>pokefags will defend this shit
Pokefags will defend this shit
Other urls found in this thread:
>not appreciating silly designs over generic cute trash
'we don't have the resources to make all the pokemon models'
>if you dislike this you like waifumon
kys barafag
mega projector
>Hating this
What you liked the waifu, bobble head, or dragon ball designs?
It's unironically the only good thing they announced today.
Pokémon is getting more silly than Digimon ever was.
Why'd they have to hire a filthy gaijin to design Pokémon? I wonder what the Japanese Pokémon fans think.
Yeah they will, got banned from /vp/ for talking shit about sword and shit and its fans, i see now why everyone likes the games there, if you don't you are banned. Absolutely pathetic
>no holes all over its body
genuinely upset.
you know what they think
densetsu no kusoge
I don't know how anyone can bring themselves to get emotionally attached to any of these new designs knowing that there's no longer any guarantee that they will continue to show up in future games.
Its literally the most attention Weezing has gotten in over a decade, shits great
where are his holes?
>Expels clean air from the chimneys that represent England's most contaminated districts.
I don't even fucking now, at least A-Muk devouring trash and oil spills and becoming more toxic themselves made sense.
The idea of expecting regional designs outside of their respective games makes you look like a retard.
Yes, the idea of having any standards or expectations of basic features in a video game is definitely retarded when it comes to Pokemon. Continue eating your annual dosage of shit you dumbass degenerate.
Pokemon is dead.
We digimon/mh now.
is the tophat a piece of clothing or part of his body? either way its the dumbest thing ive ever seen
any good monster rancher games?
nobody said that you filthy retard
All of them
Nintendo is setting up their new line of merchandise. Gotta get that stoner market.
Pokémon really went downhill... jesus.
HOLY SHIT IT'S kanto_____________________________________________________________________________
>make 10/10 redesigns
>fuck it up by adding an evolution for no reason
it's a shame that the series is dead and both the mobile and mmo for it with both ending up getting shut down.
>He doesn't like KISS Army Zig.
>Tfw this is trapped in a dead franchise now
I would be down for an added evolution if it wasn't a humanoid
I like his silly design but i dont like the typing
If they wanted fairy then they could've made him spit out foam or some type of fairy dust.
Also that UI looks terribly bland
That's why it's part Fairy.
Nothing can be as ridiculous as digimon, but you’re right Justin Turner is a hack
is this image implying Digimon is more popular than Pokemon
>Shows Monster Rancher
Are you okay?
>brand new model
>suddenly has a gorillon more polygons than the rest
makes me think
There's silly and then there's just fucking stupid.
Nah. Just better.
>literal britbongs
I hope Weezing ends up getting an evolution. Eviolite Weezing would be alright
>Doesn't like Lobo-mon
Obviously you wouldn't expect to catch them in later games (except maybe outside of a retooled Safari Zone where regional forms show up, which is a good idea that Game Freak will never pick up on), but expecting to at least be able to at least transfer them around isn't retarded at all.
It's Gene Simmons
>UK region
>regional evolution is based on an American band
> they turned my boy Weezing into a fucking communist jerkoff caricature of a twentith century industrialist
Suck my ass gamefreak.
but that tongue though... just imagine the porn
if it's like alola there's a stat adjustment coming with the form
I don't understand why Zigzaggoon only has the new abilities in the final evolution instead of having it throughout like how the other variant forms have them.
Keep that eviolite for your belly drum extreme speed linoone bra
just eviolite that noone bra
Looks pretty great. Blends appropriate references with a humorous execution.
I pity how cynical your outlook has become
It's going to be nothing but gay porn.
>inb4 Sir'Fetched is a cowboy
I'm not a pokemon fan and I like this. Top favorite pokemon:
-This koffing
I like others but I don't remember.
None of this should matter if you already decided not to buy it. You do follow through with your decisions, right Yea Forums? If you were talking shit about the game and still bought it, you'd be a hypocrite. Nobody wants to be a hypocrite.
How come whenever you say you hate a design the shills post the same copy paste shit?
>Not liking (insert phrase here)
Most of these designs are shit. Plain and simple
Yeah, this is so much worse than "tree with a face" and "just a poke ball, but upside down."
Three Houses: dozens of characters that actually have personality and better writing than the last few games in the series, hundreds of support dialogue written for the countless pairings of units, and full voice acting for every unit and multiple NPCs all by a company that's been niche up until Awakening saw success.
Pokemon: remove various pokemon from the games because "its very hard hahaha" and skate by with the bare minimum, claiming to cut features and content for a good looking game when SwSh has shown time and time again that we are getting neither of those with the new games despite being the highest-grossing franchise on the planet.
Fuck Masuda, fuck GameFreak, and fuck TPC.
>Fire Emblem: Weebshit
I'd rather play this new pokemon shit than any of the FE crap.
What, I need to? Mr. Mime was a literal Mime, I don’t know why Top hats are where you draw the line
>Yeah they will, got banned from /vp/ for talking shit about sword and shit and its fans
They were shitting down the game's neck Day 1 because "Gotta catch em all" is one of their rules and you can't catch all mons in Sw/Sh. So for a while they were banning every idiot baited into implying the lack of a NatDex was a good thing, because implying you aren't actively trying to catch them all is a ban on /vp/.
