EGS is faking sale num-

>This kills the steam fuckepic drone

And not it's not fake

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Other urls found in this thread: Games, Inc.

>hi r/fuckepic community.

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I hate Epic as much as the next guy, but the community built around mindlessly hating the storefront is incredibly cringey. Just don’t buy the games on it and move on fucking faggots. All they do is empower the victim narrative devs push when they get shit for doing exclusivity

>the madman actually posted there

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You have to admit Tim is fucking based.

Why should we believe a man who lied straight to everyone's faces? Hes worse than Murray and Molyneux combined.
>I promise I'll stop buying exclusivity
>Buys 20 more

>believe the company that fakes sells
>they are legit i promise

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The reason people hate it is because it’s taking games people would have bought on Steam.

Why are you so obsessed with what people think about some online store?

absolutely based. how will steamlets ever recover?

>We're not like Steam! We put the publisher first and consumer second, Please praise us.
Fuck off Tim, I don't care how much you paid some faggot if I'm still paying the same amount regardless
Why not put the game on both Steam and Epic and have Epic be discounted the amount Steal would take?
Why not take some of that money you keep pouring into the devs and give the community something?

what the fuck is tim doing all day that he feels he should go post on a subreddit called fuckepic
doesn't he have anything better to do

>Source: dude trust me

Look at the seething drones

Look at his face, nigger is missing chromosomes. He thought it would be a good idea to go and tell more lies

Remember what happened about a week or so ago with the TF2 hats? Remember how there were deranged hat collectors literally threatening violence and having breakdowns over people getting "their" shitty hats? Now imagine it's something they perceive as possibly damaging to Steam itself, and therefore all their games, e-cred, hats, and the system as a whole.

Valve drones are mentally ill. The people that screech about Epic and the aforementioned hat collectors have a big overlap.

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>what does he do all day
Being a literal billionaire.

Can someone just make an app that opens games from both steam or epic or whatever else there is? Jesus christ. And this would all be fine if devs just released on both. This world is filled with mother fuckers god damnit.

It's the fucking CEO, he is literally running epic, based retardo. We should trust the fuckepic may may instead lmao

It's obvious he's an insecure and bitter person.

Someone ask him who owns One Must Fall 2097.

>Sells 1000 copies to some rice farmer who does not even own a computer
Numbers are real!

Seething tradefag

I 100% agree, I just take issue with the retarded circlejerk around Epic. The storefront is an insecure piece of shit and Epic shouldn’t even had considered doing paid exclusives until they got their shit together. But the hate train around it seems like a caricature of itself, like nigger at the end of the day they are just videogames. There’s this comical level of hatred and vitriol towards EGS that just gives the twitter shitlibs ammunition to continue their whole “gamers are toxic” narrative and deflect from the very real issues with EGS.

>man is known for lying
>trust him he knows what he is talking about

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He's like Notch but still keeps getting money.

What I find amusing is that these people actually WANT to give money to these devs. If everyone just pirated what was sold on EGS, then that would be that

Steam has been so successful over the years that they created a rabid buyfag culture

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Sorry user I have a grand total of 30 minutes in TF2, I don't play shitty games for subhumans.

>just vote with your wallet :^)
Imagine how much corporate asshole you need to lick to be against consumers voicing their concerns. Shut the fuck up, faggot.

Of course those sales are real, it's just that all of them come from Epic themselves. Doesn't mean they are fake sales.

>Obsessed with steam
>Takes it up the ass (from Tim)
>Calls others mentally ill

Thanks for encouraging people to pirate again Tim!

Steam isn't great, but Epic is a massive downgrade compared to it. GOG is where it's really at. But Steam is as much as I'm willing to accept for games that aren't on GOG. Epic can suck my dick. All the "benefits" they're touting are for developers, but they make it worse for the user in every single way.

im just not willing to split my library between multiple launchers
if the games not on steam ill pirate it and if steam ever goes down i'll just crack all my exes then maybe ill pick a different launcher

someone put this chinese barking dog out of it's misery


That's a pretty laughably stupid theory user

That's not the issue you stupid fuck. EGS is malware.

yeah i remember how based volvo give the middle finger to tradefags and let the people keep their hats based

Are you mad that you lost all of your unusuals? Keep seething tradefag

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>steam isn't great
>but gog is

Steam is obviously paying people to do a whisper campaign at this point.

So why won't they post sales numbers on Metro Exodus?

>satisfactory reddit has less than 100 users
>their biggest youtuber gets 2k views a video
>nobody has ever heard of the game outside Yea Forums
yep you totally sold those 500k copies we believe you you lying fuck

Yes, it is. I'm willing to put up with some shit to get games without DRM. Althought Steam at the very least will work offline, which last I checked, Epic can't even do.

>all our sales numbers are correct
>and by the way, we won't release official sales numbers

>But Steam is as much as I'm willing to accept for games that aren't on GOG.
That's what is for. DRM-free (99% of the time) but with the curation standards of Steam.

What is this guy's problem? Does he spend all day searching for himself and EGS online?

>Remember how there were deranged hat collectors literally threatening violence and having breakdowns over people getting "their" shitty hats?
You mean when Valve let everyone keep their unusual hats and sent the tradefags into a permanent BTFO chamber? Yeah, that was pretty based of them.

I've never even heard of it. What kind of store is it?

It's literally teens and preteens bandwagoning the latest thing to hate. They're stupid as fuck and they won't release it until they're 25, or perhaps never.

>How do you do, fellow gamers.

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Go on lad! This ones on Tim.

Didnt the Satisfactory dev himself say the game actually only sold 10 copies?

He is such a fucking weasel.

Problem is the issue is somewhat moot. EGS fronts a guaranteed 100K (or something like that) to those who sign the exclusivity agreement. So just by going EGS exclusive you’ve guaranteed a sale of 100,000 units.

Pirating a game really has no bearing if the publisher already got paid.

>multi-store future is here now
>GOG has been around for a lot longer than EGS
>Orgin, Uplay,, Window's store, and a bunch of tiny storefronts have been floating around for a while now
>only one who currently gets shit is EGS
rly mks u tink

Good to know I can pirate EGS games with no guilt. Thanks!

Tim is hella fucking based. If you can't see that, you're a literal drone too caught up in a an embarrassing non-cause to see how ridiculous you're being.

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Cyberpunk is for sale on Steam as well. Not to mention GOG has been around forever.
Is Tim retarded?

Can somebody make a big image of everything Tim has said on twitter versus all of the explicitly contradictory things Epic actually does?
>the multi store future is here now
>epic continues to pay for exclusive games that can only be sold on one store

steam excels at social features
gog excels at delivering games that just werk
epic excels at...

Making steam trannies mad, apparently

Stealing your data and kickstarter games

Here are some pay-what-you-want games.
So you can see how the store works. Doesn't requires account (just like Humble Store in the past) and it has an optional app to keep your games updated.

>we don't want another shitstorm like metro exodus switching from steam to epic a week before release
>but ultimately it's up to the developer/publisher and we take no responsibility

making game engines.

>They're coming to me
I hope he gets his face rearranged.

