Dark Souls 3 is the worst Souls game and The Ringed City being decent doesn't redeem the entire thing
Dark Souls 3 is the worst Souls game and The Ringed City being decent doesn't redeem the entire thing
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It's a lazy and uninspired cash grab, but it still manages to be more fun than Dark Souls 2
>roll spam
>R1 spam
>trying to be Bloodborne
>no poise
>shields are literally useless
If you want a technical game with build variety and mechanics that punishes you for being an spastic monkey, go with Dark Souls 2. You can even invade people even after the area boss has been killed.
DaS2 > DaS1 >>>>>> DaS3
git gud scrub
Sekiro's the worst souls game.
DaS2, Bloodborne, and Sekiro all pull that shit.
Dark Souls is the only one with good bonfire placement. DeS just places lanterns at the start and at each boss but at least it's consistent.
>Dark Souls 2
I never understood infighting among Video Game franchises.
Bloodborne would almost be perfect if only PvP wasn't broken shit.
Who thought letting you invade only in specific areas was a good idea?
ALL dark souls are unfinished messes, fromsoft should release the source code and raw assets for everything DS related and let the fans make new better games
Soulsfaggots are a blight, not even ACfags with their usual arguments about Gen 4 AC are this bad.
Oh yeah you watched that YouTube video. Dilate
To be fair it was much more justified being immediately outside the boss room and "proof" of beating a boss then being placed immediately after the bossroom. Armor Dragonslayer could have doubled as a boss bonfire and location bonfire.
I want to kill all thouse who say DaS3 is bad when it is the best game in the series. You guys are either just fucking shit and need to get gud or you faggots just troll
It does the same thing with Shadow of Yharnam and Byrgenwerth.
Does the souls fanbase like any of its games?
I feel like the problem with the bonfires after DS2 is that you can teleport to them all right from the get go, trivialzing some of them.
Salt and Sanctuary had a better system, in which you had standard "sanctuaries" that you could modify to include services, including fast travel, at the expense of an uncommon item, and the smaller "shrines" that refilled your health and recovery items, but could not let you do anything else, not even leveling up.
thre is a reason for this. Before that door opened, you needed a fucking bonfire.
Dark Souls 1 had the best covenants on release, 2 fucked up a lot of the PvE and multiplayer is legitimately broken, and 3 fucked up by having straight swords be flat-out the best weapon in any situation because of the way poise works.
That lamp is so you don't have to run up the stairs like an idiot right after dying the boss.
*btfo's DS3*
the only FROM games I liked were BB and Sekiro, desu
What PS2 game is this?
This boss sums up my entire problem with DS2.
Demon's Souls on release was absolutely magical desu
What do you mean? It felt like a cool final stand against hell along with your bros.
They're all deeply flawed, leaving us wondering "what if?" and wanting for more.
Dark Souls 3 is LITERALLY the best souls game ever
highest variety of weapons, armor and spells
several of its areas are the most intricate and well designed areas From ever made
has the best Bosses of the entire franchise
Yea Forumstards just can't stand the fact that everyone else also loves this game and that it's regarded as the perfect end to the series
this thread and all the others that are STILL made almost daily, 3 years after its initial release, are proof enough of how mad you are
>has the best Bosses of the entire franchise
I regret to inform you, but this an 18+ site.
What's this webm supposed to imply?
suck my cock
18+ site, user.
Nearly every boss in the series is about rolling through attacks, Bloodborne just gets a pass because it's a quickstep instead of constant rolling.
The worst offenders are reused boss battles or ones where they just throw a shitton of enemies at you at once.
Dark souls 2 was by far the worst. That game was a broken garbage can to begin with. They even made it worse by releasing sotfs which didnt fix any of the games core problems and instead nerfed everything and made the enemies harder. Ds1 and ds3 shit on 2 any day
Sure, you can play the low skill roll-tard way or use more calculated movements to preserve stamina and get in more hits. That dude almost died twice in that webm.
>highest variety of weapons, armor and spells
And most of them aren't worth bothering with.
this desu
>SotFS is so fucking dank my dude you gotta play it! Much better than vanilla!
Oh look, it's 2 but they moved enemies around to make exploration as inconvenient as possible.
Never listen to other people, Yea Forums
>posts more webms that don't actually say anything
Elaborate on your point, that is if you have one
It also has less varied movesets and samey weapon arts instead of power stancing.
Constant rolling looks fucking dumb. I wish they took the Nioh or Witcher approach and separate rolls and side-steps. And way too many bosses in DS3 are duels. People hate Oceiros but I'd take a boss like that over another Pontiff (that has similar missing startup frames problem Oceiros) any day.
the only positive change i can think of is making elemental infusions on weapons available much earlier, to make cleric or sorc builds have better melee options
Nice bait retard
that fall was so unexpected. got a holy shit reaction from me the first time.
Nice projection DS2fag
And the excuse in DS3 is that whenever a boss dies, there's a bonfire put in its place
>it's ok when bloodborne does it
Just how fucking bad did vanilla DS2 look if THIS is the graphically enhanced version?
DS3 is the only souls game to stay good all the way through
DS1's second half is garbage and DS2 is just mediocre all the way through
>It's a lazy and uninspired cash grab,
>it still manages to be more fun than Dark Souls 2
Let me try
Game of the year,BINT BING WAHOOOO
Imagine unironically suggesting that Dark Souls 2 is technically superior to Dark Souls 3.
You probably cum in a sock for years and years without washing it and tell yourself it's normal behavior.
>DS1's second half is garbage
Agreed, but it not being a souls game might have something to do with it.
