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cause i like the things women want
anyway even if i could get a gf i wouldnt want one that would settle for me, because shed just be unhappy all the time.
because I fucked you're waifu.
I want a lgf.
Because I’ve been calling her “wife” for the past 12 years.
Im ugly and i hate myself. The only women who have dated me so far were going through a rough patch or were fattybobatties
But I do and its not helping. Now my finances and life are tangled up in this relationship and all I want to do is play anime games and be left alone. You assholes told me to have sex and now its ruined my life.
Not video games.
Because black girls are pure ugly in Jamaica.
im shit with girls
dont try
im shy
dont have enough looks to get by with girls asking me out
pick one , or all
Ugly, socially retarded, depressed. Next question.
I'm an idiot thats why. I have no social skills whatsoever, I find talking to most people physically draining and when a woman I actually enjoy talking to is actually coming onto me I don't even notice until sometimes months later and by then she's already moved on.
I'm only posting this here because I need help, how do I fix this.
>Dating women
I'm not evil enough.
So im also bad at girls but ive gotten better after i realized the first few times are gonna be awkward and suck. Try and get better
Black men here in a major city they are not worth it
They're pretty much guaranteed to cheat on you or you're going to cheat on them simply living in a big city will guarantee destruction of the traditional family
Woman as of in 2019 that are in their 20s are pretty much all sluts but I'm not looking down on sluts I love sluts it's easy pussy but I will never settle down with them and bare my children with them
So I've gotten enough pussy to realize that many men put it on the pedal stool and they should be focusing on improving themselves getting more money and enjoying your hobbies
but i have, since 2015
>5'4 (163cm)
>Not white
Too anxious and paranoid.
I have too much stuff to worry about right now, plus I want to be more physically fit before I find a girlfriend.
Because it is illegal
I'm a Cum Brian who has no drive for pursuing women thanks to my burned out dopamine receptors
>females are huma-
Because I don't know how to meet women, and I feel like I'm too flawed right now for a relationship like that to be a good idea.
Because I'm a faggot
As a trans woman, I would never date any of you.
I have completely given up with 3DPD girls.
2D is the future and they never old like myself
All of these are meeee
I love money more than women.
Women are expensive in one way or another.
Future school shooters making.
I find other people both men and women extremely annoying so naturally I pursued a career in HR.
I live in bumfuck middle of nowhere where all remotely successful people have moved away to uni and only losers remain
Doesnt help that 2/3 of people my age who remain are males
Forget better mental healthcare, we need better parenting education.
Its fine, we can date one another instead.
I have embraced solitude
Trial and error, hit on every girl you find even remotely attractive. If you lack confidence, just start by hitting on ugly ones and then move up.
The only woman to ever like me doesn't want a serious relationship right now so she stopped talking to me entirely.
Because most of the ones in this area are so brainless they can barely hold a conversation. I might be a soulless husk of a person but at least I can keep the conversation going. Plus I don't date girls who still live with their parents after the age of 25.
>tfw a girl likes you
She didn't like minecraft
No craft no shaft
I find everyone very unattractive compared to me
Because I hate women
I did, she dumped me and now I am going to kill my self.
She died last year.
As much as I would like a girlfriend, I feel like as soon as I find someone I love my life is over. She will want kids eventually as woman always want. For me a child is the biggest commitment one can commit in this life.
Instinctual all men just wanna spread their seed this is on an unconscious level as women being selective sex to have the best chance at their offsprings survival. This is at all cost necessary sometimes.
Many friends of mine have been ruined by having a relationship. Some have opposite effect where their lives seem perfect. Both are in extreme cases and then in the middle ground are people who are just together because they've been together for so long. Most people live normal happy lives and die.
The real quest for knowledge is perhaps starting a holy crusade of some sort.
hope this help
im boring and even tho i workout i still look lie shit because of my gynecomasta also im 5ft7
I mostly enjoy solitary pursuits, I can't imagine spending a lot of time with someone else.
I'm also not that attractive so I've just embraced wizardry. Worked out pretty well for me so far.
The only anime I've ever watched is pic related because it helps satisfy my desire for a gf even though I'm terrified of women and sexuality.
Yea Forums - Video Games
>normfag shit
It's hard finding a girl that will give me this face.
I’m a woman and I can’t find a good bf. Every guy I meet is a jerk.
I don't really care for life anymore and I want to kill myself.
Im not a jerk.
Wheres that pasta when you need it
That one
>mfw thinking of u hurting
shit taste
Because I don't deserve what I want and I don't want what I deserve.
'Cause I don't wanna be in aromantic relationship. I want to do whatever the fuck I want, I don't want anyone holding me back, I don't want to have to be anyone's babysitter. That and I'm a literal faggot so I'd get a boyfriend at best. Not interested in that either. A dildo will do
>shitty bait
Thanks for proving females can not be lonely.
>Every guy I'm attracted to is a jerk.
Fixed that for you.
Just apply yourself more.
Wear your Proud Lolicon shirt out in the open, I bet you'll find plenty of girls who will look at you like that.
>tfw no bf
Give me a fucking break! I literally finished my PhD last Thursday and now I have to move across the country to start a job in three weeks!