>he said it so it's true

>Tim Swiney said so
>that means it must be true

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Tim Sweeney is based for paying upfront so I can pirate it freely, no guilt at all

>When you're such an NPC your script looks more and more robotic by the day
Nigger ad libs looks more genuine than your post.

around 7k last time sales numbers came out, ebin paid them 500k worth of sales for the exclusivity

Oh hello again Tim. Still cranky that Steam is a popular platform?
See, the thing you fail to understand here Tim, is that Gabe Newell called it right over a decade and a half ago. You know, about the same time you whined about how there are nothing but pirates on pc and that this is why you were taking Epic to consoles, exclusively.
Gabe stated: "there is a fundamental misconception about piracy. Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem", and well god damn, it turns out that he was right, because he made a digital storefront that is just valuable enough and just useful enough that gamers want Steam integration over a free pirated copy.
So you see Tim, the fact is that people actually like Steam. They actually believe it provides value to their ownership and gaming experience and they prefer it to pirating games for free.
So when you whined about people pirating Gears of War on pc after receiving low sales numbers, you didn't stop to consider why. You didn't consider that an Xbox live subscription on pc via GFWL was maybe why no one bought your shitty game. You expected that pc gamers would be as stupid as the Xbox niggers were, and when they weren't, you tried to take your marbles and go home.
The reality must be painful to you, because it wasn't that they were pirates, it's just that they rejected your shitty product and the shitty service you linked it to. Just like they're rejecting your shitty store today.

It's corporate speak. The way the "guaranteed sales" works is this.

Epic guarantees 10,000 sales at $10 each. This means they give the developer $100,000.
Now whenever the game gets a sale below 10,000, Epic keep all the money. Until the game sells over 10,000 the developer gets no money from these sales as Epic gave it to them already. If a game sells 10,100 copeies, the developer gets $1000 for this plus the $100,000 from Epic.

Naturally, if the game doesn't reach the 10,000 sales mark, the developer keeps the $100,000 and makes no money from those sales.

i love how tim is become /ourguy/


I genuinely am amazed at how low IQ Valve drones are, is it because they're underaged, or just third worlders? Here let me lay it out in simpler terms for you to understand:
>Tim said he doesn't want another case like Metro where a game already due on Steam with Steam keys already being sold is forced to go EGS exclusive BY EPIC
>Tim then said he's open to the deals and it's up to the publishers and developers to decide what to do, Epic won't be forcing exclusivity for games already on Steam like they did with Metro
Is that simple enough?

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I have no problem with people admitting they pirate games so long as they don’t make up reasons for doing it.

“It’s justice” is fucking retarded.

>Tim Sweeney: "here's proof of sales"
>posts an article from some literal who website praising the Epic Store
>no numbers
>all we have is Tim Sweeney's word
What kind of fucking retarded evidence is this? At least with Steam we have the Steam leak so we have hard numbers, not meme "Tim Sweeney promises he's not lying" numbers.

>hi r/fuckepic community
Top lel

>damage control

Tim's as based as Carmack, basically co-inventing the FPS genre. Arguably more than Carmack, because Unreal Engine has been used to make most notable AAA multiplatform games since it came out.

i dont like it so its untrue

>wojak poster

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He's clearly sweating.

>Dunning-Kruger effect retard tries to explain things he doesn't understand

>Meanwhile is attempting to become a monopoly
This is one of those communist rebellions where the people in charge on the rebellions are going to do exactly the same shit as the people they claim are the problem with the only difference being their asses will be in the big chair.

Which is funny considering who is bankrolling Epic. Never forget there is a reason the Chinese government HATES talking about WW2 or talking about the Chinese government that saved China during WW2 in a positive light.

Who the fuck cares about Tim, I just want to play my games. I don't care about his experience with Unreal, if he's going to start a storefront war I'll simply go back to pirating.

Pretty much. All these devs are saying that all the chink money is giving them financial security, so pirate away. The funny thing is that they're still going to get pissed at you for not giving them more, so feel free to also use your pirated copy as troll fuel

>Dunning-Kruger effect retard tries to explain things he doesn't understand
Oh the ironing.

>Dunning-Kruger effect retard tries to use terms he doesn't understand

>helped make all the garbage AAA slop that's been clogging the industry

i laughed hard at this 2bh

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Tim has Todd Howard and Peter Molyneux to support his claims. They wouldn't lie.

>telling people to just not buy from EGS is corporate bootlicking

Imagine being this mentally deficient

You have no idea what you're talking about, the Chinese government hates Tencent and frequently bans their games just to fuck with them.

Tencent is owned by South Africans anyway (Naspers), they're barely even a Chinese company.

>man is known for lying
>chink.jpeg 1234
Like clockwork

>that fakes sells
In English?

Why the fuck would you need a reason to get something for free? The reason AGAINST it is stealing from the developer, but they already got paid.

I think user is implying money laundering

I don't give a flying fuck about the developers or the publishers. I care about ME. Why would I care about publishers or developers? You don't see movie or tv companies expecting consumers to care about them.

don't expect proper English from steambabs

Told you they're third worlders, user. Wish we had flags like with /vint/.

>comparing Sweeney to Carmack.
Hi Tim. You wish you were as influential as Carmack.
Oh, and as for Unreal, it is a fucking cancer on the fps genre. Not a single version has been stable or well optimized. Any FPS that uses it is doomed to shitty performance if they try to do anything higher than Fortnite graphics.
Also, the vast majority of FPS games were using the Quake engine during the genre's most formative years.
>Pic related

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>post displays intention of pirating EGS exclusive
>always provokes angry response accompanied by a wojak edit attempting to ridicule said poster
Weird, huh?

this always makes me think Games, Inc.

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Because developers make those things you enjoy, faggot. Of course they don't see a dime of those increased kickbacks, it all goes to the publishers.

Epic is not even owned by them, steam drones are just mentally ill.

What I find the most mind boggling is the amount of pointless bad PR they have. Epic could have had a much better reception if they stopped telling everyone to fuck off, let kickstarter, fig or whatever honor their promises to backers for different platforms and a few other relatively minor things that wouldn't negatively harm sales but would boost their image and in the long term bring more people on to the platform.

But no they are doing it in the most harmful and hamfisted way possible and it is goddamned embarrassing holy shit.

We don't deserve him bros

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Reminder that devs would rather have you pirating your games than buying from EGS

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This. I don't see why I should just take Timmy at his word on this.

You both deserve the noose.

I doubt you're going to see anymore of this after the recent shitshow. It's pretty evident now that hatred for him is much more than a few throwaway accounts, and they're all willing to go after his partners. Baiting for reactions like this is only going to end badly

>just want to play my games
>(as long as the launcher says the thing that lets me fit in on Yea Forums)

They're under work-for-hire.

The worst thing is that they sell Steam'd versions in GamersGate (except for 2004, which I bought recently).


Cool, developers making more money after exclusive deals was definitely my biggest concern lol, now if only EGS wasn't a steaming pile of shit maybe I'd use it.

Fuck. Sorry for the shitty Pic. Here's a better one

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Fortnite is literally a masterpiece in terms of performance, they add like a shitton of things every patch and it's still running pretty solid you fucking mongoloid.

If he felt that way he wouldn't turn down devs who actually want to come to the EGS for reasons other than a big fat exclusivity check, but we know he is.

He pretends that his 12% cut is an enticement but anyone actually enticed by it gets turned away if they don't sign a "no Steam" deal.

That's it, bros. I'm getting an Epic Games Store tattoo on my face. He's just too awesome.

