Mary Skelter 2 releases in the west on October 22nd

Magically turned from a PS4 game into a Switch game thanks to Sony.

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Why? What did they do?

Compile Heart are actually a pretty nice developer when they aren't being lazy with Nep spinoffs.

Does it still come with a copy of the first game with added gameplay changes?

sony doesn't want this kind of game on their console anymore

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Is this still on PC or is that the first one?

>Does it still come with a copy of the first game with added gameplay changes?

Only the first game is on PC, it's safe to assume this will also come to PC in due time.

Ah. That's unfortunate. Japs need to migrate to PC where no big corp will tell them what is not allowed.


I enjoyed the first one on PC not that long ago, hopefully this one will come too.
Though I don't know anything about the second game or any related stuff, what's that about a copy of the first game with gameplay changes?

Mary Skelter 2 includes a rebalanced version of the first game with some additions.

Is the gameplay actually good though?

Huh, nice. What are the balance changes? I hope they made the Nightmares harder all around because I really liked the concept but they felt weak in execution.

The hell? Is this an image from the game? I thought it was just a dark themed dungeon crawler.

>idea factory
what did you honestly expect?

I wanted to play this because I enjoy dungeon crawlers and the music is great but
The only games I play digital-only are ones I emulate.

It is. But there's also minigames where you rub the bad shit off the girls' bodies to buff them. You can skip it after the first time with each girl.

Or push for CERO rating reform. Lets see them censor a game with softcore sex and nudity when western games have done it more than Japan ever did on console.

When I want a game with sexual content I always want the full course with explicit sex being dessert.

Sony will look like cunts if they looked at the Reformed Cero and still have to censor CERO Z games

Is this game lewder than the first?

Who cares what system it's on I'm just glad we're getting it. If Snoy doesn't want my money that's on those faggots.

No, but it's gayer and filled with a lot more despair that was directly caused by the gayness, but any more details would be spoilers so I'll leave it at that.

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>snoy tranny assblasted by woman bodies
Join the 40% already.

>no pc release

Why? Nintendo fans don't buy third party games...

Cute dyke

Is there a reform coming? Is there even any talk about it among themselves?

>Sony will look like cunts
They already look like cunts, they just don't care.

That hasn't been true since the 90s.

They wont do it because it easier to go to a hole and hide from the destructive censorship hordes and flee to the Switch than giving up political capital to push for rating reform.

We live in a time where explicit sexual content get a pass because it adds to story while shitty sexual fanservice is getting censored and we are pointing fingers at the left

I guess I’ll wait for the switch or pc ports then instead of going for the first. Thanks user

No english physical switch release no buy.

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>shame it will come to pc
why is this a problem?

Shame it will never come to PC; I loved the first one.

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This. Why is it always digital only?



Because it's niche kusoge with a limited localization budget


Man I hope they learned from the first. The first one of was okay, but Jesus fucking Christ some of the dungeons went for WAY to long. I seriously almost dropped the game during the temple.

>it might be shovelware, but it's EXCLUSIVE shvelware!

Tlou in a nutshell

>The hell? Is this an image from the game?

everything except the hand down the panties. That part is an edit, it's over the panties

>going through the postgame dungeon
>First floor of this alone has the size of Temple 1, 2, 3 and 4 combined
>mfw the whole things is actually super short if you know where to go

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>mary skelter will win goty awards and sell 20 million

And let me guess, you also think pokemon is the best game ever

Let me guess, you think BOTW is the best game ever


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Yeah deflecting to Nintendo doesn't work if I already shat on a Nintendo game, sonyfag.

By definition, tlou cannot be shovelware.

Despite adhering to it perfectly.

>start battle against five of those
>spam AoE with your fastest characters
>four in the back row survive
>Bakazukin and Thumbelina get their turn after them
>Flash grenade

Not at all, and you know it. I can't believe you are seething bout the game since 2012.

does that mean it won't get a physical release?

1. The second will never come to PC so you only choice is the Switch port.
2. The version of the first game inside the second one is different from the original game due to plot reasons. The developers themselves said that the order is: 1 original -> 2 -> 1 rebalanced.

Seething? No, it's just a very good example of AAA shovelware.

>still seething
Okay, little nig.

Doesn't seem like it.
And don't think that the japanese physical version has english because it doesn't. It only has Japanese and Chinese.

I wouldn't really call this kusoge when shit like Gun Gun Pixies, Moero Chronicle, etc exist.

why arent they localizing the ps4 version? they're literally putting in more work porting it to Switch first. Do they not know about how there are 100 million ps4 owners?

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>why arent they localizing the ps4 version
Too raunchy for the child audience.

Sony wouldn't let them.

They're butthrt. Every japanese game has sold 4x as much on ps4 than switch in japan alone. Someone must have the sales data. I'll bet after they get done with their protest they'll suddenly announce it for ps4.

