How is this game good...

how is this game good? i played it for around an hour and you just walk around killing people and listen to the guy talk through the radio. its really boring desu. And no, it's not because its outdated, i finished RE4 just now and loved it

Attached: BioShock_box.png (1214x1482, 2.6M)


The gameplay was really bad when it came out, it's even worse now.

Dude horror and cool underwater city


i liked it

I liked the atmosphere and visuals and all but the gameplay was SO boring. I was expecting it to not be as shitty as Infinite (which was my first Bioshock) but I couldn't even be arsed to keep going after like three hours.

Clever design tricks, the storytelling (partially from en environment) and some memorable scenes/sections and it came out during a good time that set itself apart.
Also the setting helped.

>Infinite (which was my first Bioshock)
I am so sorry user.

Yes. That is the theme. Just cause playing the game may not spook you personally doesn't mean being stuck in the dim ruins of a leaky underwater city filled with drug-addled psychos ready to murder you isn't a horrific scenario

When it came out it was considered SS2 for casualfags.

>2007 games are considered outdated

Bioshock 2 was better

Stick to Fortnite kiddo

i dont like fortnite...

>bioshocks gameplay isboring

if plastering proximity mines to oxygen tanks or leaving afucking maze of crossbow tripwire for a big daddy is boring then im an npc

OP is 12 years old

Bioshock is a work of art too deep for you

>play this game (first time) on normal two years ago
>kinda easy but what did i expect
>play it again this year on survival
>its still easy
>realise the way this game is structured there is no way to lose
I was there was some sort of actual difficulty in a bioshock game.

It was always bad, with time the diehards drift away. If its boring I suggest maybe you stop playing it.

does it get better the more you play it?