It's alright.
Also it doesn't matter, it won't return after SWSH.
You have retarded standards and are backing a company that feeds its consumers shit by the platter.
dragon quest monsters > digimon > monster rancher > shitémon
the moment that furfag bait was revealed their were a million furries spamming every board and thread about how they wanna suck its dick
it had HUNDREDS of pieces of furry artwork made in one hour
was shilling Three Houses here really necessary?
To further clarify, it is currently debateable if /vp/ posters should even imply they will play Sw/Sh because it inherently implies you aren't catching them all
Those are smoke stacks on top of their heads.
He's fairy because he purifies the air he filters through his smoke stack.
>4x weak to fighting
does that smoke up top actually billow or is it just a tendril?
Always wanted rattata to get a cool third form. A little salty that hoenn's rattata got one instead.
No fun designs in my kids game please Gamefreak
early designs were fun
this is faggot shit
fucking this.
Fuck gamefreak. Holy shit.
>twitter and reddit sperging out about hahaha le bong pokemon
I hate normies
how dare people expect a thing that has been maintained as a feature of the franchise for literally its entire existence since like 1992.
Comparing feats smaller companies have accomplished to feats that a huge company refuses to accomplish is shilling now?
Please understand. Holes are very difficult and stressful to make lol
The Tutankhamen exhibit is in New York you dolt.
having your monster die in monster rancher is the most heartbreaking experience you can go through with a virtual pet
b-but it has stupid play-doh hats
>Its okay to make garbage because its a kids game
This kinda thought process is how you got this shitshow in the first place
>The EXACT same fucking sound effects for the past 4 or 5 generations.
They sound like shit jesus christ please change them.
This. That little whipped cream Pokémon is cute, but why am I supposed to care when it’s giant cake form won’t show up ever again because it’s tied to the gens gimmick?
because game freak is rushing this shit out due to all the bad press
Oh jesus I didn't make the Kiss connection, I thought they were just setting up the shooting star on Linoon
dude you can't really compare 3H to this, 3H has HUGE problems with sameface and visually looks almost as shit as Sw/Sh does due to being on the Dynasty Warriors engine.
huh? I went to /vp/ back while the nat dex was trending and literally EVERYONE was shitting on swsh
>going to be beaten over the head with
the reasoning they mentioned is the most asinine fucking shit i have ever heard.
>maybe your mon and the climate don't mix, it's more like "This region is cold, so I'm staying home", like what? You would want types that counter the native types, a cold region is exactly when you would WANT fire pokemon. what fucking logic is that
Pickup is the only reason I used 'em in the first place, fish for dem fancy items. And Gluttony's important for Belly Drum and other nonsense.
Because it's a shitty example of a fire emblem game but you faggots won't stop talking about it.
>early designs were fun
>galarian weezing
>type poison/fairy
UU atleast, I don't give a shit what you fags say but top hats and fedoras used to be awesome before plebbit got a hold of 'em and I'm sad that I'm too much of a zoomer to wear one well
Good taste.
fedoras aren't even the r/atheist hat, trilbys are. Hell if they actually wore fedoras they'd look less fucking stupid
they aren't making these games because they are really passionate about making a good pokemon game anymore. that hasn't been the case at all since at least X/Y, and that's only because Creature Inc did all the work for them ahead of time (for brand/marketing purposes they had to have models of all the mons of course and Game Freak certainly wasn't going to fucking do that)
>Incringeroar poster
Slice your wrists please
it's a mimic, but the games use pokeballs instead of chests
>visually looks almost as shit as Sw/Sh does
Amazing how apologists can only compare how the games look.
Just shows that they can look the same but you can still go all out with content and features, which SwSh is not doing in the slightest.
the whole fucking joke of voltorb was that he deliberately disguised himself as a pokeball to lure prey
Do we still not know the evolutions for the starters yet?
Because we're talking about graphics you faggot, we have no idea how much CONTENT Sw/Sh has so obviously we cannot compare them on that level at all.
If we were talking "shit visuals, tons of content" a better comparison for 3H would be Bloodstained
>tfw even the original monsters look like they were bubble wrapped in design
Did Matsuda have a kid recently and bubble wrap every sharp thing in his house?
also they tried to do this exact same gimmick but way fucking dumber later on with the extremely over-designed pokeball mushrooms
What, because the original Weezing had so many sharp bits?
The mushrooms are passable compared to the sand castle. How the fuck do you make a mimic for a sand castle?
>he wouldn't suck obstagoon dick
game freak just gave up like three gens ago at least
yeah and voltorb has components not found in the wild
it's a fucking robot
i miss monster rancher
it's more like an organic circular being whose only defense mechanism is igniting explosive substances that sweat from its two-toned skin. i figure it's like a Bakugo type ability.
One of the pictures of the sand castle is a pikachu being caught by it in a sort of quick sand whirlpool type trap, presumably being eaten. Are pokemon that fucking stupid? At least the mimic orb was directed towards the player and not other pokemon. You see a sand castle on a beach and you know to stay the fuck away from it.
