Wolfenstein thread. Discuss any of the games.
Wolfenstein thread. Discuss any of the games
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The only good Wolfenstein game is ET
What does BJ stand for?
why the hell is 2009 wolfenstein unbuyable?
Based Jew
Dark brown hair BJ is best BJ
I never played it, how much different is it from the RTCW multiplayer?
Anyone else think that The Old Blood is the best nu-wolf
Don't know, it's the only Wolfenstein game I've played.
This, I want to play it, goddamn it
Why does BJ look like an aryan nazi when he's a jew he should look like Woody Allen or Jeffrey Epstein if it's realistic
RTCW>3D>Dogshit>all other wolfensteins
he is a jew
TNO is good, nigger. RtCW is better but TNO is really underappreciated.
Alright soldiers, post:
>the first Wolf game you played
>your favorite Wolf game
>your least favorite enemy to fight
>your favorite weapon
Wolf3D has some fucking amazing colors. The usage of baby blue and red makes my pp hard.
-Prototype Super Soldiers
Those jumping fucks with only half a body.
Dual auto shotguns from TNO.
>the first Wolf game you played
Wolfenstein 3D
>your favorite Wolf game
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
>your least favorite enemy to fight
>your favorite weapon
Venom Chaingun
Instant recognizability and bold design. You'd probably love TF2
Is Blade of Agony good?
I do, I also love classic Doom for similar reasons. I love how even in hell you have an explosion of red, yellow, brown, green and blue.
I really need to finally play Doom, don't I? Only played Wolf3d growing up, but never Doom.
Do you think a fan remake of RtCW should feature STG-44 and MG-42? If a fan remake was even planned by someone.
Yes, and I'm not sure if you're aware, but the RealRTCW mod for RTCW does just that.
Yeah, if you loved Wolf3D you will cum on your pants when you play Doom, the second Doom even has two secret levels that are recreations of Wolf3D levels. It's also pretty easy to get and play, just check the doom general on /vr/. My favorite thing about classic doom is the mod library, it might be the most modded game in existence and there are so many good ones. You can genuinely play Doom for the rest of your live and never get bored.
Absolutely not aware. For the longest time I didn't really think the game lacks something modders could add or fix so I never paid attention to mods.
Awesome, I'll check that out now, thanks.
Finally getting into the new ones I find that the most enjoyable part is just exploring the environment, looking at the scenery and seeing how the world would look and function if the Nazis had one. Machine Games did an absolutely terrific job with these games, it feels like playing a Bioshock or Dishonored game sometimes.
It's why I'm thinking of buying into Youngblood. I was thinking about getting into a shooter that I can keep grinding away at again and I thought Nazi Paris is a great setting for that. Plus it probably won't want to monopolize my time like Destiny 2.
Same here, I played the regular version of RTCW hundreds of times, but I recently downloaded a mod for the first time, and it made the gameplay feel fresh again. Realrtcw mod is great for adding new weapons and optional higher açcuracy of enemies. Venom mod is great if you want the enemies to be more accurate and bullet spongey. Definitely the most difficult of all the mods.
>optional higher açcuracy of enemies
Don't tell me snipers and those chicks have even better accuracy. Their damage is good enough already.
The elite guard chicks will melt you in like 1 second if you play it on "I am death incarnate" in both mods, in RealRTCW because the chicks are more accurate and you only have 50 HP, and in Venom mod because they're almost aimbot level accurate and it takes almost a full mag to take them down. I used to speedrun regular RTCW as a sort of challenge because it got so easy, but now, I'm dying almost every level because of how ramped up the difficulty is in these mods.
We need a new surge of games where we can kill nazicucks.
RTCW is the ultimate Wolfenstein experience. The 2009 game is nice. Fight me.
Still need to play New Colossus but Order was my favorite game of that year so I should probably get around to it
Jesus Christ how horrifying. Isn't that a bit too much?
I re-listen to the soundtrack of RTCW from time to time. It's just so good, and there's not a single boring track in the game for me.
Grenades are your friend in those mods since the devs buffed them. Always felt they were weak in the default game.
Does anyone find the state of current video games depressing?
Are there any Doom TCs in the style of Wolfenstein?
