Would you pay a dollar to reload?

Would you pay a dollar to reload?

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I would not. I think that's only an hyperbole to illustrate his point, though.

This is scum, absolutely predatory.

I love capitalism I would pay any amount to support Activision and their innovative games.

Even more unfortunate is that these models don't actually need the majority of players to pay anything at all, for the microtransactions to be hugely ridiculously profitable. "Vote with your wallet" does not apply here.

All it needs is a minority of players with addiction tendencies and poor impulse control, for the games to be designed around these mechanics. For every, say, 50 players who say "fuck that I'm not paying a dollar to reload", there will be one who pays thousands with no self restraint.

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It's literally drug dealer tactics.
>brotha gave me some crack oh man this is some good crack
>oh god comedown comedown oh god oh god

And the shit these kind of devs try to spew when you call them out on it. Trying to cover it up and evade like an ace politician.

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Erm, excuse me, cuck, but these guys support SJWs, so it's actually marxism

Um pardon me, kike. These guys have no higher aim than making money so if it means telling you that strong women and trannies are normal for their shitty RPGs that make a fraction of what shooters and sports games make they'll fucking do it so long as they think being socially left is profitable.

See you in the Amazon run FEMA camps where you get to work like everyday is prime day or Jeff Bezos will take your kneecaps.

make fun of it if you want, but that's been mobile games for at least a fucking decade
we're nowhere near rock bottom yet

Nope. Capitalism did nothing wrong. There's nothing wrong with capitalism. This SJW bullshit is only because of Marxists.

Learn some self restrain and take responsibility for your actions
the moment a game gets shady i put it down
So of course i'm 100% fine with alcoholics, junkies or gamblers to pay taxes on my behalf.

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I fear for the future as I do now, that I won't be able to stop this kind of behavior.

That kind of attitude is why the US is in such a shambles and getting worse. Trillions of dollars of debt and yet taxes for billion dollar corporations are cut even more every year. You people don't think of yourselves as playing on the same team, it's "every man for himself, fuck you I got mine".

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Why the fuck would I play a game that charges money for something literally every other thing out there let's me do for free?

Presumably because the rest of the game is excellent and better than anything else
But also, because that way bullets have more value and you have to savor each one yada yada

>Still thinking communism and capitalism are opposites and not part of the same paradigm
Must have been piss easy for jews to grab so much power with goyim being this braindead.

Just realized that guy looks like bolsonaro

In the future it will be outright illegal for goyim to possess money. If you so much as find a quarter on the ground you WILL be required, by law, to turn it in at your nearest synagogue.

I don't even pay to play games.

Predatory is a meaningless buzzword, companies exist to make profits, creating a product where people would willingly and knowingly give money to the business is not predatory. None of the shit games with shitty lootbox or microtransactions are holding the customer at gunpoint and telling them to buy imaginary digital shit. It's not the business' fault that customers feel regret for being so incompetent at managing their impulses and finances.

People should learn to be more responsible for their own well being.

>6 hours into battlefield
not fucking likely

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>People should learn to be more responsible for their own well being.

This means not doing what you're doing right now (advocating & defending a soulless multi-billion-dollar corporation that would literally kill you for $100 if it could get away with it)

>companies exist to make profits

Exactly, and pissing off your customers with blatant scummy tactics is a bad way to achieve that. You have to at least pretend you give a shit about customer satisfaction.

Customers exist to not be profited from. Why do Americans have this "all hail the corporation" mindset? Grow a spine.

People crying about predatory video games are literally asking for nanny state to take away their responsibilities.
I hate lootbox gacha or whatever but there are idiots out there who just loves to spend thousand of dollars for jpg waifus on them and they should have the freedom to spend their money the way they want, they're not buying anything dangerous, shit, they're noy really buying anything at all and they should have known and understood that the moment they read the terms of service.
Taking away the freedom to waste money on jpg waifus is taking away the responsibility of being an intelligent human being.

>Customers exist to not be profited from.

Goyim exist to be enslaved and exploited by the Chosen People.

It's obvious that the only reason we care about this is that we want developers to cater to us instead of whales. No one cares about the whales well-being. It's dishonest slacktivism.

Customers have the responsibility to be rational and make rational purchases.
It's not anyone's fault but their own if they spend obscene amounts of money on fictional bullets in a video game when they can literally just stop playing the game instead.


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>Customers have the responsibility to be rational

Yes, this means calling out companies when they engage in unethical practices. Kill yourself, you literal corporate brainwashing victim.

