Fuck Yea Forums
I stand with El
Fuck Yea Forums
Crazy bitch that needs to be beheaded
BASED cuckold
Based IRL orbiter
based gamer
>complains about waifushit in Awakening/Fates
>picks the biggest waifushit in 3Houses
>Edgegard at the top of the online deployment list consistantly
>sticking your dick in crazy
>female Byleth
you wanna be a girl in real life
Fuck Women
Okay reddit
to top it all off shes easily one of, if not the worst girl to waifu in the game.
Based cūmbrain only thinking with his dick
Fuck off, this is a Dimitri board.
The hair and Horns gave me crazy evil bitch vibes the moment I saw her.
What were her last thoughts?
Doesn't she turn you into pretty much a beta orbiter in her ending?
That's pretty fucked
"muh crests"
she's not even the best girl in her own route, lmfao
She reminds me of this kind lady, and acts like her too.
"Wow! He only had 10% chance to crit fucking rng bullshit!"
Pussywhipped faggot
Dimitri, darling, why don't you come back to bed~? You've got to ensure your bloodline lives on~
Makes you wonder how betrayed all the normalfags who picked her felt.
I dont really like her time skip appearance or Edelgard in general but this cg does things to my heart
Lads, Blue Lions or Golden Deer? Just finished Black Eagles.
I stand with best boy.
Blue Lions
For lore and comfy go GD for feels and story go BL
you did the worst route first, so it really only gets better from here either way. Deer is good, but Lions is pure kino.
no way fag!
Has history taught you nothing of female monarchs?
“This can’t be happening! I’m supposed to be in charge here!”
>only a 10% chance to hit
The man crits practically every hit.
this desu
Edelgard is the redpilled route
In the end she is right about her motives.
Only bluepilled cucks go like "nooo but that's evil ;_;"
It's time for history to end and to start herstory
>This must be the work of the Crests
you don't like her because she is evil, you like her because he makes your incel peeper hard.
She's not evil and I waifu'd Mercedes
But keep being a bluepilled cuck.
Only chaosfags/fedora tippers knowingly choose and praise Edelgard, prove me wrong.
Why even join that house for any other girl when they can be recruited?
Is this apparent in the Black Eagles (Empire) route? I though Cornelia would be one of our allies this that route.
Dorothea is above her on the list for me
I’m not sure how this one got started. No if you choose her she didn’t turn you into a beta orbiter. she even says after the war they still have work to do and she wants to walk side by side with you during the transition so after you build a sustainable empire she can step down and be just the two of you. it also makes pretty clear reference that they go off some to be with each other and bone. anyone who thinks you’re getting cucked in her route unironically needs to have sex
“I wonder what happened to Bernie”
Danny did nothing wrong.
Nah, Isabella of Castile was pretty fucking based
Seems like she only gets some spotlight on BL route.
Edelgard's route, you kill her.
Church route, she stages a coup on the kingdom.
And dunno about GD.
>blacked eagles fag has to wife a girl from the best house
luvin every laff
Yeah I had to bring her over to save her from that house led by a fucking psychopath.
I should have went for the head
>birthday is 27th February
>mfw Edelgard gave me a gift then immediately did THAT
"Oh well, it was worth a try."
Meanwhile Dimitri dies while almost literally seething.
Probably explains why he's so popular with the underaged ragemonsters here.
pot, meet kettle
I too want to marry Queen MOMMY
Dany unleashed a horde of brown rapists into Westeros. She was worse than the Others. Based Cersei was the one who did nothing wrong.
Prove it, then.
Feb 28th here. Hello 1 day apart bro.
>share my birthday with cute magic loli
Feels good
This song slaps, she seems pretty cool.
Hey fellow birthday user
>Annette steadily climbing up
More and more people discovering who best girl is
She's got that crazy psychopath eyes.
Based and 28th pilled. But are you also 1994 pilled?
I miss Cersei and her friendship with Qyburn. Why did they have to die?
>best girl only has nine votes
>her name is misspelled
You guys just can't handle a strong woman who will slaughter anybody who disagrees with the church.
>best girl isn't even on the poll
>no Shamir
>this fucking ANCIENT RELIC is still posting on feg
Ingrid bros, where you at?
Either muh Crest or muh Byleth.
You can't make giant omelette without breaking a thousand eggs.
I wanna kill Edel together with Lysithea!
Right fucking here. Gonna wife her or Manuela (obligatory since am spic)
Teacher's is bigger.
Does she do anal?
>Dimitri calls her out for her bullshit
>she goes "no u"
this is your waifu?
flayn best girl
shit we need an edgelord version of this
>seen bits of what Edelgard does
>kind of want to side with her to fulfill my fantasy of working for a glorious warmongering woman leader as her second in command who she treats like her sex toy whenever it's just us in her office
>game probably won't actually fulfill that fantasy
more like Burnie lmao
>all the people that defend her saying "b-but she tells you the truth about your birth and your past!"
So fucking what, it's pretty clear Byleth didn't give a fuck and aside from your dad getting killed knowing about his birth really didn't matter in the long run anyway
and it's obvious she only brought it up because she needed you to be her good little dog that will do what she wants and even then she only wants to marry you for political reasons, sure she's got a ladyboner for you but it's clear she only let's you dick her for her own goals
the only way her route makes sense is for everyone else, including you, to go full retard for no reason just so her actions look more reasonable, which is exactly what happens
anyone that sides with Edelgard and not Claude is unironically a mindless cuck
She may have a womb tattoo
sauce me
She is shit with shit supports and a shit unit.
Giving my husband Sylvain and our children a future without Crests!
fellow man of taste
The only negative thing about this game is that Edelgard only wins in one route. I wish every route had her winning but only one route you could survive in.
That is some good fucking taste sister. If I am ever playing Femblyeth on any route but BL he will be who I make many crest babies with. sadly he is on best boy Dimitri's route and I can't have them both at the same time.
Who here Lindhart? I wanna fuck his little boi pucci and then take a nap afterwards in the library
>knowing about his birth really didn't matter in the long run anyway
yeah this seemed really weird
like in Dimitri and Claude's routes Byleth really doesn't give a fuck and helps them out regardless of why
in Edel's it feels like all of a sudden he gives a shit and it does seem obvious she only does it to convince you to side with her while in every other route you don;t care apparently
plus it makes her route worse because not only do you accomplish what she wanted without being a genocidal dickhead, you get on Rhea's good side anyway and convince to let you do everything with the church when you're Archbishop
Edel's route is still interesting but when you think about it after playing the other routes, it's arguably the worst one
I love how ISIS BTFO women, fujo and homo
>that dead-eyed killer stare
and people say she wasn't she villain
>inoffensive childlike girls winning
who wouldve thought
He is pretty based. I will fuck his boi pucci when I play BE.
