Monster Hunter Thread
Monster Hunter Thread
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Fuck Ryozo for teasing and showing absolutely nothing
Being a lagibro is suffering.
What did Ryozo mean by this
Why did you turn this into a general?
No more console fagging, only nice monster friends now.
I came all the way from the old world to fuck your wife.
we'll have our time in the sun again, one day.
dude brachy lmao
Collab multiplayer boss confirmed
There is no such thing as old or new world
There are simply continents in which Seregios has raped or has to rape Rathian
Bring him back.
Tigrex couldn’t make the photo, but rest of the usual suspects reporting.
How does tackle dmg reduction work? Is it percentage based or just flat reduction?
Who cares, it works
I enjoy playing FU, 3U, P3rd, 4U, and GU
I enjoy playing FU, P3rd, 3U and World.
World is alright
I haven't played much since hitting HR 50, though
I'm hoping Iceborne will have the content to make me want to continue playing long into the endgame
Come on Capcom, hurry up with that trailer.
All things considered, it went pretty fucking right.
I laughed at the explosion kek.
I'm pleased with how it turned out all things considered.
kys ryukishi
World is fine.
It's a high rank game despite everything. It just can't hope to last too much.
He's here
>No underwater
He'll be shit like he was in X
Has anyone been able to play the Iceborne village? What new features should we expect? So far the developers mentioned a coal furnace feature.
>thinking he doesn't shitpost on both sides
Temperature room iq
is probably also him
how do we make underwater combat not shit lads?
Wasn't that just more gacha?
New hub has easy access to essential NPCs and a door out to the forge with no loading screen apparently
Replace the shitty rubber nub on the 3DS with a psp cap
It's not as shitty as Astera since it's not spread out
Does anyone have that pic of Paolumu looking similar to the cat upset about a banana?
It went right as a basis for future games. On its own it's pretty weak.
second analogue stick
Don't gimp movesets underwater
Less fucky vertical movement
That's not gacha, gacha uses real life money.
FU is fucking dogshit.
ur dogshit
It sets up a nice premise for future titles but as a standalone game it's fucking shit.
Add a panic dive underwater
Nobody cares you fat fuck, like whatever MH you like
How was any moveset gimped underwater? And what was wrong with vertical swimming? It already had that.
Name a cuter couple
Me and your mom
I really do love her, son
Rathian and Steve
Valstrax and not being in IB.
Sleeping monster and bomb.
Is it normal to be emotionally attached to a virtual giant lizard
NO you bulbous Fucknuckle
You're just too fat for the new world.
Next game hopefully, sharkfriend
Sometimes I really wish older monsters that didn't have their own themes just got to keep the old zone battle music
Hey pard
hey it's the guy who was having trouble with AT teo last thread
I switched to lance and while I still died twice to nova bullshit (caught in sheathe animation first time and caught in a roar the second) I beat him without failing the mission so that is a good improvement. GS feels very difficult to play against the later AT elders.
It did went right, pretty much so
>pc playerbase hasn't diminished even one and a half year into the game's age
You can block Teo's nova with the Guard Up skill, doesn't even do much chip damage. You need to wear 3 pieces of Uragaan or get a jewel for it though.
Good job though.
thanks!!! yeah, I don't have the gem for that yet.
Khezu who?
I miss you, Big Zam
why can't tobis be real bros
i want one as a pet
Way less weak than the basis for the previous games. I hope they ditch the mantles though.
No, enjoy Frostioth.
I personally think that it went beyond the pessimistic expectations people set for a "westernized" game.
But then I was seriously upset with the last two titles so anything that wasn't a complete trainwreck or a continuation would be fine to me.
I don't care what they do with mantles but hunter tools are definitely going to stay one way or another
It was a massively risky move and they pulled it off. I'm glad there's still some developers out there willing to experiment rather than chase guaranteed profit. Sure, a couple things went wrong, but that's part of experimentation.
>cockblocked benis :DDD and Giggicunt
Based Tobi
Gajas are the true apex predators
>adorabe ferret saves us from the threat of benis
I will capture and rehouse every single one of them.
The true bat-like monster in a cave has arrived, man
So when can we get our hands on that Velkhana design for PS4?
I wonder what monster this is supposed to tease
A month
Sure looks like a blind bat monster
Order it from Nipland.
Slime based Plesioth, of course!
My biggest worry is they won't ever change some of the stuff I think they did wrong in order to keep the new fans (the shitty new armor system being top of the list for me).
So did they actually say that Lagi is still flat out not coming back?
They make changes to every iteration, I wouldn't worry. Especially now that most players aren't noobs anymore.
They said he won't be in Iceborne but they're working hard to get him into the next game.
Some people think it sounded like they want to bring swimming back but personally I think it's just that there's no good coastal maps in the game as is.
What's wrong about it?
oh no
That's sad, I'm sad.
The new armor system is irredeemable tb h. Even godsets in 4U and GU, which i alr consider overloaded, are pale in comparision to World’s sets. And thats just a high rank game. iB will just make it worse with lvl4 dec
But then they cant really go back to the old system, less they freak out the newbies. And fine-tuning such a system will be really awkward, cause you will either get super useless skills, or need to dump dozen of point for them to be useful, which is literally an “easier to build” old system
>Metal Raths pretty much confirmed
Oh and who though dec farming was fun? Charm farming is unbearable as it is, but sometimes you get your own unique god-charms to build your own set. Grinding for those mandatory atk up jewel is just a pain in the ass
>Clutch claw is basically a free flinch
And they said that MH:W wasn't dumbed down for casuals.
That was never in doubt.
I really hate this obvious as fuck "PLEASE CLUTCH CLAW ME NOW BITCH I AM ASKING FOR IT" stance monsters now go into.
I hoped it would be only a thing for the beta, but it seems to be in the main game as well.
I think best thing they could do is make skill activation happen at 5 instead of 10, display the points required like a bar similar to how it currently is but more obviously have the skill inactive when the bar isn't full (maybe have lines at the 5 and 10 marks or whatever to indicate a skill level). And bring back negative skills which are put onto the otherwise best in class endgame armor sets to give earlier armor pieces some use in armor crafting again. Bring back craftable decorations and keep craftable charms, but if there needs to be some RNG element make something similar to streamstones that allow you to either add slots or increase the points given by a charm.
you mean the exhausted animation?