DS3 was mediocre because it was beat for beat a "Best of Dank Soos" remix while being tuned for Bloodborne's gameplay.
I thought it was great but it definitely felt like the easiest of the games. Too easy to roll through everything because of how spammable it is even with zero stamina, and the pace of the game definitely emphasizes using faster one hands over bigger slower ones (at least for a first playthrough). I also hate how only a couple weapon infusions are viable because of resins but that's just nitpicking.
>DS1's second half is garbage
Just Izalith is garbage. Archives, Tomb, and Londo Ruins are completely fine.
for PvE? almost every weapon is viable, every magic type can shit out 1k damage spells or has utility, armor is the same as in any souls game bar DaS1 and poise
thats absolutely not true, powerstances were even more samey than WAs and barely had any unique moves in contrast to WAs which has so many unique variants especially with the dlc
That set is nice af, what's it called and where do I get it?
The only gameplay differences are you can cinematically delete any non-boss enemy, blocking is actually useful, and you get arbitrary level-up items rather than spending bloodmoney to raise stats.
The boss fight was kind of easy but the feel of the area and the concept was really good.
You can fix the worst part of DS2 by leveling ADP. You can't turn on Poise in DS3.
It's not garbage but you can tell they ran out of time, especially when you get to Lost Izalith and find the dragon asses.
You get it from Castle Cainhurst. Explore the Forbidden Woods a bit more thoroughly.
Knight Set/Cainhurst
It's the Knight Set from Cainhurst
The Ringed City was a mess. It starts off good, the bosses are great, but the thing as a whole feels like a series or random things put together one after another. It lacked cohesion.
>The boss fight was kind of easy but the feel of the area and the concept was really good.
oh yeah, I couldn't care less about the boss. just the visuals of the drop are neat.
>He fell for the 'no poise' meme
Nice fanfic
Every time I play dark souls II I forget how much of a slog the game is. It's not from any hard fights, but the game feels clunkier than dark souls with the exception of the 360 degree rolling. Just feels slow and the bosses are des tier until you get to the dlcs. I like the variety that there's, but the gameplay really makes me want to turn it off.
Hyperarmour isn't poise, you stupid fuck.
I fucking hate how the franchise became Roll Souls, heavy slow as fuck high poise knight build never ever again
Thanks, the trick is to deeply root your fiction in personal experience so your readers find the events believable.
>Dark souls 3 was good all the way through
Not really, a lot of the areas look the same and that combined with the more linear world design makes it feel boring at times
>Dark souls' second half is garbage
Likening the whole of the second half is ds1 to the bed of chaos run is a disservice to areas like the dukes archives and new londo ruins
>Dark souls 2 was mediocre all the way through
False, ds2 is just a bad game
>Bloodborne would almost be perfect if only PvP wasn't broken shit.
And if it wasn't 10 hours long
And if chalice dungeons weren't grindy, boring filler
And if the game hadn't thrown 80% of the character-building out the window
worst offender being DS remaster for literally not changing anything
I guess not being able to tell between an apple and an orange helps creating fantastic tales.
>DS remaster didn't add cloth physics
All of the games can be beaten in well under 10 hours on your first run if you don't suck ass or explore.
I'll give you chalice dungeons, that shit's there to keep people busy once they're done with the main game.
More stats doesn't automatically mean it's better. You've got Health, Stamina, Strongboy stat, Fastboy stat, Arcane stat, and Blood stat. Literally everything you need, anything more would be fluff.
>need to gather npcs to help you in the fight
>have to fight enemy waves before the boss
>shoehorned in reference
>10 characters on the screen, all boring looking knights, including the actual boss
It's complete garbage and feels like from a totally other franchise
Tomb sucks but new londo and the archives are top 5 contending areas easily
The Ringed City is awful and Gael is the only good thing in the whole DLC
Midir > Gael
Also the NPC AI often craps out and doesn't bother with closing the portals - more or less the sole reason you searched those k***hts in the first place.
DS1 has both passive poise and super armor, DS3 just has super armor on certain attacks. Heavy armor is useless, shields are near-useless.
>False, ds2 is just a bad game
These are RPGs, DS2 has, by far, the best character-building and variety of different builds, with the vast majority being perfectly biable for PvE and PvP, and its just as non-linear as DS1, with the player being able to access much of the game within the first hour or two. It improved upon many things in DS1, such as allowing for full movesets with weapons held in your left hand, actual dual-wield and powerstances for even more combinations, added two more weapon slots and two more ring slots, nerfed circle-strafing and backstab fishing severely and backstabs in general. You can invade/be invaded and summon/be summoned for co-op at any time, even after bosses are defeated, it has the best covenants and all of them actually work and do something, it has the best DLC in the series.
Sorry, some ugly repeating textures and a couple boring areas don't magically make the rest of the game not exist.
>Gael is the only good thing in the whole DLC
Refer to
This No more duels please.
> Dark Souls 1 has a really solid first half that gets really stale on subsequent playthroughs and the second half is just kinda boring
>Dark Souls 2 is rough around some edges but not more than DS1. It has the most replayability and variety. Similarly to DS1 some bosses are great, others are uninspired and others suck.
>Bloodborne is a good idea partially ruined by a combat system that doesn't know what it wants to be
>Dark Souls 3 feels like the inbred child of Bloodborne and Demon's Souls with consant references to DS1. The bosses look cool and have satisfying animations but gameplay wise only a handful are good.
>a combat system that doesn't know what it wants to be
That's literally 3. Bloodborne is absolutely about getting up in the shit and being as aggressive as you can, which is why you can recover some of your lost health if you get hit.
