>You have died 12 times. Would you like to try an easier setting?
You have died 12 times. Would you like to try an easier setting?
Other urls found in this thread:
5th generation whitewashed spic that hates whites and the country he lives in but won't go anywhere else, yikes
So, the average American?
I never got it, is he a spic or what
He's a Saiyan. Earthoids can't handle the spices from their home planet.
why is yamcha making burritos
Gottem. How will the mutts ever recover?
white people are so cringe, I wish I was a POC
I was just gonna do the first panel because of the pose but fuck it, might as well
I just watched that episode where him and Newman play Risk last night.
Why is Goku working at a burrito restaurant?
i don't have access to photoshop right now
>Oh man bro get me a water, and make it waaaaay cold!
>Cold, huh?
>Yeaaaaah bro!
>I got the perfect thing for you, "bro".
>bottle is labeled "Pokemon Creatures For Water Lovers"
>What the hell, bro? A crummy Pokemon creature?
At least white people can cook some nice steaks and bbq
Is this one of those "JoJo" references I've read so much about?
>He got so mad he made this comic and made fun of a completely different race unrelated to the comic
I never got the white people cant handle spice meme
All the hotsauce junkies i know are white dudes, while all the blacks i know prefer moderately hot food
Is this a water versus pokemon creatures thread?
Genuine improvement
Never got the "white ppl cant handle spicy" meme. We literally invaded half the world for spices, lol.
I can eat spicier foods than any non whites i know personally.
The reason nonwhites put spicy shit on everything is to cover up the taste. Their food is dogshit without it.
>whitey has so little culinary culture that they literally have to make up words
lmao. Go back to your mayo sandwiches Cletus.
this is a water thread, no crummy pokemon creatures allowed
Isn’t Goku white?
This, its a meme. All the capsaicin-heads are white.
Aren't Spaniards Caucasians?
Dude the fact he says bro in quotation marks rather than genuinely is the bit that hurts the most.
Dude is enthusiastic and friendly and he just mocks him and lies to him?
And I'm supposed to laugh at the white dude in this?
I just feel like the other guy is a massive jerk.
But I suppose if I said this to the artist they'd say "found the white guy who likes "spicy food" and try to dab on me that acknowledge how this comic strip is just kind of assholish for no real reason.
It's just a shitty non-white meme.
Somebody get this white boi some milk to cool off
Not since before GT
Fuck you mayo is delicious. I dip my fries in mayo.
why are white people's egos so fragile?
Average poor spic (the ones who move to USA) are mostly amerindians with a drop of two of white blood.
They used to be, before they got MOOR'ED
>can drink milk without shitting myself
Feels good, man.
>making fun of white people can be unironically funny
>making fun of literately any other race or ethnicity is grounds for social suicide
very cool
its fucking funny bitch
Well it's true.
Why does such a minor joke make whites seethe here when they literally call non whites every racial slur and stereotype in the book?
The real spice lovers are Asians, actually.
no need to defend white people food. the whole fucking planet worships white cuisine already
Can't handle the banter, simple as that.
>extra mild meme racism for white people
>still too spicy
The comic is an observation not a joke.
We aren't the ones who draw ourselves as scarred body builder saiyans in our web comics.
>there was a fucking "white people can't handle spicy food" joke in Shakedown Hawaii
Because it makes no sense? Even boomers had "le kick my ass" sauce and such.
Nah, it's bitter and hateful, not funny.
>retard posts this every thread
>still doesnt know the differenxe between spices and spicy
Stop letting mom cook for you 20 iq
Who love spiciness the most out of asians? Chinese? Indians?
People love that first one so much, so why don't I post the second one too, here ya go folks.
it's a meme
>and bbq
But blacks are 10x better at bbq.
The everybody gets a trophy generation are adults now, it ain't just whites
Low effort.
Why white peopo ain't not season they food?
yes, at least in our countries we also have niggers and sandniggers screaming about racism
>spices are the same as spicy
White people love letting minorities live rent free
>whitey gets trigger by a comic
Grow thicker skin gringo
Why did the anatomy get much worse?
Only the old as fuck ones are on par with whites. Old black people are usually pretty based, actually.
What does arabic on the door says?
