This game releases in less than 20 days and I've literally never heard about it

>This game releases in less than 20 days and I've literally never heard about it
Will it be shit Yea Forums?

Attached: D1IOd0BWsAAiX5T.jpg (301x332, 19K)

Is this connected to quantum break or is it it's own thing? It looks insanely similar but with force powers instead of time powers. With that being said, if the gunplay is okay itll be fun at the very least. Quantum breaks biggest flaw was how shit the the guns felt, imo.

>western AAA TPS with cinematic presentation

What do you think

Dude I'm stoked for it.
It looks amazing to me and this month can't go any faster.
I love me all Remedy games including Quantum Break and Alan Wake.
It's cool that the VAs from all the games will be here doing other characters.

Attached: 626.jpg (265x265, 11K)

I certainly hope it'll be good. I just don't get hyped about anything anymore.

It's not AAA and hardly cinematic. That being said, it still doesn't look good to me. Ugly visuals that make it hard to see enemies, bullet sponge enemies, and generic writing that's trying too hard to be weird. The concept of a surreal 3D Metroidvania shooter is cool, but I'm waiting for a big sale

Nobody is gonna buy this unfortunately. Barely any marketing and most people don’t know it exists, I usually prove people online and my friends and classmates about games like these and they always confirm my fears. Quantum Break alone didn’t do that well and Control is more of the same except it’s not a multiplat. Unless yotubers pick this up it won’t gain a lot of steam.

Muh ray tracing

>Quantum Break 2.0 but jankier and this time we are going to deflect all criticism for not fixing the same problems that Quantum Break had as being the result of the critics being unable to handle a game with a strong female protagonist tackling the issues this game does and finding other reasons to fault it
Gee I wonder.

>hardly cinematic

Is she fbi?

It's not for me.

Why would you hear about games in post gamergate/adblock world?
The only way to get notified if people make threads on Yea Forums, which is borderline unreadable trash fire.

Was gonna get it but I saw all the shit they were gonna lock behind pre order bonuses so I'm gonna wait for a complete edition. Made the decision of Astral Chain v Control easier lol

paid tech demo

The better question is, why would you be excited for games post 2007

Interesting concept but not much marketing & underused potential imo.

It will perform the same as Quantum Break if not slightly worse. That is, unless it's discovered to be a "hidden gem" by very few reviewers/Twitch streamers. Judging by Quantum Break, it'll be mediocre.

It's a nonlinear game. Remedy even said that this game is more focused on "gameplay" than story, compared to their other games. Just because it has some cutscenes for quests doesn't mean it's on par with something like Uncharted

>Western-designed female character

You leave Jesse Faden alone.
I'm gonna have sex with her.