>game with multiple races
>pick human
Game with multiple races
I hate Scott Pilgrim and all its related media with burning passion
okay we dont care
I care, because I also think it sucks
Scott Pilgrim was a good movie.
>that image
>game give female characters armor that makes the butt look delicious
>"bro playing a girl is gay"
I can't stand faggots the roll only human. They are the dumbest fucks normally. Hold on, they are so generic and such sheep I can guess what a human faggot does.
If you roll human you
>have 80 IQ
>go to /pol/
>post wojok and pepe shit
>larp as a holy knight faggot
>type 70 IQ responses such as DIALATE, seething, have sex, cope, etc. while thinking yu are witty while you only look like a moronic sheep
I rolled human in vanilla WoW because I was a warrior and wanted to flex on rogues. Perception was the shit.
>tfw TERA had a human-exclusive Brawler class made to incentivize playing humans
>tfw no one played humans anyway
>tfw the class is now open to two other races and no one plays the human version
What is the most classic Yea Forums race for world of warcraft? I mean like 2006-2009 Yea Forums. My guess would be undead. But now in 2019 since the 2016 elections the website is full of human pally faggots.
have sex
>play white straight human male
For the Patriarchy!
>game with multiple races
>pick anything but human
Nah I'm just kidding. I respect people's right to play whatever character they want for whatever reason. Choice is good!
>being human gets the best perks
no shit ill be human
100% you played Blood Elves or Orc in Wow.
Who the fuck is we you faggot?
Why don’t you take the nearest blade and slit your throat you fat, ugly, cunt. Nobody loves you.
>playing anything BUT a human
Undead and dwarf faggot.
>not wanting to use dark elf girls' horns as handlebars while you damage their spine in doggystyle
>game with multiple races
>you sacrifice 10% dps picking anything but human or green human
I always play Lizardfolk.
Ah the token "holy knight larper" faggot. We were expecting you.
>Being a big bitch over someone's choice in race in a fucking Video Game
imagine being that fucking childish lmao
edgy faggot then
>human has the most overpowered racial stats/abilities for my character build
>autistics on a tibetan basketweaving board call me brain damaged for being 'unoriginal'
eh someone's gotta play devil's advocate
Imagine thinking that humans are bad but it's totally fine to play short humans, knife eared humans, green humans or furry humans.
>human but dead
>human but small
So original.
>top tier
Reptile races/robots
>high tier
Undead orc dwarf
>mid tier
Beast races (that aren't wolf/cat related you fur faggots)
>low tier
i only fucking play the "human" type races
fuck furries and bara fags
>game with multiple classes
>pick creme
>every thread like clock work
>no original thought
>game has multiple races
>human with pointy ears
>short & stocky human
>oddly colored human
>human in a monster mask
>perks of picking one race over the other is inconsequential in the long run, and their distinguishable features will be obscured as soon as you discover some neat armor
Every time.
Imagine getting this unironically butthurt at something so lighthearted as Garithosposting in 2019.
imagine having the mind of child
More original than human, that is for sure faggot.
What's next for your defense faggot?
>humans but pointy ears
>humans but midgets
>green humans as black people
I hate this "argument" so much. You know full well that they are NOT humans. Just because they stand, walk, and have the shape of humanoid does not make them the same as humans.
fucking fuck you got me
Like poetry
go back to /pol/ newfag
>Le go back to le r/The_Donald because you said something that offended my fursona
What does Mordhau have to do with drumpfies either way?
I wish satyrs were more popular, i'd love to play as one
scott pilgrim is genuinely horseshit user
As an user said...
Holy knight kiddies are highly likely low IQ /pol/ trump kiddies
they are humans with weird bits. i mean i like elves as much as the next guy but they're just tall beautiful people with longer ears. let's be honest with ourselves here for once. if they weren't somewhat human we couldn't relate to them.
>pick human in an RPG
>blank canvas that you can fill with strengths and weaknesses, personal goals and a creative backstory, creating a memorable character that stands out from the crowd
>pick fantasy race
>character is a walking stereotype, and can never grow beyond it due to always being associated with that race and its predetermined lore that's the same for everyone
But no really, just because you have slightly different skin, some weird bits and a +2/-2 somewhere isn't enough for me to consider them a separate race when you play 99% the same as a human, I'm sorry.
And on the other hand, you have thisI wish more games made more outlandish and clearly defined races, really like how the SaGa games make their monster/mechs work for instance, even the more humanlike races like Espers/Youma end up working quite a bit differently, that's a kind of race design I can accept, even though at the end of the day I'd still mostly play humans.
Makes sense I guess.
i guess i could have switched to hrothgar on ffxiv, but I'm really attached to my giant pompadour man
>heh those fags playing human, so unoriginal
>look at me with my green human
>or my short human
>or my dead human
>all with one-note personalities
>very cultured, as you can tell
>What does Mordhau have to do with drumpfies either way?
Devs did not want to waste time on a chat filter for racist slurs, so the you know who crowd sperged out and now sees the game's community as some kind of alt-right gathering club
>multiple races
>they're just more defined humans like elves, dwarves, etc. and not actually different, like "this race loves to fight and drink beer" when humans have no such restriction and can be whateverthefuck you want
>armor and gear look like shit on their non-human character models
kings honor faggot...
How does it feel that if you are a human player now in 2019 people will likely label you as an alt right incel? All those trump kiddies love their holy God emperor memes and being a holy knight against the "darkness"
There was a time when rolling human is fine. But now politic kiddies latched on it. And if you are in the tread, are a human roller, and go to /pol/ often you are likely this demographic.
>How does it feel that if you are a human player now in 2019 people will likely label you as an alt right incel?
I don't play MMOs so I don't know that feel.
Wew lad ass blasted much?
Yes. Humans often fit into the most roles without looking absurd.
>except Kim Pine
he meant to say.