I know I can just play Wolfenstein but those games are so simplified compared to doom. It's just flat mazes. Dooms pseudo 3D shit would be so much better.
I find the current state of FPS games to be disappointing. I miss when FPSs were developed primarily with PC play in mind and ported to consoles later on.
when we getting a new enemy territory
>Grenades are your friend in those mods since the devs buffed them.
Ah. Makes sense. Probably panzerfaust as well?
>Always felt they were weak in the default game.
Just play good games regarding of age. Although I bet there's at least a hundred games you will like among the oldies that you haven't even touched.
Regardless of age. Waking up early makes my thinky bits work bad.
Only in the sense that third-party publishers are churning out more and more live service bullshit instead of linear narrative-based experiences with genuine artistic value like they did just a generation ago.
Which is ironic for you to ask in a thread about Wolfenstein of all series, because it's precisely the new Wolfenstein games that carry that torch. They are amongst the few western big budget action games this generation that show how video games ought to be made.
It's pretty funny that that's exactly how the old school new FPS are being handeld.
Dusk, Ion Fury, Amid Evil, Wrath all release on pc first with console ports planned to come later on down the line.
>console ports planned to come later on down the line.
then its not created with pcs in mind
Panzerfaust has a higher blast radius, but damage is nothing more than a grenade. I find myself doing self-damage on a direct hit sometimes when I'm sure that it wouldn't have hurt me in the original game. However, like I said, the damage isn't that good for use on regular enemies - still better to save it for the Super Soldiers and such.
Flamethrower is actually going to be your go-to once you get it. It's much better in these mods, and very useful to take care of the more bullet spongey enemies by just throwing out a puff of flame. There was no reason to use the flamethrower in the regular game since you could still kill them pretty easily with a few well placed shots, but in these mods, it's essential, especially in the later levels.
I remember it having fuckall ammo, though. This changed as well?
>Are there any Doom TCs in the style of Wolfenstein?
From my knowledge there's Blade of Agony, a standalone game in GZDoom that's in the setting of Wolfenstein. Heard mixed things about it. Other than that, I don't think a "Wolfenstein but remade in vanilla Doom" TC really exists, but it would be cool to see.
For gameplay mods, there's ww-nazis and Kriegsland from the top of my head. The latter is modeled off Nu-Wolf, the former uses Wolf3D as a base for the enemies but the gameplay is different.
>enemies look cooler than the protagonist and make you wish you were playing as them
Still 150 fuel max, gotta find the secrets that have more fuel refills.
>Start making console versions after game is finished and released
Literally what more do you want you pedantic faggot?
Nazis were pretty goddamn aesthetic, which is what makes them a great enemy for video games.
>he can't appreciate a tall, blonde, blue-eyed, handsome man built like a Greek god
What are you, gay?
Is DOOMguy one of BJ's descendants?
Should I use a source port for RTCW?
In the original continuity, yes. BJ -> Keen -> Doomguy.
I'll never not be mad at the wasted opportunity of making the timelines ACTUALLY FUCKING DIFFERENT depending on whom you chose.
Blame Japanese
I know there's ioRTCW and the Knightmare patch. They're pretty popular, so I'm sure they're fine. I don't own a Mac, though, so I can't be sure.
Eh, even for a triple-A game it's not that surprising to me.
That was so out of place, why did they even put it in there?
Neither do I.
>not that surprising
Of course not but I'm still mad.
RTCW single player was dogshit
Any nu Wolfenstein game is better. Even the latest.
I think this was probably why the not-Nazi Germany faction of Battlefield Heroes was a lot more popular than its British counterpart.
What system do you want to play it on?
PC. It plays fine but the original .exe is capped at a framerate of 91 so I'm hoping theres a sourceport that fixes that.
>Anya almost seems to specifically figure BJ was a soldier by his build alone and singles him out to take care of him herself
>BJ seems to respond to her and only her for his 14 year coma in a way that seems particularly abnormal, even with shooter protagonist logic in mind
After YB's shit i'm honestly starting to wonder if there's some deeper implications behind this beyond "they were fated for eachother". Anya's still kind of a weird character in role, though a lot more subtle in TNO than TNC/YB.
Anya also keeps a newspaper clipping of her own mass nazi murdering spree in her basement but most players would probably overlook this if they didn't realize the "sister" diary entries had her name on the cover.
