filename thread
Filename thread
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A cute wanted me to bum this:)
If I flip those pizzas Mr. Aziz will flip out
good one
I still can't believe he got such a perfect throw in one take
didnt they have like a fuckton of leftover pizza too?
Beared and Bullpilled
I thought it was on accident and they just kinda rolled with it?
>I don't regret a thing, those fucking moonniggers blew up the ISS
not calling it phalanx
I like that Cranston even looks back at it in surprise.
IIRC the scene merely called for Walter to throw the pizza in a fit of rage, and on the first take Cranston totally lucked into getting it on the roof like that (you can even see him be taken aback slightly before continuing the take). The worst part however is that is someone's actual house in Albuquerque they filmed in front of, and since the clip went viral, jackasses keep coming by and tossing pizzas onto the garage
Ha. Thank you for funny webm.
Jokes on them, people living get free pizza
thats great, and if i remeber corectly in other episodes they make camera shots from the roof where the pizza is still there after several days
>parry this you fucking casul.webm
did he won?
>doomguy goes to heaven
>no wait what is this... valhalla? mt. olympus?
>where the fuck is my christian h-
>raped to death by duck zeus
This case can last a long time depending on what the idiot defendants do. I think Vic's winning already, but it could be a long time before an actual trial, and that's assuming they don't settle.
>I must leave.
Sad part is the entire ordeal is so toxic that no matter what happens, his career is pretty much done, at least for the foreseeable future
The black guy isn't the same one in the scene tho. I mean, if that's the joke, it's badly communicated.
That's what the $1,000,000 is for.
needs a filename
did he died?
Looks like it
Def Jam fight for Springfield
What the fuck is this?
>no Chino Blacc
Has to be fake
>I got breadsticks
>free for all melee weapons only
fucking kek
>Made you flinch!
This has to be the third gif/webm about chick penguins getting snatched by other birds I've seen today on Yea Forums.
not gonna lie i'd slam fanfiction
I wouldn't say so.He came off really well at his depo and a lot of people support him.If i had a production company, i would trumpet from the fucking roof this guy is working on my show.Right now, with all the hubbub going on, put out a show with his name attached and people would be stepping over each-other to buy it.
yahoo or fanfiction, please
Cute crow
which yakuza game was this?
Dear god is that what constant makeup use does to you? Hardly seems worth it.
Any lurking /k/ommandos explain what happened?
What a pro.
Is this video from Britain
No, she's just naturally ugly and hides it with pounds of makeup
construction in age of empires.
Yakuza 2
Every year. It's like we never learn.
I don't get it. Good series though but 2nd half is a bit boring.
I mean, based on the show, she's the traitor.
>Doomguy is literally blessed by angels so he can torment hell forever
>Lol lets make him attack heaven
How fast was this guy running?
People are visiting the house so much they put a fence around it. The whole series is basically an ad campaign for ABQ.
to be really frank I don't know why they don't just sell the house and retire.
Using a bee suit for hornets
>ad campaign for ABQ
Really? It seemed like a soulless strip-mall shithole to me
and it's a show about making and selling drugs
6 vs half a dozen really
>Jackie Chan's School of Martial Arts
not Yea Forums but still
>Diddy Kong Racing.webm
nice one
Fuck you for making me laugh at that.
Vault 11 election.jpg
The tracer round hit him in the head. It likely penetrated into his skull some what and tumbled upward and out of his head. It probably took a chunk of his face and skull off. If he survived he wouldn't last long without treatment.
This needs a filename. I never got a good one for this.
You utter fool.
the next MvC announcement
Jesus Christ
Nah I don't really get that one. Do something better.
Bullets lose energy at longer range. Assuming it is real it could have been traveling slowly enough to not break the skin.
Absolute classic, it's always on point.
Right down the road?
I feel good for the, like, 400000 pizzas they could have ruined.
This will never not make me laugh
Struggling, left alone, apart.
never understood this joke
Play a few rounds payload on TF2 and you'll begin to understand.
Because you're GAY
He straight up looks like Handsome Jack
explains a lot
I never got into TF2
fuck off ssethtide
Imagine being a consolefag. Not even once.
Imaging not maining milf commander
British "people" are so fucking ugly holy fuck.
the fuck is that
Boomers vs zoomers
Literally 2 feet from hitting their head on a wall
Oldfags vs newfags
Is there footage of this segment online? I want to see it
Yes, there's a reason women are so obsessed with skincare routines and are surprised by men not requiring a thousand products to have smooth skin.
Deep sea squid
What is this from? Is that Robert Z'Dar in an eyepatch??
Simply excellent user.
>Bullshit! Ultra Failed Attack!
Arin Hanson meets the tutorial.
based nigra
wtf is a bicycle
>800 hamburgers
How much is that in wienerwursts?
>they turned off their comment section of the youtube music video because its full of references to both hentai series
>someone actually looked them up out of curiosity
Top kek
roughly 1800 currywursts
For me it's facebook, fanfiction, and/ or cleverbot
whats the sauce, friend?