Their retarded boomer executives think the crybaby "anti-toxic" twitter crowd is where the money is.

>hurr durr no actual counterargument

I will tell you a secret. Nothing operates on the level of Tencent in China without being wholly and totally controlled by the Chinese government.

Hey OP, I can't find that post on r/fuckepic. Can you post a link?

And how about modern games, user? How widespread was UE3? How widespread is UE4? It has absolutely dwarfed any other engine ever.

Because they refuse to go above WoW tier graphics. Thanks for proving my point, dumbass.
>actually plays Fortnite and defends it
Tim is definitely in this thread guys.

Christ with all this shit

only reason i despise and resent this epic shit is because there are too many fucking platforms.

Steam is enough, i don't need more fucking platforms.

everybody wants to have a fucking platform just so they rack more money , all of the excuses that the devs get paid and shit... i bet all the EA origin cancer really increases dev's salaries and not executives bank accounts.

Fuck off with this shit, steam is enough.

They get paid a salary and get paid more than most other jobs. Yeah they don't get paid as much as programmers in other industries but they still get paid well.

>we only take 12% of each sale!
>but first you'll have to kiss our ring endlessly for a year
Going by what happened to skatebird, this isn't some goodwill offer

Ga*ers are subhuman you treat them like garbage, Tim is literally doing the right thing.

>source: currytech
OK now I KNOW they're lying.

that doesn't mean it's good, retard, it just means retard developers with zero skill can make games like ARK or RUST that run at 10 fps

if people never "rose up" against battlefront II, you can make sure that every single game would slowly turn into paytowin shit. when they did, they had to remove paytowin from battlefront II or least dial it back or whatever they did. voicing concerns is not a bad thing, stop being such a fucking massive retard

Selling your game on Steam has value because of Valve's unchallenged position in the market. Being the new kid on the block is a costly endeavour and this is how Epic is going to break people out of the Steam bunker.

Think about it, any kid who got into PC gaming in the last 15 years was forced at some point to download Gabe's emporium onto their PC to play a game they bought in a store or got for Christmas. This isn't a "natural state of gaming" but a virtual monopoly, a walled garden, that needs to be broken down. It sure as shit isn't going to be free and I'm honestly shocked that someone is willing to do it. Thank you, Tim.

A fun and useful fact that you will probably enjoy:

if you pirate a game, you can add it to Steam as a non-Steam shortcut. There's not actually any need to install the EGS launcher at all to play their exclusives.


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>hating yourself this much

>Ignores the entire fucking nature of how the Chinese market works and says it isn't even owned by the chinese
You didn't even make a point.

>receive free money
>kissing the ring
Lmao, steamlets...

UE3 and UE4 fucking sucks!
Thanks for proving my point again faggot.
The fps genre has suffered immensely from the adoption of UE once QE died off after the Bethesda purchase of ID.
UE 3&4 both suffer from massive memory leak issues and other less apparent optimization problems.
Play a UE game that isn't fortnite graphics and you can see its clearly a pile of shit.

Do you just copy-paste these responses without even reading what you're replying to? That doesn't have shit to do with anything I said, you fucking chink dunce.

>Fortnite above tier wow graphics
You don't have any clue about developing faggot

Why does Tim support GoG when they use the 70/30 split Steam does?

I dont want to be forced to use ANY part of EGS. That means I don't want to give them money, or have any trace of their shit on my computer. It's like being forced to associate with terrorists.

Shut up Tim

You don't need to. Based Tim already paid for your copy of the game; just grab it from your favorite torrent site and launch the game .exe directly from Steam! You don't even need an EGS account.

Yeah they should all use ancient engines to make more shitty Quake and Doom clones, in fact why don't we all just play wads only.

Face it faggot, more people play Fortnite DAILY than people have EVER played Quake 1, 2, 3, and Doom 1 and 2. Just because you hate it because it's popular doesn't mean it hasn't had way more influence than any of those.

It's obviously not considered competition.

Epic give guaranteed sales numbers, so they buy hundreds of thousands of copies as part of the deal.

>Remember how there were deranged hat collectors literally threatening violence and having breakdowns over people getting "their" shitty hats?
No I don't. I remember anons claiming this was happening, but they only had a couple images of steam accounts and twitter screencaps as evidence.
Most people seemed to be having fun with it.

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>UE 3 sucks because I said so

Go play with source you subhuman, or wait UE is the best engine on the market because everything compared to UE is trash

>random nigger company owned tencunt
>totally not a front I promise
Ownership in a commie country is a joke anyway.

>that needs to be broken down
With an objectively wholly inferior platform? How the fuck does anyone benefit from that?

Satisfactory guys did.

And the best way of doing so isn't by taking away the freedom of choice from the consumers by putting the game on the most feature-barren storefront imaginable. People won't invest into a new storefront if it basically fucks you over due to shady bakground shit, that's what happened with Origin back when it launched too, so you shills shouldn't be surprised when people do the same with Epic now. Seriously, fuck you, Tim.

>and this is how Epic is going to break people out of the Steam bunker

Hardly. They're going to be forced to do this exclusivity bullshit forever unless they implement some unique feature that Steam doesn't have. People will always gravitate towards Steam and GOG if given the option.

But he said it's not about competition per say, but about helping developers get a better deal to further the industry. How does supporting a platform which has the 70/30 split help things when it's the very thing he wants to fight against.

Makes no sense to me.

I'm saying that there is no way to break down Valve than to spend money. Steam isn't popular because it's the best but because it's popular. That 30% is worth it because the old alternative was (most likely) 100% of nothing. Epic is compensating for that with the exclusivity deals.

So yeah, Epic is doping the market, creating an arbitrary skewing effect, but so did and does Valve. But since they were first they could run a different strategy.

Tim, seriously, please fucking leave.

>no, our sales number are actually faked
who the fuck would say this

Y-you tell them Valvebro we should all use Source.

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Inferior how? Because it doesn't have muh shopping cart? It's getting the fucking cloud saves and soon it will have the epic shopping cart I'm sure. Social is on Discord. If I can just launch a game and forget what platform it's on, that's a plus in my book.

Stop it Tim. You're embarrassing yourself now.

Like anyone actually believes that. Taking ANY amount of money from Epic means the developer is shit and so is Epic for buying exclusives to their shit store in the first place. I trust fat old Tim even less than Chinese hackers. Epic is shit and will always be shit for their practices

What wrong with them using the same source as the EGS haters?

Do people actually buy games lmao
Its 2010+9 how retarded do you have to be to hand over money to jews

Because he wants Gaben-sempai to acknowledge him in any shape or form. Everything and everyone else is secondary.

Timmy Tencent is deranged at this point.

The fact that a place like they even exists is really pathetic.

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Keep up with the news, old man.
>In the past, we were able to cover these extra costs from our cut and still turn a small profit. Unfortunately, this is not the case anymore. With an increasing share paid to developers, our cut gets smaller. However, we look at it, at the end of the day we are a store and need to make sure we sell games without a loss.

That is retarded for a lot of reasons. People who are PC only are more likely to just fucking pirate than deal with your hostage bullshit. People like me who own both a console and a PC will just buy the fucking console version.

Who said anything about breaking down Valve you absolute incompetent?