>Ferdinand... Are we the baddies?
How long did it take you guys to figure out you could control the Byleth sprite with the gyro during loading screens? I'm around 30 hours and I just noticed it
Dropout by Sugar Milk. Hope you like pegging.
the only people that like Edel's route are edgy 12-year-olds that think being the villain is "so le epic fuck the system man xd"
Are those carpet munchers also bi?
>>Edgegard at the top of the online deployment list consistantly
Dorothea overtook her a few days ago.
It's kind of funny when you think about it. The biggest Thot ended up having the biggest heart, some of the best supports, and access to the most broken spell in the game.
She really is a good girl once the time skip happens and the horrors of war beat most of the thot out of her.
They're all bisexual user.
Because of the church route.
Lesbians are hot fuck
homo are disgusting tho
God agree
Also Manuela, Petra, and Annette.
But they're only gay for Dorothea/Edelgard, Dorothea, and Mercedes respectively.
Yeah, but by that point you'd have more than enough units to replace her if her pre-timeskip turbo thot attitude was as much of a deterrent as some of the Anons in this thread like to pretend.
I might want to play this game now, based japan for not tolerating homo in their game
>3/5 plot sensitive
>1 platonic
>1 bi thot
wow gays truly btfo
The best is that they tricked gays with another S rank with Alois.
Only the ending is strictly platonic and Alois just wants to protect his friend's son. He sets you up with a nice village girl to have heterosexual intercourse with and marry.
>Manuela that low
Ya'll niggas taste is shit. That's why I can't hang with ya'll.
I want to hug Bernie!
I want to burn Bernie!
I wonder how that world will work out once familys with money get to give there children free passes into power and money
>Plot sensitive
By that you mean that we can lesbian romance the 3 most important character in this game: Rhea, Sothis and Edelgard? that's good
Literally cope
Bernie is trans.
She wants to remove nobility and nepotism. Stop all the leeches who just inherit their position just because muh bloodline
caspar bros where we at
fuck me this was the pic i meant to post
>and the horrors of war beat most of the thot out of her.
Well 2bhonest usually thots make most of their trade in a war, just so happens every house in that year weren't interested or were too classy for her pussy.
What actually happens in the Church rote? Because all I've heard is the bad guy drops an ICBM on you with time magic
Hilda just lured me into her room and locked the door! Help!
IS really pulled the bait and switch here. It seems like even if you're playing literal Hitler, as long as she's cute and strong it's okay.
i for real just finished the church route, im the one who posted the 2 spoiler pics above, after you kill edelgard you get a letter from hubert (who you killed the chapter before) telling you that the real enemies were the slitherers, you end up going to the dubstep tron looking area for one chapter, kill the guys, and save rhea, then something about blyat has to become the new leader of the world, but then crest aids makes rhea turn into mad dragon and you end up with the classic final dragon map. what happened i think is that there are people who pledged loyalty to the church, so in turn they got some crest shard power from rhea, but when rhea went mad everyone else did
>they got some crest shard power from rhea, but when rhea went mad everyone else did
Basically a Dragon blood pact. Meaning men like Jeralt who got a blood transfusion from Rhea.
Nah, most people simply know that she is entirely right and the only one with an actual plan.
She just goes off the deep end when she faces the autistic messiah of battle.
>it also makes pretty clear reference that they go off some to be with each other and bone
There's actually no hint of this. The ending was made for FByleth and IS just kept the same ending text in for MByleth.
>don’t recognize this in her supports
>realize it must be the S rank
How much of a fucking sperg do you have to be to be like this by then?
>gets shot with a massive fireball from a house-sized monster
>No Damage
Edelthot never stood a chance
>who got a blood transfusion from Rhea
They say it's a "blood transfusion"
You'll stand alongside her at the head display in enbarr
I want Dancer Dimitri to become the camp cumhole.
Most people don't know what she's planning going into the game.
It was very clear I was talking about first impressions. What does being entirely right and having an actual plan have to do with it?
tfw only got 4 paired endings, what a fucking ride this first run was, 90 hours
Poor sod. Nobody tell him what goes behind his back when Dorothea services the rich old men backstage.
That litterally wont go away
I'm stuck deciding whether I should buy this shit or not.
Help me Yea Forumsros
It's the best Fire Emblem game in years despite being somewhat easy
>Edelgard has huge plans to conquer Fodlan starting with the assassination of Claude and Dimitri
>Claude foils her plans by accident
>Thales has spent over 10 years planning his conquest of Fodlan
>Claude kills him by accident
>the Slitherers spent 1000 years planning the resurrection of Nemesis
>Claude tricks and kills him
Shim Sham Shamir.
Buy it. Probably the only game this year where your $60 is a literal bang for your buck and then some. This is a minimum of 150 hours if you rush.
She shouldn't even have been a choice. What they should have done is remove all the routes save for BL, then put all the extra time they freed up into polishing and adding content to that route. Write what you know after all, and it's clear that the team was more comfortable with Dimitri than they were with Edelgard since the writing is so much worse and inconsistent in BE. Edelgard would have just been another villain and we wouldn't have all of this waifushit drama. In fact, I'd argue that people would probably like her more as a character if she did not have a route. As it stands though, she's the most hated Fire Emblem character ever for all of the wrong reasons.
Reverse cuckolding? Japan is truly based.
*tink* *tink* *tink* Ahem! THIS BITCH GONNA GET FINNA DABBED ON!
This post was made by Faerghus gang.
What's up with Dimitrash inventing some sort of consensus, lel.
Nay fellow noble we are the righteous protectors of the future. Stay the course and chart a new path of nobility with me at your side!
Thought that was treehouse's translations, but that ending still sounds pretty based. Didn't he say he had a daughter? Might have been the village girl he hooked Byleth up with
He literally tells Bernie that she's cute and Flayn that he would have children with her
The dude is a huge chad
>cup that small
How old is she really? 700?
He died in a paralogue and I had already used all my turn back times on trying to get a crit so I had to leave him behind, miss you buddy.
Edelfags are just completely defensive of their waifu and think that their route is the best just because it's not a typical happy ending.
I like that Dimitri and Blyeth kill the leader of the slithers without even knowing they did it in an attempt to rescue Claude as well. Maybe Claude just got lazy there.
That is the consensus on here. Edelgard is by far Yea Forums's most hated FE character, and her route is inconsistently and terribly written as well. Everyone acts pretty consistently in every other route but her own. Every other route has way more content than her route as well.
Anything but BE is the canon route.
