

Attached: Screenshot_20190807-103345[1].png (337x451, 182K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Gamefreak isn't even trying at this point

oh no
oh nonononononoonnoo

Please tell me its just another form for Pikachu.

Anybody that likes pokemon after gen 2 and MAYBE, just fucking partially of a bit of maybe some of gen 3, has objectively bad taste and is a shitter.

That is all.

Their design philosophy is solely focused on making it cheaper to animate in the TV show and to produce as merchandise

It's your usual regional electric rodent
He's got another form that's all black and angry

Attached: file.png (570x589, 522K)

I have two personalities...

Why do they need one of those every single gen?

>playing pokemon past 12
>playing pokemon past 12
>playing pokemon past 12

>playing videogames past zygote

Just tradition now

Oh no it's retarded.

yo gamefreak if you're hiring hit me up

Attached: HIRE THIS MAN.jpg (200x250, 15K)

something for the side characters to own in the show

>race mixed pikachu
Gotta Check My Privilege!

you say this when gen2 is what started the "smiley face on a blob" trend

Hooy shit that's awful lmao

It's fucking monokumachu.

the absolute state of this 80 billion dollar mascot

They are going the same way as Fate. Recycle the same character over and over and make a gacha.

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I like the fact that he has pockets to store his berries in

imagine the porn

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Literally just a shitty photoshop

God that final form sucks. Even so I'm glad that they're giving evos to older pokemon again

please understand gamefreak is a tiny 3 person studio with the budget of a sack of rice

You don't need to imagine. It's up.

I'll fix it with one simple trick

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I like it but why is it a fairy type? Is it because British men are fags?

>old mon gets third evolution
>it gets a regional form before it's normal form

Attached: 1558975648964.jpg (1024x732, 82K)

nah mate it's fucked

It purifies the air

this is racism :(

It's a Minion.

>formulatic garbage

Holy shit this franchise is creatively bankrupt. Not like I care though, I stopped playing pokemon when I was 13.


Why not just call it a regional form of Pikachu?
Does the gimmick ability warrant it unique enough?

Attached: 1486877314367.jpg (564x779, 54K)

They could have removed a third of the tops and it'd look immensely better

They keep trying to recapture the lighting in a bottle that is pikachu... pun 100% intended.

Will it get as much as Lycanroc?

Attached: niggers.jpg (339x450, 67K)

>More Pika

This is just fucking lazy.

This Pokemon will be stupid good.
>2 weakness in Psychic and Steel
>3 1/2 resistances - Fairy, Grass and Dark
>2 1/4 resistances in Fighting and Bug
>2 immunities to common types, Ground and Dragon
>Poison/Fairy is also pretty good offensively, and Weezing gets Fire Blast.

This shit can't be bad, it's impossible.

I just want to fuck the Pokemon at this point. What Pokemon do you want to fuck Yea Forums?

Attached: e4b90352955f1898ae04248ae165a808.jpg (949x862, 99K)

>tfw shoving these up your ass

They tried to get creative with and even still, they are creatively bankrupt with it, they just mesh a fucking Gengar face in it just for kicks.

At least give him 3 heads fuck

No, you're just retarded.

based mighty beanzposter

>Yokai Watch

How do you kiss something with no mouth?

Attached: 1562978305074.jpg (454x407, 45K)

lol to anyone who expected entirely new mons this gen despite the national dex fiasco

this is just even more of an excuse to come up with




Attached: WELL I DO SAY SO MYSELF.png (350x1000, 123K)

who's this semen demon?

it's pikachu mixed with trubbish

Attached: 568Trubbish.png (1280x1280, 833K)


Attached: 3184579 - Porkyman Porkyman_Sword_and_Shield Scorbunny Sword_and_Shield_Female_Trainer a-man1502.png (1046x1572, 542K)

I like this one. It stereotypes old-timey Englishmen and the industrial revolution.

They want another Pikachu and Marill. Plusle/Minun, Pachirisu, and all those others failed to catch fire so they will keep trying. There hasn't been a real break-out mascot character for ages. Even shit like Lucario was shoved in your face by GF in an attempt to force his popularity (and they tried it again with Zoroark only to have it fizzle out almost immediately).

And yet they'll continue to make millions, if not billions, because of hangry pikabean.

Meowth has the right ideas.

Attached: meowth in love.webm (1280x720, 1.22M)

It's OK when nintendo does it.

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It'll be shit with sub 90 base special attack.

One head chimney top hat the other a busby hat that's also a chimney sweep for max British or just make a time piece that evolves into big Ben lmao

Attached: 170px-Horse_Guard.jpg (170x227, 14K)

Love this nigga goes from a coon to a hyena that my little nihgher

A lot, there was a chart on /vp/ where you paint bucketed a square around every pokemon with colors meaning yes/maybe/no, I had about a quarter in yes
didn't save it apparently though

Mmmmmmmmmmm nootka

Unironically based.


Attached: Fix.jpg (1200x952, 124K)

so much better, I knew it was the legs that bothered me

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>happy christmas

5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1 > 6 > 7 > 8

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>Valve design a Pokemon

have they STILL not shown the second and third evos of scorbunny

brits say that

I take back all those fakemon insults I made back when DP was coming out. This is what true abhorrent dreck looks like.

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Much like Incineroar, the original looks like a man in a costume.

5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1 > 6 > 7 > 8 > 9 > 10 > ... > n + 1

No, we say "merry"

Attached: 1565185035531.jpg (2560x1648, 459K)

>neapolitan minion pikachu
>snickers meme

they always reveal the starter evos late near the release, they know people care about those more than some early route shitmons

inb4 >it's just fat now!
Design sucks because it looks like pic related instead of a super badger

Attached: anigif_original-17674-1395760394-4.gif (636x352, 1.67M)

Where is the acid you fucking faggot

just show us the final starter evos so the final wave of disappointment can end

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What upsets me the most about this bean is that one side is brown and the other is black, while in hangry mode both are black.
In full mode both should be brown, or both should be black. It'd look so much better.
Hangry doesn't need to be changed.

ok maybe you do, we say happy as well as merry


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is this Normal/Dark?

Which is weird, since Pokemon pretty much makes Nintendo money on a press, you'd think they'd wanna expand more to make better games. At the very least, you'd imagine Nintendo would be pushing for GF to expand a bit more.

