoard room, which is my dream. If it was rainbow colored, then it'd be fagtier

U-UH... CRINGE... ehm... SOULLESS *sweats*... h-AhVE SEX *dies*

It's using a LCD screen instead of CRT retard

Those older consoles are basically unplayable on LCD