>ducktales remastered being removed gives physical nerds more right to gloat
>we digital bros need to prove that it's okay to go digital
Ducktales remastered being removed gives physical nerds more right to gloat
Just pirate it lol. Fuck Disney, dont give them a fucking Dime. Better yet, dont even give their tripe the time of day. Trust me it will be much, much better for your soul, conscience, and the society you live in.
Who are you quoting?
shitposting aside this is exactly why you should always pirate or buy physical.
Who are you quoting?
I know you just wanted to post the funny ear man, but isn't physical Ducktales Remastered just a box with a download code?
this place is so embarrassing.
what is piracy
oh is that why its on sale? should i buy it
>Ever defending any company.
>Even ironically.
The PS3/Wii U versions had digital (boxed) version with collectors pin, and also a physical copy along with Xbox 360.
This user showed them in the other thread.
Disney is close to having a monopoly on all major media sources, as well as fucking with copyright laws tenfold. Shifting market focus to China instead of making stuff tailored for western audiences is greedy, and stifles the art being made under them. The stranglehold they have on some of the public is insane, with fans seeing the worst garbage because who gives a fuck, their 10 bucks on a ticket isnt going to take disney down.
I'm not saying that Disney is the only bad company, I'm saying that Disney is the worse.
did anyone even give a shit about dicktales before news broke?
What if I own said company?
Soijak is not representative of quality Yea Forums content or Yea Forums in general.
not the point, brainlet.
for the first 3 days of its release
it was raw nostalgia bait of course
Yea Forums quality is VERY low regardless of wojak, domt kid yourself
So what are anti-piracy faggots' rebuttal to the fact that if piracy did not exist, companies could destroy games without a trace?
Then you're a shill.
played it on release, alright remake and i actually appreciated the cutscenes, but two brand new levels was not enough
when a good majority is filled with these types of threads it kind of becomes the quality.
Scrooge's voice actor sounded like he was on his deathbed
How is it shilling if it's my company that I'm defending?
the poor guy was in his 90s.
It's shilling unless you make it clear that you have a stake in the thing
That is you lowering your standards to delude yourself that this is the status quo we have to live with in order to continue using this site.
Having the original cast come back to reprise their roles was a real treat.
I said I owned the company.
not that user, but don't act like Yea Forums is this pristine and classy place with level headed individuals.
I pirated on WiiU and bought now.
Cool game with effort put into it.
>download game digitally
>burn it to a CD-ROM
digital chads get the best of both worlds
It can be if you just stand up to soijak posting and its affiliated ilk.
you won't be able to buy it, it won't be retroactively pulled from your library
same as a company not producing and selling any new boxed copies after the licenses run out
But worse.
>Burns down your physical collection
Oh sorry.
at some point Disney will end up pleasing neither the west or the east and will slowly die.
that would only effect one person. nice try.
>we digital bros
Fuck off, I don't want to be associated with you
thanks for letting me know OP, buying it immediately. btw physical is trash tier never support it.
Yes if you were following Shantae.
>revokes the license for your entire library in one click
nothin personnel, steamfag...
this, but unironically
Started whale-ing on those Trading Cards myself.
Pretty sure they'll be the fastest investment I've ever done.
That game was on my backlog
Where can I het it now?