Hey, cashier listen up. So I totally saved the world from terrorism n shit. I'll take my copy of Modern Warfare 2019, free of charge right now and no, I don't want to sign up for any of your stores bullshit. Also make it quick, I have to clean my AR.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
I fucking hate retard soldiers who think they’re owed 24/7 blowjobs for the rest of their life just because they were dumb enough to enlist and never even saw combat. The last truly heroic soldiers were in WW2 — everyone since then were just fucking morons signing up to die for politicians’ profits.
>senior airman
of course
Anyone else in the AF?
You have been visited by gamer vixen Laura.
This Laura is about to die (just like this thread).
Press 'B' to bump!
Cross play. Will it be a good thing or a bad thing?
Good for some, bad for others
seamen here
lol fag
Navy was my first choice actually.
what are the bad?
more like chair force LOL
It's ok I guess. Everyone complains about being on ssgn but I don't mind it.
Pic looks pretty old with Fable 3 and Wii in the background the zoomer soldiers haven't been sent off to a real war yet like the milennials
Have fun doing 0400 PT and being chewed on for everything. We're just chilling, dude.
I used to read these letters all the time when i served. read some pretty crazy things from kids. one kid wrote that he wished his dad would die because he would get mad at him all the time and hit him, the entire platoon wanted to find out who the kid was and what mos his dad was but we couldn't get enough info at the time, several months later the towers got hit. It was only years later a friend of mine told me they found the "dad from the letter" some e-2 from california and confirmed he was kia in 04.
>American hero
lmao. how did they find out tho?
>Military dude
>Calling it an AR
It's an M4 or an M16 REEEEEEE
Shut up retard. Its an AR, M4s are cleaned by the glorified CAC readers we call SECFO.
This to be honest. I don't get the retards that foam at the mouth if you even dare to ignore or disrespect Vietnam veterans or the wars in the Middle East. Yes, the people who committed various war crimes like wiping out whole villages or fighting to line some old guy's pocket by killing sandniggers. When will people learn not every soldier is a shining example and most of them are the assholes you find in high school.
The only people in the military are meatheads and fags who would browse Yea Forums, prove me wrong.
i believe the kid wrote multiple letters revealing more about his life at home for a few years and gave up a name. other marines i knew just followed the trail from there. i didn't even know about it til around 2011
rundown on this pic?
Just got out. Best decision I've ever made in my life. Don't listen to your retarded SNCOs telling you civie life is hard. It's way easier with way more benefits.
>tfw 6'3 and 250 pounds
>looked at a guys dick one time longer than a second
>Army Reservist
Yeah checks out
An American hero is owed a video game
What rank did you discharge at? I've only signed a 4 year contract. Is that good enough?
I got out as a SSgt after 5 years and some change. 4 years is plenty, don't be a dumbfuck like me and extend. As much as they tell you the AF is great, there is a reason the suicide rate is so high.
>be me
>spend time as an IT specialist in the army
>get out
>making big bucks doing jack shit because of all my certs and my security clearance
I can pass through all the dumb shit. I nullify all the negativity cause at the end of the day, it's just work.
I'm more concerned how it'll help me in the long run. I just joined to get my degree and yeet the fuck out after saving up a bit. I'm an E-2 1 year in.
tough it out user. You've made it out of TRADOC. It's smooth sailing from here on.
Let's get a rundown on the stereotypes
Army: niggers and spics
Navy: fags
Air Force: chair force lol
Marines: USA USA USA
Is that correct?
Ah, well i'm AF but it's all the same really.
>It's just work
I was the same way until I was at a remote base in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. Life is work and work is life, because the only people that are within 150 miles are co workers. Take what I say with a pinch of salt, I've been fucked hard by the AF and I'm just salty.
Its even worse if they were in shit like Iraq. Sorry lads you didnt fight for anyone's freedom you fought so a handful of rich people could see larger dividend checks. No one was saved or protected it was a pointless waste of resources that only made things worse for everyone involved but a few wealthy people.
Lol this
I have friends in the army and they say almost all soldiers are entitled cunts who only behave well off duty cuz they could go to jail or something for looking bad in a uniform.