Wolf3d was creepy with all those mazes.
>the only game that did that was the first crysis
but i guess you are blind and unable to see that
I remember that game. Shame that it died the way it did. It was extremely fucking fun using that heavy gunpowder barrel as a mini nuke on people hiding around corners. It had genuinely good gameplay balance I felt on its first few patches / iterations.
based on some of the concepts they introduce in Youngblood, they might just bring them both back if they decide to use the characters again.
Late 2009 took a hit on the game but I think it was kind of alright until early 2012 or so, where the devs started to really get obnoxious with MT shit. They were actually making original weapons and not just glorified reskins, but powercreep went its course and people got shit like pocket vehicle consumables, even including helicopters. Looking back it's funny how it managed to go 6-7 years with the feature set it had.
The game had a fairly sizable following in Europe, so at least some fans have got their own builds floating around the internet so it's not lost forever. Though when I played it again I wasn't feeling it.
What? That's not an actual line in the game, there's no way.
Look it up it’s in TNC
Because Machine Games and Bethesda know its better than whatever theyre shitting out now.
“No guys Activision owns that game, but not Quake 4 which was the exact same setup, or RTCW”
Either 09 or TNO
Either the Venom or the 60s AR from TNO
The New Order was such a cool game. It reminded me of Half Life 2. Too bad they decided that the franchise should just be ORANGE MAN BAD since TNC
Yeah, the nazis were genuinely fucking evil in TNO, but they're just cartoon villains after that.
It's not politics that ruined TNC. It's terrible game design, where over half the areas of the game had to be backtrackable for the commandant assassinations and 100% completion, where the stealth systems suddenly became almost unusable and hatchets bounce off of enemy armor, where damage feedback became almost negligible and a single soldier on the medium difficulty could kill you in seconds. And amidst all of this the developers thought that all the praise for their writing with TNO and TOB meant they should cash all-in on terrible fucking writing taking the spotlight, much longer cutscenes for poor reasons, and more eccentric and comedy moments for some reason. Because it takes place in America? Who knows.
Ok give it to me straight. Is TNC as SJW as Yea Forums makes it out to be? Should I play it if I enjoyed TNO?
Eh. TNC isn't a very good sequel in many opinions, but the SJW stuff is a weird can of worms. They kill off Caroline in the prologue so a very stereotypical 60's black woman takes the role, and a fat german girl that is Frau Engel's daughter joins the heroes and the story goes out of its way to make it clear she hates being called a nazi for her former association. The Nazis also go from terrifyingly efficient villains to bumbling morons besides Frau.
The big reason people bitch about the game was the whole "punch a nazi" advertising that kicked up during Trump's whole starting controversy and the rise of white supremacists at the time. But the game has plenty of its own problems if you look past the advertising. As someone playing through TNO again and liking it but really didn't like TNC, i'd advise approaching with caution.
*fart and pees*
>no mecha-hitler fight
Biggest mistake right there. but I supposed one thing that’s good about him is that in the new game he fucked the world over when he died, practically forcing a reboot to another dimension for the next game
Yes. Worse probably. The story doesn't open on killing Nazis or how the regime does things. It opens on how bad a white American daddy is. You get shoe horned virtue signaling, random woke moments that don't make any sense, and it ends with the rise of the black panthers. Where is the Nazi stuff? Eh, not in a lot of cutscenes. It's fun to play but I almost gave up having to sit through another lecture about bad white guys THAT ARE YOUR ALLIES or a scene of a black guy slapping cheeks with a Nazi. It's corny but not in a fun way.
Oh and the big climax of the middle is you hating daddy some more. The only SJW thing it didn't go too heavy handed on was Hitler. Barely. It comes dangerously close by lasting too long and going at it a little too hard. Make him lame, I don't care. But full on caricature and slapstick is pushing it.
Acceptable list.
Switch Spear of Destinity with Wolfenstein II and you're good.
Is Wolfenstein 2009 part of the MachineGames Wolfenstein canon?
>a whole series about killing nazis
wow so much for tolerant left
i consider myself a centrist but this makes me vote for Trump in 2016 and 2020
You can always tell who actually played the games and who just wants to shitpost for (You)s.