There will never be a bigger casualism than the entirety of Hunter Arts and Valor/Adept. Nothing comes close to GU levels of dumbing down
Why are people surprised GU devs added this?
It's different
Rent Free
4 Attack Jewels is just as optional as an Edgemaster +3 Attack +12 OOO charm was
It's in the main game no doubt. It's just a threshold they reach that tells the player "please clutch onto me please" to enable ammo/wound chances, otherwise how would the players know? They would spam the stupid move and increase cart chances especially at G-rank
for those about to bite this bait, I'll spoonfeed. The monster's exhausted which is ALWAYS prone to flinch/stagger. The clutch claw doesn't cause this
Negative skills would actually be impactful to bring back now since you couldn't avoid literally every negative skill by clownsuiting anymore.
>Meta sets in 4U are a myriad of different pieces put together in one clown suit of destruction
>Meta sets in World are just Drachen with the eyepatch
Isn't it Drachen with Nerg Gamma pants now?
No it is completly different to that.
In the beta they even did this when they were in rage, so it is not the exhausted state.
Drachen, yes. Eyepatch, however, I cannot fathom how few decos you must have to use it in such a set.
Drachen was a mistake, but that doesn't mean something else wouldn't take it's place. If not drachen, it'd be Gamma pieces+dante legs.
>Being a metaslave
A man can only kill so many Jagras before he goes insane
Negative skill would be great, cause its pretty much unavoidable now. You either have to bear with with, or waste a slot to disable it
Until they put those skill only on a selected few, and the glorious ASS of Athena will just find a way to wiggle out of such situation
>but that doesn't mean something else wouldn't take it's place.
and are there any clips of this at all?
A billion videos, not just dedicated to this
care to link one?
so it should be easy for you to find a video and point out a segment where this is happening
I actually really like the fact that the new system makes it easier to build niche sets, meta or not. They just need to tone down the skills’ power and effect
>tfw you will never jump in joy again when you somehow mined a fire atk +13 crit eye +5 ooo and made a killer fire DB set
About 2:10
At least its not 4U
>eat fro explorer
>tour for gold node
>mount rathalos twice
I created so many Los with back problem
I wouldn't consider 1.5 seconds of standing still after a flinch to matter much.
that's also exhaustion. You can see it foaming
I dunno, I just Deco sniped. This allowed me to play at a fun pace, with randoms or my friends, and got me alot of time out of the game before I finally had everything. What IS worse is the kulve weapons, as there is no manipulation outside of PC modding.
>Got rid of the swimming casual filter and replace it with braindead button mashing "free knockdowns" mounting system
>Got rid of the leviathans because of the aforementioned
>Didn't bother to bring any of the ones suited for land combat back or even attempt to make new ones like Mizutsune
>Recycles almost the entire roster
>Worst powercreep of any game, easiest G rank
>Is defended religiously while Tri is shat on
Agreed. Having to hit an arbitrary number to make a skill start working isn't complicated or special. Not to mention people gravitate to external programs to find a perfect set, which makes it even more pointless. I guess it would affect retards who can't into basic math.
>Easiest G-rank
GU's G-rank is miles easier
You can literally see the red icon on the map.
Also Nargas red eyes.
I got every decoration I cared about long before Greatest Jagras
I think the only shit I'm missing at this point is a couple Resentment jewels for some reason, otherwise I have a full set of everything.
Does any version of citra work properly for AMD CPU's?
That's why I'm melding my decos
Really it just made it a pain to plan out a set without buying the parts. If the older games had a better equipment preview like World does now it wouldn't have been as big of a deal, but having to break out a spreadsheet to help plan what armor pieces and what decorations to make was a bit much if you weren't using a set search tool
Merge these two together immediately
The red eye icon on the map doesn't have anything to do with enrage, that just means the monster sees you.
And Exhaust damage has had a special flinch for a while now.
you can literally see the drool animation indicating exhaust state
I would consider it part of the fun, spending the afternoon with paper and excel sheets for a good set
But yeah, everyone have different tastes
There is no drool coming out of Tigrex and he's also obviously in rage mode
I didn't mind doing it at the time but the new way, and being able to actually preview entire clownsuits and their skills at the smithy in-game, is way way better.
Christ I think I still have an autistic as fuck spreadsheet I made for 4U to help figure out the best weapons for each type.
>have 3 Mighty Bow decos and fuckton of other gunner decos
>No attack, Critical, Tenderizer, Handicraft decos or anything useful for Hammer, SA or LS.
Unless they changed it, yellow means they've spotted you, and red means they're enraged. Easiest way to know this is by changing areas. Only enraged monsters will tag along.
>There is no drool coming out of Tigrex
you sure about that?
>The red eye icon on the map doesn't have anything to do with enrage, that just means the monster sees you.
No it does not. Look in the video for Tigrex, the icon is yellow at the start of the fight all the time.
I remember when MHGen came out and was shat on as much as World for rehash content, hunter arts, and the styles. HR was fucked and the only height of the game was the fated four.
People asked constantly for Capcom to atleast rebalance it and guess what happened next? they added Valor style, the most broken mechanic in MH history. Sheating is an auto-evade, massive damage bonus for any heavy-hitting weapon, and pretty much annihilated any form of balance. With Adept and Valor, the entire game can be cheesed all the way to G2. Hypers are the only difficult part of the entire game just like how ATs are the only difficult part of World.
Why am I writing this? because Iceborne will be much more difficult than GU. They bothered nerfing mantles while did nothing about Hunter Arts but put more abusable tactics in GU. If they cared enough to rebalance Iceborne, then it will be automatically harder than GU because you don't depend on external tools much
t. been playing since MH1 but surprisingly never played 3U. Just jumped from FU from 4U
Huh you're right, it's probably just part of the animation tho since he was still enraged
>Have the most wanted decos up the ass, even have 3 spare attack decos
>No fucking guard-up deco when it's the only one I really want
At this point I'm sure it doesn't exist.