Tim acts like developers choose his storefront because he offers a better revenue split. But there are cases ON RECORD of developers actually asking to be put on the store, without any kind of shady palm-greasing exclusivity deal, and he's turned them away and said they CAN'T sell their game on his store front.

At this point it's nothing but bald-faced lying to say that anyone chooses his store for any reason other than the exclusivity check. He should have the personal integrity to admit that instead of acting like devs "want to come on board because he treats them better", especially when he's spitting directly in the face of devs who actually do want to come on board for better treatment instead of to Take The Deal.

He's not pro-developer at all. He's just anti-Steam. It's that simple. He is, to your point, trying to undercut Valve for his own profit margins and market control. For him to act like he gives a single scrappy french fuck about any developer is disgusting.

>bro why do you hate companies that make games unavailable and restrict freedom?

Holy shit, that's hilarious.

why the fuck do they draw the eyes so big? it's terrible

Attached: buying video games.gif (700x713, 52K)

>a million kids eat shit daily that means it's better
how about you fuck off, tard

They added cloud saves some days ago, it's a matter of time when egs kills Steam with native crossplay support

>Game can ONLY be bought from one place
>Look at how well it is selling!

My little publishers cannot be this retarded. If they actually think that those sales numbers would not be higher were the game sold in numerous places, they are genuinely deluded.

>that needs to be broken down
Nigger I have like 6 launchers on my PC and I hate it so much I'm gone back to pirating games, go fuck yourself.

Wow, you sure showed me, Epicdrone.

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Chinese > Americans

If the platform doesn't have any features, why the fuck do you even need the platform?

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I did. This is how conversations work. You say some shit, I say some shit and then... well that's it really. If you just want to hear what you say yourself, maybe you should try talking in front of the mirror.

It seemed like you were saying buy it and then put exe on steam. I agree with you, but if I pirate, I don't put it on steam no need to.

Fortnite, as a game, is better and deeper than Quake or Doom. Not a fair comparison since Fortnite builds on decades of game design and tech advances, but since you keep bringing old games into it.

The only feature I really care about is that it downloads and launches the game. Shove your trading cards up your ass.

>or wait UE is the best engine on the market
Not with that hideous texture pop-in it ain't
It's just one of the most accessible ones, the two aren't the same thing

It actually isn't, that got debunked already. IT's just a poorly made store.

I'm sure a lot of these faggots are here and spreading their mentally illness

>I need a bloatware DRM to download and launch my games
Epic shills are actually this brain damaged

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You can do that shit just with a browser. does it, Humble Store does it, does it, Zoom Platform does it, FireFlower Games does it and so on and so on.

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That is also assuming he is even telling the truth.

I made a point in response to a Timmy Tweet about how "developers deserve the right to take our 12% cut, that's not wrong!" and explained how disingenuous it was, since he shoots down developers who actually try.

You rolled off into whatever boilerplate tirade you keep saved in a notepad on your desktop for trying to win the Epic vs Steam argument, instead of actually engaging in any way with the point I was making.

It's not a fucking conversation if you just wait for me to finish speaking and then say whatever totally unrelated thing you want.

Cool. Make sure you say that every two seconds because Tim totally shits himself when you throw impotent threats like that.

Not to brag but I too have multiple launchers on my PC. And while I am smarter than most people on Yea Forums I struggle to see how it's an issue. Just launch your games from the start menu and the appropriate launcher starts automagically. How fucking oppressive (not).

>that got debunked already
citation needed


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It wasn't debunked. It scrapes your steam information.

You typed the most retarded shit I’ve seen today. Carmack has been openly pro-modding, for giving the community power and open source games since he had a voice in the industry.

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>complains about bloatware
>defends Steam

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Hey man, I know you're trying to troll, but he's right. Look at insurgency 1 vs insurgency sandstorm.
1 used source and never had crippling performance issues. Sandstorm on the other hand has been hurt severely thanks to their use of UE4 and it's rampant performance problems.

You're totally right that people go exclusive because of the money. What's wrong with that? Rather, how is it any different than someone going on Steam because Valve leverages their market power to be an oppressive market leader where games not on their platform might as well exist? Marketing has (monetary) value too, and that's why Epic compensates while establishing themselves.

Technically it's not bloatware, it's meant to increase the engagement within the Steam platform. And it works.

I hate EGS for totally unrelated reasons to Steam and would rather deal entirely with GoG you fucking mindless shill.

I don't trust Tim Sweeny in general and I especially don't trust sales numbers from a company that pays for exclusivity through pre-orders.

Yes, wouldn't it be nice if games just grew on trees in the Gamer Garden of Eden. They don't so they have to be distributed somehow. Feel free to only use GoG or whatever but don't act like most of the people who fight Epic don't gleefully use Steam.

Steam has appealing features beyond downloading and launching games. You know, what this conversation was about in the first place you ADD ridden retarded fucking chink.

Hating Epic is for redditors, thanks for opening my eyes OP.

>the company that is suspected of doing something bad is denying it is doing anything sketchy and is actually doing very well so it must be true

Attached: 104511.png (1000x1000, 105K)

>Doesn't know what bloat means

>What is wrong with that
It goes against them consumers. You can go and leverage Steam without losing access to other venues. Going Exclusive is essentially saying that you are pretty confident your game will not make the sales that Epic is promising and that you are unconcerned with the consumer.

I don't trust any company that pretends the 20+ years of history they have just does not exist and is irrelevant.

I get that Fortnite will likely be popular for a while, but as far as Epic is concerned these days, it (and UE) are the only things the company has ever created.

>200+ replies of Valvecel whining

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>it's not bloatware when gabe does it
I love it when the people I hate are just as stupid as I want to believe they are. And then some.

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Steam is more communistic than EGS, when you think about it. They take more from privileged developers just so they can help cover the purchasing fees for everyone else. EGS sounds more and more like a Republican wet dream, considering Timmy loves to preach Reaganomics and forces everyone to pay their own fees

Because they make like $4 a year user.

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>they have to be distributed somehow
Yes, an installer from a website. Like it always has been outside of Steam, you dumb fucking mongrel.

Like entering your age every time you want to see an age restricted game! Hundreds of times over a decade, great design!

>your store is so bad that you have to pay devs to use it

Why does Tim Sweeney, a man worth probably more than 10 digits at this point, waste his time like that?

>NPC recycling memes from ten years ago
Do you run off of win 98?

Such as? Steam adds zero value to your games you fucking tranny

It's literally: best accessibility = best engine, indie Dev/AAA studios doesn't need to waste time for engine documentary stuff.


Because money won't fix your insecurities, if they run deep enough.

Competition is not bad for "consumers" (can't you just say fucking customers or better yet gamers? talking all technical like doesn't make you sound smart). Ever heard of antitrust?

>No reviews
>No voice chat
>No community forums
>No workshop
>No screenshot sharing
>No wishlist
>No game tags
>No shopping cart
>No discovery queue
>No one-click online streaming
>No h-games
>No music category
>No software category
>No video category
>No linux support
>No regional pricing
>No payment option variety
>No marketplace
>No trading cards
>No trading
>No user profile customization
>No achievements
>No controller support
>No family sharing
>No overlay with browser
>No client skinning support
>No controller-friendly mode
>No local network gameplay streaming
>No cloud saves
>No backup feature
>No adding third party games to your list
>No third party key registration
>No new features since I made this pasta
>No reason to use Epic Store

>Doesn't know what bloat ware is
I bet you think a shopping cart is bloat ware lmfao

He loves steam drone tears

Attached: (1080x1693, 319K)

>features beyond downloading and launching games.
Why would I give a shit about anything else for video games?