>Every non-white is mean to white people
glad you realise sooner
I love how the creator mostly had to latch on to French or Italian (Italians aren't even white lol) cuisine, since he knows that Angloids and Germanics can't cook for shit.
that's fucking funny and good art
Whites are weak
He's some kind of arab, never really elaborated on other than his parents speaking arabic and the mother wearing a hijab.
The same shit that makes you seethe makes other people mad when you turn it back. You're not better then the people you hate, you just continue the cycle. You can't control anyone but yourself, and resorting to slurs because you're mad is low IQ shit.
You have no desire to be better then your enemies, you just want to punch back in petty ways to make everyone around you suffer because you aren't mature.
What's worse is that because of your low IQ, that you automatically assume that everyone does what one person does, and take innocent people into the mix on your hate parade. The suffering stops with you.
But you don't care about that. Because you're being typical and stereotypical all the same, fueling and giving credance to the accusations made against your race. You are responsible for the racism you perpetuate.
>polfag calling anything bitter and hateful
That could be said about pretty much every amerindian, I believe.
I can hardly grasp the agenda of all that american racism while Iceland and Nordic Countries exist.
It's like "well, there are truely white peoples but we don't talk about them so we can pretend to be the glorious white ubermensch".
A crummy pokemon creature? He should have had a pail of water in his gall bladder.
Is the Goku dude meant to be a man or woman?
We've got a restaurant in town family owned by some old black guys and their kids that's literally just a shack but god damn do they have the best brisket within 50 miles.
every white male has a superiority complex so you need to cut them down early to show what's up
have sex
Why is Goku cooking burgers?
White boys cant even handle barely spicy memes
>eating food because it's spicy
BTFO for all eternity
why does he have a butt on his hand?
I don’t mind people mocking white people just like we mock every other race, but the guy from the comic seems like a douche
They arent. You guys are mad just because we exist. You chimp out over simple words. But we're fragile? Please. Gotta try harder than that.
So it's a rage thread now?
Yikes! White fragility at its finest.
Sterile hetero couples are unnatural.
second panel
What? The moment a white person utters a racial slur, whether seriously or not, there's some minority group up in arms about it and demanding that their life be ruined.
Meanwhile, white people are called crackers and honkies all the time, even in mainstream media, and no one bats an eyelid.
It's a meme and it's the only way Twitter blacks can feel superior to wypipo. Let them have it.
>this cope
Lmao. People in other countries eat theit own food amerimutt.
>when all you're used to is privilege. equality feels like oppression
>That could be said about pretty much every amerindian, I believe.
Well, I'm no expert but I'll swear I read something about noble and rich families never mixed with the natives. You can see a lot of white people in Mexico and South America. Guess the majority are mixed tho.
The typical demographics of bike thieves disagrees
Say the word nigger and the entire universe shatters.
I mean I don't think every non white is but there's definitely a culture online especially on twitter and so on around hating on white people even in a mild sense and it can just be kind of inflammatory for no reason.
Jokes are fun I don't mind a lil bit of the ole "white people are like this lol" or "black people AMIRITE?"
But I duno I just kinda feel like the punchline is weak and the non white character in the comic is just kind of mean spirited, maybe I'm wrong and the character isn't just a stand in for the artist and is actually a character but I don't know enough about the comic series to make that call.
Based Sneedposters
What the fuck did I just look at
i'm just dumping shit hoping to get (you)s
Depends on your perspective.
Indians do love a lot of spices - like a whole lot, but quite a few of those are actually hot.
If you are looking for some hotsauce lovers you better look at korea and vietnam.
Have you ever tried korean carrot salad?
It's basically carrot plus spices. And carrot is a pretty sweet vegetable but those madmen managed to make it hot as fuck.
i unironically agree, we usually have way to much ego that we should, nobody is better than other
still if you are mean to me just because i’m white then i’m gonna tell you to fuck off
Theyve still got dick size..strength... manliness... White women.... Damn.... Cooe
You disgust me.
Ha, you aren't going to catch me out, top right corner!
damn I forgot that every white person lives in the US. thanks for reminding me 3rd world brown man
Really, you can't be this obvious. You're seriously trying to give people identities that don't match up? That's hilariously incompetent tactics. Can't even refute it, so you say random shit instantly.