Fuck you, desire sensor
Yellow has always been "they know you're there but aren't currently fighting you"
Like if you walked into a room with Rajang in a previous game, the second you walk in he gets the yellow eye, but if you crouch fast enough and keep your distance he won't go apeshit. As soon as you stand up or get too close the eye turns red and he attacks.
In World you can tell if something is enraged by the EKG under their icon but I've never cared enough to even look at that since you can just look at the monster instead.
I still remember the good ol days when people made fun of Nergigante for looking like Daimon when he was revealed
Shame he never goes on 2 legs in the game
>Duped attack gems before it got patched and still found 3
>Have a full set of basically everything but mushroomancer
>Can't get a single Release jewel
I got eight attack before seeing my first guard up. Keep trying.
Goliath was the true Daimon all along.
Handicraft gems are a myth like virgin women and God
You're wrong about MHW. I wish uninformed vets would stop disinfo-ing people.
>Ruiner Nergigante walks on two legs
Can you fucking imagine?
>365 hours in and have maxed all my deco levels except for Handicraft, Mushroomancer and Mind's Eye
Keep those gunner decos user, I think I heard that shot type skills get a second level in Iceborne
Cuteposter has a subspecies now?
I still haven't tried Valor because of all the shit surrounding that. How broken is it?
By not being double digits IQ
I just want him to suplex someone.
You can see the blood in his cheecks from the rage mode right there.
>600+ h
>multiple copies of everything great
>3 handicraft, even
>1 atk jwl
This is why i just main DS and SnS. Fuck
Would unironically be extremely hype, seeing him screech at you with murder in his eyes while running like this
Valor HBG fun
Valor GS is also extremely powerful
Valor LS is straight up broken
Much like the varieties of Rathalos, there are many.
They do apparently, I don't think I've seen the details on it yet though.
Last time I melded was ages ago but I did burn a lot of excess Spread/Pierce jewels, hopefully I picked up a 2nd of each again somewhere along the line.
It's also extremely fun but there's no balance to it
Well if I was mistaken then I guess cause there's no real reason to pay attention to the little eye icon when the monster is always right in front of you anyways.
The preview system is better but I still think the actual skill activation is much worse and more poorly balanced overall. Old system wouldn't have even been confusing to newbies had it had the new interface. It feels like a baby with the bathwater kinda scenario. If we can't return to set activation levels even if they're easier to obtain, they should at least make negative skills return so that armor pieces aren't as easily made completely redundant / outclassed
Did they ever explain why his blood goes neon when he gets mad?
What this user said I'm sure you can tell some apart by filenames and such tho.
Brave DB is unironically my favorite version of DB
I wish you could spin out of the end of a demon dance into another demon dance endlessly, I'd gladly give up the parry and brave sheathe to keep that. Getting yourself wedged into a monster's weakpoint and just mulching it feels fantastic.
I stopped melding as well since even though I'm on PC, melding for new decos in Iceborne will probably be much more likely to get me new decos than the dupes I'd be getting now.
Valor LS is absolutely bonker as long as you can react well enough. Hype as fuck to play too
Valor HBG is your usual hame spiel, but even stronger. GS, DS and Hammer are great, SA is spam R for cuhrayzee, and GL actually made shelling viable
>Using anything but adept GL
that's silly, user
Isn't GL in GU the lowest it has ever been since 3U?
Unless they add an entirely different tier of melding like what happened with Charms
I guess even then there was that one melding option where you could throw in a ton of garbage and have it barf out a random amount of random shit, it was pretty costly though
Is that not a pretty normal intimidation tactic in nature?
>monster with "devil" in the name
>substitute for God in the image
I'm getting mixed feelings
I don't know many animals who's blood starts to glow when they're fucking pissed
XX kinda fixed the problem with the heat/mv of GL. It was still stuck in >shelling in G-rank hell tho
I also heard that there might be randomized decorations with multiple skills, though I can't remember where.
All the more reason to hold onto melder fodder just in case.
>Jagras has gifted me more of every rare jewel than I’ll ever need
>But still no Magazine jewel
So like anubis in burst mode?
im trying to figure out Hunting Horn, can someone tell me if what im doing is wrong?
>queue up self improvement and the next two most important songs
>play them and then encore them into the monsters head
>play my quickest 4 note song and play/encore that over and over again into the monsters brain until i need to replace my songs
Just think that Tigrex’s blood has bioluminescence, like how deep sea creatures have to scare off foes/lure preys/invite to fuck
>gifs are all bigger than 4mb
Dang it
I don't think it's randomized but apparently there are decorations with more than one skill now, along with the usual stuff like higher tier jewels that give more points but take a higher level slot, potentially saves you a few extra slots overall.
>doing the Greatest Jagras while an even better deco farming event is gonna be up in a day
fucking idiots
I'm seeing some discussion online about changes to GL shelling, but that's the first I've heard of it. What changed?
>Yeah, I soloed FU, 3U, and 4U G-ranks with a shelling gunlance
>How could you tell?
what deco farming event?
Jagras gave me 6 attack jewels so stuff it.
They added another level
Guessing he's talking about Lavasioth
Technically faster, less gems overall but you get more of the tier that actually matter since it's faster to finish it with a Gunlance or Sticky HBG
Does this fucker have any unique moves?
I've seen some gameplay it it just seems like Ice Jyura
Hey, at least we have an old Fatalis killer right here
>why yes I have over 1000 hunts with GL in every MH game. How could you tell?
Found it.
I don't know if there's any way to tell if these are randomized, but even if not I'd bet there's a lot of different skill combos to keep us occupied farming for them in endgame.
literally nothing better to use the lucky vouchers they give you daily on
He has a move where he slams his axe head on the ground
Makes sense
Thanks user
Decorations with multiple randomized skills is going to be absolute fucking hell if that's how it works. Abysmal fucking shit. I already think the deco grind in base World is worse than the charm grind was in the older games because you need so many more of them to finish a set, but at least an attack deco is an attack deco. If level 4 decoration skill combinations are random, completing an optimized set is going to be hopeless.
Song spamming isn't optimal for Hunting Horn, but other than that I think you're fine.
Getting a perfect charm was already a lower chance than winning the fucking lottery
I never god a so called god charm in all my playtime in any MH game, and if I ever had to do another coal run in Gen I was going to scream.