>You're totally right that people go exclusive because of the money. What's wrong with that?
What's wrong with it is Tim PRETENDING like it ISN'T the reason. Jesus.

That's what I've said every single post. This shit right here is why I am convinced you aren't actually reading anything I'm writing, you're just waiting for a chance to drop your fucking talking points for your shill check.

Tim offers developers money to be exclusive on his store, because he wants to gain market share and undercut Steam. Okay, fine. But whenever people challenge him that this kind of business model is anti-consumer and bad for the industry, he comes back and PRETENDS like the exclusivity check isn't the reason. No, see, Tim's the good guy! Developers "choose" him because of his generous 12% cut, he's "saving" them from big bad evil Valve!

meanwhile when developers actually try to put their game on his store, presumably for a shot at the more generous revenue cut, he literally tells them "fuck off unless you're going to sign an exclusivity deal and take our money". There isn't even a POSSIBILITY that the hypothetical enticement of his 12% cut wins anyone over, he's made it impossible for that to happen.

He is lying. He is telling a lie, to everyone, and I'm calling him out on it. And you just keep going around making points about how "what EGS does is okay", completely ignoring that I'm calling out his crooked-tooth dishonesty rather than his actual business practices.

Cue your next unrelated talking point:

shopping cart never ever

Attached: Untitled.jpg (323x314, 45K)

I don't use it, I think that trading cards and the marketplace of items is cancer, but it works as intended for Valve.

Origin, Uplay, Direct2Drive and Discord. At some degree, GamersGate too (tho they always download proper installers).

On the other hand, the rise of licensed pre-made engines has decreased substantially the release of source codes to the public.

>best accessibility = best engine
It is good for specific things, but acting like it's perfect for every game of every genre, is fucking stupid.
>indie Dev/AAA studios doesn't need to waste time for engine documentary stuff.
yeah god forbid they do anything different and not just roll the game off a conveyor belt, you fucking monkey

You are not wrong but it's also irrelevant. People who own the games want to use launchers and gamers don't really seem like they have an issue using them, until a youtuber tells them that a certain brand is bad. The discussion isn't about launcher vs no launcher. Make your own freetard thread.

You'll say that until there's two games you want to buy simultaniously in the store. But oh, I forgot, shopping carts is not an important feature. Because apparently people are fine with buying games ONE BY FUCKING ONE instead of in a batch, AND risk getting banned because of it because the store itself is dumb enough to think repeated purchases in such a short period of time must be because of fraudulent credit card activity. Kill yourself, it's like you are so new that you haven't bought several games at the same time even once in your life.

>Competition is not bad for consumers
See EGS and Amazon.

It's not bloatware because it's not running a ton of background processes to collect your information for the Chinese.

nice try zhang

Attached: EVERYDAY IM SHUFFLIN(1).png (680x352, 171K)

As someone separated from him by one degree of separation, I can confirm that that is in fact true.

>No cloud saves
They do have them.
>No regional pricing
They do have it. I live in a third world country. Steam is always cheaper and by a big difference.

Is he? Tim seems pretty open with his intentions. He wants to make a better world and he's ready to spend money to get there. Ultimately he probably doesn't want to pay people to use Epic but until then he is ready to compensate people who take the chance on his vision for the lost exposure. If anything the plan is shockingly transparent.

Exclusivity is literally the opposite of competition you fucking dunce.

If competition is good for the customer, then surely you should be outraged that there's ZERO competition when it comes to the sale of Outer Wilds, right?

A shopping cart is bloat ware ;)

Wow, a mod workshop for retards, achievements, trading carts, and back ups (something anyone with two brain cells can do on their own). Do you need someone to wipe your ass for you too?


>He wants to make a better world and he's ready to spend money to get there.
I refuse to even entertain the notion of you being serious about this.

Samsho's devs basically confirmed it, the money from the deal comes in guaranteed sales.

Attached: Epic bribe comes in game purchases.png (600x272, 39K)

He's literaly mocking them, and there is nothing they can do about it apart from giving him viral marketing. Amazing

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pretty sure this is an edit and the original article was about GMG
fuck Sweenie but still, there's no need to spread fake shit

>Exclusivity is literally the opposite of competition you fucking dunce.

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So Sony and Nintendo aren't competitors because Uncharted and Mario are exclusives?

Attached: (Thee).gif (240x180, 1.11M)

>People who own the games want to use launchers
Citation needed
>gamers don't really seem like they have an issue using them
Are you trying to look like a literal corporate drone on purpose
>The discussion isn't about launcher vs no launcher
I'm sorry, you don't get to define the terms of the discussion. If a piece of software has no use, it's bloatware. There is no reason to use a launcher just to execute a file unless you're genuinely mentally disabled.

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>Actually believing the sweeny

>god forbid to use your own engine

Go ahead and create your own game let's see how easy it is fucking brainlet, perfect means it's the best in the business for everything and it's literally true.

>Still no shopping cart

The lack of a shopping cart is intentional, it's symbolic. Shopping carts are something you throw things in en masse, without caring. Without a shopping cart, you make a conscious decision on all purchases, which increases their perceived value.

No shopping cart means you will mentally upscale the worth of your games.

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Cool, now call me when you have good games on your store. Otherwise, thanks for paying for my copy.

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Oh for the love of fuck, I'm just gonna link back to the first post in this chain

>Is escaping the 30% Steam tax a privilege reserved only for games made by powerful corporations?
>what moral principle prohibits smaller developers and publishers from making deals to get funding and lower 12% store fees, or prohibits Epic from offering them?

Do you actually, factually not understand how this is a fucking dishonest statement to make when he's turning away developers that want to be on his store unless they bow to his anti-Steam whims?

I could literally rewrite his post about what he's doing:
>Is escaping the 30% Steam tax a privilege reserved only for games that make a deal with my powerful corporation?
>what moral principle prohibits smaller developers and publishers from making deals to get funding and lower 12% store fees, or prohibits Epic from offering them, when they don't want to sign an exclusivity contract that I try to force on them?

Do you get it yet? Or does your brain not get enough nutrients from your one bowl of state-distributed rice per day?

>hi r/fuckepic community.
what an abolute madlad

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People use Steam and they didn't complain en masse until this whole debacle. Well, not since they cried about Origin or Uplay, whichever was more recent.

Yes, there's always a few people like you who cry on principle and all the power to you, but it's not what this whole debate is about. Teaming up with steamcels to defeat Epic won't end launchers.


Yes. They absolutely are. Kill yourself Chink.

Idiot. nobody cares about this chink game and he gleefully shoots down guaranteed money, in favor of uncertainty. What a fucking tool.

It's competition, user. It's fucking lousy and shameless, but it's still very much competition.

Cherrypicking is bad enough, but when you can't even explain why your cherrypicks are bad, maybe you should stop trying.


Sorry that I have a holistic understanding of the situation and you don't. Cut, exclusivity and one time payouts all exist together for a purpose. You can't just take out one and consider in it a vacuum. Sorry.

