How old is Marissa exactly
How old is Marissa exactly
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old enough
to breed
probably around 17 like reimu
I prefer my mistress who is just less than legal (500 years old)
Who is the hottest Touhou waifu?
Yeah shouldn’t she at least be aging
Didn't Reimu kill some random guy who became a youkai to get immortality so that he could live a comfy life? Would Reimu kill Marisa if she did the same?
Matter of opinion wouldn't you think?
If not the mistress then Komachi or Flandre
Marisa is not a villager, she'd probably get a pass.
what's the youngest 2hu
There's a theory that Marisa has unknowingly transcended humanity and stopped aging already, just like her fellow magician Patchouli. That aside, she should be in her 30s by now.
The better question is why doesn't reimu age.
Raymoo and Marissa are only human in tofu
>There's a theory
Nah she's a teen but aunn's was literally born in HSiFS.
ahh, I want to kiss Remi
Touhou exists in a time warp where the world progresses but none of the characters age, like South Park.
In her 30's probably
old enough
Came here to post this
Aunn has memories of being a statue, and the statue was there for a while.
Good metabolism and a strict diet!
Aging really doesn't matter for vast maority of touhous considering most have very long lifespans if not outright immortality. It's just Reimu and Marisa who this question applies to, plus a couple minor characters.
It probably also applies for someone like akyuu who is going to die soon
Akyuu is still young, no?
She'll only live to be about thirty and she's in her mid-twenties at this point.
Yeah her death is soon
Marisa is the better playable character
Good taste.
shame shes in one game only like her subordinate
Mokou and Reiuji are good contenders.
Maybe she'll be an Extra midboss for the new game. Zun wouldn't leave us hanging after going back to hell, would he?
She drinks and time passes so she's probably in her twenties.
Well, we should at least see them this new game
It's been like fourteen+ years in-universe since Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
The point of touhou is that nearly nothing is canon, so the thousands of fan artists can do whatever they want with the designs.
Also, I have the hots for girls in witch costumes. I have lots of weird fetishes but witches in particular make me bothered. I recently found out that my favorite picture book as a child involved a loli witch as the main character. I guess that's the root of everything.
Okay, she's in her late twenties/early thirties. Happy?
What book, out of curiosity?
>The point of touhou is that nearly nothing is canon
I don't know the name or even the plot but it involved a school for magician children and the protagonist was a little girl with a witch costume. My first language isn't English either so it's possible it'll be difficult/impossible to find.
Well shit, I found it. Just a thumbnail though, from a catalogue.
This is a weird path to look into. I wonder if I were to look at all the picture books I liked as a toddler would reveal more of my current tastes.
The idea is that there is official canon which is loose anyway unless you want to dig into the books then there is the fanon which a lot of people follow anyway to the point that it has taking a life of its own that even when touhou stops fanworks will continue. You even have different personality's for the same characters
weird but okay
Old enough to get wasted when they regularly spend the shrine's donation money on sake
This is patently false and is an extremely secondary opinion. Touhou has a very concrete canon which is expressed through its official mangas and books. The whole idea that that you can "do whatever you want" with the setting comes from ZUN being loose with the copyright and letting use it for whatever doujin works they want.
Like this thread
>Touhou has a very concrete canon which is expressed through its official mangas and books.
What about the games?
I mean, incidents happen and are alluded in said manga and books. Also games have character profiles with plenty of handy canon information.
Like I said, the canon is loose unless you want to dig into the books.
>unless you want to dig into the books
which you should regardless
>implying she's not still the crimson slasher in the manga and books
Honestly Reimu's a huge asshole.
Almost everyone is either an asshole or a direct associate of an asshole. If not both.
x+15, so around 25.
She's a youkai living in makai
I fucking hate western artists
Reimu stays young by sniffing Remilia's ashes, why do you think she invites her at her parties despite the fact that she dislikes her?
Theory is shit, the spell is meant to take a lifetime to master so most magicians who are able to stop their aging are already extremely old. Marisa would have to be a real prodigy to have mastered it in her teens which is unlikely as she needs a mini-Hakkero to concentrate her magic into a Master Spark, something Yuuka does on her own.
On her 20s but she is a huge manchild.
I wouldnt see her as one
>Honestly Reimu's a huge asshole.
She is THE huge asshole and that's the best part.
You say that but Reimu would totally sell her bath water to make a quick buck.
No mature adult would travel deep underground while larping as an rpg character.
same guy made another one
Time passes in Gensokyo at the same rate as it does in the real world, so likely in her mid to late twenties.
I'm pretty sure all the girls in gensokyo human or otherwise just don't age because each game canonically happened in the year they were released.
Well reimu has boobs and ass now.
Wait... she does?
ZUN like all other Japanese artists cant draw asses.
The only good non-jap touhou artists are setz and wool
what is everyone's favorite game? I really like PCB (it was also my first so go figure), SA, and MoF
and LoLK but dont tell anyone, i still can just barely beat it on Point Device mode but i love how it kicks my ass
SA and LoLK.
UFO and IN
What doujin?
my man