Haven't seen a thread about it in a few days, thought I'd change that, what's the best OC stand and why is it Miracles?
7th Stand User
Other urls found in this thread:
Anything I should know going into this game?
personality quiz gives bonus stats depending on your answers and switching to deep purple removes them, also make sure to seek out all of the map events since you need high FP with all your party members to get the good endings
Besides knowing the basic of JoJo, then no. Just forget about MinMaxing and go have fun
Don't forget to press shift to use the radio, you do a lot of stuff from there. The situation summary is useful to know more about each area so use it every time you move on in the story.
And use multiple saves. Don't forget this part.
Can anyone link me to the part 5 team? I'd be glad to work for the project. Pic related.
why would luca ever go (L)? he should always be (S)
That is a weird way to spell howlin' wolf user
>gameplay is dogshit
Oh, my mistake you're right. I suck at filenames you see.
how would a fight with luca go anyways? giorno just lets him kill himself by hitting the frog
i'm guessing you beat the shit out of a 25-50 HP luca until the fight ends, then he tries to hurt the frog
In newer versions of 7SU, there's the new Whitesnake mode that can be purchased along with King Crimson mode in the dev room, Whitesnake mod allows you completely skip the stand creation questionary and get a stand with maxed loop stats, pretty useful actually.
how many badges of honor does it cost?
Couldn't Luca be used as a tutorial scene, like Jotaro x Abdul?
the threads are dead now, we failed you chaosanon
yeah, that's what i'm thinking, and then i'm guessing your character walks around a map for a bit, and then gets on the train giorno and bruno are in
now that i'm reading part 5, i get why you guys said part 5 would be great for a game like 7th stand user
I actually think it'd be better for him to be hard for anyone playing for the first time until they get your stand later on thanks to Black Sabbath. Using Brainstorm or having all your HP depleted would just make Giorno interfere with the frog. Winning the fight would mean Luca would be knocked down for some time only for him to come back in the future. That'd be neat.
The board is very fast today, maybe if we survive today everything is gonna be alright
we can survive for a day, but as soon as it's midnight, the thread starts dying
I can get that, but then how would you get the scene where Bruno freaks you out enough to know you're lying?
That's the cool part, Bruno and Luca would confront the MC and Giorno. It'd be a completely different scene which would force Giorno to either fight using his stand or to give away all the money he gained from Koichi.
Tips on drawing stands in this artstyle?
why would the mc be with giorno? why would bruno be with luca, when the reason bruno confronted girono is because luca died?
Now, I did download the Easyrpg player, but what am I supposed to do now?
I guess since the framing of the game so far, the player only gets a stand at the Black Sabbath fight,
So I would assume that you could be a somewhat friend/classmate of Giorno's.
Plus i'd guess that Bruno would check in on who beat Luca's ass, even if Luca isn't dead.
I would guess you download the 7th stand user and put the extracted game file into the Easyrpg games folder.
The MC saw Giorno take Koichi's handbag to get his hands on the money. GioGio offers half of it in exchange of their silence. They both inspect the contents of the bag before being confronted by Koichi, and in their escape decide to stick together by getting on the same train.
Winning the Luca fight without using Brainstorm would mean Luca wouldn't be dead, so naturally he'd be accompanying Bruno to teach the both of you a lesson you won't forget. I was referring to that particular route.
Just a reminder that you can complete the whole game on android withoutt a problem. Don't let the shift key on the Bastet fight fool you
you could be a classmate of giorno's, and just witness the re-igniting of the flame, and when you get stabbed, you pass out and enter the stand summoning quiz
also, i guess my reading comprehension is fucked right now, i thought you meant that when luca first confronts giorno after he steals koichi's belongings, bruno would be with luca
besides, wouldn't the beginning part of the manga be relegated to an optional prologue like in 7SU? to which i would assume that since you can skip it, there shouldn't be any changeable aspects in it
I wasn't the user who proposed the alternative Luca scenario but either way it's fine. Luca living or not probably doesn't have huge enough impacts on the story for it to be there, but you're not wrong about the prologue bit.
If Luca does have the ability to show up latter, that could be an interesting to see if he doesn't have a stand, or is like Rainbow (has a stand but either doesn't know it or is shit at using it).
