Yea Forums is laughing at us again...
Yea Forums is laughing at us again
They are jealous we have better cunny threads.
Yea Forums is a no fun allowed hellhole
so is Yea Forums
They're not wrong.
Fucking this
Mods abuse power over there on Yea Forums
and most importantly
pic related
I already like it, so there was no reason to continue posting it
Yea Forums is literally R*ddit. Any thread that's not a general or a mod approved meme gets deleted.
shut up
Do you care about the opinions of trannies?
always funny when Yea Forumsutists try to act superior to other boards when they manage to be just as bad as Yea Forums despite having 1/3rd of the traffic
This site would be better of without them desu desu
>tfw DJTs are gone
>seiyus are not allowed
>SakuraFish is dead
>Waifu of the Season
Why even go to current Yea Forums?
Just go to the archives when watching an old show and pretend discussion
do mods even exist on this board anymore?
Mod here
>Just go to the archives when watching an old show and pretend discussion
That's too sad.
Why did you leave us?
I had respect for [a/ until they started allowing shonenspics and their shitty generals.
It will happen to you
i did this recently while rewatching madoka
why is this thread not pruned
I haven't really any anime in 6 months, they're so shit and derivative now and the isekai craze doesn't help.
I have some good snitches and OC thanks to it.
Don't bother for the next 5 years user.
>Check Yea Forums
Yep, it's R*ddit.
Are they still obsessed with shitting on the Big 3? Although I guess it's just the Big One at this point.
you never get banned unless you post wojaks you dumb faggots. Yea Forums is one of the worst boards because it is just gay frogposting and wojaks.
Any good ecchi animes that came out the last 6 month? I'd rather take the opinion from Yea Forums instead of Yea Forums,
I can't imagine mod power abuse being worse than Yea Forums.
Thank fuck i grew out of watching anime years ago.
itt: twitter cap, wojak, and pepe posting faggots mad they got banned
I got banned for posting a cute and funny picture once!
It was SFW
Yea Forums is such a garbage board, I wonder who goes there nowadays besides Redditors and ironic weebs. Yea Forums is unironically better.