It isn't fucking competition if I can only buy it from one goddamned store. Even worse if I had ordered it from another store and then all of a sudden a few months before it comes out it turns out it was fucking bought so now I MUST only get it from this one store or fuck off.

Competition only works when you are offering value to the customer. Epic isn't building a better storefront it is just buying exclusive rights to games. It isn't competing in the slightest.

>man is known for lying
>he lied a few times
If you are going to reply with that, then let me tell you every human being is "known for lying", and shouldn't be trusted.

r/fuckepic is known for lying, we should stop trusting them.

Why is reddit so upset that Timmy is giving them free games?

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here is your shopping cart bro

Attached: timcart.png (463x327, 116K)

note that what Sweeney says in the OP doesn't refute this

That just sounds like a stupid PR move he made to distract people from the fact that he's literally the satan of PC gaming.

You mean G2A. GMG is a legit reseller.

Did you not read the bottom part of the image?

I don't see the contradiction. Epic existing only confirms the multi store future is here. He never said "the future of games being available in every store is here".

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Here is a proposal, what if you cunts just shut the fuck up and let your final actions do the talk? At this point any genuine critique of timmy tencent’s shitty store will be dismissed by the (((journalists))) because of two or three faggots who spammed the gas chamber shit with soobletys crap
Game you liked or wanted goes EGS? If you care about it so much, ignore it, dont buy it, and save some money and fucking time. Some other literally who does too? Why should you care? Stop giving a shit and let them rot in their delusion. Dont give them attention, Timmy will abandon EGS like he did with UT (im still mad) when it stops being any profitable.

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No, that was in 2017 when everyone loved epic becasue pubg bad. He's really just trying to make the world a better place, steam has to die for the sake of the future

For the tenth fucking time: Steam actually offers features. Exactly, people complained about those launchers too, because they're scummy fucking dogshit, and were STILL better and less scummy than EGS. You're defeating your own argument.

Correct. Competition only applies to fungible goods, at least in the sense that economists mean when they talk about "the dangers of monopolies".

If I make sugar and you make sugar, we can compete over things like whose sugar is the best, or who offers the lowest price, or the most convenient purchasing options. We can do this because a customer is going to purchase either my sugar or your sugar, critically, there is NO REASON WHY THEY WOULD WANT BOTH.

That is what makes those products in competition with one another.

If I make sugar and you make salt, there is a roundabout sense in which we are both vying for the same set of customer dollars, but ultimately the two goods are not interchangeable.

Similarly, when two consoles are in real, direct competition, it is on the basis of multiplatform titles available on both; you buy the console that performs better, or costs less, or whatever. But unless you are gonna sit here and argue that a given consumer treats Super Mario Odyssey and Bloodborne as "essentially interchangeable", that there's no real reason why anyone would want both, then no. You can't establish direct competition.

>pirates games he doesn't like
The absolute state of Steamfags.

Competition works if you can sway customers to use your product (i.e. the store). There is no holy law from the tablet of Adam Smith that says you can only do that by competing on end user price, bells and whistles but NEVER EVER exclusivity.

He is doing it for a decade you fucking piece of subhuman shit, you did nothing expect sucking Gabens cock in your life,sad.

Because free sex from a whore comes with a side of std.

Massive cope

Okay so you like trash if it's courtesy of Valve. I get it.

>"I bought this land because it has a nice longleaf pine forest and was available for a reasonable price. I’ll be holding it until I find a permanent nature conservation home for it, which will take years or decades. I just plan to hike it and do some tree thinning and burning for ecosystem restoration until I find a permanent conservancy or state home for it."
Yeah, buying up an area that was already set to be used for development and specifically saying he'll hold onto it does not exactly inspire that much confidence. He may be actually sincere, but I've seen way too much corporate grandstanding to assume he's benevolent.

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>noooo stop voicing your concerns
Put that corporate dick back in your mouth

>he doesn’t pirate
What are you gay

>I have a holistic understanding of the situation
Does your holistic understanding prevent you from recognizing a person telling a fucking lie? That's all this has been about, Tim Sweeney telling a lie.

At this point, I think you know that, and you're just being glib for (You)s.

but if I eat an apple my desire for pears will likely diminish. Are apples and pears not in that sense fungible?

based as fuck

>perfect means it's the best in the business for everything and it's literally true.
But it is not perfect holy shit. UE3 was a meme by the end of its lifecycle specifially because of this.

Prove that he's lying.

>the absolute state of epic shill rhetoric
My god, even people whose JOB it is to defend Epic can't do it.

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No no, let them be, it displays all mental retardation of steam drones, and it's the only reason why he appears there.

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>Look at all the downvotes from steam drones

Attached: (1080x629, 145K)


I suppose proof would defeat the purpose of belief.

If you still think voting with your wallet works in 2019 you're either a paid shill or brainwashed by corporations. The only way to make a real difference is to make as much noise as possible to convince the majority that shit like this isn't okay.

It's not competition in a meaningful sense.

It's "competition" in the same abstract way that Nissan is in competition with United Airlines (because they're both means of travel), or Sony Music Group is in competition with Penguin Publishing (because both supply a form of entertainment media).

When you talk about competition between two products or services, you are talking about a situation where a consumer is expected to pick one or the other. Nobody, including Valve and Epic, expect the consumer to choose their store over the other store entirely.

You are talking about adding products to the marketplace, not introducing direct competition.

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oh, sorry, G2A yeah

The only thing you're doing is giving them free advertising. Why do you think Tim Sweeney loved the tone of the Ooblets developers?

>>satisfactory reddit has less than 100 users
satisfactory subreddit has 44,962 followers and the discord server 91k

>Come to my store or I will fucking shoot your family

Attached: 1562450513691.jpg (690x720, 77K)

It is technically competition, it's just terrible competition that makes things entirely worse for consumers.

How many times do I have to link back to Sweeney's tweet, you dipshit? How many times do I have to reiterate the same point?

>Sweeney claims developers choose EGS instead of Steam because of his lower revenue cut, instead of the fat check he cuts
>Sweeney also forbids developers from choosing EGS unless they take the fat check he cuts

Do you need me to explain what the word "lie" means for it to finally sink in?

it sounds like theyre speaking engligh yet I can't understand a single word?

Hey Epic shills, tell me why I even need a launcher to download games from EGS. Why can't they take a note from GOG and just give me the exe without any third party software?


Be thankful I don't just pirate your game.

fuck off with your facts

Because it appeals to the twitter crowd that they're pandering to. Little do they know that people who spew "toxic gamer" unironically don't actually fucking buy games.

You're not one of those retards who believes any publicity is good publicity are you?

actually based

>UE3 meme
>Mass effect

>And more

Like almost ever multiplatform AAA game was made in UE why are you lying ? Are you mentally ill ?

>>Sweeney also forbids developers from choosing EGS unless they take the fat check he cuts

Not that guy but, i had no idea cyberpunk is delayed on steam. Absolute madman

The bottom line is and even Tim knows this. Nobody and I mean fucking NOBODY would pick the EGS over even fucking Origin when it came to picking a launcher to use for a game much less Steam.

What exactly does it offer other than exclusivity? He is a huge asshole and a fucking moron but he understands that the only thing that EGS has going for it is huge piles of money and willingness to burn every bit of good will anyone ever had for them.