Memes aren't memes if you post a comic and no one cares enough to repost it.
>when all you're used to is handouts. theft feels like equality
>he doesn't drink pokemon creatures
>says this
>biggest receiver of welfare is whitey
top lmao
13 but 50
So "yes," then.
but user, somebody did care enough to repost it. This thread is literally about somebody reposting it.
Say the word "white people have fragile egos" and the collective white anus is blasted into oblivion.
I don't understand this. Why does everyone post this? What does it mean?
To quote a wise user:
"Because my Bulbasaur doesn't run around shouting "Squirtle, Squirtle!"
thanks for proving my point
What's funny is you use white people double speak inverted terminology and you dont even comprehend it. POC means person of color but among the upper echelons of the left its revealed they are really saying piece of crap, they got you worked like a puppet and you can't even comprehend it
Indian spices are mild and powdery. Mexican spices are there for the taste since they're used as seasoning, and American spices are the hottest and the hottest sauces come from American manufactures and they're often sold in European countries, because there's a huge market for spicy food in white countries.
per capita
>bu-buh muh wypipo
Listen, if you don't know what "equality" is then don't bother sharing your worthless opinion here
>All spices are sweet or mild
>Whites never tasted spicy foods before 20th century immigration
Youre drooling again, retard.
Yea Forums shitposting. Just ignore it.
>England invaded half the world for spices
>Puts vinegar on their fish and peas on their fried potatoes
Bro you're genuinely so pathetic. Go cry more about how oppressed you are.
If the someone is the same guy, it doesn't count as a meme. You have to actually appeal to people and do funny stuff so that your meme is perpetuated.
maybe you should stop being such a fucking elitist when it comes to food?
like wow cool meme personality trait dude, you HATE people who like food you dont like?
thats quirky as fuck makes you so interesting an nuanced
I bet you LOVE bacon and you HATE people who use ketchup on steak or pineapple on pizza too, you fucking tool
>Vaporeon used acid armor
It's like sexual lobster forgot to write jokes
This one's my favourite
>Pay money for something specific
>Don't get it for reasons
Why are brown people like this?
That would make sense 20 years ago.
Now people consider changing 10 genders a day normal.
basically this
it isn’t really bad to make jokes like “white people are crazy” and shit like that, but the you have this comic in which the latino is rude with the white for no reason. is no different from thoses pol which portray black/brazilian people as subhuman and jews as evil
>dude non whites are sub human
>spicy food jokes
Who is more fragile?
There is literally no way for you to keep responding to people without being totally assblasted
Darkies get triggered by literally everything.
Seems like projection. Only someone insecure as fuck (and autistic to boot) would draw themselves as a saiyan.
Plus, most white people are immune to words of death, whereas other races don't seem to be.
Fun fact: Spaniards made more money with spices and sugar than stealing gold and silver from dumb and smelly indios.
I don't feel the need to purge or to bad mouth or anything.
But i do find all those scenarios fucking hilarious, and i'm sorry, but i will jsut laugh at em if i see em.
>post-op trans people actually believe this is possible
>nonsensical sentence
maybe you should open a dictionary
>Pay money for something specific.
Gee, I wonder.
>TFW growing reapers
Short of doing the bullet ant shit that some tribes do as a form of ritual initiation, we hold the market for entertainment by self-induced agony.
I'm mixed so I transcend racial shitposting. My experience is that the average white person is a total pussy about spicy food, but the most spice loving folks I know are white. They have outliers on both ends.
Killed it by calling him low IQ and just perpetuating it himself. Youre no better you petty faggot. Youre saying the all perpetuate it and take innoccent people into the mix. Even worse you stand on an imaginary high ground by thinking youre special because your skin color alone. And take credit for muh ancestors acomplishments while contributing nothing and possibily going against their own personal morals and beliefs.
You are also responsible.
So mad
I’m white and I love spicy food. However most of my white friends cant even handle a minuscule bit of spice. It’s almost disgusting how they can’t eat at certain places just because the meat is seasoned
Do they ACTUALLY believe this?