>getting up in the shit and being as aggressive as you can
That's Sekiro
>people told me souls is hard
>not a single boss in 3 killed me more than 4 times
>killed soul of cinder first try
mobs are far more dangerous than bosses
If nothing else I'm glad Bamco got called out on their bullshit for trying to sell the PC players DSFix for full price.
That's just not true. The only element of BB that promotes aggressivity is the regain, which is just a little bonus to save vials/heal time. Everything else, at least when it comes to larger enemies, promotes passivity. Lack of poise, very limited Hyper-Armor, enemies with everlasting comboes with insane reach and arcs, enemies with a shitton of poise, AOEs, taxing stamina consumption, 4-directional useless sidestep.
>FROM continues to work with the combat system people enjoyed the most
I wonder why
>More stats doesn't automatically mean it's better. You've got Health, Stamina, Strongboy stat, Fastboy stat, Arcane stat, and Blood stat. Literally everything you need, anything more would be fluff.
And less doesn't automatically mean its better either, its simpler and therefore allows for less variation and depth.
We already know more is better because every other game has more and is better for it. Almost every build in BB just wind sup something along the lines of 40/40/40/40/x/x because there's nothing else you can do unless you go for the one build that uses the other two stats. Weapons don't have high requirements and there's only ~24 of them, Armor is just fashion outside some status resistances, you have no poise, no roll tiers, no roll distance variation, no dual-wielding, no two-handed movesets, you only have two weapon slots and can only use them in your right hand, it dumbed the character building down WAY too much and, coupled with the craptacular co-op and PVP, results in much less replay value than DeS, DS1 or DS2. All of the above in the other games add depth and variation to how you play and how you build your character.
Its overall a good game, I enjoyed the couple runs I did, but its still a watered-down spin-off and I really don't see myself replaying many times like I have the other games. I see no reason to replay when there's next to no variation in my build beyond which weapon I decide to use, and even then I have to play through most of the game to even get half of them, so some builds are pretty much only available on NG+ cycles too. The bloodgems don't really add much either, as you're basically just deciding to gimp yourself for the sake of using something different because the straight damage%+ gems are always the best.
>has the best Bosses of the entire franchise
You mean worst. Big armored dudes with big swords is the most boring boss design ever and they overused it in 90% of boss fights.
Faggot OP with a dumb opinion starts his thread with a .png, news at 11.
ds remastered actually did have changes, but all for the worse
The dash is 8-directional, consumes fuck-all stamina, and has a lot of i-frames. You have enough stamina to do at least three hits and still step through attacks and get back to fighting.
The only build I can think of that promotes passivity is going full ayylmao.
>souls """"""""""""builds""""""""""""
How do you niggers not see that they don't change the gameplay of dodging and R1 at all?
> second half is just kinda boring
Its not even the second half, its the last third or even fourth of the game. The only areas that are inaccessible prior to placing the lordvessel are Duke's Archives, Lost Izalith and the last leg of Tomb of the Giants, which only contains some pinwheels and Nito. Everything else is accessible prior to placing the lordvessel.
Ds2 has way more issues than bland textures and a couple of boring areas
>browsing from your phone
You're the cancer. Don't you forget it.
Poise is a stat on armour which acts as a defense stat to reduce the poise damage taken during your hyperarmour.
The standing poise that was mistakenly added to DS1 and then promptly removed from every other game isn't canon.
The dash would probably more effective if the game wasn't playing at 20fps with offensive input lag. When I played the game last fall/winter I just found it unreliable.
No it isn't, retard. You NEED obey the game, you have to be defensive and offensive. You can't choose either.
>mfw the 30fps Switch version wound up being the most faithful to the original
I just play DEX Knight every time.
>4-directional useless sidestep.
Are you kidding me, nigger?
>block 10 times to get to hit the enemy 1 time
sekirofags are more pathetic than ds2 tards
Which is why it's a shame the game will forever be locked down on the PS4 due to Japan Studio's involvement, the game runs like garbage.
Sony could open their own PC storefront for all I care, I just want to play some of their exclusives at reasonable performance.
Duke's Archives and Tomb of the Giants suck ass. New Londo is unremarkable but it doesn't overstay its welcome. Lost Izalith is even more unremarkable and has the worst boss in the series. That's what I consider boring from DS1, along with the Depths and upper Blightown.
Git gud.
>Dark Souls 3 is the worst Souls game
elaborate? I couldn't decipher what you meant by the image and it's two red circles. Are you trying to highlift the bonfires? they're already easily visible.
>Also the NPC AI often craps out and doesn't bother with closing the portals
They will always close the portals if you have enough of them there
Shit did you even play the game
>health regain
>boss staggering
>beast pellets
>no shields
I didn’t play passively for even a single boss
>all boring looking knights
This is a nitpick as it could be applied to the entirety of the souls series and not a single game
Learn how to make a webm, jesus christ. It's like I'm watching a 240p youtube video.
>it’s actually three lamps
You missed the Fishing Hamlet lamp
If they're going to prevent invaders from healing, they could at least let you invade someone while they're hollowed. Sick of connecting to some chucklefuck and his band of merry stabfags.
Maybe it works like that in 3, I wouldn't know. Pirated it and didn't finish the thing.
based. Yea Forums incels only pretend DS3 is bad because it was made after the series got popular and this has the ASSBLASTED for some reason
>You can fix the worst part of DS2 by leveling ADP
Does leveling ADP fixes the terrible deadzone movement?