There's Greninja.

But really, there doesn't need to be a mascot to sell merch. I wish Game Freak would focus on making Pokemon good rather than making Pokemon popular. It's night and day when you look at a series popular because of its sheer quality (One Punch Man) as opposed to Pokemon, which is popular in spite of its terrible quality.

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Fite me

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If that leak is actually true, which at this point is pretty much a given, then spy chameleon Sobble might be interesting.


I was worried Regional forms wouldn't come back from Sun/Moon because gamefreak has a track record of being incredibly stupid, but man, I dunno about this one

Yeah. Faster Alolan Raticate pretty much. Would be a good ghost killer

>you're still gonna buy it
At this rate? if they keep fucking up like this until release day? I don't think so, Tim.

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>still doubting the leak, at all

God, I fucking hate Fairy and now I can't use my bro Weezing because it became Fairy type. Why does Game Freak do this shit? At least Crobat is still save from the scourge.

Attached: Fuck Fairies.png (1028x1236, 810K)

literally my mom's factory

>which at this point is pretty much a given

It's still a badger.

Morpeko, as well as bewear and mimikyu, are specifically designed for plushie and toy merchandise

If we have a pokémon based on pic related maybe I'll buy it.

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Probably just a running element these days.

there's always a shitrat, there's always a worthless early bird, there's always a not-pikachu

nice. hope it gets a decent attack increase and keeps belly drum + extreme speed and also gets sucker punch

is this an ooblet?

I'm not the only one concerned about a mysterious aloof rival with a unique Pokémon who is also the leader of the evil team who just love and cherish her and want to see her win, right?

>Good in any gen with Heatran
It has no recovery, gets walled by any Steel or Poison type with a fire resistance/immunity, and can't even clear toxic spikes on switch in because of its levitation. If it were part Steel, it'd be great, actually, as a defensive pivot. Especially if it got regenerator.

Poison is also not a good offensive type. It's one of the reasons Fairy is so OP - Steel and Poison are awful offensively, so Fairy essentially has no weaknesses.

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12 noon or 12 midnight?

Nope. Most of the art doesn't even have the long neck, just human necks, so basically just Lycanroc 2.0. They know the design isn't that great in the first place.

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Problem now is the arms look disproportionately long. It's an unfixable design that shouldn't exist in the first place.

I bet you hate faggots as well.

My favorite Pokemon is from Gen 4 you double nigger

Attached: based froge.gif (160x160, 237K)

> fakemon
> dp
I get where you're coming from. DP had a lot of spikes. But dude, what.

I fucking loved these things, dude. I had a box filled to the brim with them. They're probably in my attic somewhere right now.

God I hate outrage culture.

I'm glad regional variants and cross-gen evos are back and especially glad that non-Gen I Pokemon can finally get them but holy fuck I hate Obstagoon's design so fucking much

Underrated post

5 > 2 > 3 > 4 > shit > 6 > 7 > POWER GAP > 1
Fuck Kanto and fuck Masuda

Is that Doug Dimmadome, owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome?

Post your least favorite Pokemon right this second

Attached: least favorites.jpg (1366x768, 686K)

This can't be real, they can't be this self aware

They gave him a KISS album and he got down with the GLAM ROCK.

It's only going to get worse from here on out. People not buying B/W/B2/W2 and buying the shit out of X/Y made Game Freak realize that effort = fewer sales, less effort = more sales.

Game Freak doesn't even have to put in effort to sell their shit anymore. They just pander to nostalgia-fags with MUH KAAAANTOOOOOO and little girls with Fairy types and they sell 10 million easy. Fuck the core fanbase, they'll buy whatever Game Freak shits out because they know we're hopelessly addicted.

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I follow tons of japs on twitter and I never see any males tweeting about pokemon it's exclusively girls posting about how kawaii pikachu and shit are. Pokemon is a franchise for girls now.

Vaporeon and Bellossom

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I do, actually. I can't stand Pride shit.

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absolutely horrid taste
please go to jail

that's quite the interesting image you just posted there son, got any more where that came from?

Fuck your mother straight in the ass if you're unironically defending Meowstic or Hydreigon you underaged bitch

> hates Pheromosa more than any of the gen 5 sword horses
> hates based Pupitar more than legitimate useless garbage like stunfisk
Grow some taste.

I thought you posted favorites
carry on then my friend

>No euro hamster mon :(

Attached: Hamster.jpg (1335x1050, 1.42M)


Pander to kantooooofags with nostalgia, girls who buy plushies, and waifufags with waifus, and cruise along on name recognition. Pokemon is too big to fail, especially now with soccer moms who grew up with gen1 buy the new games to shut their kids up so they don't need to parent them


good moOOOOOOORNING Yea Forums! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to Stantler (yes, THE Stantler from Pokémon Gold and Silver) getting confirmed in Sword and Shield! Make sure to save your tears for the upcoming Pokémon Direct when Stantler walks into the spotlight!

>b-but Stoutland has traits of Scottish terriers! He’s gotta be in! “No!”

Sorry Stoutland fags, but the normal shitmon rep is taken by yours truly! Why would Nintendo choose a nuPokémon over the marketing potential of the second most selling game of the series? The fanservice Pokémon have also been confirmed to be “surprising” according to the developers, so I’m afraid your years of crying for Stoutland are going to be subverted once again with the reveal of our favorite under"dog"! But feel free to continue your denial. Your tears of disappointment will be all the more sweeter!

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Thats what I thought cunt

>They are going
They've been doing this since gen 3


>But really, there doesn't need to be a mascot to sell merch.
You guys realize merch is what allows you to spam about how pokemon is THE HIGHEST GROSSING MEDIA FRANCISE 25/8 right?

Dont think they have the power to do that but I still wonder why they dont just buy creatures and the pokemon company and kill off GF but keep the devs who gave a shit (the ones who made HGSS and BW2) and just make the games themselves

some of the anime writers are actually pretty based

Why is its transform animation so shitty?

They actually were, and I hope that it happens again

we still don't have the early route rodent

Again, why is it fairy type?

the gene simmons pokemon

yes you do, it's KISSzagoon

Lopunny, Gardevoir, Pheromosa, Tsareena

Sasuga, user-kun.

Attached: squirrelmon.png (1613x955, 1.01M)

Imagine the rimming porn!

