Who will won next gen???

who will won next gen???

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should be a 360 instead of ps3 honestly

Wii won 7th gen

no one, gamers are over

>winning anything

Should be Genesis instead of Snes.
And wii instead of ps3.

>the console that came in last place unless you count the ouya
>winning anything

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Keep your tenses consistent, brainletron.


Reminder that Chad Warden (real name Cesar Poots) died October 2018. He had a wife and 3 kids.

Based and filterpilled

It seems to flip each generation. So I'd bet the odds are on Xbox.
Apparently, success in one generation causes the winner to get a massive fucking ego and then try to capitalize on their current popularity and push for bullshit in the new generation.
Sony did it with the ps3 after massive success with the ps2 and lost to the 360.
Then Microsoft went full retard after seeing massive success with the 360 and went full retard with always online and their "TV, TV, TV" mantra.
Now Sony has seen massive success with the ps4 and will probably bork it up and give the ball to Microsoft again in the coming generation.
I just want to see it stop.
Someone needs to make a successful Linux console that can be an actual competitor to these ass hats at Sony and Microsoft.
PC gaming is clearly superior, and if you'd rather play your games on a console in front of your TV, you should be allowed to do so (and that's fine), but at least with a Linux console, it'd still be a pc and we'd see the industry united on the same platform, rather than this retarded console wars shit.

people that owned xbox say xbox won. wii owners say wii won. People that own all three give it to the console they got the most enjoyment from.
ps3 is the objective winner though

Why do people keep reposting this pic? It's common knowledge that the Wii sold the most consoles in the 7th gen. Everybody knows this.

>buying consoles
Cringe desu

>winning a generation that isn't even halfway finished yet

Who will WIN, WIN you fucking idiot.

next gen is right around the corner.

Lies and slander, where is your proof?

>Nintendo already moved on to their gen 9
>Sony predicted to release their gen 9 later 2019-2020
>MS will release their gen 9 holiday 2020
>therefor gen 9 starts around 2020
>gen 8 started in 2012
>meaning it's been 7/8 of the years of gen 8
>but gen 8 somehow isn't half finished yet

Switch is only 2 years into its lifespan. 8th gen will probably be around for at least another 5 years.

>winning just one generation
Dreamcast won all generations, and it's still winning today.

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I will never forgive the PS3 for the great PSN outage in the spring of 2011 that caused the delay of New Vegas DLC

>Nintendo already moved on to their gen 9


All I know is Stadia and whatever Amazon is making will flop

I'd say PS3. 360 kinda doled out around 2008/2009 right around the time Sony started fixing their mistake with the PS3. That's when developers actually started knowing how to work with PS3 and Sony's first party output got better while Microsoft's was lagging.

Not to mention Microsoft went full retard mode with Kinect and SPORTS AND TV. PS3 actually managed to catch up before the generation ended.

Reserved for PS5

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So you think Nintendo is going to put out a new system ~2020 as their gen 9? I doubt it.

And even if Switch is gen 8/8.5, 2020 would still be the start of the 9th gen as ps and xbox are releasing their next machines then. We are absolutely nearly done with gen 8 right now

Are you fucking retarded? We already know PS5 specs, Microsoft is already teasing Scarlet. 9th gen is starting late next year or sometime in 2021

Mmhhmmm, x360 soldthe most consoles ytd, veeee would know this if they weren't underage faggots who were 5 years old when the fucking thing came out.

Xbox 360 definitely won last gen.

This, PS3 basically shit away a lot of their PS2 goodwill and $$$.

I'm talking about when the 8th gen ends, not when the 9th gen starts, brainlets.

A Switch pro is coming tho. The guy you're responding to is a moron. Investors would dump on Nintendo hard for dropping Switch that quick

8th gen ends when 9th gen starts
>switch pro rumors with absolutely no backing to them
I'll believe it when I see it

Son 8th gen is not going 5 more. You seen to not know how this shit works now. Look at the transition period between 7th and 8th. They pretty much pushed people over with no shame, cross plats and shit, and even developers killing PS3 and 360 versions of games. And with all the money Sony and Microsoft are set to lose on 9th gen consoles, they want people over there as quick as possible.

Wii is literally the objective winner. Sorry kid. It had the games and the sales that Sony didn't have. Even Microsoft beat Sony that gen. Pathetic shitty console the ps3 is.