Only redcucks go "nooo, but my waifu didn't du nuthin ;_;"
How did Hanneman in his endings managed to solve the inequality brought in by Crests? Okay, so he invented magical tools that could be used without Crests. How does that end the discrimination of those without it or end the obsession of the masses from wanting their children to inherit Crests? Because it seems the only way to truly end this cycle is if some find a way to eliminate Crests altogether or have a way for everyone to have them.
She's a deviant (((bisexual))).
Unga bunga kill KILL KI-...
>thought people were joking about Slyther boys being the dubstep faction
>mfw Shambhala plays
>suddenly playing Advance Wars x Fire Emblem
But it's a pretty happy ending, just the way there is a bit grim, but that's what it usually takes unless you're a JRPG protagonist. What are you even talking about?
>defending the shittiness of BEagle route and Edelgard
she almost comply with it, almost about to say she's glad it's done by him before she realizes what he's about to do
likely a part of her fetish
i want to fuck flayn
BL or Church will be the canon route anyways.
Dorothea Petra is 100x better paired ending.
Smug Doodoo is a rare treasure
>Pair Edelgard and Dorothea together
>They're not lesbians in the ending
I feel robbed. At least FemByleth got her tulpa to hang around with.
just kys
You're kidding me? The route a typical JRPG protag does is BL. What are YOU talking about?
Stop being delusional for once.
>if you pick Blue Lions, then everyone is their proper colors on the UI in the Battle of Eagle and Lion
It was glorious, user. All the map was missing was factories/airports, and have them wear the same black, blocky/glowing armor
>that needs to be giving head
how long is edelgards route?
Imagine being a BL cuck and not a GD CHAD
Don't cry Annette, your crits shall forever be happy memories
>Everyone acts pretty consistently in every other route but her own.
BE are loyal to Edelgard in every route except route, you retard faggot. And it's the only route in which Edelgard's motivations make sense.
that was largely targeted at the idea that edelgard was the most hated fire emblem character, which was later clarified as "on Yea Forums", which is still anecdotal at best
Do whatever you want waifufag. I'll be over here playing the actual good routes, GD and BL.
We shall erase these infidels from the face of Fodlan, display their heads in front of the church, have their daughters serve as breeding sows for a new generation of soldiers for the church, while deleting any records of the Adrestrian Empire ever existing in the first place.
Sothis wills it.
Personally I like Claude the most out of the three because he's the most sane. The second is Dimitri of course
>Solves Fodlan’s problems without being a warmonger or a raging lunatic
With Claude we stand
>every route except church*
It's the shortest with 18 main missions, but I clocked in at around 57 hours.
What the fuck is it with GD fags trying to larp as chads so desperately? I've seen this "Golden CHAD" shit hundreds of times since release. "Deer" doesn't rhyme with "Chad" no matter how hard you try, knock it off already
It's ironic that if you don't pick GD, Claude fucks off from Fodlan.
>chasing daybreak vids got deleted on yt
It should be said also that:
1. Church is literally just Golden Deer route with one extra Blue Lion mission, it has only one unique mission
2. Blue Lions and Golden Deer share several missions between them as well
3. Almost all of the Black Eagles missions are exclusive to that route
So while it is "shorter", it has about as much unique content as the other two main routes.
Would you want to come between edel and dimitris autisim?
Imagine being a Golden Vassal just because your king got bored and preferred the neighboring kingdom.
Why do people forget about the paralogues? It's not just about chapter count. Paralogues are maps and BE has the most.
>It's ironic that if you DO pick GD, Claude fucks off from Fodlan too.
>Solves Fodlan's problems by being a HERO and taking responsibility
With Dimitri we stand
The best and purest lesbian support that doesn’t involve Byleth is Catherine and Shamir
if there was ever a canon route it would be BL, GD, or church
B-but I was going to have my cbt session with Ferdinand and Hubert...!
It will be the dlc sothis route
I'm still disappointed in the lack of Blue Lions/Diamond Dogs fanart
Fuck i just beat the last level and i feel completely empty, what do i even do with my life now?
NG+ a new route
Church is literally BE bad ending.
Edelgard is the canon BE route.
But none of this matters because the DLC will be the "no one has to die" hugbox route in which everyone comes together.
>catherine and shamir reached A support
>they wanted to marry
>stole shamir for myself
gays not welcome
They've already said the DLC is a new story about new characters
It's probably going to a be slithers route
So a new route that saves everyone.
I have a question
Is Jeralt like a century-old? Alois support say he said it when he's drunk. It's thanks to mommy dragon blood right? Is that why the game is so anal about his age?
That just means it's a "true ending" route with playable Jeralt, Rhea, Sothis, Kronya, etc
It's the "no, the real villains behind everything were actually these guys"
Just Revelations shit all over again.
Having finished BE I'm pretty sad that we never got to helping Hubert and his secret service with actually wiping out the slitherers, which was like the most or at least second most important main goal.
What he says about Byleth going to be really important in that shadow war sounds like the most massive DLC hook, but afaik post-story content has been deconfirmed.
I would but i don't want to do all the dumb shit like talking to people in the monestary for 40 minutes before every new stage. And even then my wife is gone!! I just wanna be with her bros.
It will be a Torna-style prequel campaign during the time Sothis was alive
God, I hope so. I need Kronya and Cornelia on my team.
Fuck these shitty students.
That's probably it.
Yah. Although I still wonder where the crest of flames came from, since Rhea has the crest of seiros.
I want to hug Dimitri!
Rhea implanted Sothis’ crest stone (dragon heart) that has the Crest of Flame into Byleth shortly after they were born.
How the fuck did nemesis come back from the dead? In the intro he gets stabbed into oblivion, why is he in a box somewhere just chilling without any wounds? I don't get eet
Only the strong should thrive.
I want him to Tuck me into bed
Unga Bunga magic bullshit
Your words are convincing, I've never played fe ever though. I like the customization shit, but I have other questions. What are some tips I should take notes of? Does moving/positioning for advantage require big brain IQ for example?
>woops shouldn't have killed my own mother, sided with a galaxybrain monk and killed literally Jesus Father
What went so wrong with this girl?
So, who was blyeth's mom?
Rhea explains they were somehow related but its never fully explained in the BL route
So is 3 houses a return to FE 1-7 form or is it just more waifu shot like awakening onwards?
I'm on the fence about buying this shit.
It comes from the fact that GD is the Golden Ending that solves all the problems that BE/Church created and BL ignores. It's just amusing to see Dmitri/Edel cucks arguing over who is the least shit.
The actual game is easy. But balance is king.
>What are some tips I should take notes of?
Don't skimp on fishing. It's the only way in the game that ups your "personal" level as well as translating time into money.