I fucking hate Fairy types. All of them. Fuck that type.

Primarina is the only Water type I like less than Feraligatr.

Attached: Least Favorite Pokemon of Each Type.jpg (1366x768, 327K)

Then you don't need the "if" in there. You put the "if" in your post because you're a dumb nigger who's still second guessing the leak.


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nah alola has their own rattata and still got yangoos or whatever it was called

No, but seriously, Hydreigon, Giratina, and Naganadel are cool.

also Lilligant

>People really like Pikachu
>They really like the evil Pikachu clone Mimikyu also
>Why not make it two in one?


There could be mistakes somewhere, always sprinkle some truth in with your lies.

user, I want you to read the text at the top of that image you posted.

Exactly. They pander to furries, faggots (lmao same thing), little girls, and KAAAAANNNNTTTTOOOOOOOO and they don't have to put any effort into making games. Just design Pokemon for the gays and let the rest of us suffer.

Shoutingisfun, literally one of only two human being that can make ponyshit appealing despite my otherwise raging distaste for anything related to that franchise.
Also makes the best pokémon content, hands down.

what makes the euro hamster unique?

Attached: no taste.png (750x417, 385K)

Well, Alola still had its own regional dex but all pokemon could still be transfered to it

The leak told us about a a generic rodent-mon that kicks your ass for daring to try and get berries.

Maybe if you're under the age of 16

*human beings

I don't get it. Why do non of these search engines work? I rarley get any matches.

I just created the image, fuck you I'm not opening up paint to edit it. I just hate all those Pokemon. Simple as.

>hating le tapus of balance
>hating primarina
>hating diancie
>hating the togepi line
>hating based ribombee
>hating seviper
>hating sharpedo
>hating mimikyu
>hating the only viable defensive ice type
>hating magearna
>hating altaria
terminally bad taste

Attached: 14.gif (480x270, 1.74M)

Damn, imagine kissing that thing or getting a rimjob

Pretty sure it's tranny Pikachu based on its ability.

braindead faggot

>dude trannies lmao


I'm 23. I just like cool Pokemon.

I fucking hate fairies. Can't stand 'em. Also, I like Sharpedo and Altaria, I just hate their megas that ruined their design.

Attached: Reduced Favorites.jpg (346x593, 63K)

I bet it'll learn self-destruct

post leak




Attached: umzO15.png (1880x901, 202K)

Making him obese doesn't solve anything. The problem is the legs and abdomen are too short for the arms and neck. Ferret's are supposed to have long noodle bodies, so I don't know what the fuck Gamefreak was thinking.

Attached: fixed.png (2200x1400, 920K)

What a disaster of a Dex. Play a record.

Why would they?
They will be rich anyways.

>hating on Pupitar and Giratina
Get out

What happened to the porn ban thing? Did they implement it already?

Why do you hate fairies so much? It's not the designs as you have lilligant in your faves, do you just hate the type itself for some reason?

>literally a man in a costume

fairy is the new dragon

I don't concern myself with what my least favorites are
also you have shit taste

Yeah, trannies do make me chuckle.
I believe it goes into effect in October if I remember correctly.

You're a waifufag, you have no valid opinion as far as i'm concerned.

>Scorbunny will have fighting moves, but is pure fighter. It becomes Raboot, but I don't remember the final evolution, except that it looks like a fighter. It looks humanoid
Holy fuck, it's like Game Freak were well aware about all the Fire/fighting bitching and went "Nah, lets fuck the fans even more and just make it straight fucking fighting."
Absolutely incredible if true, which given the confirmed details so far seems legit.

It's a typo, retard.

I like Giratina, just not that form of it.

Attached: giratina non-retarded edition.png (1280x1280, 707K)

>think it looks like a bong
>ask others what they think it looks like
>get answers like a stove or smokestacks

Attached: 1564437770941.png (240x240, 55K)

fate alwyas looked veru ugly to me. never watched a single episode because of it, but going by the type of people that like it, I wouldn't bet on it being any good


>4 waifu characters and that's a stretch
imagine being insecure about liking even just vaguely feminine looking things

This thing doesn't even make sense. coffin/weezing was a poison pokemon but galagar weezing takes polution and turns it in to clean air.

This is what real taste looks like.

Attached: pokemon favorites.jpg (1237x803, 839K)

Isn't that the point? Its a glam rocker.

Yes a waifufag that calls other people insecure while probably disliking fairy for similar reasons.


>supposed to be referencing proto glam rockers like Gene Simmons and Alice Cooper
>hurr 2 hooman

I saw this earlier today and thought someone was having a giggle.
What's next, a water type Fish N' Chip Pokemon?

I'm not him you schizo

>it doesn't make sense

Yeah, I absolutely hate the type itself. Granbull used to be one of my favorites as well, and then they turned it Fairy and I can't like it anymore.

>Worthless bird
>Mega Pigeot and Talonflame help define the meta of their respective tiers in smogon and saw use at worlds/regional tournaments
>Talking shit about my boy Noctowl
You fool. You foolish fool

yeah XD toxic waste mon with tubes turning into toxic waste mon with tubes is sooo weird hihi

How am I a waifu fag? I like cool Pokemon. Simple as. Fairy type is the opposite of cool and ruined the perfect type chart. It's a redundant type with no reason to exist other than to pander to fags and girls.

But why?

Attached: 1553097778016.gif (250x250, 282K)

Black fur on the under belly

>Likes Fairy types

Nice to see another Kingler and Crawdaunt fan

Actually it exists seemingly to shoehorn weaker/less picked Pokemon into being more viable.

You sound unironically autistic.

Attached: 5r1YTnYkREEXGh8uouoEWRORvBn-15IAdS2GdwXT8C8.jpg (500x342, 33K)

>the literal fucking Fairy Pokemon used to be one of my favorites but now i hate it
Fucking retard.

>How am I a waifu fag? I like cool Pokemon.
If you did you wouldn't have 4 waifumons on your chart.
>It's a redundant type with no reason to exist other than to pander to fags and girls.
So perfect for a faggot like you.

you're so cringe. can you not type and talk like a virgin and if not can you return to the social website that told you about this place in the last 2 years?

based taste

Attached: 1560990042035.jpg (1024x792, 64K)

It just doesn't make sense, he gave you a reason. Purify is a Poison type move to begin with, it doesn't need to be a Fairy to purify anything. And smokestacks don't purify things, they're to release the byproducts of energy generation into the atmosphere, causing pollution.