Not him but the straight-line progression is all I need to cite to say its worse than all the other games by default. It really hurts the game's replay value and results in more homogeneous player builds at any given point in the game because everyone is going to have access to the same pool of equipment, spells, etc. as there's no sequence-breaking and weapon matchmaking further segregates players. Tons of builds are garbage until the last leg of the game because you simply do not have access to extremely important spells and items until then because the game is so linear.
I need a fix for this shit, it's absolutely disgusting.
Weapon degradation is retarded and unnecessary and it's a good thing it's missing.
Invaders have half the number of estus flasks the host has, so they can heal.
>Do nothing but roll
>"lol look this game is all about rolling because rolling is all I'm doing"
>post on Yea Forums
I mostly played with the Hunter's Axe so I don't know about other weapon's type, but the flow of the combat never felt particularly aggressive to me, just a faster Dark Souls 1.
You know how Yea Forums is. Once something gets popular and successful, spergs need to hate it. It's the same with Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, etc.
>if I hate something that other people love I'll be a superior human being! please agree with me!!
The small deadzone is fucking fine. It allows you to actually walk full-speed in straight line (rafters in Anor Londo, anyone?) and, most importantly, it stops fucking circle-strafe backstab fishing cold, which was one of the biggest problems with DS1.
Jesus christ learn how to use both analog sticks at once. If you want there's a fix on PC anyway.
>You NEED to pay attention to what is happening instead of just masturbating with one hand while you run forwards and hit Artorias with your HalberdSmough and pretend you're good at video games
How very dare they
Dark Souls was popular when the first one came out. The problem with Dark Souls 3 isn't that it belongs to a popular series; the problem is that it's simply not a good game.
I like all three games
>linear world
Well, this is wrong to start things off. The world branches straight off-the bat in Lothric. You can either travel from the gate of the castle down to the undead settlement, and from there you travel to the road of sacrifices and you will be at a junction and can travel either to the catacombs of Carthus or to the Cathedral of the deep, that is a branching non-linear path (and assuming you have the DLC, a 3rd path will be offered to you outside the cathedral of the deep leading to the painted world of Ariendel). Another similar branching non-linear junction occurs in Irithyll where you can either travel to Anor Londo or leave the city and go to it's dungeons and on to the profaned capital (and it's optional areas below it). Oh, and before all of this, you can choose to simply not leave through Lothric castle's gate and try to defeat the dancer and access the higher parts of Lothric castle. With that out of the table, Dark Souls 3 is not a linear game and has a world that branches in many directions.
>casual friendly invasion system
Git gud.
>Teleportation from the start
Well, the bridge connecting lothric to the undead settlement is destroyed. So this is a necessity.
>Lack of stamina management coupled with spam/stunlock-fest combat
Well, wrong. You have to manage your stamina in Dark Souls 3 just like every other dark souls game.
all dark souls games are about spamming R1. Dark Souls 3 introduced weapon arts at the very least that added shallow variety to a combat system that is undeniably spammy. Elaborate further how DS3 is unique to being spammy.
>No weapon degradation
It still exists. Only that you can repair at bonfires instead of a blacksmith or a repair tool. Not a definitive negative, mind you.
>a number of extremely disappointing bosses
DS3 is the only dark souls game with more good bosses than disappointing ones.
>External Hub loading screen
Acquire an SSD.
You don't play too aggressively because you have zero poise and will get staggered by almost anything and everything, and the game LOVES to chuck hordes of enemies at you every five fucking minutes so you're forced to poke and roll through most encounters to avoid getting stunlocked and shit on by three of the same human enemies that make up two thirds of the game's enemies at once.
DaS2 is so much shit, honestly.
Forgettable bosses.
Forgettable score.
Forgettable locales.
Forgettable everything.
There's so much filler and garbage levels. The art direction makes my eyes bleed. Fuck your powersharting and your majula.
BB > DaS1 > DeS > DaS3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> aids >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DaS2
>Archaic controls are fine because I can't hold the stick in place
Fuck me, I have jittery hands and the rafters were never an issue.
what should I replay first, DeS or DS1
>Hits random buttons
>Succeeds by pure chance
>they don't know how to rollcatch
des > bb >>>>>> derivative dark souls trash
[drum beats]
Exactly. I still had fun but the combat wasn't as exceptional as people praised it to be.
>Well, this is wrong to start things off. The world branches straight off-the bat in Lothric
This is literally the only instance of sequence-breaking the game offers, and most non-veteran players probably aren't going to have much success poking Dancer with a +3 weapon.
Its a straight line with some dead-end branches my man.
I love getting hit when I'm not longer in the spot being struck!
Based and hahapilled.
>A small deadzone constitutes "Archaic controls"
DS2 is by far the most balanced, virtually any build is viable, get fucked
>dying to Maria
As if such a thing has ever happened to anybody.
t. newfag who doesn't remember the days when DeS fags bashed DaS, but ofcourse it was a lot less simply because less people played it on ps3
There's not that much distance between some of DS1's bonfires.
>DS2 is by far the most balanced
>You probably cum in a sock for years and years without washing it and tell yourself it's normal behavior.
W-Wait, you don't?
>lol I'll just hand-wave every piece of criticism with "well, wrong" and pretend I'm right
You can roll NINE FUCKING TIMES with a fresh character and default stamina, and stamina recharges much faster than it did in DS1 and DS2.
DS2 is by far the most jank.
>Can only move in 8 directions without having to turn the camera
>Multiplayer is laggy garbage wherein too many of your swings will pass through your opponent but they will hit you from outside their weapon's reach
>Cheaters are rampant because FROM no longer cares about 2
>Grindy-ass covenants
His first mistake was using a fucking scythe.
Yes, it is. Again, almost any build is viable.
