Dogshit games you got tricked into playing

Dogshit games you got tricked into playing

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It wasn't that bad

Game in the OP
Stranded Deep
Turbo Dismount

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>he doesn’t decide things for himself

A cuck will always be a cuck

Far cry 2 really hurts. The music is great, the setting, the general idea. Graphics are fantastic especially animation.
But holy shit does the gameplay suck.

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Any game this fag praises.

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True, it was boring as hell,

>Car breaks every 5 seconds
>Cars chase you every 5 seconds
>Terrible shooting
>Terrible story
>Pointless assassin's Creed tier open world
>Unengaging in every way
>No joy in progression

This was boring.

Perfect example of amazing concept ruined by a handful of bad mechanics.

>weapon durability is a joke, AK's jamming after 2 magazines
>enemies tanking FAL rounds to the torso with hivemind AI able to pinpoint you at the drop of a pin
>checkpoints and camps respawn almost immediately, slowing down already tedious overworld travel

Everything else was 80's action kino

>sit through the 5 minute long unskipable intro cutscene
>game crashes immediately after it concludes
>can only check to see if the fix worked by watching the whole fucking thing again
>give up after like 3 tries

So did I miss anything with this game or what

alpha protocol

Dying Light, Battlefield 4, Dead Island, Far Cry 3, Metro: Last Light, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Counter Strike: Global Offensive. I'm sure I'm missing a couple others too but needless to say, I've lost a lot of faith in a triple-A game being worth buying.

Battlefield 4 was quite good.

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Looks like you just have shit taste.


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One of the worst wasted potential games ever for me, really. It could be a nice Stalker-ish harsh survival type game with a few adjustments, but instead of feeling like proper, exciting survival, it is just too fucking annoying to play. Also, mission design is fucking shit, it’s just too damn repetitive.

Are there any mods that fix the game's problems

How dare you, this game was a gem.

I'm making myself play this right now. I had to install Dylan's mod for this POS to be bareable. If it wasn't set in an relatively unique setting like Africa I would've dropped it after 5 minutes.

too bad op, i've been wanting to play this for a while and i had it installed for about a month. you can never stop me
thought you were gonna shit on max payne for a second

Op is a total faggot. Hes upset because its a game with a challenge and doesn't hold your hand like the new ones do.. Its a bleak and grim environment that make you depressed, and fight for every second to survivor. Its one of the better Far Cry.

Have fun

Fallout 4

OP pic
Burnout paradise
The witcher
Kotor (both kotor and the witcher have great stories but the gameplay is so terrible i wanted to kill myself)

2nd mission is on the other side of the fucking map
>get in truck with turret on the back
>drive for 2 mins
>reach checkpoint
>hop in turret and kill all the niggers there
>get out and repair the car with your magic wrench
>drive for 2 mins
>reach checkpoint
>hop in turret and kill all the niggers there
>get out and repair the car with your magic wrench
>drive for 2 mins
fuck off this game was just a chore to get through and its world design was fucking shit


Nevermind, booted it up and all of my upgrades to ammo and weapons are gone, yet still "bought" so I can't even rebuy them.
This shit is embarrasing, I think I'll cut my loses at this point.

why does everybody like this game all the sudden? I always enjoyed it and have consistently been given shit for enjoying it, but for the past two years people have seemed to flip on a dime about it saying it's actually pretty great. Which it isn't by any means.

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>If it's tedious, boring, monotonous, and unchallenging, it's hardcore!

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It was fine. Biggest problem is just that it's a console shooter. No lean, no real mechanical complexity, just fuck around and shoot the same retard over and over, ever so often the retard is holding a different weapon.

basically this. the checkpoints respawn as soon as you "leave" an area.
The AI is truly cancerous as well. It can go from being interesting and realisitc, to having some nigger shoot through 100 yards of dense foliage with a pistol and land every hit.

Sweet parade was the best end song


RDR2, still mad I bought that piece of boring shit at full price

VtBM. It’s not even a video game.

You have shit taste for even mentioning DE:HR.