Don't forget to buy Labyrinth Life!

>poorly made and repetitive
>rushed out for ps3
Sounds like shovelware to me.

As much as I hated Aegis Maidens these fucks randomly deciding to go really fast and then spamming VY Blast was the bane of me for a couple of floors.
I've had three of those all launch an AoE at some point and that probably was the fastest I was ever sent back to the save point.

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>Every japanese game has sold 4x as much on ps4
It's pretty much just a handful of games released after the ps4 version except for probably that tales game.

You must think MGSV was shovelware since kojima completely ripped it off.

Wrong, they release at the same time and ps4 always kills it. A recent example was the latest atelier game.

Have you actually played MGSV

All memes aside it's because of sony's new policies. They released the game (fully intact) in japan first, but when they released it for the rest of asia the new sony policies came into effect and required them to cut out some parts of the game. This made the battle system unbalanced and all around fucked things up. So rather than releasing the fucked up result in the west they decided to cut the ps4 release.

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>Sony will look like cunts

That's because they _are_.
In particular: of the SJW variation.

Sony Interactive Entertainment is being run by apologist leftist SJW fucks from California with full autonomy; i.e. little Sony Japan can bring to bear against them other than having the entire thing blow up in their faces so catastrophically that it will affect their bottom line and *allow* them to intervene.

It's literally "open world" tlou.

>they release at the same time
Yeah no. Not all of them.

Just wait. They know PS4 is here the money is, so the game will come.

>Migrate to PC
>One of the biggest complaints is that their choices are forced DRM from an American company vs forced DRM from a Chinese company
PC is absolutely fucked. I like Ubisoft/Square Enix/Activision-Blizzard Games but their spyware loaders are pure garbage.

>the game will come.
Not with those policies.

They just don't want to be in a scandal, they said it themselves they don't want to deal with a media circus like meetoo

And counter-examples from the last few weeks are Attack on Titan 2 Final Battle, the Sega Olympics game and Omega Labyrinth Life among others, all of which sold better on Switch.

Just like TSA wouldn't come right?
>meanwhile P5 is exclusive

So you want it to come over like the omega labyrinth game? Censored to all hell because Sony doesn't want this shit on their platform anymore?

I remember a couple of unfortunate run-ins with those, as well. They were so tanky they'd usually survive the first volley.
One of the girls went Blood Skelter after taking so much damage and killed the party on one such occasion, I believe.

Because PS4 release would end up with a gimped game.

what a loss...

It's nothing like tlou in any capacity. Not to mention Ground Zeroes came out only a year after.

Did all of you start browsing Yea Forums last week or something? How have you not heard about this already?

More like how Senran Reflexions didn't. Not to mention if it was it would be releasing in the west at the same time.
Look, unless Sony stops with the puritan act its not going to ps4.

Pretty sure you're replying to the wrong person there.

Meanwhile for his next game


Imagine liking anime girls and STILL supporting Sony. I haven't bought a new PS4 game since they revealed their bullshit.

It's a Drpg. You only know if the gameplay is good and balanced after like 20 hours
Until then you can't tell

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user, do you even know why these games aren't coming to ps4?

I hope you have bookmarked

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>it might be shovelware, but it's EXCLUSIVE shovelware!

He was involved in it but he's not really involved anymore.
I'm sure the game will be severely toned down vs the anime.


Because am*ricans are garbage and ruins everything.

>sell on their own store
Shit, they're selling on consoles which is DRM by itself, why would they care about DRM now?

>I'm so plebeian I don't know this series at all
>it MUST be shovelware!
And nigger this thread is complaining about the forced exclusivity in the first place

If tlou is shovelware, so is every game nintendo or valve ever made

In all honesty I'm surprised sonyfags haven't made one yet. After all they love their petitions.

What did he mean by this?

Keep saying it

It's actually a decent drpg with trashy ecchi elements which you can like or dislike that's down to you. I just wish that good drpgs weren't so rare nowadays

Only gertting it for Rapunzel

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Damn. I was hoping for a physical release but I suppose digital only is better than no game at all.

based nintendo saving gretel's series

Switch and PC owners are the ones who keep begging for ports though. You can't deflect the estabished meme

>Do they not know about how there are 100 million ps4 owners?

And exactly zero (0) of them are allowed to see anime tiddies anymore.

You say that but a lot of the petitions come from sonyfags. They even wanted meh games like pokemon sns, smash and octopath.

Whatever gets you to sleep at night. But Tlou will always just be shovelware my seething little monkey.

Show me those petitions with 2 signatures on it made by falseflgging tendies, and I'll show you a twitter timeline of 500 posts yelling at a developer about how exclusives are bad mmkay.


Fuck kusony.

>living okay in your safe space
okay retard

>with 2 signatures on it
I think I have you beat

Heard the name before but what kind of game is it?

manufacturing physical goods is a big financial risk

Dungeon Crawler

Aren't you the one crying about tlou being shovelware?