I'll push your fucking shit in with my disc chime and powerstanced whips, you fucking faggot.
Is there a more chad enemy than DS2 Skelebros?
I fucking loved that coat desu
Yes, correct, and now to the point; how and why is this a bad thing? are your cognitive functions incapable of keeping up with the speed? is the speed your issue?
>Can only move in 8 directions
>Coveneants that actually do something and work are bad
lol you want grindy, try DS3's Blades of the Darkmoon.
How much grinding is required to unlock every trophy in DS2 and DS3?
DS1 is way jankier than DS2
Yeah, the Axe is slower. I played with the Kirkhammer and the beast pellets. So it was a very aggressive play style.
>a more chad enemy than DS2 Skelebros
>Y-y-yeah, w-well, why is that bad!?!?!?!?
Already explained why its fucking bad, you fucking mongoloid
>Grindy Covenants
I literally maxed out Dragonbros in one afternoon.
BoB takes three seconds to find an opponent in the arena.
Choir set is the best, IMO.
Blue Sentinels and Brotherhood of Blood require FIVE HUNDRED DEVOTION to reach Rank 3, each.
I don't even want to imagine how bad the Elden Ring threads are going to be
>Already explained why its fucking bad
no. you simply moved goalposts, "you don't have to manage stamina in dark souls 3" well, yes you do. you roll 9 times on a fresh character (doubt.jpeg) and you will be fresh out of stamina and an enemy can BTFO you because everything's speed has been equally increased, it's not just the player that can now roll quickly, enemies are also significantly faster. So that nullifies the alleged "stamina management doesn't exist" issue.
Now, back to your new goalpost, explain how this is a bad thing. because you didn't.
>meme sailor man hired to help them write their new settings
It's already garbage. They're chasing normalfag money because they can no longer rip off Berserk or Brotherhood of the Wolf.
DaS2niggers have to be the most obnoxious shitposters around
it's definitely the worst of the series, by far. it's basically an action game honestly
It's probably going to be DS2fags shitting on it, yet again, because it isn't like their janky, broken, shallow, and half-baked mess.
I just made it to the painted world (not even that far in) and dont even want to play it anymore. I press on nonetheless
I actually liked Sekiro's way of doing it. Made it feel like an actual intense sword fight.
ER is undoubtedly going to be better than shit souls 2, I can tell you that.
High iq mind games
Wow what a high bar user.
desu I couldn't give less of a shit about the lore and narrative if the gameplay and level design is good. I'm interested in the game because it's made by From, not because it's written by fat fantasy guy
>DS1 is way jankier than DS2
I'm not optimistic because 2, 3 and Sekiro were boring and tedious to me.
I loved 3 and sekiro
Git gud.
I'm glad you enjoyed them, user. Hope you like ER too.
>they can no longer rip off Berserk or Brotherhood of the Wolf
You can tell it was posted by a 2cuck. He probably liked the godawful, uninspired MMO tier art design in Darkie Souls 2.
I despise Dark Souls 2, but keep on letting them live in your head, you stupid fuck.
Thanks user, I hope you'll be pleasantly surprised by it.
That looked spectacular but seemed highly inefficient.
this, it's fun, it's a game, if a game isn't fun it's not good, ds3 manages to be fun where the others fail at it.
The FROM fanbase is the most autistic I've ever seen. Not even sonicniggers are this bad.
>50 dead ends for every one path that moves the game forwards = good level design
Was he right? Have the souls game lost all of thier soul? Have bosses just because a roll fest and pvp became a laggy min maxing backstab magic spam fest? Is its combat really not that great?
Here's hoping. The trailer looked pretty cool at the very least.
I couldn't even be bothered to beat the Demon Princes in Ringed City. Takes ages to get them both down and then you have to fight a super powered up one, just so obnoxious.
>get parried by for spamming attack
>this is the games fault
all your doing here is showing off how sick the parry animation for that skeleton is.
literally who?
summerfags out
Yes, just look at Dark Souls 3. One of the most soulless AAA games in recent memory.
With what? I liked 1 a lot more than 2 and hate 2 for a lot of the same reasons you do.
I'm just not as fucking blindly autistic about it.
The series was a roll fest from the first one
then they turned it into a parryfest with sekiro
>360 enemies bad
>360 thrust with fast small sword good
try to 360 a UGS in ds1 vs ds2
Sekiro > DS3 > DS > DeS >>>>> BB > DS2
Don't push the left thumbstick in the opposite direction of the enemy when attacking, faggot.
>>get parried by for spamming attack
>two R1s count as spamming
wew, lad
>get to boreal valley
>suddenly every enemy has insane dps and with near infinite stamina that hit like a truck
did I miss an area or something? Those ninja skellys were annoying as fuck but this is ridiculous
I'll never not be mad
Equal effort reply: No
>Can't even mod it in because mods in 2 = softbanned
>Forgettable score
This is probably just me but, outside of a few select boss fights, I can't say that I've ever actually took that much notice of the soundtrack.
What the fuck? I don't remember that boar.
>Bloodborne is a good idea partially ruined by a combat system that doesn't know what it wants to be
what the fuck is this retard saying
This boss is awesome. What are you trying to say?
smouldering lake, you find it by destroying the ropebridge on the side of the boss entrance
it has lots of materials, estus shardand bone shard and a boss worth a lot of souls
you should have a +7 normal weapon or +3 special/boss weapon for boreal valley and appropiate stats for it
You can only move in eight directions. It has eight snap points that mean you character only changes direction when the stick is at specific angles. Don’t believe me, try running in a 360 degree circle without moving the camera and you will clearly run in an octagon.
