Attached: Opposites-attract-comic-pail.png (1000x1000, 2.88M)
Daniel Smith
Connor Jenkins
Carter Smith
Julian Johnson
This actually got me to smile
Nathaniel Martin
What's the bucket of water?
Logan Ortiz
Jaxon Powell
Ethan Lopez
>he doesn't know
I bet you're a crummy pokemon creature fan
Austin Gonzalez
it means that you're an idiot
Camden Allen
The guy with the pokemon go shirt needs to be masuda
Lincoln Murphy
Zachary Stewart
Daniel Ross
simply ebin kek!
Charles Clark
Stonetoss has ruined lol threads
I hate it so much
Joshua Green
I don't get it? Can someone explain the joke to me? I'm not very fond of jokes that have a barrier of entry due to inside shenanigans but I might reconsider if someone enlightened me.
Cooper Walker
it's not a bucket it's a pail you retard
Carter Collins
Nah lol
Ryder Ross
man am I thirsty for some
Isaiah Campbell
Ya the joke is is lurk moar
Christian Miller
Ryan Flores
boulder throw has made lol threads good again you stupid weeb
Aiden Brooks
I usually spoon-feed but you sound faggy
Adrian Clark
>ruling class
They're neolibs.
Thomas Ortiz
Jacob Smith
Brayden Morris
>implying anyone liked ORAS either
Tyler Sanchez
Man cripplechan being down really made all the roaches come back, huh
Joshua Barnes
Aaron Moore
Kek bretty good user
Jayden Parker
Isaac Rivera
it's sad because its true
Joshua Lopez
Juan Sanchez
The joke is new Pokemon designs are garbage and one of them is a bucket of water
Anthony Gutierrez
Logan Taylor
>Grand Theft Aqua
Thomas Peterson
god dammit. This actually made me fucking laugh.
Dominic Reyes
Delete /pol/ they've proven they can and will get this site taken down.
Delete them, b4 they get us all deleted.
Mason Cox
>Being this new
Pretty crummy desu
Angel Rogers
For one that's a straw man, and for two removing the battle frontier in the remakes isn't nearly as shitty as removing half the pokemon from a new release.
Parker James
Isaac Hughes
Unironicaly yes, whatever a politician is against in public he is doing it in private, always, without exception
Henry Campbell
What do people who post this mean?
Parker Butler
I don't give a fuck. I'm gonna spread that it's a new pokemon design until someone tells the truth
David Morris
it's meant to represent /pol/ because everything on v besides video games and water can get fucked
Jaxon Nelson
So then explain the Cope Incels guy being on the same side as the Nazi? Pulling against Pokemon Go players and what I assume to be the artist self insert? There's a lot of backstory here and I'm not privy on any of it.
Nathan Perry
can I have the original?
Camden Walker
That the quoted post deserves at least 2x more (You)'s.
Dylan Garcia
Retards ruined
Lucas Perez
That's dumb though, that post already had two people saying it was funny. Its such a newfaggy thing to say, like people are treating (You)'s as upvotes on reddit.
Noah Martinez
>delete umpf Chan
>Their ex pol incels now moved over here
>And people want pol deleted
Jesus Christ.
Ayden Evans
Wait, if I'm a virgin I'm also a nazi ????
Bentley Bell
>liberals are insufferable
>the 40%
>liberals are really insufferable
>but really that 40%
Just read Redpanels. At least he has numerous creative ways to say Jews are subhuman monsters, and can take a hardline stance other people won't.
Wyatt Collins
Oof, that hasn't aged well.
Leo Russell
It's 100% ironic. It regards people who shit on new pokemon designs and corporate nazis in the same light because endlessly shitting on new designs just makes people want to buy the games more. The worse the designs become, the more people bitch about them, the more publicity it gets, the more money it makes.
Asher Sullivan
It didn't have any when I was sending the reply. I don't have this thread on autorefresh.
Jacob Cruz
You realize that /n/ and /news/ were both deleted and things went on, right? It would only require mods to do their fucking job for once.
Kevin Allen
Post the ragejak edit
Luke Ross
people were using visible sages as downvotes before the reddit obsession even began, stop being nitpicky about easy "i liked this post" messages
Levi Howard
I dont have wojacks or pepes saved, I'm not 12.
Blake Brown
Juan Williams
Owen Bennett
you don't actually find pebblechuck funny, do you?
John Hill
what is going on here
Nathaniel Wright
Bentley Gutierrez
Nobody fucking said underrated back when saging was a thing and you know it. Half of Yea Forums threads read like fucking youtube comment sections now.
user that bitcoin one shows how dumb he is.
