CUTEaba Sakura
Futaba thicc
realistic japanese proportions desu
She's 15, user. and terribly written.
>he doesn't appreciate a petite figure
Amerifats have ruined the perception of beauty.
Every girl in every persona game is sticc except for that fat one. This isn't anything new.
Fixed it
They still don't have arms retard
And that’s a good thing.
wow thats pretty cringe
Faggot who likes planks
Obsession aside, there's actual petite and then there's Hank Hill.
>japanese game
>irish ass
what the fuck were they thinking
all her ass went to her forehead
How come no one is trying to say “gamer” in here?
Wait, there’s a wordfilter in place?
>there are people that want to fuck sticks
Holy shit.
How is it the petite neet have the best figure?
well you got your question answered