The mobile game is far better than the VN and anime. That should tell you everything you need to know about Fate.

it's clearly supposed to be a smokestack, but there is no way weezing could float like it does with a huge ass pipe on its head.
I maybe could have bought it if the hats weren't so comically huge.

here fixed it

Attached: why.jpg (324x420, 21K)

Attached: favorite.jpg (1366x768, 326K)

Noctowl is shit
Mega-Pigeot doesn't exist post-Gen-7 and didn't exist prior to 2014, when Pigeot has been shit since 1996.
Talonflame got nerfed so hard it's barely even usable in UU

The only non-useless regional birds are Pelipper and Staraptor.

Good thing he never mentioned anything about Fairy? His post was just about Weezing.

Giant piles of sludge don't clean things either, but Alolan Muk exists.

>counts leavanny as a waifumon
so you went through his list, consideres which pokemon you found fuckable and then called him a waifufag?

Because unlike Marill, we're just not allowed to have different type variants of Pikachu clones, probably because it'd be slightly more interesting.

Attached: Marill.png (792x635, 346K)

guys, nobody cares what your favorite pokemon by type are, please go to /vg/ if you are under the illusion someone cares

I've been here since 2009, so longer than you've been here. I used to post in Pokemon generals on Yea Forums before /vp/ or /vg/ were created to contain Pokemon or generals.

dilate, fairy type is the best

Attached: 122Mr._Mime_RB.png (438x565, 225K)

based taste
except cradily

except gen 5 was pure kino

People here just want to hate the game at this point. The new designs are good.

Granbull isn't a Fairy in any way besides name (and now type).

>If you did you wouldn't have 4 waifumons
I don't want to fuck Pokemon. It's why I hate Fairy types.

A sign of autism is actually being incapable of understanding that people don't like something you like.

People have a favorite /ice type? They're all shitty except for Mamoswine

uhhhhhhh what?

>Implying there will be a non-gallar obstagoon.

A smokestack that purifies things is like a shovel that creates dirt.


I recognize that goat.

I always liked it as a kid, shame it will forever be a trashmon, even with storm drain.

I see. you just talk like the most retarded neckbeard who plays nintendo type of way anyone can imagine. it unnerves me. I don't get why nintendies make some statements like "oh my I really hate fairies you wouldn't BELIEVE it like look at this imagine accentuating my statement, are you guys baffled yet?" or whatever. same for smash or any game that attracts neckbeards afficionados

my solution would be try to talk less and just watch others talk. that can't be too bad right? I'm sure youve experienced many moments like this in life

Try switching the brown and the yellow.

He's a poofter, a fackin' bumboy

Funny, considering if any type were to be the tranny type, it'd be Fairy.

Especially since Pokemon transitioned into being queer.

Pokemon is about battling with monsters, not rockers in rubber suits.

Didn't something in Alola have an Alola specific evolution? I swear they implied that'd be a thing.

it's literally the meme

Attached: hhhhhh.gif (320x218, 1.3M)

I think it's a neat Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde reference

This is fine desu, there's nothing wrong with having a few joke designs that are purposely trying to be silly, like alolan exeggcutor and dugtrio

At least i don't pretend to hate a whole type while showing others a girl in a dress is one of my favorite monsters.

And why are you implying the mon that literally cuts and sews natural dresses for its babies isn't female-like?

>Granbull isn't a Fairy in any way besides name
So he's a fairy.

>I don't want to fuck Pokemon.
No, you clearly do. If you didn't you would have put Tropius, or Venusaur, or whatever the fuck else, not a woman in a dress.

I consider Tailow to be the regional bird of gen 3. At least they got to bask in the light, even if only briefly. How many of us can say the same? Not liking Noctowl is irredeemable though

Go back to /vp/, then. You cretins type like you're from R*ddit, which is why you're so disturbed.

Honestly this is like Alolan eggsecutor and just too good for this world

I’m okay with it and honestly wish they did it in gen3 and beyond.

Further proof nuGameFreak's designers are just hot garbage at their jobs. Compared to the KAANNTOOOOO redesign memes, this one keeps it gen specific but gives it better structure to make more sense
Do Weezing next.

Wait, fairy is supposed to be gay? It's actually related to being flamboyant rather than mystical? I always thought Pokémon games were exclusively LGBT games. I've never seen a straight adult person playing these.

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imagine thinking about fags 24/7

Yeah because Pokemon never made contradiction mons before. The moth killer moth is a thing you know.


i'm not obsessed about pokémon enough to go to a pokémon board. i'm already over 20, i'm not obsessed about any video game franchise. i just play video games like a normal person, trying not to drool over something so mundane nor take part in fanbase cult

>So he's a Fairy
Ignore his title as the Fairy Pokemon and tell me in what way he'd be considered a Fairy? Imagine if Ursaring were the "Fairy" Pokemon. Would you consider it a Fairy?

>You, you clearly do. If you didn't you would have put Tropius, or Venusaur
I don't actually like either of them, though. I certainly don't mind them, but they're not cool like an alraune.

Attached: maxresdefault[1].jpg (1280x720, 136K)

Should I cancel my pre-order? I'm genuinely on the fence.

So now it looks like a better-proportioned guy with a badger for a head. Not, you know, a fucking animal, which is what the zigzagoon line is.

>but gives it better structure to make more sense
Yeah, by making the super fast mon a fucking fatso. Real fucking sense right there.

I can't, you're right.

Attached: 793.png (600x749, 252K)

Why would you fucking pre-order a game that will never sell out? Are you fucking retarded?



Just like the rest of us

I don't, actually. I rarely think about them.

You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

i wish we got more elemental mice instead of more electric rodents
in a way Eevee is Pikachu's counterpart so would have some sense

>pre-ordering at all
>pre-ordering pokemon at all after gens 6 and 7
>pre-ordering this trainwreck after E3

There was Alolan Exeggutor and Alolan Raichu, but nothing that evolved only in Alola.

>Literally can't go a sentence without mentioning fags

>Editing based PlantPenetrator's pics
Unbased and cringedpilled.

