How do we save Valkyria Chronicles?

How do we save Valkyria Chronicles?

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it's already dead

Remaster the best game in the series, VC3, and localize it for everything.

big breasts

Remake 3.

That being, series was really good aside from 2, not everything needs to be milked to death

Maybe it need a longer break

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You mean "banana breasts"

VC4 was a great game and it still flopped. So the issue here is not about lack of quality but that people just don't care.

>VC4 was a great game

Let Raita draw porn of it


Fuck off VC1cuck

its a niche game and the fans love it. 4 was great

iunno, more marketing would help.
I've got some game design issues with it though, like how it's more of a puzzle game than a strategy game.

Raita unleashed

Imagine defending a blunder by attacking the successes.

two options here, either make the strategy gameplay not shit or more porn

Post more Raita.

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Did those anons ever finish the new translation for VC3?

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VC only needed 1 game. It was unique and refreshing, but it wasn't interesting or deep enough to want to replay the same thing multiple times.

Allow Raita to design characters unrestricted.

They should have kept up the innovation.

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By adding mechs

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We don't. We had our chance and failed.
Embrace oblivion

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Calling any VC a "success" is pushing it, even moreso now

Name a higher selling Japanese strategy game than VC1.

fire emblem

Most FF Tactics, the 3DS FE games, Advanced Wars

What is wrong with you people?

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Maybe FFT since it's been released on like 10 platforms. The rest? No.

Stop killing the titcows.

VC1 barely broke 1m, FE Awakening, Fates, and most especially 3H have it beat five times over

It sold over 2 million before releasing on PS4 and Switch.

I don't know to be honest, 4 is fine but it came too late.

The timeline needs to advance, you can only rehash the same war so much. Also, and I know I'll be shat on for this, they need to go balls deep with the cute girl designs. It needs to be center and front in the promotion.

Let's just not go back to the highschool setting or the skirt uniforms. The characters need to be colorful and interesting but the setting has to be halfway serious.

I stand by the position that there is nothing that cannot be made better by adding cute girls.

And it's STILL nowhere close to any of those other games in sales
Which is irrelevant after VC4 tanked so fucking hard.

It's above them. Stop pretending to be retarded.

No it isn't user, you're the only one being the tard here.

and now he's just lying about sales figures, pathetic.

More old hags.

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I really wish VC was a successful franchise lads. I really liked the games.

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>playing Darcsen propoganda
The Empire did nothing wrong and the Atlantic Federation is rightful Imperial clay!

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COH like RTS spinoff by Relic

Fuck she's perfect

torpedo tits

>The Empire did nothing
They killed Selvaria

We keep trying up it doesn't work!

I thought 2 was a solid game outside of the dogshit credit system

save it? its not in need of saving.

Didn't the devs themselves say that they have no idea why the first VC was successful, especially with westerners?

Get it out of Sega's hands.

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Go back in time and revive Selvaria.

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I think they also said the the series would have died at 1 if they didn't go to PSP cause it didn't sell well enough (at the time) to warrant a full console sequel.

because it only sold in the west once it slashed 50% of its price.

I bought it day 1, it was my birthday and released the same day as Resistance 2. Gamestop didn't even have it on the shelf when i went in to grab it

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By buying the games

Stop making the best characters as unplayable characters/squad mates that aren't relevant to the story.

The devs don't even know why Japan liked the series. VC2 onwards were just blunders.

Make a modern era spin-off.

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God that is such a great idea, would love to see that since one of my qualms with the first Valkyria Chronicles was it felt like there wasn't much weapon variety

Cute nuke

I love my WMD.

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>didn't chart in UK sales the month of its release
>nor in NPD
>only 2.5k all time peak on steam player counter
unless the game was made by two dude with tiny ass budget it flopped everywhere, you had your chance to save it

>own 3 PS3 copies
>own HD version on PS4 and PC

I tried man. I really did

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also its the slowest selling VC in japan
looks like nobody really wanted it, just let it die in peace

Make more games like VC4.
Remake 3 while you're at it.

I can't. there's a part of my brain that just refuses to let go. even though i should because i'd end up with more valkyria revolution which i also own I would probably own the anime too, if it wasn't shit.

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seconding this question, there's been no word for ages.