*boss entrance of the giant skeleton in the catacombs
Offline? It's far far worse in 3. 2 "just" has Falcon knights in NG+ for Sunlight and 30 Belfy Sol Predator fights for the Bell Keeper. They're pretty ass offline but I had a Stockholm Syndrome feeling when I compared it to the multiple covenants you have to grind for 3's platinum.
DS2 is literally designed to be this way though. You can't move like a ninja while wearing heavy armor and weapons anymore.
>George R. R. Martin normalfags hopping on the train thinking this is going to be the next epic fantasy game only to seethe at the difficulty with the rage of wildfire
>influx of Sekiro monkeys who are going to REEEE at the slower combat and RPG mechanics
>Souls fanbase, who is already so terminally cancerous and divided among their own games so much they may as well be different communities
Bad, it's going to be bad.
>You can't move like a ninja while wearing heavy armor and weapons anymore.
Then why is the fast roll threshold 70% equipment burden?
>weapon degradation still exists
>Not knowing based niggerman
Fast roll distance is longer when you're below 50% though.
From started pandering to the git gud crowd and instead of making bosses with interesting designs a la the Gaping Dragon or Quelaag, started copy-pasting the Artorias duel for every third boss fight. I enjoyed playing through the game and at least some people cared about making it, but you could tell they were running on empty.
**DS2 had soul. I didn't think so as much at the time but it does. Someone cared. We wouldn't get a mostly different world, reworked animations (DS3 doesn't have the heavy breathing animation when out of stamina), power stancing, goofy weapons like the bone fist, Santier's spear, Yorgh's spear, new original areas (DLC though) and so on.**
Nothing, I think so too. I'm saying that I prefer 2 over 3.
It's MatthiasOsmosis
>yes I hate DaS2, why? Fuck you that's why
And the framerate
>It's not a fucking knight or a horrific abomination
>It's MMO,tier
Yea this is why you have shit taste
DS2 has very obvious ancient greece themes with lots of naval areas and animal monsters
I'll give you the Iron King, that shit is stupid but otherwise you're a moron
Here's your mask bro
>endless enemy poise and stamina
>enemy attack patterns straight from bloodborn where they swing normal and suddenly sperg the fuck out
>bloodborne dogs
>shields and armor only uses are to larp or to sell them
>worthless special attacks
>roll spam
>90% of bosses are bloodborne lite fast paced fights
>PVP is shit
>invasions are just some leftover gimmick like an appendix begging to be removed.
I despite what "git gud" did to vidya discussion, which was already practically on its knees under the weight of petulant children.
>edgelord mad his favorite is the worst in the series by a wide margin
lmao faggot ds3 is trash
>"Yes, I think DaS2 is underrated. How did you know?"
Shit thanks, would have never found that out
Casuals ruin everything, even being good.
You xhould do that for all the bosses since there's only like 6 in that image and DS2 has like 40 bosses. You can't? Oh
I'll take uninspiration and bad graphics over not making any sense like DS3
nice reading comprehension
>DS2 has like 40 bosses.
why the needless filler?
I'm excited about ER. They're coming back to the world design we all loved in DaS1. It could be their best game since BB.
>HM: When designing the bosses, I made sure that they would be varied and exciting. I prepared different gameplay and strategies for each one so that players didn’t get tired of the same fight every time. We wanted to surprise players and encourage them to figure out different tactics, to think on their feet.
What did Miyazaki mean by this?
>Is its combat really not that great?
I think you missed his entire point with that statement.
But yeah, he is right.
>I'll take uninspiration and bad graphics over not making any sense like DS3
Good thing 2 has all three in spades.
Bosses are the best part of these games
>not liking more of the best stuff
I liked DaS's bosses, but sometimes you can have too much of a good thing.
Bosses are the second worst part of these games, first worst being the shitty multiplayer
Im not browsing from my phone you dumb faggot.
>Bosses are the second worst part of these games
worst post in this thread, holy shit
Ringed City is not "decent," it's better than the entirety of 2. It doesn't need to be redeemed because it's not an ugly boring chinese knockoff of a souls game.
A npc that should be dead coming back with no explanation is worse than two areas that don't connect logically. The latter is obviously a mistake, they didn't realize it and ultimately. But the former you'd actually need to be braindead to give a pass
hyperarmor =/= poise
but you're a retard i wouldn't expect you to know that
>Games are praised for their level design feeling consistent and connected
>Elevator to volcano inside a windmill completely flies in the face of past praise
Then you have potato internet and likely have much bigger problems than limited bandwidth.
>should be dead
According to what? Your headcanon?
According to logic? What, is he immortal? That's even more retarded if true
KYS my man
all these pve noobs here
While you should have hit Smouldering Lake before going to Boreal Valley even without the upgrades it shouldn't be THAT hard, I didn't know Smouldering Lake existed at all my first playthrough and still did pretty alright
>DS2 at top of list
>game is about undead not truly dying and humans rising from ashes of their dead bodies
>somehow Andre still being alive is retarded
nah, YOU should KYS my man
I am a big fan of DS2 and to a lesser extend DS3
Then there shouldn't be corpses all of the map. YOU should KYS, family.
Not everyone is immortal, dumbass.
all over*
I always enjoy these stupid threads. It's fun watching you retards find the most petty and insignificant reasons to label whichever game as the worst, and then proceed to throw each other into an irrational rage over other people's shit opinions.
2 is still the sloppiest of the three, though.
What type of build did you have? I'm doing a dex build with some points in intelligence. Only really had problems at the beginning of the game.