Because I get fucking 20% off for pre-ordering that's 12 shekels less per game

>go to /vp/
>these are real

Holy shit

>cool rockstar version of route 1 rodent
>give him a blatant furbait new evolution
y tho

I actually liked her for her mega, then fell down the rabbit hole of wanting to fuck her.
I feel like I did things backwards.

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I just wish Pokemon would actually innovate for once.

Yeah I went and checked, I just could have sworn in an old trailer or something they mentioned it "might be a possibility" or something.

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I'm not who you think you I am, it's time to stop posting

>Misty and Brock in the picture

This is fucking Dobson-tier, I fucking hate when people (especially millenials) refuse to let go of the past.

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Utterly unbased

>Imagine if Ursaring were the "Fairy" Pokemon. Would you consider it a Fairy?
Maybe i would if i didn't know that fairy bears don't exist in mythology. Fairy dogs do.

>but they're not cool like an alraune.
Because only a waifufag would like an alraune instead of even a generic maneating plant. Hell, as far as monster plants go Pokemon got a top tier treant.

Also by the way, Snubbull is literally a bright pink dog with a dress with blue polka dots. That's level 100 faggotry compared to "rock with ears" "Mr.Burns mushroom" "flower tail" and even the damn robot girl.

Calm down zoomer, it's literally Ash.

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>At this point
About four gens ago they stopped trying

>Yeah, by making the super fast mon a fucking fatso.
There's other Pokemon that counteracts itself like this all the damn time. It's called a REGIONAL variant for a reason, meaning it has differences.

>12th gen
damn this dude in the future


dude, shut the fuck up. your only argument is pink is gay.

they are iconic.

Oh fuck i thought it was favorites

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Here you go kind user. pokestadium.com/tools/sprites can be used as a resource for several different sprites so you can fill out your 2nd and 3rd place picks. Most of the artwork I used are from Pokemon cards, which can be found in high quality with google images.

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>Calm down zoomer, it's literally Ash.

And? Ash is still in the anime, the other two aren't

>Ash is still in the anime, the other two aren't
Someone didn't see Gen 8. Kys.

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thanks user

>they are iconic.

The majority of people who still care about the anime (aka 10 year olds) will have literally no idea who they are

Pikaclone motif armor Saber and friends when?

>It's called a REGIONAL variant for a reason, meaning it has differences.
You would have a point if the two previous evolutions had anything different but their color.

They don't.

Gen 7, I meant, Sun and Moon anime.

And? You're literally sperging out over nothing. But then gain, Pokemon does attract you autists.

Anything for a fellow lad with poketism

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wow i though, by gen 5 it was pathetic. I don't even have words anymore...

>reddit tier post
>in spicanese no less
8/10 bait, got me to respond

it looks like a pikachu having a colonoscopy

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The funny thing is they actually made Pokemon versions of those

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>too young to get the reference
As expected of Fairy-fags. You probably never saw Kung Pow either

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I somehow ended up with ONLY the Wynaut one and nothing else. Its weird how shit like that happens with toys when you're a kid.

They're Dark type

I guess you're from the future and know the stats of galarian Zigzagoon line then. Tell us futureanon, did SwSh fail massively? Was it a commercial flop?

Mimikyu seems to have worked.

Mimikyu I dont mind as much. Atleast we still get some good shit like Corviknight


Pretty based, actually. Gonna have to call you a queer for hating on Poliwrath and Heracross, though.

and your point is? people still know who they are and that artist too

i fucking hate arceus

That's a fucking pika minion

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>the fat ugly kid in the class who hates gays for no more reason besides feeding his early /pol/ phase yet takes parts in activities for gays
have sex, you need it badly

Keep saying it

>Maybe i would if i didn't know that fairy bears don't exist in mythology. Fairy dogs do.
Tell me which mythical dog Granbull is based off of? Because I can tell you now there isn't one.

They had pokemon everything back in the day.
Pokemania was fun and I'm not sure if anything like it will ever happen again.


and they had to evoke Pikachu outright for it. If it copied any other Pokemon for it's sheet it would have been regarded as a novelty and forgotten.

kek I stopped caring after gen 3

Pokemon games are way too easy nowadays. I tried Sun and got bored halfway through the game. This doesn't look very promising either. They need to pass this franchise along to more competent devs.

>Your only argument is pink is gay
Psychic ain't gay. Fairy is.

Now this is homosexual. Pokemon went severely downhill after Brock left the party, and it still hasn't recovered. He was the backbone of the show and carried 90% of the comedy.

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Reminds me of this

damn, why does Spain have to do my boy Bug Arceus dirty like that?

Of course i was talking about their design.

>Galarian Linoone can reach speeds of over 60 miles per hour and can deliver devastating Tackles and Headbutts. These attacks have enough destructive force to even knock a car away, but they can also throw Linoone off balance if they miss.
Fuck off retard.

Not him but Cu Sith exists. "They don't look anything alike" isn't an excuse, Tyranitar isn't really a Godzilla lookalike but its design is still based on it.

>I-I was talking about their design

Fuck off

Good thing that all the games before SM outside Pt and BW2 are even easier. The ones you "cared" about are easier than a game you got bored with.

>mon is fat, the other two weren't, they only change color
>i was talking about their design

Cu Sith looks 0% like Granbull. This is how I know you Fairy-fags just pull shit out of your asses. I've been making this point since 2013. Granbull is only a Fairy in name. None of the Fairy -mons make sense as a type. They'd all be better explained by another type. There isn't a single one that couldn't be another type other than Fairy, which is why Fairy is a completely redundant type. It also makes no sense as a type, doesn't have a reason to exist as a type, and is only distinguishable from Psychic/Ghost/Normal on a basis of "because we said so" rather than logic.

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I'd be pissed if I lived in slavtown too.

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Whew. I really dodged a bullet by not being as gay as this user.

Don't be such a dope, plenty of pokémon float for no fucking reason.

Fairy is the new dragon, aren't sure what type it should be but want it to be strong? Slap dragon on it.

Yeah, I was much younger. Makes me wonder why you people are still playing Pokemon games.

And they were designed with that in mind.

New weezing should be floating upside down because as much as it triggers you retards there are in fact rules in this fantasy world.
It's why trainers can't just walk over water without the help of surfing pokemon or a boat.

so you're telling that user to become an anti-ice fag? because your post implies that. why tho, ice is nice, why would yyou hate it

And yet all of you fags will buy it day one.