>falling for the "billionaires care about society" meme

No billionaire received their fortune through ethical means. This is all a stage act to hopefully spare them from the gulag

I don't agree that your intentional misinterpretation of a tweet constitutes catching him in a lie. Devs want better cuts. But they don't want to lose market share. Tim compensates for risk of lost sales.

Wow, so nefarious and dishonest!

It offers multiplatform support, unlike steamworks for example. So if you want your game to be available on more storefronts and consoles epic is the way to go.

>devs want better cuts
Then maybe they shouldn't be calling their fans "stupid entitled cunts".

and of course you do not own any ubisoft games, or ea or blizzard, right? right?

> i understand this thing is actively destroying something you love but i don't understand why you all just don't pretend it doesn't exist which would obviously solve all your issues

>Based Kyoani gets burned by a mentally ill person
>companies like EA, Bethesda, Activision, Ubisoft and Epic are still untouched
it is not fair bros

Attached: literally shaking right now.png (633x758, 16K)

Better falling to a meme than supporting a fat fuck that eats his money for dinner and dies end 50 by a stroke.

I don't personally think making games and game engines is unethical, but i don't much logic from steam communists anyway

Seems fitting considering it's these "fans" (rather a vocal minority who probably aren't genuinely interested in half the games they fight over) want them to overpay for Steam because they can't be bothered to use Epic for whatever reason.

Why the hell would I? what kind of person willingly says to themselves "I want to own an EA product"?

To a certain extremely limited degree in a specific, extremely limited context, okay. For example, a pear grower might be said to "compete" with an apple grower for space on a grocery store's produce shelf.

But nobody in their right mind would argue that a pear farm and an apple farm down the road are in competition with one another. Hell, most people wouldn't argue that two apple farms are in competition with one another if one is only growing fujis and one is only growing granny smiths.

Fungibility means "treatable as essentially interchangeable by the end-user". Nobody who cares enough about vidya to post on Yea Forums actually believes two different video games are realistically fungible in any way.

EGS could be said to be in competition with Steam, as a storefront, if they offered essentially the same goods and services, such that a customer would realistically be expected to select one instead of the other. Nobody expects that, Sweeney's ultimate goal is for you to use EGS in addition to Steam, not to uninstall Steam.

Ironically, this is exactly what people are mad about. If he was serious about COMPETITION, if his end goal was to provide everything Steam provided you but better, so that you would use his store instead of Steam, there'd probably be less backlash. What people are mad about is the attempted balkanization of their games library across multiple programs. They're mad that he wants you to use his software IN ADDITION to other software you already use.

Chances are their studios have working fucking fire sprinklers.

>multiplatform support
EGS on linux?

Not him but no I literally don't.

>GOG 2

I didn't know you weren't allowed to manipulate the stock market if you made a game engine

>Overpay for Steam
I would much rather they take the Epic paycheck and then instantly turn on their fans because it turned out they hated them the entire time. Much more amusing.

Yeah the guy who has the biggest reason to lie.

>Everyone lies just like m-me... right?
You should make new friends and reevaluate your viewpoint user.

If that's how you feel, how about accepting games without exclusivity?

Attached: epic forced exclusivity.png (589x523, 60K)

>destroying something [I] love
The sacks of money Gabe sleeps on?

>Devs want better cuts
The Skatebird devs wanted better cuts, and Tim told them no, because they didn't want to be exclusive.

Then he went on Twitter and said that he's a martyr trying to save devs like them by offering better cuts.

It's a fucking lie.

>company accused of faking sales numbers says "nuh-uh!" so I believe them

Really nigger?

But that's wrong. Coke and Pepsi are competitors and do not produce fungible products.

>the community built around mindlessly hating the storefront is incredibly cringey

It's extremely pathetic. Nobody makes this much of a fuss over timed console exclusives which you actually have to pay for to access the game.

I use Steam and will never touch EGS but holy shit, I just install the game and play it. Apart from the modding stuff I could give less than 2 shits about the rest.

>Seems fitting considering it's these "fans" (rather a vocal minority
And what about the other fans? The people who will have to pay more because Epic doesn't support their currency, or doesn't foot the bill for international exhange rates? What about the poor sobs who can't even buy the games because epic doesn't support their regions? What about people who hate steam and just want a DRM-free version of the game without any bloated launchers? I for example hate DRM and I want all games to be without it.


Sorry, I don't fit into your strawman. Now answer my query or get out.

He doesn't have the clout to do it to a AAA dev, which is what makes it all the more disingenuous when he waxes heroic about how "indie devs deserve the same protections as big AAA players!!!"

>Like almost ever multiplatform AAA game was made in UE why are you lying ? Are you mentally ill ?
Your argument boils down to "it's the most popular so it's the best." I guess this means Sims, FIFA and Call of Duty are the best games ever created, too.

With that said-
>Mass effect
If you played these, you would also remember the horrific texture pop-in, for starters.

EGS is working on linux with wine, it's not officially supported as of right now. Linux community is so small they can't sadly work on supporting it as of right, give them some time

What's the lie? He did something you didn't like but that's not a lie. Epic isn't running a libertarian nightmare like Steam. They add games on a case by case basis.

>Why not put the game on both Steam and Epic and have Epic be discounted the amount Steal would take?
Doesn't Steam have a rule against that?

Dumb american kids only know how to shoot up each other instead of the people who actually matter.

Linux is irrelevant.

>Epic cares about linux
>when they can't even implement a shopping cart

I'll enjoy playing on linux in 2050 then?

only for their keys iirc

i don't have epic account because there is no games on epic that i would like to play
it's as simple as that

Skatebird developers wanted to go epic exclusives but epic said to them to fuck off since they already promised steam keys. They don't want to repeat what they did wrong before so.... how is that a bad thing?

>Coke and Pepsi are competitors
absolutely true
>and do not produce fungible products
The fuck they don't. Apart from the fact that their products are literally indistinguishable in a taste test, the reality is no realistic customer would be expected to want both coke and pepsi.

Nobody orders a coke and a pepsi, because the want to enjoy both. Even in a situation where both are available to them, the customer is selecting one or the other essentially 100% of the time.

That is what makes the products fungible.

You're on Yea Forums; are you really gonna suggest that anywhere close to 100% of the time, a consumer is going to either buy one game or another, and nobody is ever going to buy both?

Literally nothing wrong with making people pay for currency and transaction fees. Thing is, nothing is free and when a company "pays for you" they are in reality just distributing the cost equally on everyone. How is that fair to the people who use cheaper transaction methods and already have the right currency?

why would i pay the same price for less?

>nobody bitches about timed exclusives

>apart from the modding stuff
Nigger that's a fucking major feature you're trying to footnote. You're only reinforcing my point, showing that with so many features, even basic users find something useful for them.

>They don't want to repeat what they did wrong before so.... how is that a bad thing?
They had no issues repeating the mistake after Phoenix Point, with Shenmue. Or Phoenix Point after Exodus.

>source "DUDE TRUST ME"

Why are you saying that you don't use some features? You not using them doesn't really lower the natural value of them.

"I am doing the right thing by enticing devs to my store with a better revenue cut! It's not the unpopular exclusivity agreements that bring them to me, it's my generous business model!"
>hey, that better revenue cut is enticing! We're wowed by your generous business model! Can we come on board without one of those unpopular exclusivity agreements?