REMINDER for switch axe chads. Axe mode got a ton of buffs and is now extremely good, even compared to other weapons.
>Charged axe mode adds a ton of flinch damage
>~20% bonus damage to Uppercut
>~20% bonus damage to Overhead
>New extremely good fade slash
>You can now combo Running -> Overhead
100% axe will be optimal in many matchups. Sword mode only outdamages it while charged.
Elderwyrm better be water and a good fight
power slam my man
I'm thinking about picking it up again but I'm too retarded for a weapon with no defensive options except fade slashes.
Did Sword get a new powerup too or by charged do you just mean Awakened?
To my understanding, you wanna load up the songs that use the double note the most, since that move does the most damage, and then play songs when you can, since recitals and encores do the most damage. And you just roll out after you do the damage, and you only complete the song when you need to re-up the buff.
I've done everything there is to do in World
What now
Sword got that discharge into clutch claw discharge move I think.
I meant Awakened. Sword received a buff to ED / ZSD tick damage, and it gets an extra claw attack which does a lot of damage.
Jesus those hitboxes
>Axe only will be optimal
But i want to switch as much as i want and be stylish as fuck. This is no different from the switch blade era. Its a SWITCH axe, not an axe nor a blade
play another game
Compare a monster with its humanoid counterpart and others guess
Here's an easy one
Sword is still going to be optimal for a lot of monsters. And in multi-player, the flinch buff won't be as strong. There's pros and cons to each side now.
Which one
Okay metaslave
Play FU, 3U, P3rd, 4U or GU
Don't bully Gunlance fags, it's a fruit so low it's scraping the ground
EDF5 is fun
this artstyle is terrible, you can never tell which monster its supposed to represent
Wait for Iceborne actually
I want to FUCK these dragons
Which ones?
What MK is that
all of them
What weapon would you guys recommend for a noob? Currently using Switch axe but I'm getting bodied by Anjanath. Movement speed is so fucking slow in sword mode.. Is heavy bowgun a good weapon? Ranged weapons seem fun
Have sex
>SnS: fast, simple moveset, quick item and slinger, deal decent dmg
>GS: much slower, but teach you the valuable lesson of positioning, tells and evasion
>bow: just shoot it til it die, lol
Shitposting aside, Gunlance is baby's first weapon. It blocks for days, and shelling (moves on the B, or O button) doesn't care about weakpoints, it does the same damage no matter where you hit.
I struggled with AT Kirin, and said fuck it, Gunlance, and now I can't go back. It's got a lot of different playstyles too. Worth a try imo.
For Switch Axe you should be switching back to Axe every time you back away from the monster, but try everything and see what you like anyways.
>That shitty teasing
I loved it. They should bring a live dog next if they tease Zinogre.
I feel so fucking sad for Lagi, the devs didn't let him into World because they broke his animations and were too fucking lazy to fix them
Look at the p a i n in those little red eyes
A good broken weapon for a noob is LS. It's like Switchaxe but faster and has a broken counter that makes you invincible called Foresight Slash.
How will Tigrex ever recover?
The motherfuckers better do him justice in World 2 instead of half assing him
The fuck is dat?
Punished Lagiacrus
A leviathan denied his comeback
I don't know much about HBG, but maybe try Lance. It has a shield and isn't too complicated to use at a basic level.
By being in IB over Gore
Ice Kushala
Velkhana Calvo
Dilate win this time, tard wyvern
Speaking of the daily lucky voucher. What exactly does it do?
Wait, THAT's what Velkhana looks like from the front? Weird. Never seen it without the ice on it's face
Water in MH6 would scare the shit out of me. Just imagine diving deep at night and Lagiacrus sneaking up on you in the middle of the ocean.
Increased money and quest rewards. Only increases rewards from the first box, so not part breaks or gold/silver/bronze/purple rewards.
It looks quite different without the ice actually, yeah.
Increases the number of items and doubles the amount of Zenny you get from your next mission.
Use them when you want gems from a monster or if the quest has special rewards like tickets or extra streamstones
doubles zenny reward from a quest and increases chance of rare drops IIRC
doubles zenny at the end of a quest, one use per quest, you can have up to 5 in your inventory at one time
Wait, i can only get so hard
I wish the forest was darker at night so Nargacuga could actually pull some spooky eye trails in the darkness bulslhit
Abyssal Gobul!
This, the trail is still there in Iceborne but due to the lightning you can barely see it.
Im kinda sad that with the downfall of niconico and the series “growing up”, we wont see wacky shits like this anymore
I would just use Sword and Shield; it's fast and allows you to use a reactive playstyle instead of a predictive one.
-Can use items and slinger while unsheathed
-Can use mounting attacks UP ledges as well as OFF them
-Can change direction mid-combo (also restarting the combo, can be done endlessly for infinite combo)
-Shortest attack animations in the game, can pretty much dodge at any time
-Shield for emergencies, like if your escape vector is blocked by a wall
>Tower is back
Place your bets on the next Rare Species.
I'm positive silly weapons will be back once they actually manage to finish weapon models for all the regular monster shit.
what about the dumb-ass dual blades and hammer that are just huge chicken
God I love cutting tails with that upswing
>Yama Tsukami
Because everyone sure loved that fight
>Free attack jewel from the blacksmith
>Guaranteed attack jewel from keeping Pukei alive during the Witcher quest
>Free attack jewel from the promo bonus going on that doesn't end until the end of August
That's three guaranteed attack jewels right there. You didn't sell off that first attack jewel did you?
2019, I am forgotten.
I love Portable 3rd.
Arzuros and Lagombi will probably make a return in gen 6 since they already confirmed Beasts and Crabbos are coming back
I'll never forget you, harmless hunny thief.
>550 hours
>every set crafted except AT Luna fuck her
>all the weapons I want crafted, even the shitty useless ones
>like 10 weakness exploit gems
>mfw no handicraft gem
Death is real
Those are just reusing the Crake models but yeah, whatever that user was saying about the series "growing up" is a load of shit.
I'll accept the series growing up when they stop releasing videos of Ryozo photoshopped into hot springs
Arzuros need not be remembered, for he is never forgotten
>except AT Luna
Ice LBG with Wind Res 3+ dude, aim up through her face and into her wings.