Plus, whenever something doesn't go their way they pull the "but I'm a soldier" card
FFS almost none of them are combat, they just jerk off in the desert wondering when they're gonna go home
Basically yeah. I think Marines are powered by crayons and pure inhuman bravery,
>Coast Guard
>Deceptively badass but pretty chill
Context? If you don't mind.
This but Navy IT
I think all you military folks in this thread might appreciate this cursed fortune cookie
Lick my boot, commie.
I played lots of monhun on a sub boi. It killed the time.
>literal welfare queen
>calls other commies
the fucking irony
Eyy, don't knock the M4.
>be me
>for years only bottom-of-barrel qual on M16A2
>eventually we switch to the M4
>collapse the stock, suddenly I'm able to line up my eye far better
>now always expert, near-marksman, and would get marksman if I practiced more often
That weapon, by making it easier for me to shoot, directly improved the survival chances of myself any my fire team. I don't know who designed the changes between the two models, but I'll shake their hand if I ever meet them.
I'm a modern Warfare prestige master. You can't talk to me like that.
>Work as a 911 paramedic in a city over 700k people so busy as fuck all the time
>Never get discounts anywhere because no one knows what a paramedic is
>Police and fire stroll in somewhere
>Get 50% discounts and free stuff
Bruhs, I want the discounts.
Long story short. Commander who was on a power trip and got away with everything.
Sexually assaulted first sergeant. kicked chief out of squadron for disagreeing. Favoring black airman because "institutionalized racism" plus many more minor things. Not to mention wife beaters supervising airman, promoting to SNCO and retiring. Airman killing themselves is the airman's fault; not the shitty disconnected leadership.
Most people who join the military are literally the lowest trash of society
I hate the troops
Well toxic leadership is being acknowledge pretty hard now by almost everyone on social media military pages if that means anything. Nothing will come out of this though.
What a fucking embarrassment
The thing with Marines is that they are the most brainwashed of them all that being a Marine is basically the equivalent of being in a cult. When one marine fucks up on something (like didn't get a haircut for example) then every marine in his unit will get on his ass, probably beat him up and haze him. In the army, some NCO would just say "hey get a haircut already".
It has been since I've joined. The problem is toxic leadership promotes retards who become toxic leadership. The military is a joke and modern veterans make me ashamed to have served.
>Coast Guard
>Deceptively badass
Man, don't say that around normal military. The CG are the mall cops of the armed forces.
Sounds comfy
How do you not get "cabin fever" in a sub?
How did it feel watching your buddies bleed out on the glorious battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan?
>muhreens are brainwashed meatheads
Perfect for being exploited by (((them))).
Are you talking about yourself or others?
Used to be. Did 7 years.
There was one 7-11 in NYC that always gave first responders free coffee. My partner and I liked getting jobs in the area specifically for that reason.
Don't a lot of people who work as paramedics eventually catch some dogshit incurable disease from a stray needle? I have a friend who recently got out of EMT work because of that shit.
>Not dying for Israel
Mall cops or not, they are probably the smartest.
Thanks for paying for me to live on the beach and learning to code. Appreciate it.
It's understandable though. The Army is the locomotive inexorably pushing down the track, but the Marines have to be the AAAAAAAAAAAAAA guys from Serious Sam and not only define the line, but buttfuck it to pieces as they go. They need that kind of unquestioning solidarity of purpose to do their job.
Not if you're careful. Scene safety before anything else.
that was me once
I went from degenerate trash to productive member of society
should thank the military for helping save so many people who'd be lost otherwise
if you're struggling in life pick a non combat role in the pussy side of the military, it'll help get you out of any mess in life and you'll make a lot of friends even if you're ugly and autistic
Me too! going to Pensacola for training for the next 12 weeks
I don't understand the correlation of spyro and Twokinds Did I miss something here?
I joined a monastery and became a monk. I didn't have to kill people to turn my life around.
Needlesticks are pretty rare. Just never go diving into some unconscious dude's pockets half-haphazardly and watch those ankles when walking through a hoarder's house.
