Were your parents against video games?
Were your parents against video games?
Yes. I didn't get to play anything until I moved out at 18yo and that point I was so out of touch with gaming, that it never really got stuck. I'm lower than a casual, just playing like an hour a week at most.
>tfw tiger mom
At first, now that they have had time to confirm that I'm a failure they don't seem to mind so long as it keep me happy
They thought they were a waste of time and unproductive, but not any more unproductive than TV, so they didn't care as long as I did my work and shit.
Somewhat. They were mostly the kind that hid my ps2 away if I angered them, and could only buy pirated games off that one sandnigger selling them on the side of the street, as a result I missed almost all the classics and I've got shit like SH2, the zelda games, DMC3 and countless others in my endless retro backlog.
When I was 10 years old maybe, they where against them cuz studies
But now I'm a 19 military grownup they dont give a fuck
pop tried to be "hip"(he tried to be "hip" about every thing)
mom just didn't care
Nope, my mom and dad bought me and my brother an N64 for Christmas, and proceeded to slip it carefully out of the box on Christmas Eve, played Star Fox and Mario Kart and Super Mario 64 until the wee hours of the morning. They carefully wrapped it up and we never knew for about 10 years till they confessed.
My mom was also pregnant with my little brother at the time, and she used to play Star Fox all the damn time when she was off work. She played more than me and even found the secret waterfall area in the first level.
My dad still plays Age of Empires 2, but he is old school and won't try new stuff that I recommend them.
My parents never mind until it became a problem, like I forgot to do something because of vidya.
My aunts, uncles, cousins, now that's a different story. These fucks believe the television, computer and video games all let the devil enter into your heart and will flip if they see me with a piece of technology
Nah, my dad let me watch him as he played Baldur's Gate
They are now since i do nothing else
my parents wouldnt let me play persona 3
Only because I didn't show interest in girls to their knowledge.
They were originally. Then when I was 5 they took me to someone's house who had a PS1 and I basically spent the whole time disregarding everyone to play some crappy wrestling game.
So they got me a PS1 because what was the harm?
There was no harm. I'm 28, and while I'm between jobs right now I have a graduate degree, a wife I met playing video games, and own a house.
But they didn't let me get any M rated games, or even graphic T games like Twisted Metal, until I was like 13. Then they bought me San Andreas. Great fucking introduction, guys. Now I'm a real mothafuckin gangsta.
no. my mum used to play space invaders and ignore everyone who talked to her as she did it, and my dad had to stop playing video games because he became obsessed. one of the few times he ever yelled at me was when he was playing MDK and i worked the keyboard for cheats and such, and i accidentally selected the tornado instead of grenade.
so no.
No but they sure were once they bought me one
My mom didn't like me playing advance wars 2 as a kid because it was a war game. lmao
They should have been.
No, fuck do I wish they were sometimes
My mom played games with me.
>Were your parents against video games?
No my folks were the ones that introduced me to video games and kept enforcing that i should play them more often since they saw it as an outlet to keep me entertained and out of trouble cuz we lived in a dangerous area and since my father was a ptsd vet with constant night terrors and anger issues. My mother then used video games as a means of keeping our home life abit happier as she was to afraid of divorcing him. Plus it was also the only reason why i would even come home since i would find anything to do outside just to keep away from the abuse. As i grown older though they grew more and more senile so they now cannot even remember most of what they done to their children. Now as i have a place of my own and a job, i still play video games but only because my friends shown me that video games aren't something bad. There are still a few games i cannot play due to the memories attached to them, like the one in picture. But i'm slowly going through all those games and beating them as proof that i have moved on, which i have.
My parents were smart enough to regulate the amount of time we could spend playing video games. If they noticed we were playing too much they'd kick us outside and make us get fresh air and we'd usually bike to the LGS and play tabletop and card games.
Now that I'm older I realize my Dad was probably an arcade junkie since he holds every controller like he's trying to play Centipede or Donkey Kong.
I got luck in this part. Neither my mother of father really cared as long as school results were okay.
So it never went crazy, and I also spent some time outside.
The only remarkable story I have marking me as a boomer was my mother getting a bit concerned about resident evil 1 and hated it. Almost banning it from me. My father found it funny so I got to play it. But out of respect I never played it when she was there.