I'm more of a 'Help Has Arrived' sort of guy.
I've just accepted that I won't be able to play it, won't work with my graphics card on pc and just doesn't work on my laptop.
Live is not delicious sometimes.
easyrpg works for mobile so try that.
What kind of toaster can't run an rpgmaker game?
Chaos mode translation isn't finished yet ?
From what Chaosanon says when he posts, it's probably gonna take more time than everyone initially thought. Progress keeps getting made though so i'm optimistic about it.
>still stuck at Luxor
I don't think I'm gonna make it bros, It's always fucking Luxor making me drop the game for days or weeks
What's your stand?
There's no reason Giorno would ever split.
It's not the power, it's the drivers fucking around.
What makes you say that? You basically helped him get rid of Luca. Even if, let's say, you didn't intervene then you still witnessed a murder. Giorno already told Bruno he'd be inclined to bribe people to avoid any trouble, he already bribed the policemen.
Some other user mentioned how the MC could also be Giorno's classmate. Potentially a partner in crime who knows, there's plenty of space left for similar ideas.
This artstyle looks gorgeous, not gonna lie.
What is making you get stuck user?
I'm guessing that he's gonna get burnt out since Luxor and the point after that are filled with cutscences. If he had King Crimson mode it'd be a non-issue, but from the sounds of it he doesn't have it.
Yes, fuck the cutscenes
Doppio gave Luca a special shovel to carry out his job and the shovel was just a giant stand arrow.
That's what I thought when I saw this image
Why does your MC even need to be part of the scene? you could just make everything up to the bruno encounter a prologue
Well just do some baby steps user, piece by piece. Get to/past Mariah and then take a break. Then do the same with Alessi and Darby.
If you see a chance to save, do it and take a break.
You'll get through it in time, just make sure you get KC so you never have to deal with Luxor again.
Can I get knotted by Iggy in this? If not, then I don't care.
Iggy is too little for that
I'm gonna be honest, I think part 5 is one of the weakest to have a fangame based on. The plot just feel to packed to have your OC, unless you introduce it a few days/weeks before the beginning of the show
You could mod it in as an attack for Howlin and Wildhearts yes I know about how he truly looks, but it's a stand so it can have whatever the user wants
You can also just speed through the cutscenes if you are using easyrpg
You are just uncreative. Smaller knots are great for anal.
>He got Miracles
>The crusader's faces when shorties stand is a dog with a huge dick
Is it possible to recruit hol horse?
Also how would you make a run as yeehaw as possible?
Sadly no, he does have his own ending tho
Miss Zeppeli
I played through the demo of the part 4 fangame and it was alright. Some of the stands ideas were fun at the very least, my main worry though is reddit ruining it.
reddit ruined jojo in general a long time ago
While I will never let someone I don't like liking something I like ruin something for me I really wish that the series wasn't as popular sometimes
What do you worry about it?
True, I'll remain cautiously optimistic though. Any word on any other 7SU fan games? I saw mentions of a part 5 one, but nothing ever really showing anything.
I don't know man, they may make my dude abdul gay or some weird shit. twitter.com
that's vins' husband
not the other user but went through the animus recently
i'm actually legit bummed at what happened to kakyoin. he was still so young
Sorry user, I guess I really was being a fucking idiot. I kinda forgot the OC characters for them being really dull.
are you reading the manga user? If not you should
thoughts on this custom stand?
I've difficulty making out whats what besides the face.
Whats it do?
goddamnit woolie
Is this Araki art or new art?
Kakyoin is unironically my favorite character from part 3, even if he constantly jobbed I autistically related to the dude throughout. Plus he looked /fa/ as fuck in shades.
it's a redrawing of luca from the manga
looks like a cool punch ghost.
also makes me wish I didnt have to work during the summer so I can play with my beetles
Jobin, don't you have to watch your son? If you don't he might do something like kill someone
Oh wait now I got it, the middle is like it's pecs!
Never mind, it looks cool now that I get it.
Part 5 has a more solid alternate path with Fugo's betrayal. Playing with the pacing of the story is always possible so that there's enough breathing space for bonding moments between the MC and the others.
What would luca's stand be?