If it was introduced in gen 1 then it would be regarded as good, but if Voltorb was a gen 8 pokemon then it would be seen as the laziest design they could have ever possibly made, would it not?
>If it was introduced in gen 1 then it would be regarded as good
this isn't /vp/, nobody here thinks gen1 is untouchable, i only pointed out that while voltorb is just "a monster that has similar colors to a pokeball", they took the same concept but completely overdid it by having unnatural looking pokeball logos "stamped" onto its head and hands.
is that meant to be a problem when pokemon like magnemite or porygon exist
That’s true.
>if it was introduced in Gen 1 it would be regarded as good
No it wouldn't.
Honestly, this design is so dumb that it wraps back around to being good. I like it.
No I'm just making the point that voltorb has a reason for looking like a pokeball. A random mushroom in the wilderness does not.
CAPITAL old chap
When will stupid adults realize children don't like silly and humorous designs, they want epic dinosaurs and beasts to kill everything with.
My only problem gentlemen Wheezing is that the hat doesn't look like it is part of its body. It feels like this weird middleground between an objectmon and a pokemon who carries an object.
I actually like him and zig line. The fucking emoji rat is fucking shit. I'm 50/50 on team yell. I like smug rival, don't like other rival. I've liked 2 of the new pokemon ahown(turtle and rock wheel) and despised the rest. Gymn leaders are cool.all my fav pokemon are in(wobbufet, golurk, ludicolo, bewear, gyarados) The villains are shit(the chairman and assistant are 100 percent the villains, you know I'm right) it's all a mixed bag for me. I at the moment am undecided, will wait for a couple more trailers before I decide. Probably gonna get luigi mansion 3 instead.
I like 3 Houses but it looks uglier than Sw/Sh
Why is the UI so bad bros? What could lead someone into thinking it was good design?
These designs aren't for kids anymore. All the humanoid furfag bait proves it.
It'd be better if they just had some kind of huge smoke periwig.
seriously, it's too bad the digimon devs didn't realize this and make a bunch of digimon games on 3DS
Damn right I will, the design is one of the better regional forms overall and has a nice coloration too.
However, it's the only really good one, most of the rest of the new designs they just showed look like vomit on paper, especially the new Pikaclone in its happy form. The regional Zigzagoon and Linoone look somewhat passable but the new evo looks like dogshit.
The games aren't magically made worth buying now that they've shown another cute girl and some mediocre designs alongside one good one.
Atleats it's unique and not some generic shit like wooloo that it's just a sheep.
tastes change with the times. yesterday's kids grew up with tmnt and jurassic park. today's kids grew up with calarts and fortnite. pokemon is just copying whatever's trendy with kids like they've always done.
this game is just piggybacking off of LGPE
if they hadn't made lgpe then Sw/Sh would look even worse
Looks pretty good, though I think they could be less blatant about the hat
swsh actually looks worse than lgpe. at least lgpe had a consistent artstyle, even if that style was "free-to-play mobile trash." swsh looks like a unity asset flip.
Why are Pokemon fans so fickle?
The regional evo is based on a European Badger, which is the one that has a black and white striped head.
The original Linoone is based on a Japanese Badger, which is light brown with a lighter brown striped head.
That's why the UK regional form is black and white with heavy grey fuzz.
>gamefreak copying fortnite.
>its gamefreak were talking about so its plausible
And why wouldn’t it? Oh that’s right, you have nothing to say because you’re a stupid crusty fucking nigger
Reach harder
The couldn't put in all the holes since they are making high quality animations. Please understand
Minimalist UI is basically the new standard, that's probably why.
Google Chrome and most mobile interfaces tend to gravitate towards round-button, usually shadowless, no-detail UI.
>my weeb game isn't weebshit, yours is!
This is literally the same cope FEfags were using when Fates came out you utter retard
slapping a top hat and beard on a preexisting Pokemon is unique?
when has weezing had holes on it's body
It issn't hoenn's rattata. It his sentret.
I thought Sentret was Johto Rattata. Yeah I'm pretty sure Rattata was in Johto (at night? I'm too lazy to look it up) but Sentrets were the rodents you ran over right out the door.
first square enix
>sorry goy we dont have the resources to make male viera or female hrothgar or hw & sb primal weapons for gunbreaker or dancer
now gamefreak
>sorry goy we dont have the resources to include all of the pokemon despite the fact we're recycling all the models
You losers will still buy sword AND shield because you are impulsive spending piggy banks with no standards
Its been a while since the last pokemon game and this is the first one on the shiny new console. Time to pay up.
Holy shit it looks like a bong
thats fucking perfect
Yep. Your point, zoomer? need more #opkepositivity?
i wound up caving and buying LGPE but that was enough to put me off from buying another pokemon game again
don't insult yoship in my presence, in the case of FFXIV they went out of their way to make hundreds of old accessories compatible with the new races so it was not about lack of effort. it's not even discriminatory. instead of making one race with two genders they added two entirely new, entirely unique races with one gender each. not hard to understand, it's like how in smash bros melee, sakurai had to pick between making three more clones -- more content-- or one single new character.
sorry to tldr but lazy is the absolute last word anyone should ever apply to ffxiv
>y-you'll buy it anyway
If that lets you sleep at night, be my guest.