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
pretending to be retarded still makes you very much so retarded
>They made young BJ be in love with a black girl
What's the best way to run Wolf3D on modern systems without having to use DOSbox?
Historical power fantasies are always full of glaring contradictions like this.
>white aryans are evil and think they're superior even though they're not
>main protagonist is literally a superhuman white aryan played straight
>oh but he's actually jewish so it's poetic irony, even though it's 100% fictional so not really
It's the same thing in inglorious basterds.
Run DOS 6.22 in a virtual machine. Can probably get it working in a Win9x VM too.
It has the best weapons, but the levels and enemies are dogshit compared to new order and (most of) new colossus.
why in the fuck do you care about this garbage, i mean the shooting is decent and it looks good. everything story related is an autoskip
Remember not to have white kids my fellow wolfenstein fans!
Wolfenstein 2009 was the last good one.
>First wolf game
It's illegal since I played both the same day but: Wolf 3D then RTCW
>Favourite wolf
RTCW by far since I reinstall and play the campaign twice a year as tradition or when a good mod appears/is updated.
>Worst enemy
The fucking mutants, fuck them
>Favourite weapon
Normie pick, but it's the venom. It's perfect for me from the sound design to the recoil and the fact you can pour enough bullets in a person to just blow them up.
because i can enjoy all of a product and not just ungabunga melikeyshootystuff
>the first Wolf game you played
>your favorite Wolf game
>your least favorite enemy to fight
The giant mechas from Youngblood were infuriating and simply not fun.
>your favorite weapon
Any boomstick from any Wolfgame
Boogaloo Jive
A man of taste
This game was meh but still better than the last few abominations from sweden.
I still have no idea how playing with 50 health for half the fucking game even made it out of the idea room, much less into the completed game.
More like 2/3rds depending on how early you tackle that obercommandant shit. They intended for it to be post-game so you can stomp around as the super soldier body, but they unlock so early that you can complete most of them before the game even ends, so cue being a crippled shitty BJ for 75% of the damn game on my run.
2009 >>>> RTCW
objective fact
You've misspelled "subjective fart".
the beginning of The New Colossus is so goddamn fantastic. i really want a dedicated wheelchair fps game.
I think people are going to look back on Young Blood as an underrated and brave departure. They should have gone hard in the paint and made it either a full looter or rpg shooter.
Fuck off /pol/
Wolfenstein Youngblood is just Wolfenstein 2009 but shittier in every imaginable way
prove me wrong
Well, the Caroline character in TNO is taken straight from Wolf 09 (with her being in a wheel chair because she was shot in the back around the game's midpoint), and Deathshead's scarred face in TNO is because he survived a zeppelin crash (which happened at the end of Wolf 09), so I'd say yes. TNO also makes a few references to RTCW, like when BJ recalls fighting through Deathshead's X-Labs.
Not him, but Wolfenstein 2009 is more fun to play through than New Colossus, so I don't think they should really be put on the same tier.
I like that game, but I'd still say New Order and Old Blood were better.
Old Blood is more B tier for the latter 70% of the game.
>I still have no idea how playing with 50 health for half the fucking game even made it out of the idea room, much less into the completed game.
Same here. Like it makes sense if they wanted to do that for the first level where BJ's having to roll himself around in a wheelchair, but it should have been nixed as soon as he puts on the magic jew armor.
>Mauser equipped snipers
>FG42 Paratrooper or Sten
>>FG42 Paratrooper
But it's vastly inferior to Kar98.
I really, really dig the reload on this thing, together with recoil and overall aesthetic.
Ah, I can relate. This is what the gun's poor performance such a disappointment to me.
>Venom mod is great if you want the enemies to be more accurate and bullet spongey. Definitely the most difficult of all the mods.
I can vouch for that, I did an Ironman (save at start of level) playthrough on DI, had to replay some levels a few times to get the hang of enemy placement. Curiously enough, I finished the road to ruins (after the mansion, includes two US bosses) on my first try, fucking tesla Soldat left me with 4 hp and had to kill it while not getting in its LoS.
If he actually looks like a disgusting Jewish rat the goyim will learn to start identifying Jews out of a crowd of whites, which defeats the whole purpose of coming in and pretending to be the same race as whites with merely a religious difference.