Good one nigger
>Italians aren't even white lol
Shit meme
It's missing the 4th panel where "she" gets beaten to death in her sleep.
We literally bought the spice trade, bud. It was literal gold in the English waters. Can you not handle the spicy food, or the spicy banter? You seem a little salty. Salt was pretty valuable back then.
That's black people, though. Well, and soccer moms.
Is this supposed to be admitting to the confusing nature of trans relationships?
The arabic dude isn't even the main character of the comic.
Then you say no. You don't deny something to someone because the possibility exists that they might not like it. Thats fucking retarded.
I believe you've never heard of wasabi.
Or the shit Chile people do - those make quite a hot stuff and add drugs to it. Can't remember the name, though.
Image from an Alone in the dark game?
>Every white man is superior so we need to cut them down early to eliminate the threat.
Fixed it. Cant let 'em realize their strength.
The fact that you know this is worrying.
if you do this to a man you will die
Why is she admitting this after they had sex and not before? That's a pretty shit thing to do desu.
i love icy food
>insult black/spanish/asian
Lmao get rekt freeze peach
>insult white
*shoots up a school*
>Then you say no
Chances that he's a "I'm 1/128 Irish" (rest is back) American "white".
i usually don’t like these woman comics, but i’m glad this isn’t mean spirited, it isn’t saying “fuck straight people” is just saying that gays are natural too.
Of course if you think that trans people are mentally ill you’re just gonna laugh at the comic but wathevee
>per capita = semantics
You have to be some mega virgin to not notice a difference between a flesh wound and a vagina.
>White people can't eat spicy food
Y'all babies.
>Genetic dead end
>Still technically a man and a women
>Genetic dead end
>Genetic dead end
what a success story of social progress
Can someone explain the joke? Since when is white people unable to handle spicy things part of the stereo type? Never heard of it.
Yeah, libertarians are closet fascists and they think liberals are Marxists. It makes sense when you look at it from that warped perspective.
Yes but if we say that we are racist. It's all so confusing. What's really funny is assuming a persons identity is considered fucked up... unless they're white, cuz we all in the illuminati and drive ferraris and have so much more things and stuff then the other races.... until you realize that's just a hilariously inaccurate meme and whites make up most of the poor people in the country. But yes we da rayciss
>wait a minute that cap
Why is vegeta working at Taco Bell?
Who are you quoting?
I was literally demeaning him for his mental mistakes and you make it about race?
That's actually racist, you know. I never made this about race outside of telling him that being an asshat racist only gets similar dumb people to see his race as nothing but asshat racists.
You're perpetuating this by turning it around into race, and you're so battered that you think low IQ equates to an entire race. You're the one who is hurting yourself here. literally getting triggered on your own.
>based in reality with statistical evidence
See the difference?
isnt the chef a white guy?
Fuck off Karen
The shit niggers say to cope
Very few places make you pay more for different spicy/hot levels. Not defending lying to the customer, just pointing that out.
And then the manager says no. Wow that was hard.
I don't even know what this one is trying to say.
Why are white people so fucking sensitive, jesus christ.
It's an lame, unfunny Yea Forums meme, and the cancer is spreading to the point where the mods will probably filter it if it keeps up.
This dudes comics are so fucking delusional, every time I see one I'm shocked by the level of cognitive dissonance and made up nonsense to push his narrative
>Of course post OP trannies can pass
>Bone structure
>Fake vagina
>No dude will notice that
You'd have to roofie a straight guy
Look at this fucking dude how many levels of cope is he on
>author is unable to learn and improve
>he's a SJW
Nailed it.
>racial slurs are the same as a joke about spices
>tfw 1/4 mexican
>but it was a lightskin, privileged mexican born to Catholic missionaries in Jamaica
>he legally immigrated to America to become an oral surgeon
Everyone thinks I'm white, but I get tan as fuck in the sun and I'm not allergic to everything. Being a whitoid is alright.
Didn't you know? you're automatically richer because Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates are the same skin color as you.
Once again, drawing yourself as a scarred saiyan and calling others insecure is silly.
.......This is fucking Assigned Male isn’t it....
>why is a white country teaching me about white people
Nice reading comprehension. Read it again and then reply because that quote is the exact opposite of what i said.