Why are pokemon so disgusting these days?
instead of mocking people for it you could try and help to slowly help people break free of these consumerist habits. mocking them will just make them buy dumb shit to spite you.
spiteful capitalism is stupid
promote smart capitalism instead
For some reason, new Pokemon always remind me of Monster Rancher designs.
they should have just made 1 race and focused on them. a lot of the trannies are disappointed with viera and hrothgar since they have severely limited customization options (plus hrothgar have to spend $10 on a fanta to change their hairstyle). i'd rather have 1 thing done right than 2 half-assed things
will he still have belly drum + extreme speed?
>3 claws per paw
>2 claws per paw
>3 claws per paw
nice consistent design
why do i give a fucking shit what a mentally ill 0.00000000001% of the population is bothered about? why should square give a shit?
i see plenty of viera every time i log in, every seems happy with it to me
as for customization, those people should be glad that the staff went above and beyond to make so many cosmetics retro-compatible with the new races, because they said that wasn't something they were obligated to do.
the 3rd form has 5 claws on the hands
>Koffing and Weezing are my favourite Pokemon
I'm happy I have another way to enjoy using my bro. I just hope we can catch one early.
I remember doodling ideas for Pokemon Gold 2 as a kid and I came up with an accessory system for Pokemon and I put Top Hats on Koffing and Weezing.
It suits weezing. He's always been a really silly looking Pokemon.
Why do people keep picking Voltorb as the exception to Gen 1 design prowess. It is clearly an excellent design considering its purpose in the game. The pokemon you should be flagging is fucking Jynx.
whataboutism is not an argument
>Bara fag advocating for silly designs
>already has the best maw/vore pokemon
gamefreak is pretty based
Go argue there and stay there
Wait, that's really fucking Zigzagoon? I thought it was a new pokemon. Disgusting 3rd evo.
Yes, but now most of them shame people who want national dex
Belly Drum+Extreme Speed probably can still be done if they don't change up the learnset or breed moves, but Obstagoon ditches Gluttony so it can't use the berry build that BD+ES Linoone uses.
anyone have that old picture of pokemon mysteries that says "weezing = sneezing"
ah yes and there are plenty of crocodiles in new york
and who could forget the new york nazca lines
someone post the chinese bootleg with fully animated 3d combat
I just made a thread about how stupid the new mons look a few hours ago and it was deleted within 1 minute. Meanwhile literal furry threads stay up on /vp/ for hours.
Jacob Ree Smog
The menus look like they’re straight out of mobile
>say that you don't like [bad design]
>WOW YOU MUST LIKE [other bad design] THEN
pokefags are impossible to reason with
>color it black and white
>make it angry
>lmao new regional form!!!
nothing about this is unique or interesting
What? Did they mispell it?
>we didn't have time to drag and drop the models from SM over to our low quality uprezzed switch game but here's some actual new models with different looks and color swaps
The national dex stuff is awful but beyond that this game looks so low budget and bland, i dropped pokemon mainline after playing X and Y. i just want fun side games at this point. Don't know if I'll try Let's Go but I hear it's a fun nostalgia trip, though I also hate the bland new art there.
I've had mystery dungeon series on my mental backlog to try for awhile, can I start with any of those/they aren't continuous are they?
You know it is for the furries at this point. It has always been for the furries.
>Pip pip, cheerio old chap! Mind if I smoke?
i fixed it
It is a bit too on the nose. Also .
Is that a fucking industrialist/capitalist Weezing?
damn that's based
If anything, I may Emulate it at the most. Though I don't think it is even worth that. I have better games to play.
honestly, yes
usum was my last mainline game that i'll ever buy. what a fucking awful slog that was. i played lgpe at a friends house and it was almost insulting how easy it was. don't even own a switch and pokemon was going to be the reason i bought one, but no longer
Furries consider plain ass dogs to be pandering. Not only that but this dude is genuinely ugly as hell. I hate that pokemon is so popular none of this even matters.
>dude let's just design the pokemon to be jokes rather than anything else
as long as you gave them a good life you can move on
Hat needs to be a bit less phallic and a bit more volacano looking to be fixed but good effort.
Dunno man, better than a fucking keychain. Any Design after Gen 3 is trash anyway
Yeah, it looks fucking awesome; I dunno what these fags are getting their knickers in a knot over.
remove the dumb green shit and make the body paler than the chimneys and it's fixed
Can someone explain to me why Pokemon became less about the adventures and unique Pokemon, and more about theme park rides through certain cultures? B&W started it, but Sun and Moon, and Sword & Shield are literally "not-Hawaii" and "not-Europe", and for no explicable reason the species in both regions are pretty much built around the culture like they're living embodiment of the locales. And shit like this doesn't even make sense, why the fuck does a Weezing in the new region literally evolve to gain a mustache and a fucking stovepipe chimney tophat just because it's the European region?
What the fuck is even happening? Are Game Freak so strapped for ideas that this happened?