Flash her when she's fully charged to force a nova then run the fuck out of range
SnS, LS and DB if you don't care being recognized as an annoying weeb, Lance if you don't feel much safe
It's also my favorite MH after World. Glad the Yukumo armor is making its return in Iceborne.
*dabs aggressively*
oh so once my songs are up i just spam double notes to fill my bar and perform?
I have to be perfoming an actual song though right? So just pick the song with the most double notes, and spam perform that?
Should i encore it or not? It's a second bunch of swings but it requires me to actually play the song through doesnt it
I'm too retarded for the nova, I always get caught and die. I genuinely like every monster (even fucking Kirin and Kushala) in W but Luna can suck my dick.
HBG takes some getting used to since if you're not sharp on the evades you'll get yourself fucked up.
LBG is probably better to get you used to aiming, handling ammo and shit. When you get some evade extender jewels, try HBG and you'll roll around for miles while taking pot shots at a nigga's face.
>overdesigning perfection
come on now
This one's my favorite.
>Free attack jewel from the blacksmith
So that's where my first attack jewel came from. I forgot about that. So in 600 hours I haven't legitimately obtained a single one.
>started playing MHW again
>didn't do any events after Kulve
>just repelled behemoth
Am I really going to have to do it in MP or is it feasible solo?
I'm sorry but I'm more of a Gigginox person
I still want more user. The corn GL, the food weapons, literal star platinum hammer (granted its dummied out for international release)
Well, they really should finish up those unique weapons for the monsters 1st, yeah
Wind Res 5 completely removes the stun from the nova, it can't travel around corners like at the zone entrances, it has a finite range, and you don't burn while panic diving.
And you can force it to go off when you're prepared for it instead of just getting roasted by surprise.
Yeah she's a pain in the ass but like anything in MH you can prepare around it and remove 90% of the challenge.
You can do it solo if you want, but it's designed with the intention of being played multiplayer, and his HP does not scale down for singleplayer.
Soloing regular Behemoth is perfectly reasonable and happens all the time. It's Extremoth where solos are more rare.
>star platinum
thought that was crazy diamond
Without memeing and saying reddit shit like JHO FLEW THERE WITH THE POWER OF ANGER XD, explain how all the old world monsters have shown up in the New World.
In my experience, forcing her to nova just makes her do the next one even sooner.
>tfw axe mode is getting buffed in Iceborne
Maybe I'll go back to it. Right now I just can't justify using it over a LS or CB. They're more mobile, more damaging, and offer defense as well. Just objectively better and also more fun to use weapons.
the magical power of fanservice
They were there already, they just didn't find them. It's a big place.
Yeah, wrongly remembered. My bad
Well, lots of them can fly. Island hopping and eventually landing at the main continent.
Those that can't? Maybe the new world is quite literally *new* in that it broke away from the old world only a few thousand years ago and many of the species got stuck.
So you just repeat the process, it's better then getting assblasted into a fire pool that's off camera behind you
Big and mostly unexplored place.
That's actually not what happened! The reason Leviathans aren't in the game is because they couldn't get their animations right using MOCAP (faggots in unitards).
They were so lazy they couldn't bother making the animation by hand like older titles.
None of the styles themselves are broken, it's moreso how good of a benefit they give vs. what the tradeoff is.
For HBG and Longsword it's overpowered, plain and simple. Makes HBG as mobile as the light bowgun and turns siege mode into a minigun mode.
Valor Longsword doesn't quite have the raw power of the HBG but it still is top tier damage and can parry/evade pretty much everything with extremely forgiving windows while not giving up anything over guild.
All other weapons, it's usually a strong style but not the end-all like it is for those two. I will say on Gunlance it fixes a lot of the fundamental problems with the weapon while not really pushing it over the edge or anything.
If you play other weapons there's plenty of options. Here's a spreadsheet of speedrun spreadsheet per-weapon and gives you information about what weapons/styles they run if you're curious.
Based rebel user doing the opposite of what I said
Just like every past monhan
>hey you unlock grank, congrat
>hey a flock of *insert new monster here* just appear! Quick, dispatch them!
It does?
Holy shit maybe I should just try her using gear that actually negates the shit that kills me I guess.
The problem was that Lagi is fucking huge and his neck wasn't behaving correctly near the edges of rooms, since monsters at least attempt to not clip their faces through walls usually.
Plus at some point later in development they made the forest less swampy so they no longer had a suitable area to fight Lagi.
Multiple jhos being dumb enough to chase a lagiacrus across the sea and getting dragged by the currents. They're retarded and tough enough to pull that off.
Yeah this. He's extremely fucking huge
You know there are bears in Antarctica right?
>hurrrr i play the contrarian option even if it's not fun at all to actually play!!
>gotta make sure everyone knows i main GUNLANCE!!!
>yeah i also play HUNTING HORN on the side
>*sniffs own farts*
>how could you possibly tell? was it my 20+ minute solo times on g rank monsters?
why are you faggots always like this
Yes, Lagi's neck is HUGE which is why they couldn't use human actors, because we have really short necks. Only exception is Vaal Hazaak but he uses the same skeleton as Kushala and barely moves his neck.
Nice, thanks for the info user
Excuse me, user?
But Gunlance is literally the most fun weapon out there. The fuck you on?
Isn't that a lot bigger than he was In Tri?
Can't wait until tomorrow so i can farm the useless piece of shit that is Lavasioth.
Want to get some more practice on other weapons. What do I pick today?
Yep. They must have planned to turn him into some ED-tier monster
>bears in Antartica
I just joined in on the shitposting.
I genuinely like playing GL, for what it's worth
>gunlance and hunting horn aren't fun
Are you well, Anonymous?
SnS because clutch claw will compliment that a lot
user, you're an idiot. Human necks have nothing to do with it. They don't even have the neck being tracked in the mocap suit.
Where the fuck are they?
Fuck you
how so
Is this one of those parallel dimension shifter people that's phased into our universe?
you can use slinger freely without sheathing as SnS so the claw will be much more accessible
Lagi was always pretty big but yeah that one would've been gold crown size
It wasn't a mocap problem, it was a problem with how the monsters try to avoid clipping into the terrain too badly. You can see it really easily with Jho or Anjanath when they're facing a wall, but Lagi was bugging that system the fuck out and would need a specific fix so they decided to shelve him for a bit.