Dragon at least makes sense as a "reptile" type. We have essentially what is a "bird", "fish", and "arthropod" type already, and Dragon falls in line with that. What type would Haxorus be if not for Dragon? Or Druddigon? Meanwhile, you could remove Fairy type from the game entirely and every Pokemon would still exist, since you could just make them all another type.

Fairy type being stronger than Dragon ever was also doesn't help its case. The type is too damned powerful and over-centralizing of the meta. The Tapus wouldn't even be that good if not for their Fairy typing. Remove that and the only one that'd still be OU would probably be Fini.

Gen 7 had the potential to be good. Totem battles were a good idea. A good example would be the battle against totem salazzle. salazzle with call in Salandits to use toxic. At which point solazzo herself would use venoshock shock and get boosted damage. Now you have some decision making. You can get rid of the Salandits and reduce the power of Venoshock as well as turning a 2v1 into a 1v1. or you can Target salazzle herself and risk-taking much more damage than you normally would in exchange for a faster battle. It's a nice twist on the pokemon formula.

Where GF fucks this up is with Z moves. Because all of that thinking goes out of that window the second you decide to equip Waterium Z and just nuke salazzle out of existence.

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>because as much as it triggers you retards there are in fact rules in this fantasy world.
No, rocks without any kind of specific power levitate only in this franchise.

Yes...yes I will. This is a materialistic industry and I am material man.

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Very few Ice type Pokemon would make sense as another type. You could say "Water", but most Ice types are based around being 'cold' rather than being another state of matter of water.

Seething brit afraid of posting the real version

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Sort of. Tapu Koko still has his speed and electric Terrain so he still functions as a powerful pivot. Tapu Lele also still gets to be good because of psychic Terrain.

>Arbok using Acid
>Not Scrafty or Voltorb

Yeah, the only real ice types are something like Cryogonal, Vanilluxe line, Regice and Bergmite line.

>I can be yuor angle or yuor devil

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>but most Ice types are based around being 'cold' rather than being another state of matter of water.
and they all attack with another form of water. every single ice attack is that. ice makes no sense as a type. it makes no sense to make a type that's just a gas or solid version of another one. exactly like rock when ground exists. sorry but you can't use that logic for one type yet deny it for others.

>uk pokemon
>uses acid as attack

t. pokebrainlet

Me too

Yeah, but they're not better than Latias, Scizor, or Hydreigon, all of whom are UU at this point. Fini gets to be a bulky Water type with an additional resistance to Dragon, immunity to Toxic, great defensive stats, a not-bad speed and special attack stat, and access to Defog. Basically, it'd be Suicune with a good ability.

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That, and all water types get access to ice moves anyhow.

>The ones you "cared" about are easier than a game you got bored with.
Found the zoomer.
Back in gen 2 people got their shit pushed in by sudowoodo, do you want to know why?
Because there was no way to know it was a rock type until AFTER you caught it, so people lead with fire types and got fucked.
Most people would kill it by accident too, as they had no way of knowing this tree would come alive and likely didn't save, which yes if you killed it you don't get to know its type either.
The new games tell you what moves a pokemon is weak to before you even know what type it is, your ember has a big glowing NOT VERY EFFECTIVE text before you even select it.

Similarly do you want to know why people consider may 2 the hardest rival fight in the series?
It's because she catches you off guard, in an area you are likely to not heal in.
This isn't like the new games where your fucking rival heals you 10 seconds before they challenge you to a fight.

Anyone who tries to pretend that the older games were easier because they saw a screenshot of those trainers movesets never actually played under those games mechanics and at a time when you couldn't just google a pokemons types and weaknesses.

Guys they have a Pikachu lookalike in every gen this is nothing new

Literally the only good thing to come from this trainwreck is shitty pokemon getting new evolutions.

Looks like a typhlosion going through a punk phase

>Every single Ice attack is that
Aurora Beam
Sheer Cold
>It makes no sense to make a type that's just a gas or solid version of another one
Good thing it isn't. Ice represents the opposite of Fire, which mostly just represents heat. Numel and Camerupt don't have any Fire in them, but they're still Fire type because they're hot and produce magma. Ice types are all about being Cold.

Nothing about that is similar to how redundant and useless Fairy is as a type.

You actually made it worse. Amazing.

Yes, people can't walk on water and trains can't fly.
There are rules, even in fantasy settings.

made him want to rock and roll all night and party every day

Fuck baby shit in general and 3-gen-later evolutions.

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>Granbull is known as the fairy pokemon
>is part of the fairy egg- group
>Is popular among women despite his whole concept derived from him being ugly and scary to everyone else

you just have the Hollywood image of what a fairy is and can't grasp the concept of what the type is trying to represent.

funny, before fairy types existence many pokemon of similar concepts would go on psychic instead and you just said psychic ain't gay, so?(

still don't get what fairies have to do with trannies tho

I bet she likes toxicroaks

>The new games tell you what moves a pokemon is weak to before you even know what type it is

No it explicitly doesn't show you type advantage until you've seen it, go take your alzheimer meds grandpa

what the fuck is fairy type?

I forgot about that one doubles at the end of Hoenn's victory road once and nearly had a heart attack as the AI had Gardevoir use Skill Swap on partner Slaking.

Its the type they can lazily slap on any Pokemon that are cute and pink

Immune to dragon, beats dragon, dark and fighting, weak to poison and steel. Introduced in X/Y

>not him

You water it and it goes REEEEE. Even if you assume it is grass and attack, have just one NFE and can switch out to something that is better against it.

>Granbull is known as the Fairy Pokemon
Again, in name only
>Is part of the Fairy Egg-group
So is pic related, yet it's not even close to being a Fairy type
>Is popular among women
It's a pitbull, which are also popular among women in real life, which is why they have the most kills of any dog breed.
>You just have the Hollywood image of what a Fairy is and can't grasp the concept of what the type is trying to represent
What's the over-arching theme of Fairy type, then? Describe in less than 10 words every single Fairy type Pokemon. It's impossible. Fairy is a redundant, useless, excuse of a type.

>Funny, before Fairy types existence, many Pokemon of similar concepts would go into Psychic instead
Yeah, because Psychic makes sense of a type. Might as well add Magic in as well if we're going to split types unnecessarily to appeal to another demographic. Oh, and don't forget the "Diamond" type, which is separate from Rock because Rocks aren't pretty gemstones that appeal to girls.