Looks like retarded shit that would never fit in gen 1 nice try though
>Can someone explain to me why Pokemon became less about the adventures and unique Pokemon, and more about theme park rides through certain cultures
They made a great adventure in gen 5 and no one liked it purely because they had to wait until the postgame to use pikachu. After that GF just went full "just throw gen 1 at them and they'll be happy"
>Remove the dumb green shit
You mean the facial hair smog? Might as well remove the hat brim as well, if you're stripping away the characteristics of an industrial revolution fatcat caricature
I'm a pokefag and I can't defend it. It's terrible.
What happened was Gamefreak said they no longer want to make characters who are "mean or offensive".
That is why they removed Gary from Pokemon Go. They called him an offensive rival, and it is why we are stuck with shit like Team Yell.
>still playing Pokemon
Because all the smoke on this one comes out of its chimney hat.
>not even a single bug type
Is this punishment for our great Gen 7 bug offering? Is this going to be XY 2 in designs, i.e. one bug line then forms only?
Blue and he was the least offensive of the rivals in any regard.
i can't take a name like that seriously when this always pops into my head upon reading it
the only issue is that it's poison/fairy, and not like, poison/steel, or poison/dark, because AS WE ALL KNOW, capitalism is le evil.
>Team Yell.
Phone book pokemon confirmed yell.com
Blue squares are mons that have regional variants since their normal forms are probably not in.
That's a woman right? That's some serious case of manface
They're trying to tell us that the big bad capitalists aren't all that bad.
Yeah I recognise it's supposed to be facial hair, but putting human hair on a pokemon just to represent a certain type of person is really dumb. I bet you think alolan dugtrio looked great too. I like the idea of it resembling a factory, but there's no need to make it resemble a "fatcat".
god i wish that were me
Why do black widows have hourglasses on them?
>but putting human hair on a pokemon just to represent a certain type of person is really dumb.
You say that like they haven't been doing it since gen 1
>2 hours and 53 minutes ago
>too late to call this poster an incinegger
Pokemon games are just pegs on the schedule of the Brand, Pokemon. The games are treated as no different from the annual film releases or a new season of the anime. It is all on a schedule, its success or failure does not even matter as a factor because the Pokemon Brand Alone ensures everything they make sells like gangbusters.
Yeah, maybe. It did go from a day 1 buy to a wait and see though.
Gamefreak said they don't like how he was rude and said things like "Smell you later", they only want friendly rivals.
>b-but spiders have a pattern that vaguely resembles are hourglass!
>this means a mushroom covered in literal pokeballs is ok!
that's actually a good design, you want to know whos is a trash design? Incineroar is
I didn't like the blond hair of Alolan Dugtrio, but I do like the facial hair of britbong Weezing. It's weird, but I guess I just like the style?
user alola only had like 4 regional variants
Digimos is a clusterfuck of overdesigned mons and some toilet humor one
Bong when
Yeah. You're trying way too hard to pretend to be mad about this
At this point I feel that Pokemon is only still relevant as a social gratification symbol, like Apple devices.
>>this means a mushroom covered in literal pokeballs is ok!
Yes it does. Camouflage is a thing user
"Weeb" doesn't mean Japanese you fucking pterodactyl
that UI is even uglier than m'zing
what were they thinking
Is that seriously the reason? They got rid of gary motherfucking oak for that?
haha yes I love going into the woods and discovering mushrooms covered in corporate logos
I think his point is that man made objects haven't existed long enough for a native species to purposefully evolve to mimic
>It is clearly an excellent design considering its purpose in the game.
Eh not really. A mimic traditionally isn't the object it's mimicking, it's usually a something living inside of it or taking on its form which opens into a beast.
It's 2019, it's offensive to ask that.
World war 3 when?
they're making it really easy for me to not get tempted into buying it, it seems
Haven't even scrolled down and I can already tell people will complain about Nat.Dex and the animations.
>Regional form exclusive evolution
Now I see why they cut the national dex. So they could do this retarded shit. Obstagoon is literally the reason we can't have nice things.
yo, that's actually really cool
it just got even cooler
Oh god, that is what's going to happen next. Companies will invest in some weird bio-branding. Disney will start selling tomatoes in the shape of three circles and claim they're healthier. Nike will sell carrots in the shape of their logo. Nintendo will sell mushrooms with Toad's pattern.
as opposed to the same corporate logos, but with dragon ball z eyes?
This thing looks sick though right. I might buy it just for this guy
>a ragtag group of fanboys
too bad it'll be ruined just like Skull was for tying the retarded "BUT YOU GOTTA SAVE THE WORLD" shtick since Ruby/Sapphire instead of them being just simply gangs.
Rocket is the best solely because they weren't about taking over the world or some JRPG bullshit in GSC. Stop centering the games around legends, center them around being a trainer again.
the UI is so fucking bad looking. I can get over cutting some pokemon since I like using regional dex mons for each new gen, I can even get over the shitty models and animation because it's what I expect from pokemon. The half assed "minimalist" UI is the line for me. Fuck these games man
Maybe it's just the art but I hate how big his neck is. Looks like he's slithering out of an actual fursuit
Gary was never in the mainline games and Let's go had Blue in it anyways.