CB, the iceborne spinning axe looks fun
That's probably the reason. Lagi's animations break when you use a mocap actor.
I thought clawing was only effective when the monsters vulnerable
>Jho attempts to eat seawater
>Propels himself like a pressure jet across the water because his mouth might as well be a vacuum
I can't believe they still haven't nerfed SAED
What are the weapons considered fun by non-contrarians aka normal people?
There is literally a webm posted showing that his animations work fine.
But they did. 40% nerf
It's still stupid. They could have atleast made the shield lose its charge after SAED like the previous games
Literally all of them except Lance, Gunlance and the two bowguns
I don't think a scripted trailer counts, specially when World uses a fuck ton of inverse kinematics.
They nerfed SAED because fuck you.
>Not using a HBG
>Not Wyvern-sniping a nigga
>Not using shells on Kelbi for fucking laughs
Fucking weaponlets
>40% nerf
on the mvs or the phial bursts?
user, I know you're desperate to make shit up, but stop being retarded. At least photoshop the picture to have velcro and white balls on the neck next time if you want to be this stupid.
Fujioka said that his animations would break on the world terrain and geography, and rarely in the middle of his animations. When they couldn't fix it they moved on to other monsters, which is also the reason why the Wildspire and Ancient Forest were both altered from the working beta maps to the current versions. They've implied that his model is fixed but the current map design doesn't have any room for Lagi.
Yes I too like to suck any fun or strategy out of the game.
I never remember the team stating the SPECIFIC reason why Lagi was removed, just that "his neck and animations were problematic". I just posted a random picture of Benedict Cumberbatch, don't know what your problem is.
Kushala, All Raths, and Nibblesnarf should be shelved from the series forever, and bring back the
3U monsters.
This is literal solid fact
I bet you play lance.
They literally just had an interview in China where Lagi was deconfirmed from Iceborne, with reasons why he didn't make it.
>t. pile of loose sediment with no capacity for pattern recognition
This is a human board you fucking rock
Fuck Piscine Wyverns, remove this entire monster type and nothing of value is lost.
>Shelf Nibelsnarf
>Bring back Nibelsnarf
>Shelving Rath, the literal posterboy of the entire series
>doesn't know the reasons
>posts like he does
>doesn't see any issue with it
I meant the monsters locked in 3U like Gigginox
How the fuck is he not in GU while his retarded cousin is in?
I remember reading an interview where no one specified a darn thing. If you wanna link me a more complete one I'd be immensely grateful.
Hey if you just like to stand there and rape the monster without any risk of danger or getting hit then more power to you. I like you bowgun wieners if I get tired of farming a monster and just want to farm i quickly.
Since this shit is going in circles, maybe a more clear explanation will help
You see Link's legs here? MH (and tons of other games) use the same technique to keep monsters (and hunters) from clipping their limbs and heads into the terrain too often. Lagi's goddamn giraffe neck was probably breaking whatever algorithm they used to decide how to avoid clipping and making it spaz the fuck out, especially during attack animations where he moves his head a lot, since his head is so far away from his body. Like HL2 physics glitch levels of spazzing.
>confirmed Beasts and crebs are coming back
I mean, they ARE cute
>Implying I'm not a shitter who gets hit anyway
J-jokes on you user
I've seen other series gut the core appeal when going mainstream, but World managed to maintain its core (whilst being easier) and even condensing a lot of unwieldy systems into more meaningful ones.
The Palico stuff is probably my favorite, love how useful the gadgets are
I love this guy's mh vids
I'm wondering, why did the artist color Narga in black instead of dark blue?
Could have been the reason, but since when they first showed Lagi they didn't specifically mention this problem I thought there could have been another motive behind its removal.
why is teostra blue?
Pretty sure it was at the Hong Kong press conference they confirmed Beasts, Leviathans and maybe Carapaceans will be coming in Gen 6.
Not got a vid source sorry user
What a derpasaurus...
Teostra's actual scales are kind of a dark purple user.
If you don't have guard up, you can deal with Teo's nova on lance by chaining a guard step backwards into a long hop back into another guard step and long hop back. It's really fast and covers a long enough distance to get you out of range. You need to practice it to be able to do it right though.
And to say that today I was really on the edge of buying a switch and GU just to wait until IB.
How can I fill the MH void while waiting for Iceborne?
watch some of Grifted vids. HH is an amazing weapon which can do a shit ton of damage and exhust if you know and can do all the small little tricks. But complete shit and lowtier if you can't. Need to be able to weave in hilt stab, flourish notes, and all the ways to cancel.
They're like a purpley kinda red. Like wine coloured. It's his fur that's crimson
I don't think it'll be that bad if they are their own decoration type. However, I really think they need to add newer versions of decos. Like a tier 2 attack jewel that gives 3 points.
GU is still great and has tons of content, but if you're looking for a challenge, you're gonna have to wait until you reach G-rank and hypers. You should still get it
Stay mad baitanon, I'll be there having fun with my GL while your meta/TA-following shitters triple cart and ruin my hunt.
I hate how a lot of the t rex monsters are only truly beatdowns if you wait for them to sit still. I want more agressive punishes like Zinogre, where you can exploit openings in his attacks to get face/tail hits. Most of Anjanath's attacks don't leave him open at all except his feet which take no damage at all. So I basically just wait for his one or two bite moves that leave him static for half a second or I use watermoss on his face when he has fire in his mouth for the long stun. It's doable, but not fun, imo.
I miss him, if for no other reason, because of that quest in 3 Ultimate where you fight like a baby version and a massive version. That shit is crazy.
In a weird way, 3 Ultimate had some of the most interesting decisions in G Rank. Like, they knew monsters like Great Jaggi and Wroggi would be too easy, so the only way you could ever farm them was by doing a multi-hunt with like Volvidon and two great jaggis. Or for Wroggi it was like Royal Ludroth and two Wroggis I think.
