Is Cyberpunk 2077 the only game ever without negative news since announcement?
Is Cyberpunk 2077 the only game ever without negative news since announcement?
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no game has ever made both sides of the political spectrum screech so hard. shits gonna be lit, bois
get ready for another masterpiece
Nice post, amusing
>play 45 minutes
>"it's the best game ever"
i just cant decide whether i want it to suck really bad to make reddit seethe or to be really good to make Yea Forums seethe. either way it'll be pretty funny.
Is it bad I find that type of haircut hot in a really trashy sort of way? At the very least it would make more sense for the setting since they could have a bunch of shit installed on the side of their head.
You must have missed the sun controversy and the trannies getting mad at every other thing
Bros, putting trannies in a cyperpunk game is so based! I cant wait for my son to play this timeless classic, and larp as a hot futa dickgirl, it will totally show him that being a tranny is wrong, because its a futuristic "dystopia" with flying cars and cool futuristic shit everywhere
Hot futa dick girls are so based and red pilled, because cyperpunk is degenerate, so it proves dick girls are degenerate, and also they're so hot!
>the absolute state of Yea Forums and zoomers
Big headed bitch
That has nothing to do with the game.
yeah clickbait is so based!!!!!! i love when things are needlessly controversial and political for attention
That's exactly the intended effect.
el goblina, la creatura...
It's terrible.
Ironic bad thing is still bad. It's bad when even hentai games shame you for being a cuck/degenerate than Cyberpunk.
based futuristic nigger jew mulatto hellhole
i cant wait for the future where its 95% mexicans and we have flying cars and futuristic technology
so based, bros
>he thinks cyberpunk isn't dystopia
Back to Yea Forums bladecuck
I hope we get sluttier clothes for our characters. My V will be a turbo slut you can bet on it.
Her one specifically yes because it's shaved very high up.
so basically, it's ok when anime does it?
No Man’s Sky was the same thing lol
More like Cyberpunk 2056%
Ew, found the incel
wouldn't it be la goblina?
Oh wooow. Gamespot, IGN, Dorito Pope AND Escapist? Truly the arbiters of great vidya gaem taste.
>be criminal in shitty parts of the city
>be surprised most of the people you deal with are niggers and spics
you're right bro, this game is so red pilled because you can play as a super hot dickgirl tranny in a dystopia. i cant wait to cum buckets for futa dickgirls in dystopia. so red pilled!
>shitty parts of the city
this is california in 2077, and from what ive heard and seen, the entire city is nonwhite
but yeah no california will be full of flyign cars and grand futuristic cities and nonwhites, but there will be a little bit of crime and some wet newspapers in the gutters, so based and red pilled!
t.a homosexual
Go back to sucking cock fagget.
probably, I don't speak spanish
anyway, she's ugly, even for a dyke
Its no RPG
Who do you think is going to be living the good life in the penthouses and shit or running corps user?
>little bit of crime
You know what I liked the Witcher 3, It was a good pick for GOTY, but how the fuck did Fallout 4 and MGSV get more awards than Bloodborne.
Fallout 4 was straight trash and MGSV wasn't even finished.
Why do you hate white people so much you want them portrayed as niggers?
>both sides of the political spectrum
God, I fucking hate amerifats.
>no game has ever made both sides of the political spectrum screech so hard.
False, this game almost doesn't bother the right.
Because when it was announced they said nothing of what it would be like in terms of gameplay. Then they released Witcher 3 and now CDPR is the best developer ever (supposedly) so suddenly everyone gets their hopes way way up. 2077 is suddenly supposed to be the game where you can do anything. People make up in their head what they want the game to be so it's a first/third person with a fully implemented RTS mode and a fully simulated city where you can be anyone do anything. The truth is it has to actually be a game. If you have something so incredibly ambitious you end up with something like Star Citizen.
So people expected neverpunk
>they cut the multiple aparments, now you only have one, and you can't customize it
>apologizing/pandering to the mentally ill (trannies)
>"we're treating consoles as the first-class platforms"
>hollywood pandering
>scrubbed off all mentions of "RPG" in favor of "action-adventure story"
>GTA -tier concept arts with nothing but niggers and women
So the answer to your question is no.
changing genre from RPG to action adventure was pretty bad news
I checked the official description they have on Steam/Xbox/PSN. Literally calls it an “action-adventure” and at no point puts importance to roleplaying.
So fuck them.