Neither did I. I just worked on computers and fixed SarMajor's computer.
you won't meet them
No but they do throw their backs out lifting 500lb fat women on to stretchers.
You see my brother, you need habits and people to talk to.
You can only workout, watch tv shows and play vidya so much. You need some good positive social interaction with your fellow comrades where you can be yourself. If you don't got that, deployment gonna be hard and boring.
Add securing water, rationing the food (fucking two scoops of rice pilaf, gravy and a piece of bread with no butter) , you lose one of your shower shoes and your only toothbrush hit the nasty bathroom floor. I'm surprised more guys don't an hero more often.
I've had a couple of patients over 500lbs. Every time I thought about quitting right then and there. I wish it were illegal to be over 500lbs and expect an ambulance response.
A life of basement-dwelling and playing vidya all day with little human contact leaves you incredibly well-prepared mentally for long deployments or something like sub time. Outgoing people and normies suffer the most. I would say that the average Yea Forumsirgin, assuming they can deal with the rigors of military life and combat, are in a unique position to thrive during what's usually the hardest part of the job for military members. Fuck, sometimes it even has IRL shitposting due to unit/shift drama. Always remember, kids: The squadron coin is a dime.
No. They both have dragons and anthro characters, that's about it.
>wearing your work uniform outside of work
How many bros got slain on the glorious battlefield?
How the fuck do you sexually assault a 1SG and get away with it?
Army here.
Army: Typical assholes, niggers, spics
Navy: you. are. fucking. weird.
Air Force; Literal Highschoolers that might walk into oncoming traffic
Marines: Ashamed to be associated with the previous 3 branches. The True Branch.
Coast Guard: Mocked relentlessly by all branches. Chill as fuck tho
We were only pretending Underway
Anybody wanna actually talk about the game? It looks pretty good
Trying to join but I'm pathetically weak physically.
served in the navy seals for two years before i became veronica
What’s a monk doing browsing here?
>wanting to fight for Israel
shabbos goyim
Most people nowadays know that "serving your country" is a load of shit and just do it for the gibs.
This, but up to Vietnam. Even 'Nam vets didn't act like entitled faggots when they returned stateside, even though they were treated like absolute shit by the citizens.
Imagine thinking that both Iraq wars were an actual war and not a 7 foot tall man beating the shit out of a baby twice. The US had barely any casualties caused by the enemy. Compare that to fucking Korea and 'Nam when tens of thousands of Americans were getting mowed down. Not to mention WW2.
I certainly respect soldiers who serve regardless of when and I definitely think they should have some benefits (like healthcare first and foremost) but not just free stuff
Army is hands down the shittiest branch. You are all actual fucking retards.
Best of /k/?
>sitting in a big hollow tube underwater in the middle of the ocean full of seamen waiting for doomsday is fighting for isreal
Statistically subs are the most dangerous.
> dumb faggot boomer lover lamenting over muh greatest generation and WWII bullshit
This is why everybody hates Weimerico. Pic highly related, Jew boy.
Move your dilating trannie ass back to retardera
Only because it takes one retard's mistake to kill everyone onboard. Plus if something goes wrong everyone is basically fucked. That's why they teach us the basics of just about ever station/system onboard.
>doing anything in their 2 month deployments
>they could go to jail or something for looking bad in a uniform.
t army vet here
who in the hell still wears their uniform off duty unless they're driving home from work to an offpost housing site they live at
many soldiers still get in trouble with the police on and off post for stupid shit
people are just as stupid in the army as in the civilian world
can attest, i was in iraq in 2007 just there as what's basically a kbr assistant security force
i'm sure people recognize kbr
there was this really fat motherfucker who was in camp normandy (iraq) that was part of kbr, i don't even know how he got on the plane he was so fat, like how did he fit through the door let alone sit anywhere
did they hang him from a helicopter harness or did he go by boat
how did the boat stay afloat
Can't I just give you the subscription and GPG for free as well? My manager is standing right over there and it would help. Also please give me all 10s on the survey I'm not doing so hot in that area. Should I just go to college and get an art degree?