Im new to the franchise and I used Switch Axe for a while, but if you want a really versatile weapon take the time to get the hang of Charge Blade
It's super versatile for every situation once you get the hang of the phial management, and has a shield for blocking as well
That's a bad idea. Charge Blade is one of those weapons that if you nerf it no one will use it because it's too complicated to learn if it's just going to be as strong or weaker as other weapons. But if it's stronger than other weapons on average people will use it because it's one of those effort-to-payoff ratios where it's harder to use but immensely rewarding because you get great kill times even if you get hit sometimes.
Looks like I'm going to try upping my CB game. Is it worth it to keep the sword continually charged? The overhead slash to activate it is pretty meaty, but it feels like it takes a fair amount of windup to execute.
Hey, fuck you Glavenus.
Keep it all charged and spam SAEDs. Maximum damage unga bunga mode
>Pisces is Lagiacrus instead of Plesioth
>Taurus is Nerg instead of Diablos
>Cancer is Rathalos instead of Daimyo
God I fucking hate these newfags
Careful or he might call his weeb cousin on you.
Fuck 'em, SAEDs were useless in 4U and everyone used the CB back then regardless.
Built myself the blast HH endgame set after having never used it before and I'm having trouble keeping at the monster while working in songs and encoding. Is there a right way to do this shishoit?
Rathalos is definitely cancer
Explain yourself.
>mostly play gs/lance or gunlance in mhw, but very poorly
>never touch ranged, sns, db or IG
>decided to try out IG
>easy buff access
>mobility out of the ass
>aerial je suis monte if monster is in the air of for evasion
>good, swift, yet simple as fuck combos with great range
>bug gives you additional bonuses if you hit the clouds
Only tried the arena versions though. But when I used it, I took the least amount of damage I ever take in combat while still being comfortable with the moveset, even if I used it for only these 2 arena hunts in my entire playtime. This is literally the weapon from a different game, it has zero downsides.
Make your predictions now, /mhg/. How much of a shitter shattering machine will Acid Glavenus be?
Around AT Teo tier
I remember finding IB unwieldy in 4U, need to try it out again now that aiming the bug isn't cancerous.
Because it was new.
I know anons here browse both but let's leave that festering shithole where it belongs, thanks.
Doing luna, how do i block her fire breath? It just hits me through the counter. Do I use super guard?
>Randoms keep smacking Glavenus when he prepares the spin
>Instantly gets up after being targeted for a weeb combo
>Never use adamant seed
It's impressive that such a chill general became an autist spawning machine. I blame BRs and mmofaggots.
Is /mhg/ even worse than other generals? Never even browsed there because most generals are shit anyways
Just remain here where it's safe. Ish.
It's shit. The threads on Yea Forums are unironically better.
It's a discord tranny dilation station, where they just tell each other how they simulate periods by shoving a bunch of blood up their asses and shitting it out afterwards. Seriously. Or an unreadable shitpost gallore.
Think of the worst Yea Forums Monster Hunter thread you've ever been in.
Now imagine that for almost every single thread.
Apparently the spammer is from there so its probably worse.
>Guardpoint with CB
>Flame puddles flare up and and hit me from behind anyway
I'm guessing that's the issue. Powerguard should work, but standing in or several yards away from those death traps isn't a good idea.
>listfag shitting up spam for, as of yesterday, two years
>discord trannies shitting up threads
>throw in PCfags 8 months later
>then have those same people borrowing reddit shit to spam NO SSD LOL shit adding to the pile of shitposting
user, you should've seen it coming.
Unironically this site needs an IQ filter
Been practicing on Diablos. I more or less get the core loop of the weapon, but I keep whiffing like a dumbshit.
>Trying to combo into SAED
>Diablos decides to turn so now I'm facing perpendicular to his tail
>Whiff all but 1-2 ticks of the big dick SAED
But I guess it's just a positioning thing that comes with experience.
It's fucking terrible. Pretty much the only reason I visit anymore is to skim the thread for art I haven't saved yet.
what'd be the requirement?
I don't get how people can spam SAEDs, it leaves you totally open
With Diablos it's fun to point guard its undergroud charge, then after a point guard you can immediately go to SAED even from sword mode but that would waste most of its phials so cancel it into the normal version with pullin back LS and Y mid animation. That way you only use one phial and still do really nice damage.
Believe when I say this, there are much worse generals out there. /ksg/ and /ddlc/ is up there (or down there) as among the worst. /mhg/ is still a complete shithole so I'm glad Yea Forums threads got better
I'm still baffled MH threads on Yea Forums improved as soon as listfag accidentally posted an Epic Store image instead of MH when posting the list. Fucking Epic of all shitposting
Do we know if Iceborne is doing anything about how part breaks and status resistance are scaled in multiplayer?
It wasn't that. Dude went to irc to issue a complaint to the mods directly and showed them the samefag archive that goes back to August 2017.
Replace Captcha with a HR Tigrex
All right lads, AT Luna is destroying me, any tips?
Pretty much all she does rapes me
that too, but its still weird that its a multi-tasking shitposter, not just a local one like XV-kun
Why did Ryozo wrap his jerk off hand in plastic?
I believe it now has two separate difficulties, one for 2 players and one for 3-4 players
Is that what causes that knockdown? I'm pretty new but i seriously don't get luna. sometimes I can block her fire, sometimes it sends me flying, sometimes nothing happens, sometimes it just staggers me while i take burn damage from the floor.
fire mantle, HBG Glutton, force a nova by flashing whenever she starts glowing a lot so you can plan an escape. Pack farcasters for easy escape too if you're not confident
Multiplayer scaling will be split up into 2 players or 3+ player modes so playing with 1 friend isn't objectively the hardest version of the game anymore, but no word on the actual scaling values. I wish they'd just ditch scaling part breaks and KO altogether
Wind Res, Fire Res, Heat Guard, Cool Drinks, ice elemental weapons
Nah, XV is a multi-tasking shitposter too. It's just he's been at it almost 8 years instead of just 2 like listfag.