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Where the fuck is all the gigamax smut? Fuck you mods, the dick was cropped out and there's no nipples.

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The "cute" type, except for all of the Pokemon in the type that aren't actually cute, but they're sort of "majestic" or "mysterious" or pink.

It's just the strongest type in the game that Game Freak slaps on a shitmon when they don't want to bother with balancing.

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It is a reference to the Smurfs

Okay, how about this?

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Your whole post would have been nice if only the weakness indicator didn't appear only after fighting a Pokemon, making your "The new games tell you what moves a pokemon is weak to before you even know what type it is" completely worthless.

>Because there was no way to know it was a rock type until AFTER you caught it, so people lead with fire types and got fucked.
Good thing not everyone starts with Cyndaquil and that even then it can fuck it up with Smokescreen as it is a thousand times faster than it. Hell, i don't remember if you can get Dig before it, but even Mud Slap is enough.
>Most people would kill it by accident too, as they had no way of knowing this tree would come alive and likely didn't save, which yes if you killed it you don't get to know its type either.
The thing fucking dances when you talk to it. No other obstacle in any of the games does anything like that.

>t's because she catches you off guard, in an area you are likely to not heal in.
You come in that area from a big ass city and all the trainers in the zone are piss weak while the only disturbance is wild Electrikes. She "catches you off guard" if you're a retard that didn't heal in the city, like the retards that complain about Bridge Blue

I don't get the Cu Sith shit either and I like fairy types. The only source that says that shit is bulbapedia. for some reason, every pokemon needs a DEEP and cultural origin.

A youkai. Yukinko that evolves into an oni or a yuki-onna.

sheer cold literally freezes the opponent in the ultimate ice. so with aurora beam whoa 1 whole move, that's amazing.

>Ice types are all about being Cold.
and they use moves that are all about ice and 2 states of it. ice and rock are redundant and useless, much more than fairy

Monokuma lookin ass

Threw them in a locked room with nothing but KISS playing it seems, or ICP.

They already did that though. WIth his evolution line no less.

Rules that the franchise never followed, so why should it start now?


Fucking absolute zero shit.

>new Zigzagoon and Linoone actually look pretty cool
>new evolution is just guy in a suit-tier furbait
One step forward, two steps back. Classic GF.

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Youkai =/= Fairy. It's why he's in the Fairy egg-group, but not a Fairy type. The egg-group is kind of a dumping ground like Normal type.

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>Might as well add Magic in as well if we're going to split types unnecessarily to appeal to another demographic.
No need, Fairy is already Magic and Light combined.

Based on the old leak Farfetch'd is finally getting recognition

It's obviously a bong, it even got green stuff in the middle.

>using final fantashit as "it's only like this"
please the issue with granbull being a cu sith is the name is nothing related to it and it isn't green.

Attached: Cu_Sith.jpg (1024x565, 64K)

Which is why it is in the fairy breeding group.

>Even you're favorite pokemon isn;t safe from getting a humanoid evolution

Good thing Ludicolo already has a poncho and two legs

It's stupid in that it just looks like a malformed Pikachu, but if they write in some sort of elaborate and sensible explanation as to why (say, it's a lab-grown Pikachu variant), then that'd be alright.

>new pokemon reveal

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>the blocking Pokemon
>*blocks your path*

No, Sheer Cold is just dropping the temperature to absolute zero, which is why it's a OHKO move instead of a move that inflicts freeze a la Twave, WoW, Toxic, etc.

>And they use movers that are all about ice
And snow. And auroras. And temperature manipulation.
>Ice and rock are redundant
No they aren't
>much more than Fairy
>t. Fairy Internet Defence Force.

>Partially a bit of maybe some of

What the fuck did you just say like actually

Same energy.

Fairy is the closest cultural equivalent to Youkai.

That would just make it Mimikyu 2.

>Height 9'10''
Goddamn what a chad

>all these anons seething about bipedal Pokemon existing

Are they even trying

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Do you guys think Dogars is getting one or just Weezing. I can see it just being Weezing.


>new favs can’t blankpost


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>>new Zigzagoon and Linoone actually look pretty cool
>Zigzagoon but black and angry
Amazing redesign.

Absolutely not. Fairy is just a super special "cute" type that gets to be the best in the game just like your parents would force you to let your little brother win in a game so he would get to feel special.

Wardroab is cool. Ghost/Grass?

fug it really is


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>you can't make this shit up
Reminder, based on that Pokemon Direct, all new character designs in Sword and Shield are literally Western design.

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>damp and soak’d are just dickbutt

They might as well wait till November for any news.

ll animations of sheer cold involve ice surrounding the enemy. THE FIRST sheer cold literally encases the enemy in a block.

>And snow
yeah shaped water
>And auroras.
wow 1 whole move.
>And temperature manipulation.

you can't say a type isn't like X because 1 or 2 moves are different, come the fuck on.

>No they aren't
yes they are. a thousand other franchises are just content with either water or freeze, else they put them together. rock is only in pokemon, literally every other franchise uses earth. hell sometimes electric is inserted into wind too.

>Brown swimmer
>Brown fighter
>Fighter artwork it's literally Danganronpa pose
>Monokuma pikaclone
>It's called Morpeko
>Peko is a DR character
>Not to mention that detective Anabel looks like Kyoko
What else?


At least it makes more sense than Alolan Ninetales. Literally nothing about Ninetales is a fairy. It's just a blue fox and somehow only the blue one is a fairy.

>that gets to be the best in the game


Something to do with the inspiration

All you'd have to do is give it an ability that isn't levitate and one of your major concerns would be gone.

thanks, you made me laugh

Ninetales is a fucking youkai you fucking retard, it was either Fairy or Ghost and they forgot to add Ghost to the base one too.

Vanilla Ninetales should have been fairy

C O N S U M E P R O D U C t

>t. Fairy Internet Defence Force

Attached: E2x1F[1].png (594x292, 22K)

Fairy shouldn't exist

oh they're trying all right. trying to lose fans

Youkai =/= Fairy

What is this?
A pikachu on crack?

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Final image is fine proportions but what the fuck is with that line art on the leaves?

It makes sense because industrial revolution and coal industries you fucking retards


cool descriptions. how about you watch the animations instead, retard?