Does anyone have sales figures? All I could find was
who say it has sold 250,000 physical copies, but I think they stopped tracking it a while ago

Turn back time and make VC4 instead of Revolution. Better yet, make VC2 and VC3 for PS3/PC like VC1.

No more WWII

they also think japan is scared of guns so they blame it for the reason for it not selling there. in short sega is and always will be run by the biggest retards in the entire industry.


Dude what if we DIDN'T:
>make the protagonist a big beta bitch who gets walked all over the entire game
>take out mechanics and gameplay from previous and instead just enhanced the shit that was already there?
>use the most retarded ranking system that relies solely on how fast you beat a fucking map
>make the only LI an insufferable twat
>railroad the player into one LI when VC 3 did it so fucking well
>write a terrible narrative that lets a traitor and traitor enabler get away with fucking everything?
>mismanage the fuck out of this series to begin with

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The biggest flop VC4 had was the next to 0 amount of porn

I'm glad people like you will never have any influence over anything

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Spin off game where you play as a imperial officer managing a concentration camp filled with Darcsens

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>railroad the player into one LI when VC 3 did it so fucking well
How I wished Minerva was a LI when I saw the first VC4 news.

Edy is shit. Give me Freesia.

So how bad was Revolution? Because the gameplay looked like it would get incredibly monotonous very quickly.

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I couldn't make it past the second mission.
Normal enemies die from a fart, boss takes 15 minutes of spamming the same magic shit over and over again.
Characters look like shitty Raita soulless copies.
Voice acting(JP) and soundtrack are amazing.
Bought it for 12 euros and I still think it was too much.

Double down on waifu pandering. Worked for Fire Emblem.

I don't play FE because all the females can potentially marry males other than your avatar.
I'm not into cuckshit.

Speaking as a vanillafag myself, you're pretty fucking dumb

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imaging being such a faglord that you don't like mechs

Can't help it.
When I see the wiki on any female has a list of potential interests other than the avatar my erection vanishes.
FE is simply not for me.

Tactical third person shooter. But then it turns into an action game when you go Valkyrur

No. I fucking hate action games. I wouldn't play VC looking for them. Fuck off.

Edy's sister is better!

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I like mechs fine. But part of VC's charm is the setting, existing in an alternate early 20th century.

Throwing that away for a more contemporary or "futuristic" setting saps away everything that makes it unique to the point where it shouldn't even have the name

It has a unique gameplay combination of Valkryie Chronicles and FF12/Xenoblade.

A bit mashy, but I found it kind of fun.

Try the demo, it's fucking horrendous.

start by removing denuvo from 4 so I can actually play it

i love the series but i dont think the market does, i dont know how to give it a broader appeal while keeping the essence intact

i was really hoping itd do better on PC, being a strategy game and all

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click to move instead of making me waste time move each character individually

realtime combat

You mean like if it were set in a school with modern-style japanese aesthetics?

They're both terrible in their own ways.

VC2's bullshit shouldn't be something to emulate, which thankfully haven't since

No need to "save" anything. It's run its course, the games are getting rehashy now. Not everything has to be a never ending franchise. They should just move on to something else, make something new.

As bullshit as I feel the "reashy" part of your post is, I kinda agree.
It's better to make peace with the end now lest we all pray in vain for a new game like so many other franchises.

Start by removing Denuvo so that I can buy it.

Revolution II

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is vc4 good?

Sell it to a company that isn't mentally retarded.

I only played the first game to near completion. I keep meaning to go back and do the last couple of challenges but always just end up playing the whole campaign all over again instead once every couple of years.

So without being burned out by the sequels, would VC4 be worth getting? Or has the franchise changed too much and I'll end up hating it?

Yes. Very good actually

VC4 is basically a tuned up version of VC1.
Some might say it's a bit too much like VC1, but I don't see any issues with that.

No better yet an expansion on 2's setting but get rid of the war stuff and let you choose from any of the fucking dumpster-tier waifus it presents.

That sounds just fine to me.

If Raita drew porn of VN would it be like official porn?

VC*, shit

>Or has the franchise changed too much and I'll end up hating it?
I'd say 2 and 3 run a very slight risk of that happening but 3 was pretty good regardless. 4 actually dialed back a shitton of changes. People still argue if that was a good or bad thing, and there's strong arguments for both to be had.