Not in our world but in the pokemon world the pokeball is a pretty old device.
That said if that really was his point then it flies out of the window with something like voltorb.
Good idea, bad execution. The brim on their "hat" looks pretty retarded. It would probably look way better with a full brim instead of just jutting out to the side like that.
Yeah, I always felt that compelled battles with legendaries made them lose their mystic appeal, y'know? It's something every single player will encounter with 100% certainty, opposed to R/B/Y, or G/S, where you had to go out of your way to find them nestled within some deep dark dungeon in the middle of nowhere, like you're actually searching for a myth. Now they're just "EPIC" story moments where you're thrust into encountering them because of DESTINY, and in the case of Black/White, actually being forced to use the fucking things in your team, even if you don't want to.
Maybe I'm a hipster, but I've always enjoyed building my party, and anything I'm forced to acquire like starters, or compelled legendaries get fucking BOXED.
voltorb is manmade from the dex entries, it does not come from nature
the third anthro forn is what kills it. Unironically zero imagination and straight up pandering to furries at this point.
>Combination of a factory and Industrialist tycoon.
What’s wrong with it? It fits the Pokémon and the setting.
Not even close
because of the theme it is pretty much the only anthro mon I can accept. It's supposed to be Gene Simmons which is hilarious
*Dies to a Tyrogue's Mach Punch*
>voltorb is manmade from the dex entries
None of them say it's man made. In fact Yellow and LGPE say it's camouflage.
Another delusional pokefag.
Assuming it doesn't get extremespeed.
>it fits the pokemon
No it doesn’t
>it fots the setting
Remember when Pokemon was supposed to be exciting and fun to discover new pokemon and their evolutions, this goes totally against that concept
Based and Dimsdale Pilled.
don't let Gene Simmons see this. He will sue like a faggot.
How can anyone be mad about this?
>No it doesn't
Yes it does. Checkmate
Shouldn't you be mowing the lawn and not on an image board for video games?
Imagine waking up, shitting yourself like the lazy boomer you are then booting up your windows 95 with your ball mouse, typing in "Yea Forums vee" in one of your 15 search bars and beginning to cry that your generation is dead and gone and you wish people would notice you.
So here you are, here is your one (you) :^)
New Weezing is sick as fuck *dabs*
>this goes totally against that concept
that's a stretch
>bara furfag
opinion discarded
It went to shit since XY, the fanbase is so insufferable retarded that you no wonder how suicide rates increased, serves them right.
>that you no wonder
Maybe you need to stop playing vidja and pick up a book for a bit.
Also implies to /vp/, i hate the pokemon fanbase at the very core because of this.
I hate nostalgia even more in my spine.
Really it applies to all of Yea Forums but yeah
That design is NOT better. The whole point is to reference KISS which that design does a poor job of.
>here, let's make it look LESS like gene simmons
I like you
at least keep the boots. This design fails the original theme
Because gamefreak and its fanbase is shit
based incineroar chad making virgins seethe
they could have even used white and it would have looked way better
meowth is weak
phantump is zoomer trash
totodile is inferior to cyndaquil
the rest are good
Must be hard living with brain cancer
but voltorb is electronic, that was the whole original point
>all the butthurt pkefags
literally a great design
toddlers can't stand the fact that nintendo isn't the best thing that ever happened to this world
Atleast is the better clusterfuck than the fucking unpolished mess we have
Wait, that thing is real? I thought I was being trolled.
I actually don't hate it though.
Zigzagoon >> Linoone >> Zoroark
Americans originate from England, idiot.
/vp/ was a mistake, just like /pol/
>Still hasn't gotten over Incineroar yet
Oh well, stay mad. One day you'll learn, if you choose to.
Yes, XY was the beggining, the game is unfinished and stuff. But it's happening since gen 3.
Specially I've seen the betamons from gen 2.
Even the final mons of gen 2 are not as cool as the betamons.
I'm pretty sure not even pokefags are defending it.
At least not the ones I know.
Which is irrelevant. If anything that would make adapting and entire form harder than a mushroom making a pattern.
They aren't, but now shitposters ask why they are being entitled. There's no way the pokefag can win.
There's a difference between "on purpose silly" and "outright bad silly"
Wait what the fuck is that?
More alolan forms?
>Couldn't have all pokemon
>But can have more shitty colour swap for kanto shitmon every fucking gen
Fuck gamefreak.
>got banned from /vp/ for talking shit about sword and shit and its fans, i see now why everyone likes the games there
I'm calling bullshit, ever since E3 it's been nothing but shitting on swsh there and no one has been banned.
Voltorb is extremely sensitive - it explodes at the slightest of shocks. It is rumored that it was first created when a Poké Ball was exposed to a powerful pulse of energy.
It's robotic - it was created, it didn't evolve. A mushroom would've had to, which is implausible
I can't spell that out for you any clearer
I guess they're just making regional pokemon a thing for every new region, kinda strange that there's an evolution for an old pokemon that only exists in a single region, though.
>new Wheezing
>steel grey color
Oh neat, so a Poison/Steel with Levitate means just worrying about
Wh... why?