The show is called Cyberkidz.
Godammit these things are cute. They look like real life anime baby dragons
Nice to see some kind of subtlety these threads are getting shittier sadly.
It is all Cyberkidz. A bizarre kids show that I have no idea where it came from except that some guy released all the episodes on YouTube. If you like Z-movie scifi mixed with 90s American sentai shows I urge you to check it out.
No wonder these things aren't very successful as a species.
They should just get a plastic pizza and put it up there as decoration. Could stop people who think they're being funny.
Thanks friends. I'll check it out
Never works in SMT
It is weird for a kids show they show the characters mentor being tortured off-screen in the first episode, but you can hear his screams.
There is also a point where the kids transform into older women as a disguise and the main villain and his assistant talk about wanting them for breeding purposes.
Wikipedia, all the way.
Either that or jojo.
Why are they doing industrial dance?
Nah I saw them before they were taken down. It is mostly about the hentai series
Damn it
Please tell me they got slapped legally for this
>retards throwing pizza on your house
>lets sell it and leave
Why the fuck would you sell your own house just because a few retards started throwing pizza at your house?
Google it. You're in for a treat.
that was a nice stone toss
Tracer rounds have little bundles of pyrotechnics in the base of the bullet that burn whilst it's in flight allowing you to keep track of it. It looks like the actual bullet went in to this guy's head but the pyrotechnic base was detached by the impact and flew off in a different direction. There's absolutely no possible way that a 54r round would ricochet off someone's face, even at several miles.
Yes they did got fucked due this.
But some kikes bought Gawker later anyway.
They got shut down I think
How many times has he done this?
>tfw American JSL
>in several Japanese discords for various games
>go to join voice chat for FFXIV one day
>instead of just speaking fucking Japanese, like half of them do exactly what is in that image to try and "speak english" to the foreigner because they think it's cool or some shit
>play along all polite and shit because I wanna respect how Japanese people/society functions
Actually looks better than Andromeda. At least the punch seems to actually connect.
A lot of them probably just want to get better and want to see how a true English speaker reacts to their speech.
Heaven, through the meddling of Samuel Hayden, is compromised by the forces of Hell, augmented by UAC technology.
Is this video games?
user is that a boy?
this shit gets me every time
Pandora is a nigger...
>Game Journalists
>Gaming E-Celeb Followers
>The Radiance.jpg
Quad trips confirm it
reminds me of the end of level replay in Super Meat Boy
Shitbull apologists will defend this
I hope he died, fuck this retard trying to be XD randum for internet points.
>Mighty No9
The dog had no criminal charges, how were they supposed to know?
Fucking nice
>Hitler back there just doing nazi salutes
too accurate
I miss Mel Brooks movies
Christ man I almost spat my drink out
Despite being a minority among the dog population...
Not today
This is too fucking accurate holy kek
>nah man, that reminds me of the cobra car cheat
>google it
>making the same character in every video game you play
Never touched a yakuza game in my life but I'm sold after this holy fuck that's hilarious. Do they emulate well?
It is now a famous house, in some circles. You could sell it for above market value.
>Ye Olde Game FAQ's Pikmin Guide Forrest of Hope.jpg
>what, a pizza on the garage
>he doesn't know
I don't get it
That particular scene is animated the exact same in the Kiwami 2 remake, which actually got a PC release.
How does it work? I get that it erases time but what does that mean
It's actually his other series
>Kirby True Arena Suplex Run.webm
Steam physics?
every fucking time!
what image can you compare with the recent tf2 crash
I don't even grind much and this cuts deep.
Nedroid always has this oddly poignant gags, like those flashbacks Reginald has of high school.
why's Yea Forums just an ayy lmao?
Imagine being this naive.
lmao i need an edit of this with the orc death scream sounds
That girl told me... hit or miss, I guess they never miss huh?
Any ideas for this one?
Why is harada there?
WOAH!!! HOLY SHIT!! Bro... that's a new one!!
now the edit
Very likely, japanese hornets inject you with fuckin acid laced with pheromones that tell all the other hornets to sting you until you die
They're trying to include art into STEM now. It's how they expect to finally get women involved.
Very evil. Very clutch!
A quick search says the thick suit made him pass out from heat exhaustion.
I’m just a doctor, now who wants to buy some tongue depressors?
I wonder what I should do to fit in...
>EDF 5 Normal vs Inferno
"newfag lurk moar"
>Covers herself when the straps are cut
Why? She's no more exposed than she was a second ago.
Where's Limewire in a prison jumpsuit?
To get a shit tonne of money from.some BrBa loving autismal
So I wanted to watch the source video and apparently the customers were all off-duty policemen. And they didn't all shoot him, either. Bummer
I never got this. Is he having an orgasm or ids he wincing in pain?
Wait, no joke? STEM is now STEAM?
I've never been able to find the context of this image.
Like 30mph if I remember the calculation.
this one makes me piss myself every thread
gamebryo engine in 2019
You know the rules
Stream where.