It does now so we might as well be consistent about it.

Or just give it Recover. Or just give it Rapid Spin. Or just give it Toxic Spikes. There's so many ways to make Weezing useful in the current meta, but as it is, not even giving it a new type would save it. Weezing's type and ability would be good on a less passive Pokemon, and its movepool would be better on a Pokemon with a different type/ability. It's stuck in a weird limbo where it's too passive, yet not passive enough.

There's literally 0 difference between the two other than naming.

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Rebalancing is hard bro

The animations have never been accurate. Unless you think surf actually just recreates Noah's Ark.

oh, now it's that "the animations are inaccurate". cool.

The descriptions have always been what the move actually is.

bruh, egg groups are supposed to represent what the fuck the pokemon is.
Fairy type existence is just game freak taking the fairy egg group and making it a type. they just added the white/light magic which every JRPG in existence have.

A beautiful ghostly woman who allures men to their deaths, an oversized cat monster that eats people, small creatures that help with household chores if you help them, a creature that infiltrate human society and have tells like having the legs or tail of a beast under their clothes, brutal muscular humanoids with strange skin tone and use clubs.
The same archetypes are common.

I always thought it'd be cool if a move had a different animation depending on whether it was STAB or not.
Like, Surf would become Tsunami and have a really cool animation of a titanic wave crashing into Gamefreak HQ.
Or if Earthquake became something like Tectonic blast and showed a continent being ripped in half.
Of course Gamefreak is lazy as fuck so itll never happen.

They made you into HIS slave ;)

>I fucking hate when people (especially millenials) refuse to let go of the past.
You must have got a lot of nerve to stay alive then, since there are hundreds and hundreds of video-games, comics, movies, books and others entertainment franchises around you that are still quite alive since years and years ago.

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I actually love this

ninetails could be Ghost, psychic, fairy, dark and nothing would look wrong

This... is actually a good idea. It'd be a way to teach new players at a glance what STAB is. Like Flamethrower would be a small stream of flame normally while STAB Flamethrower would be a massive fireball that engulfs the opponent

Fairy is more like a "bubblegum mythical" type. Like if it'd fit in Adventure Time, it'd be a fairy type.

>Fairy is just a super special "cute" type that gets to be the best in the game
But it's not. Considering the best mons in the game, Psychic, Dragon and Steel still have more than fairy.

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he's a badger not a ferret

Zoroark failing was hilarious.
>gen 5 was the worst selling mainline gen
>they tried to shill anything from the gen after zoroark failed but the mons were so awful nobody liked any of them
>had to settle for shilling stunfisk because of a meme in japan
God I love how the utterly cucked americans with unova
>make a region filled with japanese landmarks (abyssal ruins, entralink, shinto shrine etc are all based on japan)
>japanese school uniforms
>european bridges (literally every bridge in unova is either european or japanese inspired including skyarrow which is the tokyo rainbow bridge)
>make story revolve entirely around chinese taoism involving european knights and fucking royalty themes in a region supposedly based on N.Y.
>the starters are based on france (the very next gen was also french really makes you think they just wanted to do a france region and gave america the shit on a dying console lol), japan, and china
>every gen 5 movie was inspired by locations in france
>call it america because of 1 generic city that has no distinct qualities and wouldn't feel out of place in any region
Lmao it's the greatest thing gf ever did.

That ziggy is too fucking adorable and it gives me a reason to use him beyond a hm slave. It's fine

now they're just shitposting

Eg is a starter for sure

>more furfag garbage porn to filter from the pokemon tag


what dragons still get to be good other than mega Salamence, mega Latias, Garchomp, and Mega FUG

if by kino you mean trash then yeah, absolutely.

Bruh that's the dumbest shit I've ever seen.

Why would Scrafty use it?
It's based on british punks.

Should've been about Unovans

Could be like Marowak. I assume they wouldn't hold back from showing Koffing if it also had a new form.

I love this son of a bitch! Maybe it'll be worth a damn now instead of just the HM Slave. Obstagoon is the one of my favorite Galar monsters introduced so far.

Eh, at least the shape of the map is New York like even if the culture is very different.

>Hasn't tried shell break skill link Cloyster
He's fucking incredible.

Not even remotely worth the risk involved in setting up.


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I always keep taunt or encore ready just in case I run into something like shell smash Cloyster

Almost half of ubers is Dragon. USUM even managed to get a fucking Poison one in it. The only two fairies there are Arceus and Xerneas. OU has 9 fairies, half of which are Tapu while Steel has 11 mons. Garchomp, Kyurems, Charizard and even Kommo-o keep shitting on stuff.

Generally though the dominating Pokemon are Steel, Dragon, or Water.

Unovans aren't americans, surge exists and he's an american not from unova
See here
>b-but that npc in pwt!!!
Says a joke about it, in only the English translation of the game that's it.

Dragons are bullshit because high BST. Type wise they are horrible offensively and mediocre defensively.

what is this?

Oh wow holy shit, so american.
It also looks like part of china, there are tons of similar looking places.
What matters isn't the shape of the region but what's in it, and there isn't anything american
Even liberty garden isn't american
>based on a dutch lighthouse the backstory of it is too similar not to be like it's literally 1:1

Orre, Unova, and Alola are the regions based on America, but Orre is spin-off only.

It is a process. Unova is only vaguely New York specifically, Kalos is moderately French, Alola is very tourist trap Hawaii, and Galar is 100% UK.

>mutt pikachu

Yeah sorry unova has nothing american about it, sorry it's show don't tell and what they show in unova are themes of royalty, japanese landmarks, and well nothing american.
Orre is an empty desert shithole that steals mons (mons based on culture around the world almost as if the developers were making a statement on how cultureless america really is) so yeah pretty american, and Alola is hawaiian you know the area america stole just like the rest of the land?
Nothing american about it, it's hawaiian.

It's a process to go from a region based on japan, to a region based on japan, to a region based on france.
Yeah, japan does love france.

Okay that pokemon is just Wilfre possessed

Attached: HeatherSceptre2.gif (40x40, 2K)

Of course. They have a medical condition for Japanese tourists who feel disappointed by Paris.

Unova is based off america dude, the only thing royal about is N's castle which is final boss "shits getting serious now" bait
Take your hate boner back to /int/