The point was that the souls series never was great because of its combat alone, it was great because of enemy and level design, build variety, great set pieces, and strong setting and atmosphere. The most recent games have focused more and more on its combat and when they do they you might as well just play DMC or bayo or another dedicated action game.
Dex build, with some points in STR so I could do a gay Abyss Watchers cosplay. I was still using Farron Greatsword through Boreal Valley though I dropped the cosplay after either Pontiff or Aldrich, can't remember which
Nah, you're a dumbass. It literally says in the lore that all undead eventually go hollow. Andre has no logical reason to be alive ages after the PC finishes DS1
are you playing this on an Apple 2 what is this?
You only go hollow if you lose your sense of worth and purpose.
If DS2fags and DS3fags actually come to a truce over their shitty games, we might have some peace around here.
Dark Souls 2 has the ADP crap, therefore it's the worst
>infinite health items
>no need to even roll, just run behind the boss
>add op shields on top of that to make the game even easier
ds3=ds1 >>>>>>> ds2
Why do people actually defend DS2? Is it a contrarian thing?
They are ARPGs and almost every fight in DaS2 isn't fun at all.
Are these threads generated and maintained by the same bot that operates permanently on Yea Forums?
Each of the DS2 DLCs are better than Ringed City though.
Please play Dark Souls 3 while fatrolling and suggest that it's still a well-designed and thought-out game.
It's not the same but it's better, so who cares.
...I like Dark Souls 2.
It has a lot of good ideas and unlike DaS3 your build actually changes how you play it. Magic builds can easily function and carry you between bonfires without skipping enemies. Every stat is useful. Armor weight matters, and not just in the "have below 70% and you're fine :^)" way either. DaS2 has a lot of junk items but due to sheer quantity there's a fuckload of interesting good ones worth using.
There's a lot of things DaS2 has that no other game has, but all you guys do is focus on the things that does wrong, and there's a lot of things it did wrong but that's because it did a lot of fucking things.
ds2 copelets are so fucking pathetic
>tfw still cant beat pontiff sulyvahn
Get fucking rekt
git gud noob
Traditionally we go from best to worst, not worst to best.
But yeah, 2 is easily the worst. Wouldn't rate 3 so highly though.
Is Mytha's boos room really that low?
The main reason I think 3 is on par with the others is because the PVP in that game is the best. BB PVP could have been great but it was never really alive and the mechanics for it were retarded.
>The player is punished for using the wrong attacks in enclosed spaces
>Enemies regularly ignore this rule
>Regular response for pointing out this glaring flaw is "git gud"
>the PVP in that game is the best.
At least it's better than DS3 where to avoid comboes you have to spam the roll button for ages
my sides when he sits down
>Can only invade locations where bell maidens exist
>Trying to invade will spawn a bell maiden in your zone
>Bell maidens won't spawn for players below level 30 unless they engage in co-op
What the actual legitimate fucking hell were they thinking
Yes, it was. You know how I know? Because I played DS3 PVP for almost two thousand hours. The guy in your webm should have swapped to a weapon better at rollcatching.
>Yes, it was.
Enemies attacking through walls and through each other is an objective flaw of the series. It's what makes group fights mostly unfun. But I guess they're perfectly fine with making enemies into cheating niggers that ignore each other's attacks and fireballs. I would love if they made the enemies able to damage each other and force them to do something like pic related (best example I could think of) and attack as if they're a team. You could even make a boss fight where the gimmick is to force one, while charging an attack, to hit the other, running after you, for massive damage.
>roll spam
what's the difference? In Dark Souls 1 and 2 you're still rolling at the end of the day, it's just that you have to stop and run around for a minute between every roll.
git gud
>excellent example of some idiot rolling for no reason and getting blown the fuck out for it
Dark souls netcode has always been bad, particularly here, but the host is 100% at fault in that webm. If you have no idea what you're talking about please stop posting.
>shields are literally useless
What the fuck are you smoking, shields block about 95% of attacks in the game with no repercussions
>what's the difference?
Refer to
>tfw was able to just tank his attacks with a black knight shield
>It's the host's fault the invader is hitting him from three times his weapon's reach
It's more fun than 2, but also more soulless
>Dark Souls 3 is the worst Souls game
Absolutely spot on. Ever since waking up in the graveyard I've felt how it was shit.
This guy gets it.
Thank god common sense is still around.
>roll roll roll instead of roll, stop for one minute, roll, stop for one minute
On a fundamental level it's still the same, just with a minor difference. It's not like you aren't going to be circling around an enemy anyway. You do the same thing every Souls game
*eats a fireball through axe-chain Snakeman*
Provides a greater delay between you being able to access i-frames. That is more of an opportunity to punish you.
The player sucks if he cant rollcatch with a longsword
UGSes cant rollcatch in any game, DS3 at least offers the ability to mix up your timings by holding R2s, which often can catch people, which he makes no use of.
Works against your point. The fact that he burned through 15 estus shows that rollspamming doesn't work.
Play a heavy character for once in your life. Try using a shield. Try using a Greathammer. Try being something other than a lightweight longsword build that can roll all day. You quickly realize just how badly designed Dark Souls 3 is, because you cannot roll through every attack and you certainly can't block it. You can barely trade. The only halfway viable way to play a fat character in DaS3 is to use Iron Flesh and Perserverence together to fucking ham it up with 80% phys absorption and max poise, but judging from how you say you're supposed to play Dark Souls 3, you've never even thought of that.
Fuck actionfaggots, it's an RPG.
>If you have no idea what you're talking about please stop posting.