Shit typing, although I guess a 4x weakness doesn't mean much on the local rodent. Normal and Dark have a somewhat decent coverage, I guess, and it does mean the Thief I always taught Zigzagoon would work a bit better.
I hope Galar Zig is as cute as the original was in Colosseum.
>other pokemon is Electric/Dark
I guess we're checking things off the unique typings list.
>People mistake voltorb, who is 2 feet tall, for a pokeball
>foongus which is less then a foot tall, is mistaken for a pokeball
You know there's stick bugs and natural shit that tries to look like other shit, right? There's even a spider that mimics bird crap for fuck sake.
>that jumpluff Evo chain
Kawaii nigga damn
>I can't spell that out for you any clearer
Maybe that's because you're grasping.
For starters nothing in that dex entry suggests it's robotic in fact the Yellow one contradicts it by suggesting it was camouflage and because of its size it would have to be an evolutionary camo
>It is said to camouflage itself as a Poké Ball. It will self-destruct with very little stimulus
Also if they considered it robotic it would have gotten steel in gen 2 like magnemite.
As for a mushroom pokemon doing that given that some shrooms in reality are extremely adaptive, well, let's just say that it is a lot more likely than a something changing its entire body.
For what reason would he have a top hat and mustache? A creature changing it's nature due to cold climate makes sense, this is just stupid.
Which would make voltorb even worse than Foongus.
not comparable as voltorb is not a native species, every dex entry says it only showed up when poke balls were invented and that it was seemingly created from one
i've made all my points its up to you to use your brain now
same shit happens on Yea Forums and /pol/ and other boards. the tranny jannies all conspire in their discord
>People mistake voltorb, who is 2 feet tall, for a pokeball
It's like you retards have never even watched the anime. If balls can change size why can't voltorb?
pokemon designs went to shit during gen 4
>if pokeballs can change why can't something completely fucking different do the same thing
>artificial pokemon made when pokeballs where created
just look at the little voltorb and electrode in this pic
Because in the anime, Voltorb doesn't change size.
>non-canon manga
>non-canon manga
when shit like pic related exists in the anime I'll except the manga explanation thanks
In the past 20 years. There has been NO reference to Pokemon Special. Hell, Pocket Monsters was referenced. The one with the shitting and farting Clefairy.
Now kindly, fuck off with your straw grasping.
>every dex entry
You keep on saying that but it's not true only Ruby and silver suggest such a thing.
Yellow suggests it is natural.
Crystal suggests it isn't
And the rest say they're found at power plants.
>its up to you to use your brain now
Ironic coming from the person with no evidence, with that said even if what you said was true it wouldn't help because it relies on the mass production of pokeballs meaning whatever Voltorb is would have had to adapt to it in about 20 years or so whereas Foongus may have had several generations to do so because of the apricorn method.
But hey, a>pparently knowing your lore isn't using your brain.
>made when pokeballs where created
Head canon.
decidueye STILL seething LOL
So, when are we getting a python Pokemon called Montymon?
You are a dumb nigger. You are the blackest retard gorilla nigger I have ever seen.
I love cute Pokémon!
That isn't one of them
>if you dislike a shitty design you must like another shitty design
>this is the pokemon garbage zoomers are being fed
feels good that i quit this series at its peak with Black/White 2.
pic related is even from shitty nu gen
not canon. stop posting and kill yourself
I am heading over there now. Thanks for the recommendation.
>only two, actually one because copy paste, entries about it being DISCOVERED and not made
>one mentioning it isn't made in nature despite magnemites and other non natural monsters existing naturally in pokemon
Headcanon confirmed.
This is a universe where animals "evolve" over the course of their own lifetimes
I don't think that's possible.
what's going on here? is this meant to be same pokemon that james from team rocket had? when did weezing become a pokeman of culture?
>is even from shitty nu gen
Except it isn't you retard, it's copy and pasted from Ruby like every remake for their original game.
>literally came from a plant that made pokeballs
poketards should kys
T. Generic bait post.
>came from
>implying discovered = made
>implying the OR entry is "nu" when it was from RS
>implying your headcanon is correct
You can stop posting any time, without that proof you have nothing.
Dude, you're trying to pass off your headcanon as fact because you don't want anyone to put a blemish on gen 1.
You're the biggest poketard here.
>wahhhh the fan design isnt suited for my degenerate porn interests!
>pic related
>Pokémon is getting more silly than Digimon ever was.
You and I know thats a big ass lie. Were taking about sperms that evolve into stitched teddy bears, that evolves into a Knight of the Round Table
>literally posted dex entries from games saying THIS POKEMON IS NOT NATURAL AND IT CAME FROM A PLANT THAT MADE POKEBALLS
Of course the guy forcing his headcanon is a wojak poster.
It's another objectmon hate thread
Disgusting, you guys never get tired huh?
user, a lot of pokemon aren't natural and occur in nature.
Basically a lot of steel types.
Most of them just say they're found in power plants and the few that say they were found in pokeball factories never say they were made there.
Sorry but it's headcanon dude, I mean the Dex retcon itself every gen and you're holding it as gospel.