>and BL ignores
I forgot BL route never killed Arundel.
I forgot BL route united the Kingdom.
I forgot Dimitri never ran away from responsibility.
Claude ignored the continent for adventures, falseflagger.
>I forgot BL route killed Arundel.
>Leaving out that he only left after he ensured a suitable leader and system were in place after he btfo slitherers and church
Homuculus number whatever in her attempt to make the perfect mommy vessel. She got everything but the Sothis soul housing part right and it developed it's own person or some shit and ended up falling for Jeralt.
when did she kill her own mom?
It's got waifus, sure, but it's nowhere near Awakening/Fates levels of bad.
It's probably more Tellius level, so take that as you will. A good, fun ride, but a bit too easy.
What's this?
Dorothea knows what's up.
The game is easy, if you want some challenge, do Hard + Classic mode. Completing maps won't be too hard still, but getting through some of the maps, especially in the second half, without having anyone die, will be challenge. Basically, completing the game won't be an issue even then, but making sure all the characters live to see the ending will cause you enough stress to create the illusion of difficulty- it is currently the best way to play the game, until they release a higher difficulty.
You don't need high IQ, just keep in mind all of your options. You can use loads of stuff, don't forget that you have gambits and shit, they can be lifesavers. Hit R2 to see enemy agro range, and hover over enemies and hit X to see their stats so you can plan your moves.
Shota Dimitri is so cute. I want to hug him.
She is the canon route after all.
For the empire, my teacher!
"You know I had to try."
You kill Arundel in BL.
Quite obviously she blackmailed Arundel into instigating the Tragedy of Duscur with cute and funny pictures of them together.
How do you get Marianne's Paralogue?
>Her last words to him are literally "OBSESSED"
I don't like her but that made me laugh
Anyway, Annie!
I dont like this
Stop posting!
>murdering Bernie
More of a reason for Dimitri to get the ax.
So? Anybody can delegate, fag.
Wrong wording, I fixed it here
MUCH better
If Edelgard was a rutless conqueror instead of a fucking retarded emotionnal woman her route would be much better
>murdering one of the Awakening tier gimmick waifus
Based as fuck
I saw it available in Black Eagles a couple months in post timeskip but I skipped doing it.
It's all Dimitri's fault.
Edelgard is her real murderer. She was dead the moment Edelgard put her on that hill since she is using her as bait.
Did it involve another student or just her?
No it’s post time skip
>place the Empire's best archer at the ballista
Gosh, how inhumane.
>it's rigged to blow up when anyone else tries to use it after THEY killed Bernie
Grotesquely fiendish.
Why is he so much cuter than her as a kid? Fuck shotamitri is cute as fuck. I bet he got raped in the tragedy of duscur
Vocal minority that spends more time crying than they do playing, what's there to think about?
Oh I see, thanks. I am almost at the end of Part 1 and was afraid I was gonna permanently miss it.
You still have 3 more routes to play you dumb cuck
Is this the rare dual layers of sarcasm or just one?
user she knew she was going to die.
She was done with her talents and saw her as expendable.
Edelgard would have been based if they didn't try to whitewash her, desu. Don't know why people have to pretend a character is a good person because they're a woman. She should have just been a thundercunt who wanted to bring the world to heel.
Why didn't any of you fucks tell me that Cav/Paladin were trap options? -10% speed growth is crippling to most characters
She is pure bait and it also blows up after Edelgard retreats. She was literally left there to die on a hill, killed by Claude after Edelgard and Huburt fucked off.
Yeah what about the other "based guy" you're not playing as sending in his cute students to get chopped in half by your soldiers?
>her future couldnt have dimitri and she used it against him to cut her own future.
>trap options
Nigga have you never played FE before?
senator armstrong?
>Don't know why people have to pretend a character is a good person because they're a woman.
That's the reality of this world. There's so many Edelkeks out there who defend her because of sentiment, not logic.
Hey user, give me a pigeon
Canto is good, but it's not good enough to justify literally shooting your character in the foot so that they can't double anything. Some characters like Leonie have high enough base speed growth to compensate but Ferdinand, Sylvain, Lorenz, and others get absolutely ruined by the speed penalty
ng+ thing where you use amiibo in the gazebo and you get a new option to enter the holy tomb
>Why is a kid cuter before suffering a massive mount of physical and emotional trauma
Gee I wonder
Bro. Confusion
Or maybe it's because they played her route first and it portrays her differently, just like BL portrays dimitri more sympathetically than the other routes do.
There's a couple of things you can do to offset it.
>get their armor rank to C just for Weight -3
>speed ring
I just started Three Houses and I have a couple of questions, can someone help me out?
>What do the 3 stars next to weapons in the status screen mean?
>Can you recruit units from other houses? Is there a list/guide of which ones can be recruited and how?
>Is each route around the same length, or are some longer than others?
I started with the Golden Queers because I saw some people say that it was the least relevant to the plot. I figured I'd get it out of the way first before doing Black Eagles and then Blue Lions.
>aggro range
that's not the same as the lines, correct?
I heard stride is OP, why's that?
Edelgard acts like a schoolgirl in love when it comes to the MC, even after the timeskip. So you’ll be dominating her in bed.
I don't think they should whitewash her, but joinable factions should be somewhat sympathetic and have a point/rationale. If they made BE the conquer everything just because EVUL, then they'd be pretty boring and people wouldn't pick them.
>go there after Byleth discovers hair dye
>Opposite gender Byleth is chilling there for some reason
What does it mean?
I wonder why.
She's the perfect tomboy Yea Forums typically fawns over.
She's not even a religious zealot, she even says her own life is more important than the Church or Rhea, unlike Dedue or Ingrid who'd happily die shiny and chrome.
it is a current weakness for that character and will be hard to raise their level in that area, but the stars also indicate it is a "hidden talent" and if you focus on teaching that skill enough to the student anyway, they will eventually get all three of those stars and the weakness will turn into a strength and become easy for them to learn, and they will also get a unique skill or ability.
Why sometimes students won't drink tea with me? Even though they have had in the past.
>If you manually instruct (not set as a goal, go in and teach them yourself) until all three stars are set up, that skill will become one of their strengths and they'll get a unique skill for it. List: serenesforest.net
>Yes, youtube.com
>Probably the same
Literally the otome isekai villainess route.
Outside of the monastery persona stuff, are you guys actually enjoying the gameplay? The biggest thing holding me back from a purchase is that I've heard the things they removed from the game like the weapon triangle along with the things they added like the armies just trivialize an already easy game. Is there still enough substance there or is it mostly about the characters?