Whatever happened to the girl? Did Araki originally have something planned for her and just dropped it or was she really just supposed to be just there?
Why did he drop the obvious Josuke time-travel plot?
by "the girl", do you mean anne?
she was just there to be the "kid who doesn't know what these guys are talking about", like the kid from phantom blood, smokey, and hayato
Does anyone have chaosanon's contact information?
Why would you want that?
You just scream really loud in the thread and he might hear you
Thanks mate
I do like the game in the update gave her the chance to get a stand
Wait, has there been an update since the last year? See people mentioning stuff I wasn't aware of.
Give me your best stand ideas and I may mod them into the game
A stand based around causing bleed would be cool
So Metallica
I thought about adding a stand bound to the user's own blood, but I scraped it because of the limitations of the rm2k engine battle system, you can't do anything cool or clever with this power outside of some cutscenes
A redone story mode with a shitload of new stuff and semi-randomized story beats unlocked after 5 playthroughs. Kind user is currently in the process of translating it.
miracles requiem
Came up with it last month, might be fun.
Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
>Two ornate scimitars, one’s handle labeled “I” and the other labeled “C”
>User can use “I” as a regular sword in combat, “C” creates a phantom double of the user to wield itself and assist the stand user in combat
>The stand also allows the user to see into the past of any area within 5 meters. User cannot affect the past, only peer into it.
>Can use this power to discern Utah’s fate after he gets zombified and preempively figure out the identities/locations of a few of Dio’s assassins among other things.
No dying.
You aren’t allowed to have peace until ChaosAnon finishes his job.
>No fattie
Shorty's a good girl
When creating a stand, is it better to have the name not correlate in any say to what the stand is or can do, or does it not matter as long as the stand is interesting and cool?
Stand name has more to do with the character rather than the stand itself
Making the name correlate slightly is fucking awesome
the most important thing about a stand's name is the fact that it has to be a song reference
sometimes it has to do with the abilities it has (the hand and echoes), others it doesn't (crazy diamond and pearl jam)
>crazy diamond
diamons are unbreakable, and it can unbreak things
>pearl jam
jam is tasty
How long does it take to beat the game usually?
ok, what about surface and love deluxe then?
i also forgot to mention that sometimes the stand's abilities is a reference to the song itself, but i don't have an example right now
I'd say if you're shooting to do everything you can do realistically in 1 playthrough (ignoring ng+ stuff), you could beat this game in at least 9 hours, maybe more with all the grinding and cutscences and whatnot.
I haven't really timed it, but it's a long game even if you skip cutscences.
when surface mimics somebody, only the surface of its body changes, its still made of wood
>love deluxe
there are some people in the world that excuse their controlling, manipulative and destructive behaviors simply as love
First time I played it took me like 5 hours
this would be cooler if we got new stands along with this
King Crimson, just King Crimson
So does C's double have the same capabilities/attributes as the user or is it more like a noob saibot situation?
Ask the user who was adding king crimson to finish his mod
Well yeah that’s always been the case.
What's the final Vins battle theme? Best song right there, especially if you get the climactic night bridge 1v1
I was thinking same combat attributes as the user, but must be out of combat and holding both swords for the user to see into the past.
I hope the Part 4 game gets good, that's my favorite part and I feel it's most suited to the format
What makes you say that?
Personally I liked 7su because of what the player character could influence, like saving the crusaders that are supposed to have died. I don't think you can have that with part 4 except for certain characters like Aya and Shigechi.
Does FP even matter in a Josuke run?
Also FYI, if you're playing as Josuke, don't use King Crimson to skip the post N'Doul cutscene. You'll be taken to Aswan instead of Kom Ombo, though the game will continue normally once you leave.
Not him but i think he means the more "influence the situation for a different outcome" more than the "save someone from dying" one, but then again i guess that applies to just about every part
not really, but you can do the joseph and alessi event
That's fair, that is another reason that I like this game.
Still i'm not sure how you could influence the outcome in a major way. Frankly it ended on a good note for everyone that wasn't Kira.
Except by being a mega antagonist but that's a given.
