>Yea Forums tells you a game is shit
>play it anyway
>turns out as a masterpiece
Did this ever happen to you?
>Yea Forums tells you a game is shit
>play it anyway
>turns out as a masterpiece
Did this ever happen to you?
Other urls found in this thread:
I dont play games that Yea Forums doesnt approve, sorry.
I have a brain, so no.
OP is a faggot
Did you play 1 and 2 though
This is the opposite. Yea Forums said this was good and its shit
Masterpieceofshit more like
everyone who doesn't appreciate Infinite is a seething brainlet
even if you ignore the pretentious retarded narrative, the gunplay is just catastrophically boring
>pretentious retarded narrative
brainlet confirmed
I browse Yea Forums to find out about games that I might have missed, I don't give a fuck what vfags are saying because I can do my own research instead of relying on some NEET's retarded opinion
you have to be a brainlet to appreciate infinite's "story"
>thinking that Bioshock Infinite's story is anything but pretentious garbage
Nice to see there is at least one based person on reddit
You just like it because you are attracted to Elizabeth and are misinterpreting your sexual arousal as excitement over the action sequences. Try playing it with empty balls and you will discover the gameplay is rather basic and boring.
>ruins bioshock
Jews btfo by Reddit
>plothole, the game
>appreciate this
Yea Forums's contrarianism at it's finest
who in the fuck on Yea Forums is telling you fallout 2 was trash?
But how does it fucking work though? Goddamn waves and slits and shit, it's fucking confusing
name 3 (three) plotholes in Infinite or get btfo
Why you gotta make a bait thread about a 6 year old game?
Jokes on Yea Forums, I played this game before its release day, before the racist shitheels on this place started getting assblasted about it.
I agree that it's a masterpiece, and I've been making the assclowns here mad by saying how much I love Bioshock Infinite ever since.
Also I would never listen to Yea Forums telling me that a game is bad. If it says it's good, that's another story. But never, EVER trust anybody else that isn't a professional critic telling you that something is bad.
Are you retarded? The ending is one massive plothole that contradicts itself.
Multiverse theory, both according to modern understanding and according to what the game proposes, is that infinite realities are branching off in parallel. The game “ends” with you killing yourself during the baptism and contradicts itself by claiming that because you ended your life prior to this pivotal moment, the booker/comstock reality is now eliminated.
This is contradicted by the fact that, again, as reality and the game claim: 1) there would be an infinite number of realities where you fail to kill yourself and thus the baptism proceeds anyways and 2) the baptism is a completely arbitrary moment in time, and time as a four dimensional construct doesn’t interpret “pivotal moments” to be branching points or “constants” that can be killed off to prevent all future paths.
TLDR: the game said infinite realities exist except during the baptism which is a “constant” that cancels out all futures. WHY is it a constant? Because fuck you, that’s why. Also grandfather paradox.
Retards consider this good storytelling.
>more beautiful, more engrossing world than any Witcher, Elder Scrolls or Rockstar game
>better story than anything by Naughty Dog or Kojima
>better characters than anyone ever written by Bioware
>better gameplay than any other FPS released this decade, maybe ever
Not that those other games aren't great in their own right (with some exceptions); but goddamn, I haven't played a game that I loved more since.
>better gameplay than any other FPS released this decade, maybe ever
1 is slightly better than two, only because alot of its actual gameplay flaws are so glaring and 2 does literally everything to solve them, the only reason 2 isn't bettet though is its dumb fuck story, youre THE god damn big daddy, the game should have made you feel more like it, instead we got ethics and political bullshit and a buggy mess.
Drill dash is great though.
You had me until
>"..time as a for dimensional construct"
Which is absolutely incorrect, as time is not measured as a "dimension." Rather, the fourth dimension (as with all physical dimensions), is a PHYSICAL one.
Think of it like this: each successive dimension is at a physical right-angle to its preceding dimensions. So, the "fourth dimension" is not "time," but instead a physical dimension at a right angle to X,Y, and Z simultaneously.
It speaks volumes about the people that post this stuff that all these years later they STILL can't get it into their thick skulls that the lighthouse door was never suppose to be a puzzle but a narrative device.
Altough it makes sense: if you don't understand something as simple as that, you are obviously too stupid for the rest of the game.
My opinion of Infinite has warmed over the years. Most people just watch Matthewmatosis's video, probably never playing the game, and decide it is beyond awful.