While we're at it why not just have stamina for using items. Which provide even more of a delay
Let me explain what is happening in that webm. Firstoff, one of those people has terrible ping, that's not the game's fault. What's happening is the invader is seeing the host roll, and he's attacking at a point where he know the attack will land as soon as the host is done rolling. So, the host gets hit. If the host were actually timing his rolls to dodge attack and not just rolling at random like a retard he wouldn't be getting hit.
Considering that's an NPC, I have no idea what's going on there.
>who are you?
>I'm you, but stronger
>it's ab RPG
well it does a terrible job of being one. It can't seem to decide which one it wwnts to be.
The most easy mode weapon in the game is a greathammer, you retarded faggot
This should be called fromsofthitboxes.webm, because it sure as shit has been a thing since at least DeS
This is (You)
You were saying?
Here's your average DaS1 PvP session, bro
I watched three fat fucks play through the game playing a character with a UGS and they absolutely fucking destroyed most bosses with the quick swings.
Nope, we just play them to hate the company and our lives even more
Demon's Souls is the worst souls game, that's why it's dead.
Why are you black?
>abusing backstabs techs
>>>>>>>>>good pvp
absolute state of DaS1tards
What are you smoking? You can't hit a boss with a Greathammer more than once before you have to start dodging.
>ten seconds later gets carved up because fatrolls are slower than the boss' attacks
>he dies in that fight
>was SL57
You, personally, (You), go fight Gael and tell me Fromsoft was thinking of anything but fastrolling when designing that fight.
thats some looney toons shit
>Cherrypicking 1 single area.
Why didn't you post Heide's Tower of Flame, or Majula?
suck my kkkok, desu
git gud
>hover hand
Just how beta can you be?
He beat Pontiff Sulyvahn in 3 tries fatrolling with a greathammer, poising through like 3/4th of his attacks
By comparison DSP took like 50 tries fastrolling with a straightsword
I can't comment on that cause I've never been that deep in PvP so I don't know what difference that would make in the meta. But considering how generous DS3 was with it I'd say it's a decent choice.
>hurr Ds2 best PvP of souls game
Also ds2fags
>durr PvP was always bad in souls games
Made up your mind shitheads.
the fuck is going on there
This is also one of the most accurate posts on ths thread.
who are you quoting
The two aren't mutually exclusive.
The opinion of someone who has
ds2 by far has the most ridiculous lag shit where people hit you from across the room while moonwalking
>Tomb of the Giants suck ass
How so?
>gets really stale on subsequent playthroughs
What? Dark Souls 1 is crazy replayable, partially BECAUSE it lets you do so much stuff so early.
you know game is good when people still talk about it after 3 years
>darkroot forest
I cannot name a more boring and soul-killing place to find PvP in any Souls game ever. Even back in 2012, it was filled with the kind of dry, tasteless shitter that populates all of Dark Souls today.
I'd be completely fine with it if the next game removed backstabs.
>Bloodborne fixed backstabs, by requiring a fully charged R2 to set up
>Dark Souls 3 completely abandons this idea
PvP in DS1 went to total shit after OnlyAfro
Bloodborne just made it so backstabs are impossible to happen in pvp.
DS2 & DS2 did them best.
Why do people like dark souls 2 anyways?
It literally adds nothing to the story. As great as everyone makes Aldia out to be, he literally just repeats/restates the shit that you already learned in the first game.
Also, the crowns curing hollowing is a total desu ex machina.
>Phantom Armpit ****** was vanquished
who the fuck cares about souls story lol
2H faith builds are the most aesthetic builds
You cannot refute this
Hello Leeroy
"It's the hosts fault that the invader has a magic weapon which slices the air and hits you 10 feet to the right"
A-are you high, or just plainly retarded?
One of them is lagging. On the invader's screen he is 100% hitting him. Literally all you have to do to avoid attacks even from people who are lagging is to time your rolls so you dodge as they attack. He isn't doing that, he's dodging randomly and he's getting rollcatched for it.
Yeah, and I am still playing Dark Souls 2 to this day.
Guess it wins in age, huh?
Well yeah. Dark Souls 2 was a cash grab as well. Shit was underdeveloped and had obscene DLC prices.
>time your rolls
Souls 1 GFWL was my personal favorite and got everything right.
>It literally adds nothing to the story
That's one of the reasons why. It's mostly (like 75%) it's own thing, which I wanted out of it. Before playing it again and appreciating it more I remember hating it because it's pretty much the same thing with the great souls and the age of fire and whatever. I wanted as separate of a story to the self-contained DS1 as DS1 was separate from DeS. DS3 was just more of the same, with some cool stuff (angels and angel imagery everywhere). If the entirety of DS3 was about paint and the dark souls story from the ringed city, completely separate from the first flame, I'd like it more.
And I thought the memory loss part of the, admittedly poorly defined, NPC's story paths was a really fascinating idea considering IRL immortality would suck for the same reason. We can only handle so much info before we start losing our mental acuity.
Dragonslayer Greataxe is my waifu.
Yes, timing your rolls so that you're actually dodging attacks and not just spamming roll is the very first thing you learn how to do in DS3 PVP because you will get blown the fuck out if you dont, which is exactly what is happening in that webm and this one
I actually miss getting all that hatemail on GWFL, god damn
>If the entirety of DS3 was about paint and the dark souls story from the ringed city, completely separate from the first flame, I'd like it more.
DaS III's dlc, despite being essentially a side story to the base game, reflects and reinforces the main themes of the story better than almost the entirety of 2 and 3.
did this with the greatsword, literally all i had to do was hold r2 and compensate a little for the time it took him to get up, and that's it. literally couldn't attack me.
Imagine being a fag who doesn't like DS3
I like all of them alot but I give them each shit.