>Plus, most white people are immune to words of death
nah calling white people "racist" sends them into autistic fits, this entire thread is a great example
>And then the manager says no
>I have absolutely never ever worked in retail ever.
isn't that new spiderman plot?
It's often funny. Ennui go, give it a try.
is that mf joseph holding jesus baby in the last panel
To be fair, society could probably use some more genetic dead ends. It's a problem that solves itself, they just don't realize it.
>A small restaurant is the same as retail
Japanese literally cannot handle spice. Their curry tastes like water.
haha! racism is so fun!
Why do minorities have such fragile egos anyways
So no argment then?yowch that fragile ego
Vindaloo exists in England for a reason. We love spicy food.
>racist porn artist can't create original characters
gee, I wonder why.
Living in south Louisiana I don't get this meme. Mexican foods typically need sauces for salt and soul food joints have bland fried foods, chinese and japanese foods are even more bland
Hey mods so long as I sage off topic threads can you please not ban me
It's a cheesecake comic user and one that is heavily shitposted here. Not exactly that strange someone would read it.
It doesn't matter if they are making you pay more or less. If you ask for coke and they say they will bring you a coke and you get pepsi instead then they robbed you by deception.
I love this one so much
sophie's comics aren't even that bad I just know it's easy to trigger those alt rightards
Why is racism socially okay and encouraged when it's against whites? Imagine a "extra mild for black people" comic. The author would be getting bombs in his mailbox.
Arguably even worse, dipshit.
A large retail can afford to let an angry customer rant and not return.
A small local place has to be even more wary of pleasing customers because their consumerbase is not as high and twice as susceptible to poor ratings. and reviews.
Kill yourself you stupid fucking dumbass.
>game has out of place easter eggs hidden in the world
Living in north Louisiana, I hope you realize all that spicy didn't come from the Frenchies, right?
Here's the actually funny version that doesn't straight up have "WHITE PEOPLE" to beat you over the head with the joke
I thought it's the metal dude from Fairy Tail.
unironically funny
>screaming nigger is funny lol xD
*hairline recedes*
They all still have pale skin though.
What, just because they have beards makes them nonwhite? Lol
You already are a Piece Of Crap user.
Outdated. Now that it has been confirmed by the official creators, all pony fags are now allied against the global threat that is the barbie fucks. Gas all barbie fags now.
I mean he ended up drawing what he wanted in the end, so what's the issue?
This just seems to point out that you don't need to have your environment bend to your every whim to have things your way in the end.
Black people are super fragile so they'd make a big ruckus about it, go figure
>too complicated
No, I just dont care.
>Racism is funny when it's literally any race besides white people.
>Being racist towards white is suddenly way over the line.
>alt rightards
okay twitterfag calm down now
>Its ok to steal because there is a chance someone might not like something
brown people logic
>genetic dead end
so what
Does your ass also get more spice resistant as you eat spicy food? I can deal with the eating it part, but anytime I try to eat more spicy food I end up swearing off of it because it hurts so bad coming out.
The point is that the comic sucks, you can mock white people in clever ways just like we mock every other race
Imagine having white people come to your country hand you shit you should have invented like riding horses, the wheel, boats and then took everything you had and made it better
Then 100's of years later they have all the best stuff and the most money still
>b-but muh authentic cuisine
It sucks, British Curry is better than Indias, Tex Mex is better than real mexican, Western Chinese food is better than real chinese gutter oil
Minorities have no accomplishments and know it and then white people pity them and tell them we're all equal and deep down they know it's not true
>Still exactly the same body types and faces
>Just adds stupid accesiors and darker skin
Be caucasian hispanic.
Mom German
Dad Puerto Rican
Spanish culture dominated our house hold. But its culture appropriation because my skin is white.
I fucking hate my own country now because I'm not even allowed to enjoy half my culture because my skin is the wrong color. Fuck you left, fuck you hard
>this thread
my goodness Yea Forums is truly reddit central
>They all still have pale skin though
Asians confirmed for white.
The strings on the handlebars are a nice touch.
>You c-cant fight b-back w-whitie, you h-have to just t-take it.
hahahaha keep sniffling bitches.