Bioshock's story is even more pretentious than Infinite's. Only 2 has an authentic story.
To be fair, you have to be pretty high IQ to understand and appreciate Bioshock Infinite.
This but unironically.
You know what I meant to say. Time doesn’t consider events in life as “constants”. Nice hand wave though, you still didn’t explain this massive plot hole.
I'm surprised a webm of the youtube video hasn't popped up yet.
>there are infinite realities
Yeah, I’m thinking you have to be stupid to appreciate this as good storytelling
If there are infinite universes and everything will happen at least once somewhere no matter what Booker does in the universe he's currently in, why would he bother with all of this shit? Like nigga your suicide is not going to fix anything, just walk away. Or if you kill yourself, do it because you're a miserable fuck and your existence is garbage, not because that's somehow going to prevent the birth of american Hitler.
In awe of 's IQ
Oh, no you're right: I can't either. Infinite's ending was really poorly done
In one Reddit AMA or another Ken Levine said he likes how quantum mechanics make him feel stupid
Quiet, this game is for intellectuals who don’t ask such logical questions
I played the game when it came out and finished it, watched that video years later, tried it again to be sure, and shocker it's still fucking shit. Narrative aside, the gameplay is fucking weak compared to what we got in previous shock series.
Why is Game Freak ripping off the Vox Populi?
We’ll he did a good job of demonstrating how he doesn’t understand quantum mechanics with this stupid plot
It's the fifth post on this thread, idiot.
>Yea Forums throws around the word "pretentious" left and right
>usually targeted at indies that don't deserve it as an easy dismissive buzzword
>Bioshock Infinite comes along
>a game that pretends to be smart, deep, and complex but is actually a shallow mess that doesn't even know what point it's making
>nobody on Yea Forums calls it pretentious
That, kids, is how I learned that most people on Yea Forums have no idea what the word "pretentious" means.
I too enjoy reading about quantum physics and special relativity and pretend I understand even 5% of what I see, but I wouldn't dare write a science fiction novel or videogame based on things I only have the faintest understanding of.
>nobody on Yea Forums calls it pretentious
10th post in this thread. Learn to read.
>not reading the entire post
>calling others idiots
Consider drowning in your tub, faggot.
Logic? Your post is barely coherent in the context of the game's events
>mfw I played it the day it came out, beat it in 2 days, and hated it
The original gameplay trailer just highlights how shit that game turned out
Lore? Solid 4/10
Gameplay? Repetitive as fuck
Graphics? A fucking joke
Having played all of the Bioshock games, I wouldn't call Infinite a masterpiece. Sure, visually, its gorgeous but if we're comparing it to previous Bioshock games then it's a strict downgrade.
>TLDR: the game said infinite realities exist except during the baptism which is a “constant” that cancels out all futures. WHY is it a constant? Because fuck you, that’s why. Also grandfather paradox.
It's not that the baptism is exempt, it's that Elizabeth's power is exactly that: to be able to change the Infinite realities by condensing them all into a single constant and changing that point in time. That's what makes her so powerful.
And nitpicking as to WHY that is a constant is just silly. You're going to argue with the universe? Besides, if anything, "there is always a man, always a lighthouse" as the basis for the idea of constants and variables is a beautiful artistic examination of Ken Levine's work on these games. That's as great a starting point for building your universe - reflecting on your own work - as anything.
>it's a dumb bad puzzle therefore it's not a puzzle but a "narrative device"
Don't be stupid.
If it was a narrative device it'd be a cutscene.
The story was pretty horrible (probably cause they scrapped the whole thing right before release) but the gameplay was incredible and the aesthetic was beautiful one of my favorite games desu, shame about the story.
Dude the gameplay was abysmal. The entire game is a corridor shooter with garbage weapons, bullet sponge enemies with no AI and that dumb chick running around feeding you ammo and health whenever you're in trouble
2 had the best gameplay though
Drill build best build.
>The entire game is a corridor shooter with garbage weapons
You haven't played the game if you think this, the game is infamous for the skyline levels.
>bullet sponge
To some degree but if you have a strategy and you are good are fps it's pretty darn easy, excluding boss type enemies which are supposed to be bullet sponges
AI was very simple and I never saw anything crazy or stupid the AI would do.
>dumb chick
She stays out of your way and picks up items you miss, I'm okay with it.
2 was okay, but it was kinda forgettable and didn't really change anything despite being a BIGDADDY.