Julian Ross
Thats the edit. Now post the original
Isaiah Morgan
Now I got the joke, thanks user :^)
Bentley Martinez
kino webm
Justin Allen
ORAS is shit
Justin Brown
This is what all nazis look like
Ethan Hughes
gee it's almost as if alt-right "humor" is the same joke over and over while leftist "humor" is a ten page essay about a strawman whiich by the end of it the joke was that you actually read the whole thing
Cameron Perez
>In the end, it was a bubble all along
Nolan Wood
Kayden Taylor
Not them. Most of the time, no. But knows how to deliver his points. He is boring when he keeps doing the same comic abot the 40%.
Wyatt Powell
Camden Watson
Lurk more you crummy newfag
Parker Moore
seig heil
David Thomas
lol im sorry you're circumcised
Dylan Russell
Anthony Rogers
Every Stonetoss needs a paragraph explaining what the fuck he's trying to say
Carter Bailey
>But knows how to deliver his points
Andrew King
Lucas Cooper
Context is the guy filming is trying to record his photo capture of the ride that they normally try to shill you for 20 bucks, for free by recording it on his phone.
The hamburger photo booth subhuman is trying, in futility, to block said record with his not-quite-fat-enough hand.
Kayden Scott
Noah Russell
>all the chapo leftypol trannies itt seething about stone toss
Jayden Watson
>Nobody fucking said underrated back when saging was a thing and you know it.
Oh bullshit "underrated post" and similar has been a thing for over a decade and "lol" along with other acronyms were common parlance from the site's inception up to around 2009-2010 before they caught on recently again as ironic shitposting. Somebody doesn't remember ";_;".
>read like fucking youtube comment sections now
Tyler Green
stay mad roastie
Xavier Perry
barneyfag help meeeeee
Nathaniel Brown
I wish StoneToss made anti-bisexual comics. Too bad that very probably he would only mock bi men when bi women are cancerous too.
Robert James
It's one of those photo things at theme parks that try to sell you a photo for like $10. The guy just pulled out his phone to take a picture from the screen and the wagey got mad
Hudson King
Dumb jahy poster
Lincoln Bailey
>Oh bullshit "underrated post" and similar has been a thing for over a decade
Nobody said underrated in 2009, you fucking liar.
Levi Carter
wait why does this look legit
Owen Foster
Looks like one of those amusement park photo booths that take pictures of you on the rollercoaster you can buy
Nazi guy's probably just trying to stop them from taking pictures of the pictures
Elijah Hill
>Unironically getting physical to defend his overlord's photo merchantry
Ryan Adams
>the left
>why can't the left meme?
>god i fucking hate the left
>what is wrong with the left
>the left
>the left
>the left
Gabriel Brown
Ayden Ramirez
It's almost like partisan ideals are fundamentally inadequate in the modern era for describing political ideology
Hell if you want to get really deep into it what a lot of people consider truely "Alt-right" is more in line with what the left wants, only difference is who's on the top.
Jonathan Jenkins
Ethan Collins
That's an edit, user.
Liam Thomas
Is he not even trying to deny his eternal inceldom anymore?
Mason Sullivan
I hope conservatives realize the big corporations hate them.
Nathan Price
Holy fuck, all you bots do all day every day is spread your propaganda cartoons. Why is everyone so stupid now? What is wrong with all of you?
Andrew Stewart
Nolan Carter
He never was. You guys know ST is like 40 years old right?
Jordan Carter
>The guy who is obsessed with poop
>The guy who legitimately expected Trump to screech about Jews and how they're evil and won't shut up about how he's disappointed in him
Blake Lopez
it was always going to go to shit sooner or later now that this place is nothing but reddit niggers
Eli Clark
you don't know how much it makes them seethe
Robert Taylor
Ian Brown
How come only Japan can into cute anthropomorphic animals?
Henry Long
>not defending sluts = incel
you funny guy
Jose Gutierrez
keep saying it
Kayden Ward
It's a regular fucking word in the English language being used appropriately not everything needs a shitty meme context
Brandon Green
wrong file :'(
Luke Foster
>and the wagey got mad
Worked at a theme park a few years back, there are cameras watching you and if you don't make an effort to stop people from just taking pictures of the screen then you get shitcanned.
Wagey wasn't mad because someone gamed the system, he was mad that he has to do the stupid song and dance to keep his job.