That's alt-right
>this video game is good because it makes my political opponents mad
mine too, gonna be giving it up for EVERYONE
Does the game always start with this scene after the intro? or can i not play as a degenerate?
i mean i know it's cyberpunk but eh...
That's the point, it's made to be hot
Only retards like may disagree
Also this russian
You play as the same character every time.
has there even been any reveal to how detailed the character creation gets in terms of appearance at the very least?
A man of culture, I see
I simply expect Deus Ex levels of quality.
I will never not love this meme
She's pretty cute, apart from the hairstyle that is
nah, the "journalist" always gonna find something to be offended not matter what, those clickbait articles needs to numbers up
If anything that's what I see people compare it to most, usually as a bad thing.
Wont know until the game is out. Apparently you start somewhere different depending on the 3 different backgrounds you pick which sounds similar to dragon ages origin shit.
i think witcher 3 is a mediocre game
Sorry tranny but they've still said it's a rpg :)
>you cant hate niggers and jews while supporting healthcare for all
Come on lad
>implying the niggers and spics didn't remove whitey once they invented all that tech
Honestly in expecting 2077 to be a 6-7/10 that will be shilled and shitposted for the next few years till cdprs next game comes out.
oh no no no no no no no...
>no negative news
Tencent tried at the very least.
What could have been bros...
lol sure shill
>le sun maymay
Get fragged.
It's clearly the same fag that posted these
>Pretending that people weren't mad about the sun after last years trailer
It's all you niggers would talk about at first.
why should it get anything negative? only horseshoe retards get triggered
Now this one is an argument. But that one was pure retardation.
Clearly Pondsmith decided otherwise :^)
It's not the sun, it's the general adventurous tone
They've been able to navigate pre-launch fairly well, mainly because they've shown lots of gameplay and the game itself is enticing to the current hardcore demographic (narrative-based open world with unique art aesthetic and RPG elements). The rare instances of people getting bothered by aspects of the game have been quelled immediately by just letting the artists behind the game explain themselves instead of handing out corporatized non-answers and letting the Internet go nuclear. This is honestly how companies should come at marketing their games, but I think EA and other soulless orgs will have trouble with it because they knowingly force their own artists to compromise their games to hit unrealistic release dates or add microtransactions. It's honestly why a lot of Indie games get so much good will, the devs represent their own passion project and their excitement for their own vision is infectious.
I'm sure money and clout had nothing to do with it
What's wrong with that picture?
And I'm sure you'll keep seething up to release :)
I want to cover her hair with my cum.
>totally sane employees
>letting the artists behind the game explain themselves
How did they explain rednecks?
Can’t wait for this shit
Hey, it's Lenny from watch dogs!
This. Mostly just to watch the salt, whether it be the game getting shit on and shills going full damage control or shitposters getting dabbed on when everyone loves it, it'll be glorious to behold. Game will likely just be okay, maybe decent.
You regularly compare fit, tanned women to pale hambeasts?
Not everyone with that hairstyle looks like a communist posterchild.
>game contaminated by SJWs
>game content has nothing to do with the game
Simply brilliant
>It's not the sun it's the sun
Why do they cut it so high up? I wouldn't mind that type of haircut otherwise.
You just know this game is gonna be nothing but propaganda shoved down your throat
they haven't shown any actual "gameplay" since reveal
no, cinematic chase scenes and cutscenes are not gameplay
I'm convinced there is a massive budget dedicated to astroturfing for this game and other brainless gamers just decided to follow suit. the same is happening with death stranding
The devs pander too much in my opinion. They say all the right things that appeal to gamers and non gamers. But a game can only sound so good before it comes out. If you pay attention there are quite a few things that got removed since the initial trailer. And if you pay attention every tweet that gets a 10 minute video from the usual suspects is based on some topical thing that gamers are up in arms about.
>more character creator options including genders
>no microtransactions
>no lootboxes
>no preorder bonuses
>platitude platitude pander pander
This game has hype but when it hits it's most likely going to be forgotten or disappointing. Remember how good Kingdom Come Deliverance sounded. But do you remember Kingdom Come Deliverance
I've got some negative news you're gay
made for BBC
>Only just figuring out now cdpr is sjw
Did you miss the gay hunter in the first area of witcher 3?
Whatever you say tranny
Did you miss the demo they released? Aren't they showing another at gamescom?
at least edit the image for better focus on the problem
It becomes larger thumbnail capturing more attention
i like the haircut but i'd much rather have it not shaved fully on one side, rather just kept short. i think its much more aestethic.