That's fucking pathetic. I hate how instead of trying to fix hard problems people just change the words used or the definition so they can pretend they did something.
wow every now and then Yea Forums makes an intelligent post
maybe the HOA would be against it though but maybe not if the other option is real pizza on the roof
why does it work every time
thats basically what all stinging insects that swarm do but okay
Audiophiles are weird.
engineer frag video
watch Community S1-S3 and Arrested Development S1-3
The last great vestiges western tv kino
Give it a bit
Why did you make me aware of this? I could have stayed ignorant.
Yeah, but those things are about the size of a fucking fist
why would you leave out something so important in the description
it's not problem in the first place
great strategy frogs. put your infantry completely out of cover
>spay/neuter: no
see theres the detail you faggots always missed, dont get me wrong pitbulls are degenerate animals for owners dumber than their animals, but the motherfucker was intact, plenty of breeds and different animals in general have the tendency to turn into vicious assholes with age.
the real lesson here is make sure you mangle your dog's nads/tubes such that they dont fuck up everyone's lives around them and their own
lol you got the class one where the black kids slam into the oven breaking the glass?
Its so you can see the flag clearer.
the strategy is actually to just do helicopter strafing runs from a much funnier range and in a much funnier vehicle, the french, you see, always trying to be comedians that lot
That legit probably has like an hour of battery life
thanks. That's disappointing, I enjoyed watching some of her(it's?) videos from time to time, if only for the novelty.
If it makes you feel any better people largely aren't using the term since objective fields of study are blatantly different then subjective fields.
For now.
Why is this so controversial again?
I remember when people were trying to figure this comic out. I guess that's it.
It just... works every fucking time...
how are you going to shoot him when he is TRAVELLING AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT?
You forgot
>Doesn't exist
In the Tradwife column
>with a sweater vest
t. tranny
*dipping sticks
Why the fuck is this guy breakdancing??
t. delusional
2059 authorities hunting down the last straight white male
I first heard the term over a year ago from a design professor, but even he thought it was kind of silly as at that point why don't you just say "college graduate".
In regards to the women thing, its probably not that (or rather mostly not that). Accomplished designers seem to have an interest in getting more STEM majors to be interested in art and design because many have accepted that western design has declined and feel the culture behind westerners believing the value of STEM fields is greater then artistic fields is to blame (ie parents are encouraging the smart kids to go into STEM).
Honestly though its really not working. You can't tell people to join you if they believe they are superior to the crowd you want them in, and the reason they feel that way is western art culture to begin with.
>"Art is subjective, but you have to make art reflective of my views!"
Its not subjective actually, and quality may not relate to its message. SAD!
I can't believe I let out a genuinely loud laugh because of this post.
>western design has declined and feel the culture behind westerners believing the value of STEM fields is greater then artistic fields is to blame (ie parents are encouraging the smart kids to go into STEM
That's actually a really good point that I never considered. I've seen plenty of talented artists saying modern art is trash and soulless and there's no teachers any more but never really knew why or how this happened.
Amphibians are retarded
>shirts say policia
>asks if burgers
And you think Americans are dumb. lol
nice filenames, fuckwads
He's gotta finna dab on those dumb fat white kids.
Oh my fucking god. What the hell is this?
I didn't get it but I guess I do now.
Yakuza 0 beast style
Boku no pico
none of this sounds convincing
Ain't that a cute little gun
Goddamn you i can still hear it.
Suck my dick, nigger
0:13 Dante and Vergil back hand Nero
lurk moar
>me when people eat while slurping, sucking or hitting utensils with their teeth.
The most aggravating thing in the entire fucking world
That fucking turn screwed me over so many times
I should replay this game sometime
You think that's autistic?
here you go
Kinda my fetish, but I couldn't do it with other dudes around.
What's the backstory to this?
Cybergoth died, cybergoth friends performed at funeral
Furfag OCs are a dime a dozen
Yeah, but look at that list of "lovers"
Oh that makes it much worse
Fuck you for showing me this user
Why did they waited till the big nigga KOed everyone to move a finger on him?
You're welcome.
does anybody have the pastebin of the charizard that absorbs powers or something like that?
No but that sounds like a trip.
>2079 authorites track down the last white man on Earth
did that nigga faked getting hit?
sneed's cabin formerly in the woods
>shows myspace as dead
>but shows facebook as being used by anyone young
really makes me think
>sly cooper
It was 2011
whoa, a pistol that fires casings too
I don't get it.
>hits em a feel times and goes on about their day
Damn it feels good to see a fight where someone isn't going for a killshot
Brazilians have high ping
I'm assuming it's the brony villain
How did you even find this shit?
I used to know the guy.
it's hip to fuck bees
it was something
How long were they crafting this masterpiece? Are they super proud of it?
literal years
and he was, I don't know if he still is
I admire how you lack shit to give. Even on an anonymous chinese anime board, I wouldn't feel safe admitting I had any kind of relationship such a person.
wtf happened here?
>entering G Rank for the first time
he can't find me now
Is he dead?
I don't think so
I hope so.
every time