Why dont you play the best shooter on PC again user?
That's not SWAT 3
That's not SWAT 4
That's not Rainbow Six
That's not Ravenshield
That's not Ghost Recon
That's not ARMA 2
That's not ARMA 3
That's not Vietcong
That's not Red Orchestra
That is a half assed, half finished, piece of shit from a bunch of modders who went full spaghetti when they tried to make an actual game.
Better than any of those, except the original Red Orchestras, which I wish Squad would emulate more, especially with the flow of combat. Swat 4 is a contender as well, but it's too different to really count. Arma is just shit without a ton of mods and a very specific community.
I do user. See you in the field.
This game is garbage and dead. Sent shill.
>Better than any of those
>Proceeds to explain how those are actually better than Squad
LMFAO the absolute state of your brain.
Still haven't gotten to play Canada
Arma is better when it requires a shit-ton of mods to be anywhere close to good? Swat4 is better when it's an apple while Squad is an orange?
LOL I don't get this meme.
because i don't like shooters
It’s a snooze fest primarily due to the outdated jank of an engine. Feels like I’m playing PUBG
Some of those games are absolute trash
Unlike your opinion which is entirely trash.
Not a bad game, I just don't want to talk to anyone while I play
>squad shooter
>on a PC
pic related
Why does squad trigger this board so much? Because you faggots can't hang?
The game requires some moderate amount of gamesense and usage of cover, so anyone too stupid to be capable of these gets annoyed playing it.
e.g. every single one complaining about being shot by someone they can't even see.
You need a mic and 16gb of ram
Its $12 on humble bundle
How milsim do I have to be
100% or gtfo, and don't bother playing without a mic.
Have a mic
Call out compass positions of enemies. That's ti
Do I still get to kill shit?
Not especially, but you need to talk and have a mic.
Because these threads are made by the dev. Shut the fuck up shill. kys
You should have a mic, but that's about it.
It'll of course help you personally if you know how to avoid getting shot and so forth, all the mil-sim stuff, even som real mil stuff, but mostly you'll be completely fine just by calling out flanking enemies and the sort. The playerbase is nowhere near as autistic or competent enough for any mil-simy stuff to be needed.
>MFW optics on LAT kit now
Somebody call the cops because I just can't stop killing.
The couple times i did, the russians had the same color uniform. Very frustrating to have to check your map every time you think you see a target
God I hate how they force optics on all classes these days. Just let me have my fucking iron sights, I don't need anything else. Optics just get in the way when assaulting shit and playing rambo.
gib jets
1.6k hours played.
Haven't been playing regularly at all because v13 was utter dogshit and the devs refuse to stop catering to casual retards.
Let me know when perma death is back and buddie rallies are gone and I'll play again
>and the devs refuse to stop catering to casual retards.
They actually de-casualised the death system again.
What do you dislike about V13? I can't remember what exactly has changed, save for the game being made less punishing with the revives, less vehicle damage and maybe more run and gun.
Squad is shit
PR is far superior
Maybe if they started randomizing teams after rounds, as it is getting stuck on the retard team and losing to full caps every fucking round is aids
That's a server issue. Where I play teams get balanced whenever they're obviously bad.
Infantry based games always have terrible jets
You can still get revived multiple times in a row, you just need a medic to heal you. It's garbage and combined with the buddy rally system enables two guys to bring a shitload of unending hordes into the battle.
Also I don't think other players should be able to revive besides medic
>Arma for CoD babbies who are afraid of having to read maps, traverse land, aim well, and wait for gratification more than 5 minutes
No thanks
They absolutely should not. At the most players should be able to stop them from bleeding to death, but you should need a medic to continue playing.
It's not at all like Arma. Stop comparing the two games.
The changes they made towards bringing back dead-dead is a step in the right direction, for sure.
Movement. Lack of character momentum combined with a general speed increase has turned combat in to a fucking joke. For a game that is supposed to be about teamwork, the reality is that with how character movement works there is no reason to stick with your squad in combat. Lone wolfing is almost always the most effective tactic in a firefight. It's so incredibly easy to go full sprint through rough terrain, the stop on a dime and pop headshots. For a game based on tactics and realism that is absolutely laughable.
Buddy rallies. Buddy rallies are a fucking joke, and again do nothing but denigrate the importance of communication and teamwork. It almost entirely removes the most dynamic element of Squad (the FOB system) and gives retard squad leaders a free "safety net" when they get caught being fucking retards.
Drove a full logi into an enemy tank because SL was too ignorant to read his map? Who cares! Just buddy rally! Putting up a FOB would have been way too much of a hassle anyway! Out in the middle of nowhere completely separated from your squad in a firefight? Who cares! With how fast everyone can sprint and stop on a dime and drop headshots, you're much more effective as a lone wolf anyway! Lost a FOB on a critical defense point? Who cares! Just buddy rally off of squad two and your entire team will be back on the point in no time!
Inconsequential, mindless, boring shit every single game.
Exactly. It’s shittier than Arma but it’s for babbies who want to feel hardcore like Arma players
every arma community I've played with has been full of weebs and trannies
I haven't hooked a mic up to my pc in like 5 years
Because I'm waiting for the console release. Thanks for alpha testing.
>You can still get revived multiple times in a row
That depends how you die, there's a revive timer penalty in 15.4 for getting killed that scales with weapon damage and the maximum amount of health you had in a given life, if you get killed twice in a row with an intermediary weapon the window to revive will be too short to get a second revive off even if a medic is sitting on top of you with the bandages already out.