Where are the other two? I know they're floating around
>Just because EVUL
Why not for the same reason people do in real life, influence and power? If she just had a cynical attitude and operated on realpolitik, it would have been fine.
Shamir is my wife.
oh no he's hot
Thanks anons, that's all I needed to know.
>That person has a hidden talent in that skill. Manually instructing them in that skill will eventually fill up the stars, unlock a new skill and turns the weakness into a proficiency.
>You can. The only students that can't be stolen are Hubert and Dedue. Hilda can't be stolen on Edelgard's route.
>They're all roughly the same length. Edelgard's route is the shortest by a couple of chapters.
The golden deers litterally cover everything
Yes, I'm enjoying the gameplay. A bit easier but nothing I'm worried about, since Lunatic mode is coming.
>is that I've heard the things
Detractors just exaggerate, acting like this is Sigurd 2.0. Let's just say that mages and archers are more balanced.
Guys say they like tomboys but they always go after Stacies.
Deers are actually the lore route and reveal a lot of secrets and backstory regarding the overall plot even if Claude isn't directly involved in the main conflict.
As soon as I realized Thunderbrand wasn't exclusive to her, i gave it to felix and forgot all about her
>3 stars
Hidden Talent. They suck at this but teach it enough and they become really good at it. Other weaknesses always stay weaknesses, but hidden talents can become good.
>recruit characters
like 90% of the characters can be recruited. Talk to them and there will be an option to recruit. You either need a B rank or higher support level to recruit them, or you need to fulfill their unique requirements. Adults just require you to be level 15 or so. The kids usually have a specific skill or stat they want you to have at a high level.
>route length
Edelgard's route is 18 chapters, all the others are 22 chapters. Edelgard has more side content/paralogues however, so it balances out.
Edelgard's route splits into two different paths, Edelgard or the Church. Many routes share missions or maps, even though the context and story around it may be different. Edelgard's has the most unique stuff despite being a shorter route, and Church route has the most borrowed stuff from other routes.
It's usually more complicated than that. There's always some perceived slight, injustice, or historical grievance to draw from as justification for war. Sometimes, the leaders even believe it.
stride is a huge AOE buff. The one I used doubled my movement speed for my whole army per turn, with two uses per battle. It lets me zerg rush and destroy things quick and easy. I believe there are also versions that give massive attack up buffs or defense up buffs as well.
Edelgard is the standard otome villain though.
You’d have to be an idiot to think the game is completely 100% brain dead and holding of on a purchase you might enjoy simply because the game is on the easy side. Yes pokemon is easy but if you use tackle on everything you’re not going to win. The same applies here. The game is one of the easier fire emblem games, even on hard but it presents an average challenge, thats all you should really care about. If the game has to bust your balls for it to be enjoyable then fine don’t buy it, but don’t act like everyone is telling you this game is as brainless as angry birds
What do the arrows above certain supports mean?
Sorry for babby question, I'm new.
If you think about it logically, her choice to bring down the nobles was the best one. People are more than their bloodline... Everyone should forge their own path.
That aside, did you make the patrician choice Yea Forums?
Isn't her "The church is tyrannical and is splitting the continent apart to increase its own influence" El's casus belli? With her actual goal being to make herself supreme ruler to tear down crest-based nobility?
No. Ghosts are fucking gay.
Multiple conversations regarding the topic at hand instead of covering it in another Rank. So instead of going from B>A you go B>B+.
I love genderbent Robespierre
never played FE before, is this game worth a buy?
> I believe there are also versions that give massive attack up buffs or defense up buffs as well.
I've seen gambits that reduces all damage dealt/taken to 1 for the turn and gambits that allows countering at any range. I don't think any gambits have a straight rally effect. Unless you mean the str/def bonuses from equipping it, then yes there is.
The thing is that shes trying to get rid of the class system but its litterally impossible.
Great a the Crest familys will go up in smoke and then the merchant families will take there place.
Since you are literally Sothis' reincarnation, does mean mean its a selfcest route?
I mean she flat out tells you to put the ring on your own finger cause she's a soul ghost thing now so I guess.
No because otome villainesses don't have a route in which they win. They always get fucked over unlike Edelgard who can still win in her route. Also an otome villainess tends to be the most vixen looking out of the cast, and Edelgard is just plain conservative.
There would be no challenge to get isekai'd into Edelgard, because you at minimum have a guaranteed route to victory. Edelgard is an otome anti-heroine but she's still a heroine.
if you like turn based strategy then definitely, its a great game but its definitely a niche interest.
cringe propaganda blucucks
>Can you feel the pain too? the fathers we lost... We're gonna take back our past
>Played academy ball, ya know?"
Cant change facts bitch
I supposed that generally *is* what has happened to our real world. No more bloodlines, but it's the rich who are powerful. It's a tragedy to see Jeff Bezos not do more for the betterment of the world as a whole, but I guess that if he ended world hunger, we would a lot of other problems with over population and even more mouths to feed... a never ending cycle.
Edelgard is just a waifu version of senator armstrong change my mind
drawfags get onto this shit
Looking at her childhood, it's perfectly understandable. She has severe trust and intimacy issues.
So, there is no way to NOT kill people, right? Will they surrender if you have a tier of rank with them? Even if it's C?
>At some cushy Imperial School!
Only way is to recruit them before it’s too late.
>So, there is no way to NOT kill people, right?
Yes. That's to completely avoid them.
I guess that with the amount of "kill all enemy commanders" goals it's not possible to recruit and therefore save all of them.
Savor the pain for the playthrough where you can save them, it makes it so much better.
i married her on my first playthrough.
if you fap are you fucking her? Can you also fuck her inside her head
Can you only recruit her if you are male? I did not get the option at all with her... She played such a major role in the end of the game that I was sure it was forced as a nemesis for Shamir.
What a detailed game!
>Dimitri loses his whole family
>Dedue is one of a handful of survivors from his entire nation that was used as a scapegoat for Faerghus political drama
>Ashe needs to fight against his adoptive dad, watch him die, and participate in killing the civilians protecting him
>Sylvain was horribly abused and almost murdered several times by his brother, then has to help kill him, watch him turn into a monster, and help kill him again
>Mercedes watched her mom being used as breeding stock and then thrown out like garbage after popping out a crest baby
>Ingrid feels an obligation to let her father marry her off for breeding stock to continue their bloodline and get a big dowry to save their lands
>Felix's brother got killed so brutally that there wasn't enough of his body to bring home, then had to listen to his dad and everybody else in his family and society as a whole glorify that "noble" death
>Annette's dad left her family at 13, never said why, never wrote, and for the chance to meet him again she pushes herself way too hard to succeed, to the point of becoming exhausted and ill and within 3 years she's permanently lost the ability to relax and just do nothing, ever
They're all diamonds
How does A supports work with your roster? What if say Bernie is A with a bunch of guys. What happens at the end?