If it's more of the first but slightly better with a new story/characters I'm sure I'll enjoy it just as much then.

Well, 4 has new characters, but still takes place in the same war as 1.

Otome villainess reincarnation isekai featuring Selvaria Bles right when she's told by Max to blow herself up.

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Can't be helped, the DLC swimsuits had no tiddie jiggle killing the hopes and dreams of nips.

Can it run on a shitty PC?

It's already cracked but as proven by guys like you the hype died so hard no one even keeps track of this shit so by now the effects of piracy aka mass free marketing has long dried out. Funny how the first VC game to implement Denuvo is also the one that bombs the hardest per budget/profit ratio.

>wanting a shitskin thot
>Not sadist Jane
The fuck is wrong with you?

Make a VC game that actually takes place a few years later. VC2 was the last time they did it which was ages ago.
Also make a remastered collection for the first 3 games so people have easy access to them.

We dont. Considering what modern games look like, be glad sega isnt raping another dead franchise into the ground
If they really want to renew interest in the series, remaster 2 snd 3, then put them on steam

Is your PC older than 15 years?

Suspiciously similar looking to Zuikaku,

Make it a gacha.

>Some might say it's a bit too much like VC1

Me, I say that. It's not exactly lazy but it needed more effort. best thing about 1 was future potential which really has not been delivered on.

it's shit

you can't
someone just make a raita gacha and let him loose

Holy shit. I would love a Spec Ops: The Line in the Valkyria chronicles universe.
"Do you feel like a weeb yet?"

This, how many people have even bothered pirating it on Yea Forums? Like 4? Did anyone even manage to mod it yet or rip out the models?

Make it into hardcore uncensored hentai game.

4 is the best in the series, I tried 3 but it feels very restrictive on a handheld. I'd like to see it remastered for PC/console but there's no point in them ever doing that.

Definitely feels like a dead series though. Maybe they should start from scratch and give it a moe aesthetic, see if it takes off like GuP. Or make the games feel faster pace because its sluggish as fuck. Or just get out of the fucking WW2 era, that would be great.

I honestly wish they would stop trying to remake selvaria in every one of their games
she was boring from the start please just let her stay dead

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I don't even pirate games with denuvo. if they remove it I will buy the game and the beach dlc. until then I will shit on sega at every opportunity.

I don't think it's aesthetically unpopular, it's just dead cause 4 is a bit conservative and more importantly it had a huge number of reasons that went against it, whether it's poor marketing, denuvo, the whole PSP/Revolution deal, or the fact that it got released in the same time frame as a dragon quest tier game. By the time most of the nips got done with the big hit game, they probably already forgot about VC4 and gave no fucks.

I mean newfags wouldn't even know what VC was about anyway ya know? And the CANVAS engine was very novel for it's time but nowadays other than the sketchy lines you can get a similar look from say Koikatsu even, let alone real games. It ages well for sure, but it's no longer unique unlike before when VC1 hit so how can it attract newfags?

3 is a slightly less shittier 2. you guys are fucking retarded.

VC4 sold poorly despite being what everyone asked them to make. It's a dead franchise.

Make a standalone Marina sniper elite-esque game

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>sits inside her room all day
>never showers
>too lazy to take out the trash
sounds terrible to me senpai

I didn't ask for denuvo

>what everyone asked them to make.
Everyone wanted Selvaria as the main heroine though?

What do Leena's braaps smell like

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It had the two things 2 was lacking, an edgier story/setting and actual waifu routes/endings
Actually helps it had some decent additions to the gameplay as a bonus too
2 was a pretty good game

The rank system needs to be fixed, like keep it turn based but add a quota for enemy kills or bases captured.

>He doesn't play VC3 on PC at 60 fps with LOD maxed.
get on it you plebs
fuck you tranny mods, you're ruining the website for banning stuff like pic related

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>Has a pollen allergy
>Cant be near plant life
>Lives in a fucking forest

let us impregnate the girls

It's not Sega fault that players didn't want to play 2 and 3 becuase they saw game art and declared it "too weeby". And then Sega give them what they wanted: rehash of VC1 set in a unimportant front where your action from the start are utter waste of time.

3 didn't even get localized, stop being retarded.