Objectmons made before gen 5 are alright. I love magneton. The rest can be deleted for all I care.
>KISS is in the game
personally I think gentlemen weezing is the best thing ever tbqh
So nice of them to add a TotalBiscuit tribute to the game. Even got the cancer right.
epic XD
Have sex.
Unless pokemon makes a turd a pokemon or a toilet digimon will always be king of silly shit.
>he likes shit looking anthro mons
>3rd evolution that isnt humanoid looking or completely ugly
Never happened
what Digimon games are actually good?
And the original does a shit job at referencing it too, the previous evolution does it better. Stop trying to defend shit design
Pretty much just CS. Everything else is boring or grindy.
its unironically based
its a nod to the industrialist victorian era of england and invokes robber barons and children dying making candlesticks
retards just see DUDE WEED LMAO
The DS games outside of Championship, Digimon World 3 though it's a bit grindy if you want to get certain digimon evolutions, Cyber Sleuth and Hacker's Memory. The traditional World games are hit or miss depending on if you want to play what is essentially a v-pet but with objectives and story tacked on.
A statement claiming something sucks is also not an argument.
Nigga that’s the one good thing that’s come out of the last 3 months of info being released.
Is that Doug Dimmadome, owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome's, Wheezing?
Based Incineroar poster.
you know, even if you don't care about being a hypocrite and will still buy this game even after trashing it, at least buy a used copy so that they don't get your money.
there's something extremely sinister about the whole soi thing. it doesn't help that a venn diagram of fans of the drink and delusional sociopaths is a perfect circle
>mfw lived long enough to see Team Faggot complete with trannies
Looks like phone garbage. Which is probably what they went for unironically.
Thank you, genuinly laughing is healthy after all.
What cool have bean
>children don't like silly and humorous designs
>what is fortnite
I thought they gave koffing a third evolve called something stupid like vaping or weeding because of that green smoke
Didn't the original version of this have an acid attack by Arbok or was that removed by some Euro?
>French region has the Japanese form
The shiny better resemble an actual gentleman with a black hat and a white face
Won't happen. Shinies just replace all instances of one colour with another. Because the face/hat are the same colour they will also be the same colour in the shiny.
Gene Simmons' fursona is pretty rad.
Your correct my good sir, which is why i LOVE tthis dumb little design.
Zigzagoon's new evo is trash tho and i hope they give one to the hoenn version. That little fucker was my favorite way back when.
>making a fast mon a fat fuck
Thank god it wasn't like that.
that only has like a handful of Pokemon?
Well acshully, it's called material design thank you very much
I think the design would be literally perfect if the neck and limbs where shorter, or if it was similar to this but still quadrupedal.
So pokemon will always sell millions which is obvious but can we still call it a dead game for another reason? It's the most successful media of all time but how do we tell people it's dead?
>fully animated
>70 mons with 3 animations each, ripped from Pokken
deal with it, zoomer
I love this tanking looking asshole. Design feels a bit too human, but I enjoy what they're going for. Also I get strong Midnight Lycanroc vibes from it, and that was one of my favorite Pokemon from Moon.
>shit talking Palossand
For what reason?
Give me source on this quote
Shut up you dumbass stoner
I wouldn't buy it even if i had both the console and the money. I don't bend the moment a company puts something i kinda like when they fucked up big time on something else.
No kids play pokemon games
Only nostalgiafags still play them
Have kids.
Doug Diggadome
>no zoroark
good thing i wasnt going to buy it i spose
garchomp is secret best girl but everyone only thinks of her for metafaggotry
Shoo, /vp/
Wow. They really messed up.
Pokémon will never beat Digimon in the ridiculous factor, even if they try. That's the best thing about that franchise.
>Pokémon is afraid of showing guns in their show
The Chad Digimon vs The Virgin Pokémon
i want to believe
>Pokémon is getting more silly than Digimon ever was.
This is literally the biggest insult towards Digimon ever. Never repeat those words again.
Why doesn't the smoke from the chimney match the smoke around it?
Add Croagunk line, it appeared in japanese version of new trailer.
We still don't anything about Meowth line or Farfetch'd. They probably have regional evolution rather than forms only so it mean old forms will still return. I say we wait and see before jump to conclusion.
He'll sue Gamefreak
They are purifying green gas and white gas come out of their 'hats'. They clean away polluted gas, which should explain why their type is poison/fairy.
I love that digimon
what games is it in?
Add in Meltan, they were just introduced in LGPE, it'd be kinda fucked up to cut it THAT soon.
On the other hand;
>Wobbuffet stays
It's name is literally Wheezing, its whole existence is on the nose.
Is this it? Has Yea Forums finally turned on Pokemon?
>They called him an offensive rival, and it is why we are stuck with shit like Team Yell.
Did you completely miss the douchebag twink literally in the same trailer?
There's a new asshole rival.
Unfortunately, very few, and not even the good ones But they're making a Digimon game with all of them, apparently, hope it's a JRPG
The original if you like memes
Is this it? Is this a sphere turning inside out?
I think this design is cool, but the zigzagoon one is total trash
t. hoennbaby