>smash to vita
I want kill a am*rican trash falseflag so bad

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You know.

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it's just tromaware

There's a point where you can't claim that's the case and I think 500 signatures is well over that.

because sony is a bad company

So will there be an asian physical copy I can import or am I just not going to be allowed to play this game?


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It gets better

No one is gonna buy the censored PS4 version. Omega Labyrinth just proved it with the PS4 version selling so little it could even fucking chart on Japan’s weekly sales report

>1. The second will never come to PC so you only choice is the Switch port.

Can you even name a single game made by IF that didn't come to pc after they opened the western branch?

it will come eventually
they scrape every barrel for revenue because they sell niche products

Your mom.

IF said officially that there was no plans for a PC release of Mary Skelter 2.

I don't know about the others but in the case of Omega Labyrinth the weekly famitsu sales released today shows the switch version in the top 10, but the PS4 is nowhere to be seen

>people sign it just to leave a shitpost
Computer, remove falseflag signatures

Did the new one come out already?

They say the same thing every single time. They said it with the first MS too. Why undermine a console release if they can get double dippers.
The only exceptions have been some of their recent releases like the Super Neptunia and the Date a Live VN because of the negative pr when they announced the PS4 censorship. Hell when they announced Varnir they said it was a PS4 only game too, and then they announced the pc version a week before release

Wow defending a fanbase and not even a game?
Talk about putting the brand first.

Just do a Asian physical release. I'll buy it.

>I enjoyed the first one on PC not that long ago
How the fuck? I couldn't start giving a fuck about the generic drawn characters and the abysmal plot, then I realized Hard difficulty was just a grindfest and dropped it.

Wtf why

PC gamers don't buy games.

Whats her hand doing in her underwear like that?

you make nothing but garbage posts

It's true.
The only reason PC games keep being made is clueless stockholders forcing developers to release titles on the platform under the false belief that it is profitable and under the desk money from Nvidia and AMD.


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it is true that you make nothing but garbage posts

maybe her cunt itches

The best selling titles in june include not 1, not 2, not 3, but 5 (five) japanese games, one of these from Idea Factory themselves, and one of these being a porn game everyone could pirate since at least 2 years

don't engage him seriously he's just a shitposter
console warring is what he does here every day 100%

she has vagina hemorrhoids

>koikatsu in top selling games
What in the fuck

Sell this game to me

It's a dungeon crawler with sexy bitches.

Oh, nice
>Compile Heart
When are they gonna get Vita devs worth a shit like Sting?

Famitsu sales figures nigger

it's a dark fairytale dungeon crawler where you want to escape from a nightmare prison and do social links with your teammates. the writing is better than neptunia shit and the music and visual design are good. the prequel is even more twisted imo. you'll get both the prequel and the original game btw.

>Only the first game is on PC, it's safe to assume this will also come to PC in due time.
It took something like a year for the first game to come on PC because Ghostlight was in charge of making the port.
If the port is once again handled by them, I expect similar waiting time.

The chinese (or was it taiwanese?) version of the game got a last minute patch censoring the game, making it unplayable because of how rushed the patch was.
Publisher blamed snoy on this one and you can fully expect the same or owrse if a western PS4 port were to happen.

friendly reminder they made this

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Tbh dungeon crawlers were always better on handhelds.

Have not played it.

Bloodstained isn't a Japanese game.
Its director is Japanese, but it was made by western studios and developers and funded by westerners.

>no screenshots of the game

Alright but... Is it good?

Didn't Sting die? Or am I thinking of someone else?

I think I have 1 or 2 when I got my nip copy

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And the other

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Don't know, they were making Utawarerumono sequels I think

Well, it IS Compile Heart, but people will put up with their shit or Omega Labyrinth because of the fanservice.

Vitafag here, I'll happily get it on Switch if it means the first comes included. I hope a physical release is somewhere down the line at some point though, I got a physical copy of the first.

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Got absorbed into Aquaplus.
Still exist as a brand, the same way Gust still exist has a brand despite being absorbed into KT.

it does

>he doesn't think Thumbelina is best girl

The first game was complete trash, like honestly just typical compile heart shovelware with a garbage story, but I loved the art, music, and waifu shit. Is this the correct mindset to go into 2 with?

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it was made by japanese developers in japan, which you can see in the credits. the pertinent companies being dico and art play, but inti is also in there. they also contracted work out to wayforward and the ps vita(canned)/switch port to armature, which is an austin-based developer.

>The first game was complete trash
It's literally the second best first person dungeon crawler on Vita.

>like honestly just typical compile heart shovelware
It's one of the few game CH made that deviate from their usual rehashed battle system. And like for the overwhelming majority of japanese DRPG, it's a wizardry clone.