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For the most part I begin to lose interest in a game once it becomes an e-shop or a slot machine. I'm not even sure I wanna play CTR as of recently.

a real gun that I get to fire at him and his ilk, yes.

> I think that's only an hyperbole
are you ignorant of EA trying to sell you basic gameplay progression with battlefront 2 cards?
he was not being hyperbolic at all, he was just playing future music that he expected to happen quite a while after he said it.

Video games are nothing like medicine, people actually need medicine, video games are a luxury.
When medicine are priced absurd amounts, it's unethical because people need it to survive.
When video games sell digital items at absurd prices, it's not unethical because people can just not buy it and nothing happens to them.

>Wait in the reload line six hours before being told to follow the guy with a rifle and wait until he dies.

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Any kind of practice that attempts to provide less consumer value for more money (usually through trickery, exploitation of human psychology, etc.) is unethical. You are a LITERAL, unironic corporate brainwashing victim. You will go to work tomorrow and make thousands for your masters, come home and defend their right to fuck you online.

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>companies exist to make profits
And by doing so they antagonize consumers and create popular support for socialism and economic nationalization. These scummy practices are ultimately a good thing, since nothing kills corporatism faster than its own implementation.

Videogames with shit like lootboxes and microtransactions are usually very thorough about the values of digital purchases in their ToS. Before any idiot buys something from them, it is the consumer's legal responsibility to read and understand that the jpg unicorn they are buying is not a real unicorn, can only be used in the game and is not tradeable for real world cash value through legal means.

Not all people buying shit I think is stupid are idiots incapable of being responsible for themselves, maybe a guy has some disposable income and he really wants his game character to wear that digital glowing hat that costs a thousand dollars. It is his right to buy that stupid shit and nanny state should not come in and tell him how to spend his own money.

>implying you can even straight-up buy a jpeg unicorn anymore
These games aren’t warframe, they’re not about to just let you have the hat/color swatch/new coat you want right off the bat

That's besides the point, all kinds of people buy into crates or auctions or whatever, it is their right to buy that shit and it is their responsibilty to understand what the purchase means, it means they get a jpg for the amount of money spent.

I haven't bought a "new" game in about 5 years. We have thousands of worthwhile games already. I just started on the Saturn library and I'm thinking about polishing off any original Xbox exclusives I missed after this. You will literally never run out of good games. You don't need the industry anymore.

Don't get me wrong, if something looks cool I'll get it. I'll probably pick up Astral Chain (after waiting a year to make sure microtransactions aren't introduced of course) and I'm curious about what Kojima is cooking up. But just
>vote with your wallet.

If that means not spending any money... good! More for you!

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>it's ok for the government to interfere when it's one thing, it's not ok when it's another


Nice shill post but you didn't refute anything he said. You just, once again, established that you are on the side of corporations at the expense of quality and reason. If I'm not allowed to sell oops insurance then they shouldn't be allowed to fleece people with mentally and emotionally exploitative gambling bullshit. The only difference between organized crime rackets and this shit is public perception, there are enough people like you out there that simply reel at the thought of government intervention that you're fine with letting them run roughshod over humanity.

His logic behind the difference is sound

it's a "libertarian"

he's defending his liberty to be ruthlessly exploited by corporations

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his logic was that it's ok for the corporation to do literally anything to you in the name of greed short of immediately killing you

this might be "sound" if your IQ is sub-90

did he actually say this?

The consumer value only exist in the psychological level, if shit like microtransactions and lootboxes should be banned because of that, then luxury items like sports cars, luxury bags, wristwatches and so on should also get banned.
Companies like Louis Vuitton, Burbeery, Chanel literally burn their unsold products because they don't want tk lower the value, they would rather purge it than sell it at a discount because they know the only value it has is the image of it being luxurious, that is psychologically exploitative.

That's all well and good if a sucker parts easily with his money but I'm not a person who does. It's not exactly in my self interest for a game to gouge me whereas braindead chumps would actually enjoy being gouged.
>Then just don't buy it!
That's not what I'm arguing. I'm just saying it's against my self-interest as a non-sucker.

Then those games are simply not made to cater to your needs, just because something isn't made with you in mind doesn't mean it shouldn't exist.

this egocentric mentality is the same that make kids shoot schools
>who cares about anyone else? i only care about ME ME ME, lets shoot some kids to get 5 minutes of fame
>guns are not bad, that would against my political agenda, the violent video games are the root of the problem!