>why yes I did roll Miracles, how could you tell?
specials requiem
Probably not too big things like being the one that buys a bottle for the invisible baby so josuke doesn't end in crippling debt or something like that maybe getting kira to move out of town and live a peaceful life with shinobu for a bad ending
>getting kira to move out of town
good luck with that
Name a stand that you don't see anybody talking about.
>Mr. Big
>Tell josuke to use crazy diamond on the button the moment harvest gives it to him
>Chase kira with the boys
>Find kira
>Okuyasu za handoes sheer hearth attack away
>Three on one boss fight
>End the game hours earlier
its ok to make mistakes.
Were only human.
anything that doesn't boil down to "can ___ objects"
also just posting this if I dont get the chance to later
My favorite track.
does anybody know what the "translator's cut" is?
i've seen chaosanon talk about it but i don't remember an explanation
reddit aren't the ones who ruined it, it was the anime bringing in a massive influx of newfags
>the most important thing about a stand's name is the fact that it has to be a song reference
Except in part 3 most stands were Tarot Card + Color
Does anyone know the meaning of these moon runes?
That and Egyptian gods
Why is there no part 1 and 2 hamon adventure game?
wildhearts: the pleasure of being cummed inside
iggy: gas all furries
pretty sure he stopped
Basically it's shit I would add now but I won't to keep the true experience intact
Too short.
oh, so it's adding extra flair to it?
i kind of thought it was that
do you accept suggestions? i only have three name change suggestions associated with wildhearts
Of course I take suggestions, lay it on me.
Not enough bizarre adventures
the default name for wildhearts' user being Yamcha/Yamucha
wildhearts and jotaro's combination attack being called Wolf Fang Fist
wildhearts and abdul's combination attack being called Wolf Hurricane
That's a pretty good idea
Don't open this, it's too scary for you
well the album Sticky Fingers have a zipper.
>Nobody had to post the copypasta
Anyway I really should get around to finishing Caravan soon, is he really that good?
Absolutely, there's few instances where Caravan isn't good, and even then it's not like he can't fix them.
He's especially great once you equip 'Rohan's Manuscript'.
There are lots of Fist of the North Star games though.
Taxman. A bit spot on, but I could see it.
looks like there are intro cutscenes for a lot of characters other than josuke, including kira, i'll see how it goes
I noticed that too. Clayman really had lofty goals.
unfortunately most of the text is still untranslated, atleast i can still fight myself
Would have been fun to see kira hanging out with the crusaders and trying not to shit himself
Yeah, if you want to run the "mojibake" through google translate what you have to do is copy the text vomit, paste it into normal Windows notepad, save it with the ANSI encoding, and then open that file in Notepad++ instead.
when the times are dire, sometimes you have to join forces with the most despicable villains
a lot of characters? what about jolyne?
Is this shit in english and is it worth a play?
wait do you have killer queen? what the fuck
Yep. Gyro, Joylene, Koichi, and Ikuro are started.
Ikuro/Baoh, I should say.
>"I, Yoshikage Kira, just want a quiet life. But I got roped into a quest to save my enemy's mother. This is the worst day of my life."
what game engine is this an old version of rpgmaker? looks like RM2K?
How the fuck does Kira being in Stardust Crusaders even work? Wouldn't he try to kill Jotaro as soon as he saw him once he realized he was in the past?
I think that's why it's mostly unimplemented.
Finally a good use for notepad++
Probably would be similar to josuke's story, where he's pretty much given the ultimatum of helping the crusaders or being stuck on another time
I was trying to just paste the text from the jap version but it turns out it gets scrambled when I do that but the mojibake does not.
Bless the first translator.
We need a dwang translation of 7th stand user
haha what if kira cut off a girl's hands haha
just a joke haha
But Kira murdered Steel in 7th stand user
What did Clayman mean by this? Why would they clone him?
In josuke's route the original 7th stand user was murdered by vins before the game could start. Maybe steel couldn't think of any other good stand user off the top of his head?
