Is this the weakest FROM's souls game? is the formula finally running dry?
August 2019 - I'm forgotten
There was a Sekiro thread earlier that I think is still going. But anyway, strong GOTY contender and will probably will win judging from the crap coming out this year.
yeah. I liked it when it came out. now I don't even think about it.
There's a DS3 thread. But I've noticed a very low amount of talk about sekiro.
>most popular and well received game yet, and pisses off game journos, sells better than Darksouls 3 and bloodborne
No matter how many times you post this it isn't going to change facts OP
There is really nothing to talk about with sekiro it has a straightfoward story and the game doesnt have pvp or any build variety
Based remembered Sekiro
Wtf, people arent constantly discussing a single-player game that they likely beat months ago. Clearly it was a failure that will have zero legacy.
Imagine being as BTFO as anglos
Based Sekiro
weakest yes.
no customization
no multiplayer
one weapon
very small world, emphasized by fast traversing
revisiting area's feels lazy
It doesn't follow the formula though.
DS threads are people just bitching about which one is the best. Every single one.
No build verity really killed it for me, if you don't like what you get you're SOL.
>pisses off game journos
You realize that "Sekiro needs an easy mode" was just media play to build hype, right?
It's not a souls game, though.
Strange how it didn't get any DLC, probably the weakest post 2013 action-RPG game from Fromsoftware post release support-wise.
No reason to explore. No builds for variety. Less memorable and less skill ceiling than Ninja Gaiden Black. I literally give it a 3/10. I really dont know what they were thinking.
It shouldn't be GOTY, its just the Fromsoft B team creating a filler game for a cash grab.
Lets hope Fromsoft A team can pull their face out of the mud before it tarnishes their rep like DS2 did.
>nooo why can’t i dress up my character
No dlc, no multiplayer game doesn't have the replay value of any other from game
Never been a fan of fashion-soulsing, I just like the variety of weapons and the armor to pair with certain builds. I just think its lazy given that there is so much culture for fuedal Japan and I think they did the era a disservice
Ninja Gaiden Black was far easier and simple compared to this, no idea wtf you're smoking.
Variety if weapons that each have like 2 moves? Yeah I sure miss that too.
Thematically I liked it. I liked that it was under like 20 gigs.
I played nearly to the end but I kinda just petered out and never really felt like going back. Maybe Im just outgrowing the formula and becoming more casual, idk. Ive beaten every other soulslike game.
Don’t forget about the shit enemy variety.
>no dlc on the horizon
>no multiplayer
>one playstyle
It was good, but there's just not much to talk about. It was a good singleplayer experience, I had a ton of fun with it, but what's new to say about it 5 months after release?
Basically smash L1 and you win, unless you're going for a no hit run but again, I still think NGB was more difficult for that too
>daily threads
its the best one
it's different enough that it's not a soulsborne game. People don't take it into consideration when rating all the games.
Hesitation is defeat.
It's the best "souls" type game there is.
I liked and beat DS1, DS2 and DS3 I did not find compelling enough to even reach the first boss.
This game introduces great style and mobility.
There's zero replay value that's why
>Ninja Gaiden Black was far easier and simple compared to this
zoomers man, this game was piss easy
All the enemies are boring samurai dudes. All the cool fantasy monsters from the previous souls games are gone and instead we’re left with shitty enemy designs.
t. Marvel tier opinion
ts better game than dark souls but medieval/gothic setting is much cooler and interesting
It's literally just humanoids, lmao. Even worse variety than DaS2's man in tin can syndrome.
Because people had figured out literally everything the game had to offer within the first two weeks or so.
I don't give a shit, it's my favorite From Software game. The only one I played more than once
The only weakpoint that Sekiro has, at least for me, is that it doesn't have PVP. They couldn't just slap PVP into it though, it wouldn't have made sense multiple Wolves fighting each other.
FROM wanted to make a straight forward single player game with a fixed character, and that's enough. GOW won last year without having PVP, deep character customization and much replayability. If it wasn't a sequel, GOW wouldn't have been so hyped and would've fallen into obscurity as quickly as The Division did.
>weakest post 2013 action-RPG game from Fromsoftware post release support-wise
Thats a pretty fucking narrow range of games.