Dont forget:
The people who hate this game look like this
Pic related
Gross, I cant believe Zoomers find this haircut attractive.
That was before the game started pandering to sjw trannies.
granted, she's a cunt but that box art really is shitty.
>But do you remember Kingdom Come Deliverance
Yes I do you fucking cuck.
lmao poor poor preorder cucks
Fuck off you troll faggot.
Isn't this the one who wanted to cut ties with their mom over something small, and right before xer did it the mom spammed a bunch of right wing shit at her?
Literally had a thread already today screeching about how the game is tranny propaganda. "Almost doesn't" my ass.
But Cyberpunk bent the knee
now people like that love the game.
why are you catfishing on twitter tripfag?
the left ruin everything
Wasn't Shani studying back in 1, or am I misrembering shit?
They don't, it's aging americanized libs who're into it.
Trannies samefagging their own replies up to 500+ to generate fake outrage doesn't count as thread
Cyber Tranny is going to be the biggest let down of the year
It will sell well, because you're all retarded consume sheep
But its going to be a disappointment of a game
Fucking lol
You'll regret your purchase almost as much as your transition surgery
Will pirate and see how it is. I don't trust Yea Forums's taste in shit nowadays.
Hmm thats odd i remember that some butthurt /pol/ack posted the same picture in a Cyberpunk 2077 thread yeszterday.
Its like...
The same people shitpost the game over and over again
>immediately cancels all orders
That is some scary level of below average nigga with money
OMG its odd that someone likes laughing at mentally ill trannies and the best place to find them now is in a cybertranny thread
What exactly did you mean by this?
>having sex is degenerate
have sex
100% chance there are a million people on Yea Forums alone who are extremely excited to play an RPG as a girl with a dick
And as clockwork, Olivia proceeds to complain being bullied online by incels "just" because she is racist
Liberals will fucking ruin society
>Calls othe rpeople mentally ill
>Visits the same threads over and over again like an mentally ill autist
Hmmm really makes you think
nigga, there are discords of people who start threads like that and reply to oblivion to manipulate dudes like you
Does it get the ol noggin joggin does it
If laughing at the same retard shit everytime you see it is a "mental illness" then holy fuck you trannies really do need to be locked up
You mad kid?
why are you posting this in multiple threads?
I need to stop coming to these threads, it's just the same trannies throwing shit at one another and calling each other out as trannies.
So will my charactor be forced to wax the balls of npc trannies? or will they be forced to wax mine if my charactor self identifies as a mentally ill toaster with a digital cock?
And will pronouns be enforced?
>tranny-sm is ok for society
>cancelling CE which wont be restocked
does your name start with R?
I will never get why retarded faggots get mad over the transgender thing in a fucking cyberpunk setting. Cyberpunk is literally high tech, low life and punk culture with degeneracy being rampant is very much part of the setting.
no, but one night stands where the other person leaves in a hurry are.
sex should only exist together with emotional interest, otherwise it's degenerate.
do not reply to me unless you are cultured enough to resist degenerate sex, normalfag.
Pretty sure that was just done for the luls.
It did highlight the issue though.
Oh hey, it was the same faggot as yesterday who kept replying to me
screaming mad, seethe and cope every sentence while getting more and more enraged with every post.
How ya doing pal?
Have a good dilation this morning?
Stupid /pol/acks who think everybody is braindead like on /pol/.
You seem to have a obsession with waxing tranny ballsacks user.
based negro
Thats right bitch, you accept that cybertranny cock like a good boy
Dont also forget the raging autists CdProject always gets
Pic related
Nigga identified as female for 2 minutes
It counts for the liberal's crazy tranny minds
Remember, gender is fluid, at any moment.
Well I am a cyberpunk fan,. so i know im going to get to see a lot of cyber ball sacks
>tfw i will give it a 1 star on metacritic
Whos with me bros? We cant let tranny loving devs win.
Cyberpunk 2077 is an Action Adventure game now, not an RPG.
Good. I hope thats the case.
big yikes
You bigots need to get out of my cyberpunk thread
This is OUR game now.
No you just sound like a faggot.
The best part is that people even give a fuck.
>Oh my gawd i cant FUCK THE RIGHT PEOPLE in my VIDEO GAME.
Jesus christ if you're that desperate for gay relationships, straight relationships or any fucking relationships, either play a dating game or go the fuck outside and form some real ones.
The constant fucking bitching and moaning about relationships in fucking action games and RPGs is the pinnacle of shitty bioware fanbase, and those fucktards are not the people to fucking emulate.