"His stand is really fucking powerful and we can probably tell him that his identity and past actions are at risk if he let's dio live"
don't pussy out of your true-self by going for deep purple instead, Woolie.
well, in josuke's route, josuke isn't josuke, it's just a reanimated corpse, like stroheim and speedwagon
I know, I said "clone" to not spoil it too much. It still comes off as weird though
i'm sure that the kira that killed steel is the kira from the bizarre memo, and that the kira from the actual timeline (or at least the memories of that kira) doesn't know who steel is
trust no one, not even yourself
>Playing as Yoshikage Kira
>Catchphrase "What a bea"
>Doesn't fit so go with "Hayato."
>Sometimes you get the urge to murder women, just like how the fatties will get hungry eventually
>So satiate the urge you'll have to kill female npcs
>Not doing so will affect you negatively, giving you debuffs during battle
>You have to keep all of it a secret from the crusaders or else they'll beat you up
>In the final showdown with DIO, you give him a monologue of your daily routine before blowing him up to smithereens
You are not really Josuke in that mode.
good night thread, see you in the morning when you're archived
What would happen if that Josuke met the real Josuke? Would they get along?
>Kira tries to kill Anne when she's in the shower
>Kira turns the female OC enemy stand users like Rainbow into girlfriends
now i know why chaosanon is taking so long to translate this, just putting the text in google translator gives me incoherent babble, and i have to make a conversation out of it somehow
Well, there's a story event where you are the one who saved Josuke when he was young, filling that plothole. I'm sure they would get along as they are essentially the same person with the same memories and a golden heart and a wish to protect Morioh.
I rather like how this game references all that stuff from Jojo's history, stuff like Vins and Dio's plan for part 6.
Speaking of which, who the fuck is Steel? And Berlin, Alicia? I thought at first Steel would have something to do with Stephen Steel from SBR.
I have faith in you.
Berlin and Alicia are one off characters from the manga. They both show up on like one page. Steel is completely OC, as far as I am aware.
Translating what?
The chaos update.
I think they're the Speedwagon foundation members who died from finding the arrow during Pol's Part 5 Exposition on them
Any art of Steel?
And that's my point, who the hell are Berlin and Alicia? From which part and what's their context?
Only unofficial art for steel.
See for berlin and alicia
And how different is that? Must be hard if the whole game is translated.
Having fun with Howlin' Wolf so far, but game is hard as balls if I don't grind huh? I have to actually plan and use my attacks which is nice, I have reached Singapore and defeated Ebony Devil but this map is hard and I have to grind. Also I got that fucking stupid stomache trait. So any tips I should know?
Also which route to take after Calcutta? Kinda interested in the non-manga one.
Oh I see but they are not actually really named in the manga right? So essentially new characters but with a backstory that ties in the manga.
It adds a lot of different shit, new events, new party members. A lot of flavor. You can bring Rainbow along, you can change your sprite a little, you can join a club that can give you some new moves or items.
You can be a jotaro fangirl and piss him off at every opportunity. The orphan girl gets a Stand. You can get the pedophile trait.
But anyway, the Submarine route is tougher than the Manga route, so keep that in mind.
>Done Pen
>Not Dan Penn
Come on guys, it's a reference to music.
It came from Pixiv, they aren't exactly fluent.
Yeah, that's right.
>the one who saved Josuke when he was young
It's just some guy with a pompadour, that's not a plot hole ffs
Chaos mode adds in the possibility of things to change up how things happen, like Ebony Devil getting stuck in the fridge and dying, or having an evil family.
Grinding wise there's Joey on the 12 floor with all the murderdolls. If you don't wreck his shit you can just enter and leave the room for more convenient grinding.
Like said though the submarine route is a bit brutal, but has some neat shit going on.
Fast and Furious
A car based stand, similar to Wheel of Fortune. This stand gives quick access to the ride maneuver and possesses great speed and durability. Special is very low, but strength is decent. This stand is low range, but it's ability to drive around lets it often control distance. It has some decent area of effect and its attacks can also buff itself by keeping its momentum up, unless a status effect disables you and all your velocity is lost. It's special mechanic is to kick it into high gear, allowing it to charge up moves over multiple turns for greater effect and range. With enough charging into high gear Fast and Furious seems to go faster than reality allows, essentially teleporting but still able to affect what it wants without itself being affected. The car itself doesn't have proper controls and if its control system becomes damaged its display becomes confused and controlling it becomes impossible and crashing becomes likely (its very vulnerable to status effects that disable it).
