Who the FUCK is he

who the FUCK is he

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John Doomguy brother of Gordon Doomguy

That dead marine you see at the start of E1M1


Your respawn


>No bother! don't fuck that impette!

It's time to live up to my family name and go Waist-Deep in the Dead!

deepnest lore

his past version that travelled in time to the present to save himself

that's one doomed space marine

fuck, what are the chances that the guy in front getting attacked by demons is the dead marine and Doomguy is in the back


my survival server buddy


His wife’s son

As a kid I actually thought the dead marines you see were from the ones playing the demos, even though they died at completely different places.


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So Doomguy loses it after seeing the last marine die and goes slaughtermode?


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It's to signify there's multiplayer. Doom had 4 player co-op and deathmatch modes that you could either play local or online (crudely, though)

Doomguy's sanity.

Very good

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This might be it desu

>implying doomguy wasn't distracting his "fellow marine" in order to get him killed so that he can have all the slaughter for himself.

It could be
or even possibly...

the man who would have married you

It's not eating enough Tidepods to be ZoomGuy.

That’s Doom II

avin a gigo @ that one m8

John Stalvern

He is the 2nd player, they were playing multiplayer

None, from the manual - "You and your buddies, the only combat troops for 50 million miles were sent up pronto to Phobos. You were ordered to secure the perimeter of the base while the rest of the team went inside. For several hours, your radio picked up the sounds of combat: guns firing, men yelling orders, screams, bones cracking, then finally, silence. Seems your buddies are dead."

but he's the first player because his uniform could be grey and the front guy's is clearly green. The protagonist in single player is grey because the face background is grey and not green.

I have to wonder how much the Phobos Base's defenses sucked considering it was overrun by just Imps, Pinkies, and 2 Barons of Hell. Because everything else in E1 are just your former fellow soldiers.

Well, there apparently weren't any marines there (player and buddies were on Mars), demons are immune to nukage and all the crushing ceilings went to Deimos. The chainsaw was their only hope

Why send marines to Mars if there's no water?

arlene sanders

>Doomguy is green
>Redguy is red
>Tanguy is tan

>Indigoguy is gray
what did they mean by this

G reen
B rown
R ed

B lack, used
G rey, used
I ndigo, free
only explanation I can think of

They will probably expand on this in Eternal.

Nu-id is going deep into the lore.

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>This motherfucker ends up being the dead marine pissed off that you let him die

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A man more angry about his superiors abandoning him than the demons slaughtering his comrades. PHOBOS.

Whats your fellas favorite wad?

Eternal is going to have two "singleplayer expansion packs" that focus on different characters that take place during the fall of Earth.
>yfw it's Phobos and Crash, and they get new arsenals and abilities

thats doomguy
the marine in the CENTER of the cover dies

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>restricted flicks
What kino was Doomguy watching?

Marine from resurrection of evil

Guess what "R" stand for.

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I wanna know what gun he's holding, is that like a triple barrel shotgun?

i love how this lore makes doom sound like a horror game but in reality its anything but

Rip and tear




whateverthefuckly reminder to look at the cover art of DOOM
look at the bottom
that's a fucking gun but it's a fucking demon gun
and a demon looking at the demon from whose point of view this is from
why would a demon be looking at a another demon? no other demons are looking at a demon
it's because YOU are the fucking demon
that's right
you were the demons all along

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It was a different time: Doom was scary to way too many people when it was first out. Bear in mind a decade before nerds like these were almost considered embodiments of Satan.

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You can clearly see a demon with a gun for a hand you blind tard

I wish the series kept this vibe.

Doom 3


>when one page from the mid 90s is more interesting story-wise than your entire 2016 remake

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I think it's this one seeing as there's proof in the manual

John Stalvern waited. The lights above him blinked and sparked out of the air. There were demons in the base. He didn't see them, but had expected them now for years. His warnings to Cernel Joson were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway.
John was a space marine for fourteen years. When he was young he watched the spaceships and he said to dad "I want to be on the ships daddy."
Dad said "No! You will BE KILL BY DEMONS"
There was a time when he believed him. Then as he got oldered he stopped. But now in the space station base of the UAC he knew there were demons.
"This is Joson" the radio crackered. "You must fight the demons!"
So John gotted his palsma rifle and blew up the wall.
"HE GOING TO KILL US" said the demons
"I will shoot at him" said the cyberdemon and he fired the rocket missiles. John plasmaed at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
"No! I must kill the demons" he shouted
The radio said "No, John. You are the demons"
And then John was a zombie.

I honestly enjoyed the "story" of the classic games more than the reboots. Maybe because there was so little of it, your imagination kicked in, filling in the gaps. That, and almost all of it wasn't even in the game, rather the manual, so if you didn't care and just wanted to shoot things, you'd never even know about it.
Just a guy who lost his buddies and is looking to crack some heads.

Doom RPG remasters when?

God I want that so bad but I know it's not going to happen

thats code name Rabbit

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It could be pretty spooky, environments were dark and had a lot of grisly stuff hidden throughout, and enemies could pop out of nowhere to surprise you. It was comparable to what Dead Space is like today IMO.

Ideally, something closer to Doom 16's gameplay with Doom 3's atmosphere with more dickheaded and cunning enemies/ambushes/etc. is what I'd want with Doom - and not with NuDoom's 'arena gameplay'.

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Honestly, DOOM was a bit creepy. At least the first times I played it.
'16 is kinda bland

your younger sibling who's controller you disconnected but he still thinks he's playing alongside you

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