But doesn't it revive when you get healed by a medic?
Don’t play on Anglo servers lol. Also I don’t think you’ve actually played Arma
>SL on the leaf team in a 7man squad with the lads
>Rush to the observation post for TOW memes against the ruskies
>Set up radio and hab at the edge with our backs against the cliffs facing our friendlies
>Set up TOW
>Suddenly a BTR-80A up in the hills
>He ain't having any of it and constantly bombards the TOW
>It gets destroyed by a bunch of sneaky leafs
>FOB is now undersupplied and we can only use the logistics ATV because the trucks are too slow and also occupied
>Dig in while we hold the point
>Get engaged from 600m by infantry coming from the ruski area
>It's a shit show but we hold
>Set up .50cals and teach them a lesson
>Ammo is still low and the one lad in our squad is constantly making runs to our base with the ATV
>Meanwhile we're keeping 1-2 squads busy and getting pounded our whole team is pushing the caps
>This shit goes on for an 1 hour with no end in sight
>Suddenly a BTR-80 shows up again and fucks our shit
>We're making a last stand by our radio at the cliff
>We start to dig it down because fuck the other team
>We all die
>Meanwhile our whole team took all the flags
I usually don't enjoy fighting over areas that is not in play, but your FOB managed to become public enemy number one according to the other teams actions. So I guess we were a good distraction
Reset you mean?
Nah, it slowly counts up when you're alive again, but only after you get fully healed.
what server
>Know how to use the range finder but cant tell distance for shit
Is anyone else like this? I cant fucking tell how far away 300m is or whatever.
Just use the map, it has distance markers down the bottom.
Have to agree with pretty much with anything you said. Feels like with every version they make the game more casual and pandering to the competitive crowd.
>For a game based on tactics and realism
I really wouldn't say that's what Squad is supposed to be. They've abandoned those ideas a while back.
Hm alright. Ive heard people are bad at judging distance but idk if thats true or if it's just me. Like if I dont have a range finder table Im really bad at what to zero my weapon to
>can't even get basic movement and mouse input right
>best anything
Is this game ultra realistic? Like is flying jets and helicopters impossible?
Mouse input is fine, you probably just need to tweak the sensitivity or your DPI. Takes a bit of IQ points. Not sure what the movement complaint is.
The game would be so much better if the devs just added far more sway for weapons and the ability to rest any and all weapons on surfaces. That alone would force the gameplay in to something far more realistic and tactical, by disabling the ability to run and gun and encouraging stable firing positions.
It's like Battlefield, just with more DPS and less things to do.
>filled with 30 year old british wannabe soldiers
The game is a PR successor. PR didn't have any sway, it had an odd system where you had to wait a bit before a second shot for full accuracy. The current sway is fine I feel.
So like the cover system from red orchestra?
It's just a janky Battlefielf ripoff without any of the fun. You'll spend most of your time walking across the map, seeing nothing, then get sniped, then wait 5 minutes to either get revived or respawn and repeat that process. It's shit and these threads are made by actual shills.
>don't play on anglo servers
Don't play on pub servers at all, arma pub servers are fucking trash, you need a good group to play with but even then you're having to deal with boomers who power trip on a videogame,
Then you have the groups that post YT videos where only the channel owner and his friends get interesting roles
Or the Yea Forums groups which all suck because why would you play a game with anyone from this shithole
That wait would be better, but it still seems like shit to me. Far too run and gun if there isn't a concrete advantage to firing from a secure position.
Pretty much, yes, now that I think of it. I'm hoping for a modern game to emulate the flow of gameplay Darkest Hour and Ostfront had. You should not be able to have pinpoint accuracy while firing from a standing position. It completely trivialises the combat by giving some random jack-ass in the middle of a field just as a stable shot as someone with their rifle secured. It would encourage and even force players into teamwork, fire and movement, if you could not fire accurately without stopping properly.
>seeing nothing, then get sniped,
That's just you being a retard.
>Like is flying jets and helicopters impossible?
Flying those things isn't impossible IRL, it's just games that aren't simulators handle them shittily so they're difficult to fly
I would like some stabilization maybe to counter act sprinting shake but I think the current sway is fine. It makes it hard for me to get off shots at a distance already depending
Honest answer, because I usually dont know what im doing in the game and i dont have a mic. I just run around following a squad leader around and then take potshots at pixels on a hill and then we win
Once you focus there's absolutely no sway. You can stand up and hit targets at 500 metres with iron sights, especially since all of the guns are utterly accurate. Some beaten-to-shit AKM used by the insurgents is a 0.1 MOA sniper rifle, because why the fuck would the devs add in some dispersion?
To me it spoils the gameplay and encourages less tactical movement and less teamwork. Everyone's a robotically accurate marksman, so what point is there in marksmen, machine guns, support fires? All of them are just chasing kills, since each and every combatant is capable of killing everything at hundreds of metres.
>implying you can see out to 500m in squad
I've got a fucking toaster for a computer so I've got minimal graphics to have playable FPS and I see people across the map. Some marksman prone across the valley at 400 metres? Just crouch, shoot and he's dead. Fucking garbage.
I'd rather play RO games or Insurgency. It's the perfect blend of realism and fun. Squad runs like shit, is laggy and glitchy, and unfinished. Ask again in a year or two.
Works on my machine
If you only have 8GB of ram it doesn't work great for a bit after you join but smooths out. 16GB makes that go away totally