>Ghosts are fucking gay.
But that's the best part
You are made of lo-o-o-o-o-ove lo-o-o-o-ove
>Bernie with a bunch of guys
>I mean she flat
Exactly why I picked her as well, my ebony friend!
You can only recruit her in the church route.
>Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my eye and my scars. The body I've lost, the comrades I've lost... it won't stop hurting. It's like they're all still there. You feel it too don't you? I'm going to make her give back our past!
>Alois gets a promotion
>End up having to kill him
I forgot to make Shamir fight Catherine in the final battle.
>Can you only recruit her if you are male?
I got her very early, before the 1st death Knight fight.
>Ingrid's fiancee died when she was 13
>Implying that she was betrothed to him well before that, because the two already had a close relationship and knew each other well
>All the dialogue related to him emphasizes that the two were deeply in love
...The game kinda glosses over this, but that's pretty pedophilic. I know betrothals at a young age were a real-life medieval thing, but I doubt an 11-year old being in love with someone who must have been at LEAST in his early 20s to be a decorated knight and war hero was a thing.
There is one instance where you can save 2 lives (but can't recruit them) by defeating them in a certain order. But otherwise, yeah, you just got to bite the bullet and kill them.
Wasn't Mercedes' original house involved with the insurrection or something? I think I glossed over the details but isn't that why her mom had to leave initially?
Dorothea is only at the top of the deployment list because most normies who played this game went the default Eagles route. In about a month when all the normies balance out and probably well into Lunatic mode Lysithea, Leonie, and Mercedes will take over.
I'm pretty sure they say Glenn was a prodigy who was knighted at a young age. At most the guy was 16/17 when he died since Felix was close enough in age to have legitimate spars against him
And here I cucked the church out of everyone save Catherine.
Alois will go with you too? Wow.
Beagles can only recruit Hanneman, Manuela, Shamir, and Alois since the rest matter to the story. I skipped Manuela and Alois, but Manuela never appeared.
I did manage to do that, but I was also able to spare Lysithea and recruit her and I was wondering if that had triggered because I had her on as support student for some of the early battles and build up rank her... I thought that might be the "reward" for bringing them along as they steal your XP.
Glenn was a prodigy and was only 16 or 17 when he died. But also, in actual medieval times (and hell, even colonial and pre civil war America) it was extremely common for arranged marriages to be set up between girls as young as 8 or 9 and men in their 20s or 30s.
What did I say was wrong though?
You would be surprised.
I think it lists her engagement at the same year as her birth. She really admired him cause he was her ideal image of how a knight should be. Glenn was also knighted young so they probably weren't too far apart in years.
Literally every girl is better than Shitler.
But seriously. Why can no one answer this? Most the A supports seems romantic as fuck. Why isn't there a S rank for non-Byleth's?
Post the on fire version
if characters can have a paired ending and they have other A rank supports with other possible endings, the game decides based on which pair has the most support points total. In case of a tie, the game decides by the most recent support point gained.
Yeah, he says he left the knights to look for you in the skip and says though he doesn't like fighting the knights his promise to you and Jeralt means more to him. I used him as Byleth' adjudant rest of the game.
Cool fucking guy imo.
I've read somewhere it's first come first serve.
They get paired with whichever non-Blyat character is at the top of their Closest Allies list in your roster.
Do you fight Hanneman as a boss in Beagles if you leave him behind? Thinking about whether to recruit him.
That's all the info I need. Thanks.
Shut up normalfag
>Church route
The fuck? I'm barely getting to the end of the BL route at 88 hours, abd you tell me there's a fourth route? That's too much game for me. Gonna compete GD and shelf the game.
It's all just royalty postulating with forced marriages. They were probably in love, because they were groomed to "make it work". It's another reason why Edelgards route makes sense, it's to break up stuff like that.
That being said, age of consent is a relatively new concept all things considered. Look at this colorized picture from the old west where this man has 4 wives. It was just a different time.
>Ingrid won't shut the fuck up about her fiance
hard to romance now desu. I feel like a cuck.
>pick black eagles on first playthrough
>Eddy fucks off after I levelled her
>blue lions on second playthrough
>Expect Dimitri to fuck off so don't use him
>he doesn't fuck off and becomes the best character
Guess he's gonna get a training montage.
>Made Petra my dancer
>those animations
Dimitri is based as fuck and is clearly best boy.
Edelgard you probably went with the church split. She will stick around if you choose not to kill her.
the fun thing about ingrid is that shes the cuck, user. cucked by death
If Edelgard was this extreme I feel I'd like her more
>the red haired bitch who was with Edelgard killed Jeralt
>She says stop crying during the grieving period
That's the last straw, I don't fucking care about her anymore. Her empire can burn for all I care, I'm siding with the Church just to spite her.
She gets downgraded hard post timeskip anyway.
Go for Catherine if you want your knight wife.
Or the miracle of the universe known as Annette.
Is that the decision where the Flame Emperor asks you to join her?
Cuz at that point there's zero reason to say yes.
Good. You are too weak.
"Making it work" is for the best in a long term relationship. Lust fades and you will run out of things to talk about eventually. Marrying for love is a meme.
Or maybe Ingrid legitimately loved him since literally every character who mentions Glenn sings his praises and says he was a good man. It's not fucking grooming for a boy and girl who grow up interacting a lot and believing in similar ideals to fall in love
I actually was expecting more honestly. I was going in prepared to never hear her shut up about Glenn but there weren't that many of those supports, it was mainly either about her autistic love about knights and chivalry or her spaghetti adventures trying to do things outside of knighthood. The ones where she did talk about him it were more so her admiring what he represented for her and either someone shitting all over that ideal or just kinda glossing over it. Hell, she has that one support where she says that if he were still alive now she might now even love him still.
Your loss
No. To side with Hitlergard, you have to speak with her in the cathedral the month before the timeskip and agree to go to her coronation, then refuse to kill her in the holy tomb.
Yes. So she wont fuck off if you join her. Claude and Dimitri will stick by you. Even if Dimitri is pretty insane for a bit.
Yeah well fuck you.
I stand with my daughter/mother/grandmother/ancestor/aunt.
Dindu is best boy.
caspar is an annoying 5 year old and a worthless deadweight unit
She literally gave the best advice possible. Jeralt wouldn't want you wallowing in grief.
Based mommyboy
Annette has a stupid haircut after the skip. Should've keep the handles.
