The PS4 has no gam-
The PS4 has no gam-
Other urls found in this thread:
-gam because only humans have gam gams and mam mams
but Sekiro is on every (respectable) platform
also, Devil May Cry died after the 3rd game and is also on every (respectable) platform
these are two of the best games this gen my melanin proficient brother and they run like a charm on the PS4.
Long live Play.
Why are you black
My nigga, is this a good starting point for the franchise or should I watch the anime first?
Damn, that's two more games than the PS3.
show me the reciept Demarcus
das rite
What happened to the back of your hand? Where you on a fire?
>multi platforms
10/10 made me rage reply
That are on PS4.
Do Sony ggers still not comprehend the "no games" argument?
>replying to bait this obvious
Yo wut wrong wif it? and sheeit.
Yo buuuhht ah be real what the fuck sup now?
who says im black
I wish subhuman nint*ndies would get off this board, sony players are bad enough but you all stink of r*ddit. You're also idiots for spamming these retarded pictures of a nigger which you say is a ps4 player but in reality he is a filthy, mentally ill nintendie like you and he bought those games solely to make pictures only a nintendie could find funny. This nigger posting these photos is a proof that he's a nintendie and stupid n*ntendies still haven't realised it. Go back to r*ddit where you belong, you'll be happier there with your faggot mods banning anyone telling n*ntendies to go fuck themselves. Or are you so insecure that you browse Yea Forums solely because you delude yourself that n*ntendies are not the mods here and you're defeating anyone when a faggot n*ntendie mod bans non-n*ntendo posters. Fucking beta pieces of shit.
Coping with I see
That version is literally censored
what an ugly hand...
you mad whiteboi you know das rite!
godspeed black anons
nah vro lmao we be kangs up here
Yo dis cracka needs he`p Don' make me come ova there bitch...
I think The Last Guardian, Uncharted 4, Bloodborne and Until Dawn and the only true exclusives worth caring about. Games like Yakuza 0 and Persona 5 are good but the former is available on PC and the latter is on PS3.
How is it a weeb life among your nerdy things hating family and neighborhood?
>Implying that is me
LMAO you still coping white boy?
reminder that this guy posted his tiny dick on Yea Forums and got laughed at
You are black
>poor sucker doesn't have bbc. Just a black micropenis.
I remember that pic. really tiny.
nothing compared to BBC
all the black guys in this thread
are you the guys freaking out about people saying nigger on Yea Forums
or is it the white dudes
>Both on PC
And this is why I won't be touching my PS4 until P5R comes out
let me suck it
Ps4 owners aren’t nig-
Please fuck my wife
when someone calls me nigger i just imagine they look like this so it's irrelevant, i usually just chuckle at it
Any disc rot?
Nigger dick
Yo nah git used ta it, cracka ya'll is mad stupid.
based thread
>they run like a charm on the PS4.
How is sekiro on the pro? I know it's not 60, but is at least okay?
Is based or cringe?
There's no games on PS4 since like Days Gone. Those you poster are multiplats normal people play in 60 fps on PC, poor nigger
it makes guys like this seethe, so it's kinda based. but the fetishism is very cringe. i don't watch porn anymore but i know black guys that still do and obsess over that kind of porn.
stay cucked whiteboi
>2 PC games
PS4 still has no games after 6 years eh?
I'm a white slavic chad with wide jaw going gym twice a week for 14 years now tho, but you keep seething, nigra
it is racist af
whiteboi detected
>white slavic chad with wide jaw going gym twice a week for 14 years now
pick only one
>wide jaw going gym
post a pic
>ps4 has 2 (two) multiplatform games
what is this creature?
/pol/ needs to go back
Your kids' father.
a black man with a tiny penis, very unfortunate.
the prieto's hand
oh obese slavic
t. クリーチャー
Stealing is wrong. Give those back
wanna know how I spot ameritards?
who fuckin' cares about the opinion of slavshit
That's a Jew, you stupid nigger.
his mom tyqueisha had sex with dontavius
>tfw no black weeb friend to talk about anime with and go to fighting game locals with
all playstation fags shall be hung with their playstation power cords
cringe. You do realise he will steal from your wallet or some important thing one day?
based. Only faggot sjw black people care about that shit.
You fucking wish you looked like Terry Bogard, fuccboi.
yikes the insecurity
>he's a jew because he's ugly!!!!!
All the post on /pol/ has nothing backing him being jewish, it's a complete fabrication on par with that dumb shitpost calling every minor and major e-celeb a zionist.
It's like when /pol/ try to convince people Heather Hayer died of a heart attack.
HURR DURR LOL I POSTED IT AGAIN AND PURPOSELY USED THE "~" SIGN TO INDICATE THAT THE VOWEL IS ELONGATED LIKE AN APE INSTEAD OF USING ADDITIONAL VOWELS! LOL! This shit is 200% gay and absolutely nobody uses it unless they are ERPing. Are you ERPing right now? Are you jerking off to you posting this stupid shit? Because I'm not, and I know for that fact that nobody else is either. You're the only one stroking your micropenis to writing your posts incorrectly. So STOP IT. STOP EMBARRASSING YOURSELF and starting typing like an ACTUAL HUMAN BEING (like me). We have a board culture to adhere to (or at least we did), and using "~" is taking us in the wrong direction.
t. 155 cm tall nigger getting ass blasted by based slav chad
>PC games
Enjoy beating up defenseless Xbros, I guess? Everyone else has more games than PS4.
i'm a white mongolian chad with wide jaw going gym three times a week for 18 years now, but you keep seething, cracker
take your pills, nigger. You just beat all levels of cringe.