Then Im in good company then
Cyberpunk is gona be Pro LGBTP
And nothing you can do about it bigot.
>Five words: Day/night Cycle Weather Algorithms
lmao this guy clearly knows nothing about video games and is either parroting drones or being told what to say by CDPR
>We wanted to prove that it can be the Dark Future ANY TIME OF DAY OR NIGHT
they clearly failed, it looks about as "dark" as Crackdown
not him, but genuinely curious. why don't you go back to twitter or reddit or wherever you came from?
remember to do your part
Sunfags still mad lol
The butthurt will never go away will it?
Make me :)
fuck off with the LGBT propaganda
He's clearly doesn't care about the subject and is only here for shitposting.
you didnt answer the question fig
Fuck man, I cant wait til this game comes out
Have a serious problem though, I dont know which gang i'm going to join
Should I join this one?
>caring about metacritic
Or this one
go back
would bang the green one
>stop trolling muh game
>we're the real Yea Forums, all you trolls are reddit
Think you got something backwards there newfriend.
Up to you, clearly you enjoy their company.
>shitposter are so reddit and tumblr, thats not like Yea Forums at all guise.
Yes I do, that is why I'm buying CyberLGBTP
Thought I already said that, try and keep up captain autismo.
Yes, what part of my post implied you didn't?
The green one bangs you in CyberPunk
The most disgusting thing about this is that your buying physical and giving GAME money
holy based
what's the last one and the anime next to ciri?
Oh im sorry, I though you were one of those Yea Forums bigots who had a problem with Trans representation.
Didnt realize you were one of us. teehee *nussles*
It is though, redditors say that their place is for actual discussions and Yea Forums is for posting drivel they come up with for fun.
Now that CyberPunk has acknowledged Tran Rights, which is a good step, but they can do more.
So will they be adding a romance option for people who identify as children?
I'm sure all the Cyberpunk Fans here would agree with me how important childlove is.
Yep this is me, can't wait to finally play a game that caters to us! UwU
Back to the boy scouts with you.
Because you're a tranny cocksucker. Neck yourself you piece of living shit.
>false flagging this hard
I dont need to go anywhere, The cyberpunk crew are making sure im very happy.
their reputation is gold dust
i love that they only have two editions for the game, and the expensive one has actual good shit in it, and even the standard has a bunch of cool shit like posters and stickers
they are bagging on everyone else so fucking hard
*nuzzle wuzzle* fellow cyberpunk fan
I don't understand the deal with this game
It's like when no mans sky got announced
Nobody knew what the fuck it really was and were hyped just for the sake of hype
imagine being a grown man who cares about toys/posters/stickers
cyberpunk is a dystopia and having trannies and millions of genderfags makes sense.
Because unlike no man's sky this developer is well known and has a good track record. It's like Bioware back in the day. Granted, this could be their Mass Effect 3 or Dragon Age 2, but who knows? People hope otherwise. Also people like the setting.
No man's sky was a literal sandbox like Spore, lots of promise, empty content.
This is a story in a city. What the fuck is empty about it?
Be Sure to buy my Game Guys
You will love it
*nuzzle wuzzles your neckie weckie*
This game is a scam and its being pushed by people from outside this website
>offer options
Don't play as a tranny then. I sure as shit wont.
Is Epic still shitting their pants at games that aren't exclusive to their store?
Don't play it then, I sure as hell won't
but we know exactly what it is, a GTA clone with RPG elements
>This is a story in a city
>GTA clone with RPG elements
>Is Cyberpunk 2077 the only game ever without negative news since announcement?
Imagine unironically writing this.
Story in a city.
>Story in a city
Who describes a game like that? A shill trying to sidestep what it really is, a GTA clone.
>story in a city
>cinematic trailer with no gameplay
I'm sold
How is that? Loads of people had high hopes, many here suspected it couldn't be all that due to the procgen alone, and in the end it wasn't half-bad nor was it game of the decade.
I think having high hopes for this is a much more rational proposition, simply based on what we've seen and read. If even half the quests and inter-quest gameplay time will be as good as the gameplay demo it's set to be a great game.
Nothing wrong with actually looking forward to something every once in a while.
How would it be any different if it were you sitting on the left there, if you were a gamedev? Why care about anything other than how 2077 turns out?
Imagine being this childish.
>there are people saying unironically TW2 had better graphics than 3
And i'd like to know where i can get some of the shit they're smoking