>with a garbage story, but I loved the art, music, and waifu shit. Is this the correct mindset to go into 2 with?
It's more of the same but like in the first game the story has an important place.
But based on your post, it does sounds like the whole genre is not made for you.

Ah, well that's good to know, though I forgot which one they were for a moment so I thought you were talking about Aquastyle and was confused for a second.
Good to know they didn't die.

whatever gets you through the day

Hopefully this is the first step in turning the Switch into the go to weeb machine now that Sony has gone full retard.

Gretel = Alice > Sleeping Beauty > Red Riding Hood > Cinderella > Kaguya > Hamelin > Snow White > Rapunzel > Thumbelina >>>>>>>>>>> Little Mermaid >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tsuu

PC when?

The monsters are awesome. Mary Skelter is one of my top 3 favorite games on Vita

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>Hamelin that low
Her shift from demon lord to yuusha is absolutely adorable and one of the best scenes in the game.

2's Nightmare designs are amazing so you're in for a treat.

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What's the sexy content like?

Did they make them more threatening too? I loved the turn-skipping thing they did and everything but they were too easy to escape from and they lost what made them unique during their second phase.

The one with the glasses is clearly the best girl followed by Kaguya.

It's not that Hamelin is low, it's just the other girls are way better

yes everyone of good taste knows that gretel is best

Mary Skelter 3 when

A little more, I think, it’s been a while since I played both games.
They still have their turn skipping mechanic but I can’t remember if they were harder to run from or not unfortunately.
Lei did make their 2nd phases look more fitting design wise so they haven’t lost their more unique attributes but they are replaced with different ones that are equally fitting. Also despite many of the areas being the same (eg City Streets) all the Nightmares are new designs so there’s no rehashes except maybe Hansel but I can’t remember completely...
Also there’s an extra boss fight per chapter now where you fight the Blood Skelter’d maiden that represents that area

I like this kind of stuff. But now I know what to not play when my sister visits.
Somehow someone had gotten me to believe that Mary Skelter was very different from Moero Chronicle when it came to this but I guess he was talking shit.

You make a fair argument. I agree

Mary Skelter is one of the only decent games produced by Idea Factory. It's potentially their next Neptunia if this really did well

they also made yggdra union and other interesting games

>It's potentially their next Neptunia if this really did well
Literally impossible, Neptunia sold itself to the normalfaggots audience because of memes, in comparison Mary Skelters has low meme potential because of the grimdark tone.

I just watched the OP of Mary Skelter 2. I find it funny how they put Cinderella and Alice at the end, they must have realized how broken the Paladins are.

No physical?
I am assuming this thing won't be kind to my memory card but I'd love to be wrong.

>Shame it will never come to PC
It's fucking Compile Heart/Idea Factory. Just wait a minute.

Death End Request 2 is a PS4 exclusive right now...but bet your balls it will get a port or 2.

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I can check my ps4 for how big the game is but I think it’s about 6-8 gig

10gig but it’ll probably be smaller than that on Switch

Well that kind of sucks. Hoping for the best though.

On the japanese eshop it says that the game is 13.7GB

Are you implying you aren't being able to download games from the internet?

How’d it get bigger?

No. I am implying that one game occupying one sixth of all my Switch's storage space is an annoyance and I'd much rather not uninstall a bunch of games just to play a new one.

Touch screen and rumble function I suppose?

Honestly had more fun with MeiQ than Mary Skelter. Both were pretty janky from a balance standpoint.

>Attack on Titan 2 Final Battle
I can't imagine playing as based Eren Yeager on a console as gay as the Playstation 4. I need to play as him on a true gaming system like the Nintendo Switch. It's no surprise that the Japanese bought Eren's game on Switch because the PS4 cannot handle Eren Yeager.

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Not to mention that Zeke Yeager is also playable. The PS4 is too soi to handle two Chad Yeagers at the same time. It would explode if both Zeke and Eren appear on screen.

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People think I’m kidding when I say that I love this game because of the monster designs. I’ve honestly been buying every game that this artist have worked on. Pretty sure Labyrinth of Refrain monsters were designed by the same dude.

>Or push for CERO rating reform.
Sony's new policies are stricter than CERO

The boss monsters are really awesome for its grotesque looks, I can see why.

Neptunia is both an ironic weeb bait and a normalfag repellent at the same time.

I know Touhou and Kantai Collection players who are afraid of it because it looks too lewd for them. And there's fans who don't even watch anime and play the games with the english dub while praising the voice actors. The Neptunia audience is a massive clusterfuck.

No Refrain is the normal Disgaea artist, Harada. Nanameda Kei did do Trillion and Death End Re;Quest however

They have similar styles desu. I thought Mugen Souls was a NIS game when I saw it for the first time.

True, it also doesn’t help that it was published by NISA when it was brought over at the time making that line of thought plausible.