Might save for a 2nd playthrough since I'm already finding it hard.
Clool stuff for that chaosmode, is that made by the official team that did the game?
Well, to unlock chaos mode, you'll need at least 999,999G
also yeah, it was made by the same jap housewife and her husband.
too bad because i gave up already
>freu remembers how many times you extort him
oh shid
>the josuke bad ending
>the josuke good ending
What the actual fuck. So. This game has cheats right?
Also how important is FP, I know about the endings, but do I need to do every single event? Which I will probably do anyways. I wanted to get Polnareffs ending. Do Betrayal ending also nets NG+?
And yes, Murderdolls still alive, been grinding on him, guess I just need patience and buy healing items. Not having a healer is tense bro.
>The Mad World ending
yes, but you have to really jump through hoops to get cheats
pretty important
no, betrayal endings don't get NG+
most importantly save your badges of honor
Who are Miriam and Galllahad? Didn't encounter them when I played.
There you go
Oh yeah, how could I forget about this ending?
here's your Steel art, user
What is that ending?
I like Kakyoin's ending. Abdul is also nice.. Joseph segments with the Ripple Warriors are great fanservice for part 2 fans.
OCs that show up on the Submarine route, unless you found certain characters in the Harbor and Calcutta.
They're on the sub route, they're from a SaGa game.
What moves does Killer Queen have?
Post your most recent Playthroughs and MC's.
>Bainbridge has always had a certain desire to blow the people of his town away. Not in a literal sense, but for them to be awed by his skill and mind. Napalm Death had become the outlet for these desires, shaping the wants and needs of the robust teen into explosions of all sorts of power.
>Sindabad had a keen sense for the wind. In her salad days, she could create breezes by waving her arms around in erratic, almost anatomically impossible ways. The sense had laid a mark on the shorty, willing her to travel the world carefree, like the wind. As a needed companion, guardian and protector, Caravan appeared. As his powers grew, so did her ability to manipulate winds. The red stone in the bird's turban serves as an amplifier for her inner ability, perhaps waking the deep-rooted ancestry of a supreme race long extinct.
That is excellent, I'm glad I caught the finished version.
i love the caravan mc.
I love how caravan doesnt really do any fighting so the mc becomes a martial artist/gunman/demoman
distictive girl is also kino for caravan
I love how seamlessly my character blends in to the background XD
Oh sorry, did you expect a jap housewife to call araki to draw her some characters?
Hold up, what's all this talk about modding the game? Is playing as Kira a mod, or is that part of Chaos Mode?
It was something clayman only partially implemented.
Damn. Any hope of anons polishing and finishing it up? That sounds fucking great.
While I think he's being cheeky, he's not entirely wrong. Some MC's look more in place than others.
what a chad
You betray the crusaders but you also have the choice of betraying dio right after
if you have 30 uv grenades a special cutscene will play and dio becomes scared because you're just like him when he was younger
>you will never save him, Abdul, and Iggy for real
Guess it could be worse, they all died for a noble cause, Jotaro and Polnareff just go on to be jobbers in later chapters.
... should i tell him?
Is this like a what-if about part 3 where you pay as an OC character along side the cast?
kakyoin seriously deserves to live
Link to the latest version?
Araki fucked up having Ice kill both Abdul and Iggy. It was necessary Dio killed one of the main gang to show just how strong he is and the stakes of their battle but they should have split it between Abdul and Iggy, Kakyoin's death feels like a dumb last minute decision.
he couldve just had joesph actually die
2.48 is the most stable we got. There's also a version that adds a new ending and a few colored versions floating around.
I hate it when you call out an user for being retarded and they just leave the thread.
Should I download the font?
Could be worse
You're using the fixed .exe. That's the font you're stuck with.
Ok what the fuck
this doesn't look good
The fuck
Is this the work of an enemy stand user?
How do you do the alternate sacrifice ending? The wiki says to write "DON'TREADIT", but there's not enough space for that. I tried without the apostrophe, and just "DON'T READ", but those don't seem to work.
You can transfer saves between versions, right? Been playing on black and white and might wanna jump to colored. I have a bunch of saves backed up in a separate folder just in case.