Glad I left, fuck Six Flags.
Gavin Long
Leftists are subhumans.
Sebastian Howard
so post a fucking image instead of going
>duurrrr cringe
you stupid fucking mutt
Adrian Reed
>getting fired because Mr Shekelsberg saw you giving away his pixels for free
Christopher Turner
Unfortunately that kind of depends on what your definition of conservative is. If we're talking american constitutional conservatives, then there really isn't an argument to be had with big corporations operating as xenofederal entities because it's fundamentally constitutional and only held up with the lie that somehow they are exempt from constitutional oversight because they are private entities.
Dylan Jenkins
He is? I thought he was some random twenty something who drew these to blow off steam of working in the animation industry, which he very clearly does. He's probably a storyboarder on some CalArts shit or something.
Jacob Richardson
Nah, neoliberals and bisexuals are.
Joseph Brooks
Does anyone have the Ass Tits Feet one? I need it.
Mason Cruz
Isaiah Baker
I remember he used to get into hissy fights with people when they called him a virgin on twitter
Leo Baker
left wing men overwhelmingly end up being rapists or pedophiles
Camden Cruz
The people that pretend only other websites have simple "i liked this"/"i did not like this" responses or ways to express that response are on about fifty layers of ironic shitposting and rose-tinted glasses
Dominic Parker
Ryan Foster
because all the west does is retarded disney knockoffs
Tyler Martinez
unconstitutional, my b
Ethan Ortiz
what is this trying to say?
that she had an abortion? that she should regret breaking up with him? that people who break up with others and move on just regret it? Someone explain, I'm retarded.
Carson Butler
Camden Roberts
Acquired Tastes, is called.
Ayden Stewart
Colton Hernandez
user, no he is not a storyboarder on anything calarts. You should read up about the guy. He is legitimately in his 40's.
Zachary Smith
Drink water.
Levi Peterson
Her it's almost like political "humor" is solely to virtue signal one side while allowing people to feel smugly superior to the other
Noah Sanders
I miss 2010-2012 era Yea Forums, man.
Hunter Davis
Why would anyone read about this fucking loser?
Owen Richardson
It's amazing because it's the same shitty loose costume furries have but the shitty snout is gone. That and the looseness of the hips makes it look thicc.
Why the fuck haven't we made skintight, well-ventilated fursuits?
Sebastian Rodriguez
It is.
William Wright
Why is Reddit-chan cuter than 4-chan, Yea Forumsidlicity, whatever her fucking name is?
Nathaniel Ramirez
Josiah Harris
is this real?
Jace Turner
She could have married him but she had sex instead of remaining a virgin and therefore that future will never happen.
Lincoln Reyes
You're way overthinking it, man.
Brandon Anderson
The dude looked ready to jump over the counter and beat up the guy filming. I doubt a park would not frown on going that far.
Brayden Foster
People don't know pail of water?
Guaranteed yous version.
Colton Campbell
he says while a pedo website full of stormweenies is getting a lot of media coverage literally right now
Matthew Long
>meanwhile, the conservative party of America is making bake the cake to every country who doesn't wants Globohomo Gayplex
Justin Gutierrez
Josiah Stewart
Nah, leftists are pretty cancerous.
Aiden Hill
Cooper Price
Hold on there, a bunch of very passionate and well-informed people are going to call you a pussy fencesitter for not buying into the sports team mentality that is US politics
Connor Wright
Enjoy it while you can, special snowflake syndrome is hitting the east and most of the new suits are being highlighter abominations. It's only a matter of time before they make their own ugly Dutch Angel shit.
Zachary Torres
To laugh
Connor Baker
Proof? I thought he put in a lot of effort to hide his real name. He isn't Redpanels if that's what you're thinking.
Eli Lopez
Why the fuck does it always happen, it makes anything related to the issue seem retarded if half of the people vocal against child abuse are raping them in their basements.
Jeremiah Parker
>imposing it on your kids
I don't get this complaint. nobody whines when a mormon or some other religious person is walking the street. why are faggots considered corrupting when other faiths are just as threatening to the preservation of the human soul?
Jose Green
sorta but not really
Alexander Adams
Gotta link to this vid?
Lincoln Martin
I agree with that.
Ryder Anderson
>accuse your enemy of what you are responsible for
the left loves to project
Jayden Rivera
reddit's variant is more of a direct translation of their little alien mascot, vivian james is ginger tomoko spot the difference between cripplechan's version of the character and the old Yea Forums thread one by the infinity headband instead of a clover headband