He becomes a chad after the timeskip though
>there are people who are such flaming homosexuals they unironically sided against the incestuous mommy-daughter gf with the child birthing hips
Would explain a lot about Edelgard shills desu
What class should I make Annette to make the most of her budding talent? I was considering Armor Knight for memes but realistically Dark Knight would be a good ending class for her, right?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>There's no-one else in the world who would understand the pain you're feeling
She lost mad respect from me at that time.
reminds me of this guy
Look at Byleth's reaction when she said that.
Are you actually autistic. Jeralt's last words are that it's comforting to see you loved him enough to shed tears over his death. He'd be disappointed if you just bounce back a day later
they're both pretty based
Your literal daughter milf is suffering from dragon degeneration aka menopause if her dragon appearance is anything to go by.
>the size of those milkers
There is a 5th, super route coming out next year as DLC
Wtf? You guys told me I can spare them if I finish them with Byleth.
Only faggots would deny this
I'm pretty sure this is only for people you recruited in school phase since not everybody comes back to your party immediately
Dude she's immortal. Flayn's womb is still plenty fertile despite having been around for like 1000 years, why wouldn't Rhea's be
If you have some support rank
Only if you recruit them before the timeskip and only if they don't immediately come back to your party like Lorenz.
Well you have to understand user, she had worst, so compare her past to yours, it's not surprise she literally say, "Get over"
ITT: Speedreaders and fags who've only played one route
>most broken spell in the game
she gets warp?
I can't wait for thor sets.
>yucky friendship route where everybody conveniently gets along even though it doesn't make sense
>probably going to be as shitty as Fates Revelations was
It is like she doesn't know Dimitri is the only survivor of the Duscur tragedy and watched his father get beheaded by the same group but in a much more brutal way.
>name basically spells Edgelord
I don't know what I was expecting.
Weird how the song is called Edge of the Dawn, Edelgard keeps talking about Fodlan's New Dawn, but the only way to get an ending called Fodlan's New Dawn is to side with the brown guy she dismisses out of hand
This hurts to read
Learn fucking english, ESL retard
Guy I just bought a switch and three houses and three houses.
Last fire emblem I played was the ones on the BGA what am I in for and which house does Hector hail from and or does that shit even matter anymore
I love her looks but her supports and personality are pretty low tier. Disappointing really
One playthrough is all that you need right?
>edelgard is too ashamed to marry byleth cause he's a commoner
>byleth has to wait for her to leave the throne
>she never ends up marrying byleth or giving him children
>this is byleth's fucking s rank ending
>in ferdinand's a rank ending she officially marries him and pumps out his babies
>nonstop fucking and impregnation
Sorry for the sage
No, go fuck yourself. I'll do as I want.
Hector is from house Ostia. And it’s impressive you managed to buy three houses. Most people can barely afford to own one.
>Linhardt and supposedly other people have the Crest of Cethleann
Was Seteth a cuck?
Now the real question: With Sadpanda gone, where do we go for sweet, sweet Fire Emblem henta?
Bah zinga but what am I in for
So are people who wish for a "Golden" Route where you "Deal with both Rhea and those Nasty Slitherers" retarded, or did they just not play the game?
Why couldn't Dimitri save her?
>he doesn't know
Did you alter this? Be truthful!
>sadpanda gone
>With Sadpanda gone
>He doesn't know
Edeltards only played her route
A rather easy but fun romp through four paths that all managed to feel rushed or incomplete in some way
She uses it to defend herself against the bandit in the intro. She held on to his dagger the entire time. They were literally perfect for each other REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
It's not an edit, meme magic is real
Not unless if you want to be subject to the same misconceptions that have been parroted around in this thread like . Edelgard going batshit is exclusive to all four routes except her own, just like Dimitri or Claude abandoning their convictions is exlcusive to everyone's route but their own.
Is the rng predetermined or something? I try to divine pulse my unit from getting critted but it always happens
It's back!
Was it merely a ruse?
>by accident
He grew up in backstabby dickass thief land, so he probably smelled a rat the moments bandits "unexpectedly" attacked and decided to throw the play off its script by just booking it to the nearest village.
The game seeds the next attack to crit so you cant prevent the crit unless you cause the offending unit to not attack at all.
Crests can e given through blood transfusion as well.
Like how Jeralt has a crest.
Change move order to change values.
Fate won't change if keep doing the same thing.
No some slav was very charitable.
There's some seeding involved beforehand yeah, like level ups and such. If you're getting crit even after a divine pulse you'll have to so further back in the turn and change some shit up.
The game doesn't gloss over this at all and a lot of Ingrid's supports deal with it. Ingrid loved Glenn as an ideal and her memory of him is an idealized version of her ideal knight.
Through dick: Unity.
What a hero
>want to do ng+ because eagle route was just getting betrayed by edgelord and cleaning up her shit
>don't want to suffer through exploration a second time despite the busted shit you can do with renown
Part 2 really emphasizes how problematic (i hate how this word is used but it's the only thing i can think of) exploration is as a key feature.
Like the atmosphere of all these students made roleplaying a professor more enjoyable, but after so many people are gone it's evident that like 50% of this game is doing chores.
I admire the ambition of it but it gets really old once you boil it down to its bare mechanics.
And dimitri had it the worst
I never believed that sadpanda would be gone for more than a few days. I knew the power of dicks was too strong.
You can just automate the whole week
Micro managing makes the game easy enough.
Finally Fire Emblem can be enjoyed as intended!
Exploration is nothing once you know what to do. Just jump in, do necessary quests, forcefeed your army, and do some faculty training once a month and you’re good.
Tfw she will NEVER join your house so long as you work for Edelgard
Jeralt was happy that you were finally showing emotion after having raised an autistic son for 20 years. He wouldn't want you to hide your emotions at all. Thanks for proving Leonie right you stupid fuck.
I thought this was really weird. Unites the alliance to serve under the Kingdom to fight off Edeltard but then practically goes 'haha I got things to do and wishes to fulfil, I'm outta here' and fucks off out of Fodlan.
What's to say that Flayn was an only child?
Why is this anyway? She doesn’t have any relationship with Edgelord ingame.
She cannot be recruited on black eagles route. Only church, Blue Lions, or Golden deer, and you need to be certain level before she will accept.
Don't you need to go and shower them with gifts as well to build up rank?
Not him but I'd argue she had it worse than him, even before the torture dungeon she spends half her life in political turmoil and as a hostage in another country. They react completely differently though, she becomes a steel hardass and he a PTSD wreck.
Hilda's whole character is "Lazy genius" so maybe she just smells a rat.
I-I'm 94
>tried to roll for her on Heroes
>barely ever get a green orb to show up
It isn't fucking fair.
>Bernadetta goes out of her way to buy some flowers to lay it out for Jeralt despite her anxiety and fear of social interaction
This girl...
