Predict this month’s games

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Bottom of the barrel garbage nobody wants to play like it has been for months.

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Pac Man
Donkey Kong Jr. Math

Japan gets Final Fantasy.

i really hope we get SNES games already, no one likes NES games

Two NES games nobody has heard of or cares about

castlevania when

Jekyll and hyde

>All the dicksuckers on this board told me I'd be crazy to believe they wouldn't add SNES games by 2019

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Some shit no one cares about

Probably not gonna happen since they released the castlevania anniversary collection. Why give away a game for free when you can charge $40 for it?

Every Nintendo staff member will host a direct where they laugh at you virgins and roll around in your P2P online money. Screencap this.

Mega Man and Castlevania are in their own collections so there's literally nothing left on the NES, just scraping the bottom of the barrel now.

They've already released every relevant Nintendo-made NES game and they won't release Castlevania/Mega Man (the only other NES games that genuinely hold up to this day). There's nothing else to look forward to, they may as well move onto SNES games.

>"We here at Nintendo of America are proud to announce an English translation of the Famicom classic Hoshi wo Miru Hito."

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Nope. Nintendo is too jew for that.

They could release the original Earthbound, that would get people's attention.


They released that on the wii u already, i don't know why it's taking so long for it to arrive on switch

I have online what is this ?

any games on sale on the store that arent pricey or shit?

That's being saved for a collection, along with Earthbound 2

They announced it with so much proud on WiiU virtual console, so I highly doubt it.


I really hope we get a decent RPG at some point.
Dragon Warrior 3 or 4...
Final Fantasy 1 would be alright...
Ultima 3/4?
Mother 1 would be okay too even though it's pretty meh for an NES rpg plus it would make people happy.

Use dekudeals

>no one likes NES games

Fuck off zoomzoom, gramps been having a blast reliving his childhood

The worst thing about Nintendo alongside Online.

How are so many people so ignorant of the NES library? Y'all fuckin 22 years old and don't know dick

bet your first console was a ps4 you fucking underage faggot

What good is a translated release on a console nobody owns or where there is no more sales to be gained? Release it one way or another just don't fucking sit on it.

So I assume I didn't miss anything. Thank you user.

I'd love Shadowgate or Bard's Tale

not mother

Nah, was the NES, Christmas '88. I was five. Gave the system to my little brother in '06 and he still has it, but since we don't live nearby, the Switch has been nice as a way to play NES games again.

they released it back in 2015, the switch wasn't even rumored yet

Mario World and F-Zero

I don't get your point, there are a lot of switch owners who probably have not played Earthbound origins and don't own a WiiU who would like to play it. The WiiU is dead.

>noone mentioning paper boy
If we dont get it this month im gonna be very upset.

I’m a boomer and have no interest in playing NES games

hah ok

>still no snes, gba nsixtyfour or gamecube

Why is this shit even a thing if they only add games from one console? Theres not even that many good games on the nes

Christ, if Nintendo still thinks the original Donkey Kong is worth peddling nowadays couldn't they at least offer the original arcade version instead of the gimped NES port.

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This guy gets it

Shouldn´t they have announced this month games already? What is taking them so long?


They added the missing stage to the NES version a few years back, but they only gave it out to people who bought certain things in a time period or you could buy it on the 3DS eshop if you live in Europe or Australia.


I'm really pissed that only English language games are playable via this

I just want to play shit in glorious Japanese, like they intended.

Literally, just make a Japanese account

I saw in another thread where someone pointed out that maybe they didn't add virtual console so people would buy the shitty indie games instead, causing more indie developers to make games for it.
But on the other hand, the Switch doesn't have a camera, microphone, internet browser, or most other basic features that a console would have over 2 years after coming out and it's more likely that Nintendo is just being stupid.
Miyamoto's probably behind it since he is always talking about his terrible ideas like "if we don't need it then don't include it" or "we need to make each game unique" as seen in paper mario.

Duck Hunt and Urban Champion

Some input lagged garbage that everyone will play for 2 minutes max

You need a CRT to play duckhunt..

If Nintendo was literally any other company they would've had SNES games last year, like a month after launch
But Nintendo is run by senile gooks who still use fax machines and Windows XP

This argument has only gotten less valid with age

Nintendo could remake it utilizing the Switch's touch screen.

>yfw the fucking PS1 has more on the Switch than any post NES console

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>what is the Wii U

The point was that the console wasn't dead at that point so releasing it there made sense.

Ah yes, the Dreamcast of Nintendo