Thats just what the symbols look like on mobile
It's actually not in the version you have. There's one floating around somewhere.
>This ending is new as of the latest translated patch, verson 2.48.
Oh, it's Jap only? I interpreted this to mean it was added in 2.48, whoops.
Someone else translated like two fights, apparently gave up, and tried to crowdsource it
What happened to part 7 user? Please tell me he didn't give up, I had faith in him.
this version however many glitches. Dan fight doesn't actually let you progress by beating him. king crimson fucks up death 13 fight and probably other stuff
Going from shooting random street thugs with missiles to just straight Nuking everything feels pretty damn good. On NG+ with Manuscript 100% Caravan has to be the best stand just because of how early you can start using the big boy skills.
>Alessi makes me into a child
>throw a fucking nuclear bomb at him
>Not getting the Joseph event and Cracker Volleying his ass.
Don't forget that the 7th stand user 2 is in development.
Official twitter: twitter.com
Demo download link: mega.nz
Official Tumblr page: 7su2.tumblr.com
>instead of stand questions have a short playable section with Johnathan's and Dio's childhoods with some choices to activate some flags early on
>a little more childhood with OC(if present) to build Dio and Johnny up some more and OC backstory like stealing that kiss from both Dio and Johnny so you can have varied OCs
>Have flags and/or it being new game+ affect character dispositions with some OC routes because why not
>could have one where Johnathan couldn't master courage to punch Dio and grew up spooked by Dio so that way Speedwagon and/or Zeppeli take a more active role for a while
>an inversed scenario with reluctant hamon asshole Dio and even more reluctant Speedweed and Zeppeli fighting a gentleman vampire who went full autism on artifact knowledge/wants to bring parents back/whatever
>all of that leading into part 2, which is in the same game, affecting part 2 stuff before it even begins which can also have a bunch of routes for mega branching
>and most importantly find Speedwagon a waifu before he dies
Part 1+2 could work to be honest. If Dire, Stroheim and Speedwagon coming to help fight DIO managed to be cool as fuck, Senator Yellow Life and other such stuff i could see those scenarios and then some being properly implemented. Would take more work since it's not just a different ending but a different branch to get there. Even then not impossible.
Thread is still up with 74 unique IPs and yet none of the part 5 or part 6 anons have showed up just yet. Damn.
The part 5 guy(s) haven't showed up since the part 6 guys did their server
Demo out next month. ;)
Giorno tells bruno that he'd split money with a policeman
Only real niggers have seen this fight
Don't you die on me now thread.
>Can rescue Danny before he becomes Toast
What's a good name and/or song basis for a two-act Stand that, in ACT 1 is a big ass fucker, and ACT 2 becomes essentially a huge building that can't attack but can drill into the ground on a large scale
I'm trying to subvert baby mascot ACT 1s
Any song that get's another version by the same band that made it.
I was thinking 「HOUSEQUAKE」 by Prince but there's only one version.
You can name it whatever you want, both ACT stands share nothing in common as far as naming convention goes.
Is there some sort of secret to getting caravans secret moves? This is fucking stupid im wasting so much time just sleeping in inns and reseting. I even have items he can reconstruct i just want my fucking nuke already.
That ain't true, the previous thread had the Luca with the stand arrow shitpost as the OP. Someone from the discord must have created the thread.
I wonder where moveanon is. After he dropped the version with moves from Stroheim, he went up in flames and disappeared.
Just how insane is Chaos mode again? I keep hearing more shit popping up.
I don't think they are interested in posting anything, desu.
Red Garland best stand
>Discount Star Platinum
>not based Pharoah Sanders
I haven't a checked a 7th stand user in a few weeks, what's the current status on the chaos translation?
『The Cure』
Appearance: An avian humanoid bearing passing resemblance to a Plague Doctor, slightly feminine bodytype.
Ability: The Stand bears the power to draw out and manipulate all manners of salts in the area around it up to and including the alteration of their X/Y/Z position, hastening of chemical processes such as dilution, dehydration and oxidation and even break them down into their base elements though it cannot control the substances in this form.
Well I'm interested in joining the team.
Oh yeah? Show me the body
Did that really happen? I don't remember reading that happening when doing Josuke's route.
it's told in the bad end