Does Flayn gush over Linhardt like a long lost distant relative like she does for Byleth post fusion?
that can be said by most empires.
NG+ lets you buy supports you’ve already unlocked with Renown. If you want one specific person you haven’t already B-ranked with, just throw every fucking gift you have at them (giving disliked gifts doesn’t lower affection).
>I admire the ambition of it but it gets really old once you boil it down to its bare mechanics.
honestly its really not all that ambitious when you realize omega force has been shoving this exact same incompetent concept in all their latest games, with fire emblem simply feeling the least half-baked.
then when you realize this game is largely omega force incompetence and barely fire emblem it really starts to get grating.
She can sense the crazy
Get on the ballista, Bernadetta
>get all the summon tickets
>green orb each time
>doesn't come home
I'm not spending orbs with CYL3 coming.
I mean dimitri litterally has screaming dead people in his face for at least 8 years.
It's not ground breaking, but it still took at least some balls to have so much of the game take place outside of the core gameplay, for better or for worse.
I’m not spending orbs with kliff coming either
Why didn't Edelgard go to Seteth and Flayn with the evidence of Rhea's fuckery? She knows they're saints and good people
Same with Edlegard, except they were her brothers and sisters who got cut to pieces.
The sad thing is their marriage was probably more fulfilling than anyone here who cries about age gap .
It really doesn't though. Exploration is completely optional and all the dialogue there is just fluff.
that's okay, I totally didn't want to see the two gorilla girls stomping all over the enemy lines
whats the explanation for
>BE: dimitri has both of his eyes
>BL: one of his eyes is missing
This game seems very popular by fire emblem standards. Much more positive compared to Fates. Maybe i should jump in
Yeah I'm saying the events he suffered isn't really worse, but he just literally can't cope. Both events sucks and I know he was watching his family and friends be killed in front of him, but she was also watching all her siblings go insane and/or die as they all were tortured. She just arguably handles it better, if you consider becoming a sociopath better.
>go to housekeepin'
>code for fuck like rabbits
hope we get more lewds of mommy Rhea
That's in her mind. You can mend that to an extent.
Dimitri litterally sees dead souls screeching all the time begging for help.
He thinks you are just a soul when he sees you after reuniting.
>not fucking yourself
Loli dom slightly edges out yandere mom.
In BE you tardwrangle Edelgard enough to not delete Fhargus
It's the first Fire Emblem that gripped me for a while. I think it's because I can play it on my TV. Don't really find handhelds comfortable.
>Dimitri litterally sees dead souls screeching all the time begging for help.
That's in his mind too you retard. He sees his step mother even though she aint even dead.
SeeIts dimitris crest of the ghost rat.
That's also in his mind user. He's claiming shit like his step-mother yearning for revenge on her daughter, which are outright hallucinations, not ghosts.
You're just saying that Dimitri had it worse because of the absolute state of his brain which is fair, but Edelgard arguably had worse things happen to her. She just got through the events better than him ironically because he gave her a dagger.
I doubt "dawn" in the theme is a reference to the GD ending, but more like a metaphor to describe her actions.
>he didn't play Path of Radiance
Fuck you
>Yea Forums still thinks she did anything wrong
No Dimitri's crest was given to a Necromancer originally, he might literally see dead people
His hallucinations aren't real, it's all in his mind.
he said in a while and PoR came out 14 years ago idiot.
Its litterally canon not all in his heas.
The ghost rat Crest allows him to see souls.
Hes seen them for 4 years before he went to the academy and 9 years after skip
His cretin has necrovodoo bullshit.
When is that stated? We already know that him seeing his step-mothers ghost telling him to kill her daugther is bullshit, she's partly responsible for the event and might not even be dead.
I'm glad she had it worse. She is a dumb whore who deserves nothing but a slow painful death. Dimitri however is a good boy who did nothing to deserve the pain he went through. Everybody in the empire must die, even the women and the children.
>his step mother even though she aint even dead.
She died in Duscur dude.
>writes a letter to Claude to help him wipe out the slitherers
>doesn't write a letter to Dimitri
No respect for the Lyons, huh. Well I guess he had no faith in the HOLY Kingdom of Fhargus
He knows his pain my guy.
Is Hubert as evil as he seems? What are his redeeming qualities?
Play BL
I did.
I also have the one on the Wii, but never really played much of it for some reason. My point was that it's been a while since one of these TV versions.
But he doesn't. Its fucking hallucinations and that's why he sees ghosts of people who aren't dead. And why they go away once he stops being crazy.
She caused Duscur in order to escape the Kingdom you dumbass. Finish BL route.
Dimitri deserves his suffering, it's his own fault for being an autistic sperg who hits on girls by gifting them daggers.
Fuck off Sylvain
Can't blame him for not respecting the bitchboy.
He has 100 iq to cover edels 10iq
To bad claude had 100000iq
>inevitable DLC route will let you pair Edelgard and Dimitri, wipe out the Slitherers and reformat the church in one big happy ending
Its gonna be shit, isn't it? Part of the strength of the route split is that you can't save everyone and you can't solve every problem.
I'm pretty sure it's implied she's still alive since after you beat Cornelia she mentions something about his stepmother coming to her about wanting to see her daughter again, and has some involvement with the Duscur incident to escape the Kingdom Hopefully I remembered that right
Yea Forums will hate it but I will enjoy it
The dagger becomes Edelgard's most prized possession so it ends up being a good call.
Yes, it's going to be Revelations all over again
She takes his words so seriously she cuts down everything in her way and becomes the greatest warmonger on the continent, and he still couldn't score any of that Emperor puss. Bad call all around.
I thought she was just lying to piss Dimitri off.
They capture someone involved in the incident a few chapters later who confirms that they had orders not to touch Patricia's carriage.
Thats when she threw the dagger he gave her him was so powerful.
It ment so many things.
nah he's a good man doing the terrible things that are required to run an empire
his c and b supports with Byleth are a bit silly though
>"Teacher I think I'm going to fucking murder you."
>mfw "achieved support level C"
No because it gets brought up later by some soldier, that Sylvain's dad arrested, that owed up to being involved with it all under his lord's orders. They were told not to touch the carriage at all and it's brought up even earlier on between Gilbert and Rodrigue that her carriage wasn't anywhere to be seen at the site of the tragedy which they both think is strange
>want black eagal route
>you have to side with edelgard right after she betrays you and tries to kill everyone with dark beasts.
Is this serious?
That's not silly, that's good. The supports aren't all positive and show a progression of a relationship, both good and bad.
jesus seeth harder you fucking faggot
Time to train some holy knights and DEUS VULT her ass.