What am I in for?

What am I in for?

Attached: 5010004.jpg (480x670, 123K)

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Ocarina of Time on a grander scale (for better or for worse)

A game that's not nearly as bad as Yea Forums says it is. 8.8 is a fair score.

My favourite Zelda.

It was enjoyable but there are way to many quick time events. Also fuck the city in the sky and especially fuck the dragon

A game that's objectively better than the unfinished mess that is Wind Waker

OoT that feels like it drags on a bit, but you've got Midna to make things better along the way.

a drag

Finding bugs to pad out time

The last good Zelda.

Link between worlds.

The only Zelda game I ever liked

>The last good adventure game


LTTP is better since it doesn't look like someone puked colors all over the game.

A slow start but a rock solid Zelda once it gets the ball rolling. Get the Ganondorf amiibo if you want a chance in hell of seeing the game over screen, though.

Hero's Shade for Ultimate

Best linear zelda

Play Ocarina 3D, it’s like TP but less obnoxious


Boredom and mediocrity.

>op's pic not related

I was really disappointed when they handed this remaster over to Tantalus instead of doing it in house and giving it the same treatment they gave Wind Waker. It would've been nice to have Twilight Princess have a fresh coat of paint with a nice revamped art-style, instead of just HD textures slapped on to the same models.

Fun user, and that's all that matters

The art style did change though, the new textures aren't the same and they added truckloads of bloom.

Attached: 1455236797231.png (576x311, 272K)

They didn't give it the same attention they gave to WW. Don't waste my time.

Aonuma is probably still salty about TP.

the first like hour or 2 as the wolf sucks, but then it becomes the best zelda.

How didn't they? For WW they literally just upscaled the old textures, removed the cel-shading, and also added truckloads of bloom.

Attached: 1457708028620.png (634x374, 362K)

>more swordfighters
fuck no

A very boring time. Still the only console Zelda I haven't finished.


confusion when what appeared to be a baby is a business genius

My favorite entry in the franchise!!


what the fuck

Dark creepy vibe from that alien thing. Did not find this enjoyable, sickly in fact.


this image is bullshit, it doesn't have nearly that much bloom in the wii u version. I could definitely see zelda's nose in that scene.

a fun game

Don't be retarded.

Attached: ayyy.jpg (1093x403, 34K)

I played both the GCN and Wii U versions of the game

And now you're shitposting about them.

Attached: can't even see the triforce, too much bloom.webm (1061x493, 646K)

something up with your captured footage, was this emulated or something?

No you're just trying to lie.

I hate TP anyway