None of them really seem mean-spirited to me
t. triggeres alt right tard
Regarding the sterile hetero couples thing, this is a good take on it - (3:08) - youtu.be
If everyone that posted in this thread died, the world would be a better place.
Why are you and everyone else in this thread pretending you're anything other than a pathetic white neet virgin that's living with mom?
Fucking hell, m8
All the whites only live in england, huh?
England wasnt the only colonial white country, you know.
English food is considered strange by most standards, its a meme in itself.
Try again, rub some brain cells together this time.
racism jokes are good
but being an actual racist is bad
is like rape porn, is good when it is fiction but kinda fucked up when you do it irl
>Really, you can't be this obvious. You're seriously trying to give people identities that don't match up? That's hilariously incompetent tactics. Can't even refute it, so you say random shit instantly.
I honestly can't even parse what you're trying to say lel. Stop panicking because some dumbfuck on Yea Forums called you out.
Kinda Sad that its the best they can do
Yeah man Yea Forums is so clever when it comes to mocking other races
>only do jokes that dont hurt my feelings
>I never got the white people cant handle spice meme
Most white people grew up in households with parents that learned to cook for sustenance, not for enjoyment. Everything's boiled. Nothing seasoned with anything more than salt and pepper, never mind actual spicy seasonings. Most of the people in the current generation that can't cook that end up having families (if they do) will likely end up making similarly bland shit and the cycle will continue. It's mainly the fault of midwestern/northeastern European immigrant families that were just happy to have food on their plate. Therefore, they have a much lower tolerance for pain that spicy food elicits. Ergo, white people can't handle spice.
Leave it to retards like to take everything personally and not be able to make the distinction between spicy food and seasoning, though.
You know what I mean you fucking faggot
Are you stupid?
100% correct
is the joke about jojo reference?
I think it's RuneScape.
im sure South Americans love their food to be ultra spicy
>every white Male believes they are superior to me but they're wrong I am actually the true ultimate lifeform Haha pssshhh nothing personal kid I'm 5 steps ahead of you.
Thanks for the laff, the sheer notion that race factors into superiority/inferiority dynamics is hilarious but keep believing your little meme dreams, the truly superior transcend race and are recognized by their actions not the stats we rolled at birth, some of your superiors are white, fact, some of my superiors are none white, your notion posits that all whites are inferior to you, your perspectives are shit and you should feel bad (perhaps even Inferior) for having them.
lol arab/med food isn't spicy what a dickhead
dead meme
>Actually Enjoying Assigned Male
Fuck off tranny. Go back to the shithole in which you came. BEGONE, FOUL BEAST!
what the fuck
Seething mutt with 1 drop of white blood
Racist jokes are racist breh
"Aight nigguh, time to choose..."
You're getting mad about a stereotype of not liking spicy food, are you that sensitive?
>no fans in the last panel
too accurate
>You chimp out over simple words.
You're chimping out over mild sauce
oh boy! thats some good racist joke right there!
Well I just laugh like a bitch when i heard “nigger”. Yes is a shit taste in humor bu what’s the matter as long as it makes me laugh?
haha i kek @ sterile couples!
SJWs trolled epic style!
>Buck Angel is technically a woman despite having male hormones, no tits, and a beard
lol wut
The punchline where the other person actually is a woman would have been more funny.
look at those boomer noses, this artist is terrible
i miss hehe
.......So she was gonna get raped right?
What middle eastern country are they from?
Not very well articulated.
That's racist and I'm offended. I'll see you in court.
It’s not. Comedy isn’t defined by whether it “hurts someone’s feefees” or not
"My bad"
It's non-white cope. They have nothing of value at all.
The point isn't really that you can't handle spice but that the accusation upsets you.
How so?
Non whites mock us because they cant beat us in any measurable capacity. Mocking us is literally all they have. It distracts them from the fact that they, in fact, depend on us.
No dummy, it's about the panties not the broad.
/pol/tards really do be like this but honestly neither of them are funny. "Haha NIGGER CANT READ XD!" and "lol white :clap: people :clap: need :clap: MILD SAUCE LOOOOLOLOL" are equally shit-tier in terms of joke writing.
racism is bad, user. no matter the race
No matter the race