It's not that uncommon, just ask Yea Forums and /u/ about that one guy
Don't commit to a damn thing. Or do, and accept that you're going to spend the entire fight trading with her and chugging potions. Her hind legs are the safest place to be, but to the sides of them so her tail attacks miss. Don't try to roll up her ass if she tries a tail swipe, it doesn't work, get to her side. Fire resistance goes without saying, whether it's via skills or mantle, but wind resist is good too, she puts out a lot of wind pressure, and in particular it locks you during the nova and drains the fuck out of your health. During the nova, just dive. Dive over and over again, just be careful of the fire on the ground that flares up periodically.
What weapon(s) are you using?
Pls no
Wide 4 Gunlance, fireproof mantle and temporal mantle.
Augment that shit with health as much as you can, get artillery, mind's eye or whatever defensives you have. Some guard too.
Block everything that bitch throws at you and shell her legs forever, don't be greedy and flash her novas away safely. health aug shells will keep you up nicely if you keep shelling her ass.
You won't be winning any time awards but that bitch is going down and you won't be carting.
Remember that you can farcaster out of her nova if shit goes into the fan.
>Could've had Zamtrios
>Instead we get another shitty piscine wyvern
Is there a proper dive timing? I dive at the instant the nova shoots out but instantly get staggered when i get up.
the post that saved MH threads.
Imagine listfag
Now imagine 5 to 10 of them
Now imagine a few of them keeping in touch, stealing the pastebin and vandalizing it, spamming lolicon and one becoming a janny to prevent action against the former
Now imagine the rest endlessly turning the thread into platform and gen wars
And now imagine underaged retards from reddit copying them thinking they're hilarious and fitting in
That's /mhg/
Bless be to our saviour.
You won't get staggered if you have wind resist, but you can still survive it if you don't, provided you weren't already low on health. The HP drain during one round of wind pressure isn't enough to kill you.
Im using gs, which it seems to be garbage since all I can hit for damage are her wings and head
Anyone got a room in PC?
Dear Lord I'm glad they're quarantined from us.
I use great sword to fight her too, I can confirm that it sucks using such a slow weapon against a monster that can punish you so readily, but it's doable. Gunners are the only ones who don't have an abysmal time with her hitzones.
Is health augment healing based off of motion value or actual damage dealt
If it's the latter, won't they be even stronger in IB
I was very afraid that it was gonna be bad but it was actually pretty good
why is gunlance not considered a "heavy" weapon for clutch clawing if lance is
We counted the exploding slamstick in the light weapon category. As a joke.
Because they want you to use wyrmstake
Actual damage but I won't be surprised if they scale it somehow on higher rarity weapons, if they even use the same augment system
Keep in mind that plenty of the "reddit" folk are probably from here. It's amazing how removing one main bait producer improves these threads though.
>Streamstones for Rarity 12 weapons are even rarer to find
Master Rank equivalent quests for getting streamstones will probably crank the drop rates up for hero stones and such and make the new stones about as rare as the old ones were in high rank.
Gen 4 has the best soundtrack of the whole series.
At least they confirmed no Kulve.
>inb4 ecology levels are tied to the new tower that has randomized loot based on those levels and killing monsters resets the new tower levels creating an new caliber of relic grinding
but they confirmed a new siege monster AND upgradable kulve weapons so we're getting an equivalent
Looks fun!
>upgradable kulve weapons
Obviously so you can use Wyrmstake Blast (what a stupid name) more reliably.
They didn't say new siege monster. They were talking about Zorah during that part. They said Zorah wouldn't be coming back, but that there would still be that type of monster.
They also said they're not bringing Kulve back, but they don't want all the time spent for her weapons to go to waste so they'll be making an upgrade path for them.
It’s kind of a meme. You can get away with it a lot of the time because it does insane damage and basically heals you to full on a trade with health augment. But the way people really do it is at unoptimal but safe ranges (inside the monster’s crotch, or away so only the blast hits them), or doing it when you know it will stagger (which it does frequently).
Is Spare Shot worth it on a gun with fast/very fast reload speed? This is Taroth Blitz Support we're talking about so I'll have 8 rounds per clip for starters.
Apparently the odds of the skill working are about 1 in 5.
Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn! I summon HIM!
Hey Yea Forums, I'm on the edge of buying MHW on PC, but first I need a couple of questions answered:
- Does Denuvo affect the performance or loading times in any way compared to the cracked version?
- Do people still play the game on cooperative, or is mostly singleplayer now?
Can I mute the lady that is CONSTANTLY talking while you explore? (every video that I saw about the game, she woudn't shut up).
frozen ice bridge long ago is the only thing I can think of
Played through World and XX and decided to emulate Tri, it's nice that Lagi actually feels threatening.
A reload is a reload, it takes away time that could be spent shooting some more. Xeno Y is ridiculous, I have Health Boost 3 on both of my bowguns and barely lose out on damage.
Yes by modding
But if you got other games to play for 4 months, you could just wait until Iceborne comes so you don't play extra 40 bucks for the expansion
the endgame stuff always have people grinding for it and modding can fix most issues
Trust me, there are things man was not meant to know.
I just ignore everything besides the rooms. For all of the shitposting, the people that do play are pretty good.
MR Behemoth never :(
It actually is the most fun hunt for me despite the randoms carting every time.
>they way moga villagers talk about how scary and treating it is
>go on a gather quest
>swim to area 11
>see lagi in the distance
>it notices you
videogame kino, it's not even a scripted event or a cutscene and left a lasting impact on me 10 years later
Tri was comfy.
For MHFU vets it was the Popo Tongues quest ft. Tigrex but for me, one year later it was the monster guts quest ft. Lagi
Thanks for your advices guys! I didn't know you could even mod it.....
Do you have the time to kill every frontier monsters before the game close? I've downloaded the game just have to do an account an a local emulator.
How can I put the Behemoth to sleep?
>thread had minimal shitposting
Good and comfy thread anons.
Currently soloing all the ATs with HH. All I have left is Luna and Xeno, any advice?
You can't, it doesn't sleep
It does, When i fight him and equip my cat with a Sleep weapon it sleeps him atleast once
Put him to sleep with sleep ammo??? Retard
>AT Xeno with HH
I don't know about Extremoth but I know for a fact that regular behemoth can be put to sleep.
Why? It’s so gimmicky. Doing it with a tank and a healer in an MH game feels so off.
Stop putting behemoth to sleep you cowards