So by that logic, the 5th gen ended in 1998 with the release of the Dreamcast, and the N64 won because it had sold a lot more than the PS1 by that point.

I see no reason to believe it won't.

I think he's a zoomer and current gen is his first

This. PS3 did awfully compared to all other major consoles.


the underdogs always win

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I said ps3 won as a joke with the statement I made about console ownership before it.
I've only ever noticed overcompensating faggots call others 'kid' while arguing a point. A point which didn't actually need any further clarification anyways, if you're not a spaz.

It won in sales but it's one of the worst consoles to come out

Come on, there were good games on the Wii.

Looks about right. Only niggers had PS3 because they were too poor to afford Xbox Live.

let it go, man, it's dead already

not a snoy fanboy or anything but it will probably be PS5

I'm not sure if it's one of the worst consoles to come out, but the sales figures are definitely inflated.
People that never touched a console in their lives suddenly wanted to purchase the wii because of motion control and wii fit.
I wouldn't be surprised if most of the wii sales figures were primarily parents buying them for kids, or 25-35 year old normies. I wish I could find a statistic to support this.

If you're moving the goalposts. That means the N64 and Game Cube, switch won because they had better games.

not that user but no they fucking didnt lmao

Am reliving the same day? We literally had this thread a few weeks ago.

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Sony has only won the ps2 gen. Nintendo won all of them

everyone should atleast have anecdotal evidence for that claim
wii sports sold 45m but mh3 sold 2m and mario galaxy "only" had 12m sales

ps1 was much better than n64

>home consoles
You do know that handhelds also exist right?

Funny how this image is accurate

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This isnt a thread about handhelds though
I prefer the psp over DS also
I will say handhelds have been the only thing worth a fuck after 6th gen though

This thread is about winners of each generation. Handhelds are part of generations

Pc like always.

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>muh pc mastur rayce
>in 2019

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>I will say handhelds have been the only thing worth a fuck after 6th gen though
Based, I skipped home consoles and just got a DS and a PSP that gen, best decision.

COPE toddler poorfag

>Forgets the first and second generation
LOL, let me rate this shit.
3: Yes
4: Yes?
5: Yes
6: Most definitely
7: I was a Wii and 360 player, but I have to say 360 was better

I loved the Wii for the Zelda games, the Operation Rainfall Trilogy, Wii Sports, Smash and the Virtual Console but I have to give it to the PS3.
Demon Souls, Ni no Kuni, the only way to play the entire canonical Metal Gear saga in one console, the various JRPGs, PSone Classics, the various PS2 remasters, the ability to use it as a streaming box and a Blu-ray player.
The PS3 was almost the perfect console. Too bad the PS4 was a downgrade in terms of functionality.

I own consoles and a pc nigger

Xbox 360 and wii were way ahead of ps3 . Only sonyfags think otherwise

360 implemented the losing HD video format, had proprietary hard drives, and software that prevented you from using your own even in the slim systems, larger games required multiple discs, the controller still used batteries by default,
no HDMI in original system, no wifi in original system.

You just know the fag who made this was asshurt about the Wii outselling the PS3 and the 360 in general being better that he had to make this to soothe his anal pain.

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Sure you do kid. Make sure to be extra good this year and maybe mommy will buy the next shitbox console for you this Christmas.

The winner of the generation is decided by you, your tastes and preferences, not by how many units the company sold, so that picture should be in blank and I would fill it like this:

Nes-snes-n64-gcn-ps3-8th gen: none cuz this is the worst generation ever and I only play on pc now and will never go back to being a console peasant. Also if pc were counted into this it would be the winner in every single generation.

>worse library
>no Blu-Ray
>sold less than the PS3

this is now a ylyl thread

this is now a YLYL tread

Didn't wii beat ps3 tho

The rest is correct

look im a sonychad but we need to stop pretending ps3 beat 360



Cope harder

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You a'ight.

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Not really.


The (((share holders))) won!

Jump in goyim, 4 the (((players!)))

wii won with a single game

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>vita only sold ~10m
Wait, why does WiiU get so much shit then?

Isn't the point who sold the most systems?
And some soccermom buying a Wii for her son, still counts as a sale.

Retarded image, the PS3 did not win its gen

>PS3 won
>Not 360, or fucking Wii by PURE UNIT SOLD
Same logic goes for PS4. Might as well throw the switch or some shit in here seeing units sold clearly dont matter to you faggot

Fixed it for you.

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