Channels going belly up overnight

>Channels going belly up overnight
>They just changed their definition of "fair use"
>I get recommended shit like this
So where do I post my gaming videos now? Is it twitch or nothing?

Attached: wait apples are REAL.jpg (1280x720, 206K)

zoom zoom

Build your own website and advertise on other platforms.

See if Ninja will let you upload videos.

YouTubers get the rope

>just build your own website
The internet is so fucked. They also introduced some terms that say they'll remove videos if you upload "repetitive content", which means basically no game streamers.

the whole internet is going to zoom soon

They realized that they finally can cut the fat away, the quality content, and be purely popcorn garbage buzzfeed tier promoters for 8 year olds to watch
Bitchute is the way to go, even if irs not *quite* good enough yet to replace Youtube.

What the fuck is repetitive content?

>Bitchute is the way to go
Isn't that the Nazi site?

Attached: spongebob.gif (222x379, 2.87M)