Epic took Phoenix Point off GoG for a fucking year. They can go fuck themselves.

>And what about the other fans? The people who will have to pay more because Epic doesn't support their currency, or doesn't foot the bill for international exhange rates? What about the poor sobs who can't even buy the games because epic doesn't support their regions?

I assume you are talking about ooblets thing. In which case you should prolly read this

Not that guy btw

>Nigger that's a fucking major feature you're trying to footnote
Modding is only for defective games. Good games, such as what EGS pulls in, do not need mods to be good, they are good by virtue of being designed to be good.

>But consoles do it
And no one fucking wants them to except retards and fanboys you fucking moron

>nothing is free
>you have to foot the bill you stupid goyim
>poor Epic shouldn't have to, even though they have literally billions in the bank

And here you were besmirching people for sucking off gaben and supporting his greed.

I'm slowly starting to belive that steamdrones are unironically mentaly retarded

Lmao steamdrones are some salty faggots

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Well maybe Phoenix Point just realized GoG wasn't worth the hassle. They took the better deal and you're acting entitled about it, so that pretty much proves they were right.

>Modding is only for defective games
Epic shills parroting console peasants

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Except it is because now I have two (more, if you include storefronts like GOG) paid accounts with tangible monetary value attached to them that I have to worry about being hacked. I'm simply not going to use Epic's store for one or two games, which is about as many exclusives that interest me. It's too much hassle. I have a distinct impression that 95% of Steam users will feel the same way. "Why should I have to keep track of two accounts when I have hundreds of games on Steam? They should just release on Steam." is what I believe they will say. Same reason GFWL flopped even though they literally gave away games for free. and Origin are only surviving because they're run by two of the largest publishers on the market holding their own games hostage, AND EA usually just releases on Steam anyway.

>epic continues to pay for exclusive games that can only be sold on one store
Well so far they have all been timed exclusives.

Well, no longer it seems. Shame on them


It's true though. If you make a good game, why is there a need for someone to add to it?

>At no point in time did the Ooblets post state that “everyone” or “all gamers” were acting the same way. At no point in time did the post state that all of those who had concerns about Epic’s launcher were acting in an extreme fashion.

Stopped reading there.

Yeah my fucking mistake for backing a goddamned game and expecting to get what was promised. Me and my goddamned entitlement. Seriously fuck you and fuck them.


That's strange, I don't remember even mentioning steam in my post.

Yes, indeed. What is the lie? You're presenting a dishonest paraphrasing that supposedly doesn't fit the motives you project onto Epic to create such contradiction. Unlike Steam, being on Epic isn't a right for anyone who shat out a game. You don't have to like that of course, but that doesn't make it deceitful or evil.

dare i say?

I only own Alice Madness Returns and Dragon Age Origins because I'm based

I can just feel a food analogy coming from you

You never worked in the industry I guess, the best thing is the overall package of an engine, the accessibility, the costs ratio, the flexibility etc etc. The result is UE. There is no better engine out there, sure you can create your own one for your own game but your engine is trash for the rest.

Are you fucking retarded the only reason for the bad performance was nvidia bullshit
>Mass effect
Literally one of the best games in terms of performance and optic you are just coping

>GoG isn't worth the hassle

I know you did, your brain can't accept facts that don't fit your narrative. No one wants you to go through mental breakdown.

Fine, i do

The same reason why people buy legos and build things that aren't shown on the box. I'm sorry you lack creativity.

>Nobody makes this much of a fuss over timed console exclusives
Why do you fucking niggers say this shit, console wars are born from exclusivity and have been a thing for like 30 fucking years. Exclusivity has fragmented gaming communities since forever. God, shut the fuck up

Absolutely, and I agree with your assessment of the situation and the problem. I'm just saying that to describe this state of affairs as "competition" is disingenuous.

When people talk about competition, in the economic sense, the key point being made is that when a customer will choose EITHER your business OR another business for a specific thing, you are enticed to do a better/more appealing job of providing that specific thing, so that they choose you instead of your competitor.

In any situation where you are not in an either/or bid against someone else for a customer's money, that motivation does not exist. So to argue that "competition is good for the industry" when it's not COMPETITION in the sense economists describe is just incorrect.

Timmy really is insecure as hell, isn't he? I'd assume having billions would make one feel better about themselves but I guess not.

He promised a release there (and on Steam) in a crowdfunded game. He has to be held accountable for it.

>it's not fake
Sure, I believe you, Mr.Sweeny.

who knew best post could still happen this late in the thread

You don't need a workshop for mods, literally the opposite the workshop is bullshit and limits more you at modding.

>Hey, saw you accused this corporation of lying. Well I, the CEO of the corporation, say that we didn't lie.
wow very based

Epic is using their billions in the bank to pay game devs more, while Valve is using pocket change of their billions to "foot the bill" (let's just pretend it works that way) for thirdies who use Paysafe cards to buy CSGO skins.

I could never guess that it's the former that's vilified by gamers.


*in his crowdfunding for the game.

>Unlike Steam, being on Epic isn't a right for anyone who shat out a game. You don't have to like that of course, but that doesn't make it deceitful or evil.
But it is though. The only requirement is though that you sell exclusivity to them. They don't want to have non-exclusives because then the question would become

>Well Epic how many sales did the non-exclusive get
And then they would have to lie their fucking asses off even more

Show me then where they actively apologized to the people who didn't attack them. Even if they didn't say it, they would want to assure their loyal fans.

>We've investigated ourselves and determined that we did no wrong. Thank you.

I don't know how else to explain it to you. When you do something, and then say the opposite thing, what you said is a lie. That's the definition of a lie. When you say that you entice developers with a revenue split and not an exclusivity contract, and then you do the opposite of that, what you are saying is a lie.

>the chinese cant lie
remember anons, nothing happened on June 14th 1989

Epic never said that their store is open to everyone.

I know the definition of a lie but it only counts if someone actually said it.

>At no point in time did the Ooblets post state that “everyone” or “all gamers” were acting the same way
Yes, just everyone who disagrees with us, sees through our snark or doesn't suck our dick in general.
>At no point in time did the post state that all of those who had concerns about Epic’s launcher were acting in an extreme fashion.
Instead we just dismissed, deflected and misrepresented their concerns in the most condescending tone we could muster.

Fortunately, since I'm not a retarded corporate shill, I can hate both for being greedy assholes. If Epic wants to be the "good guys" they'll foot the bill for every single country and region and then thank their customers for the privilege.

Until this happens, Epic will remain on the "list of retarded greedy assholes" right next to steam. Now go ahead and strawman me into a steam shill because you have no other argument and you desperately need me to fit into your convenient strawman.

No you tard. They are substitutes, not fungible. Dollar bills are fungible, and you are being disingenuous by saying Coke and Pepsi are the equivalent of fungible goods. Please stop spreading your armchair economics misinformation. What point are you even arguing?

Funny how you brave gamers who equally shit on everyone, especially definitely honestly including steam, are dead silent until a steam competitor comes along.

What is Tim even doing? At first I thought it was him trying to provoke Valve, but with Valve ignoring him I have no idea what is he planning by shitting on everyone.

Apologize them for what? Their patreon numbers are a bit higher than they were before the exclusivity drama. That should tell you enough,

You know what's crazy? I don't think I saw a single post ITT comparing steam from it's initial launch to EGS's current state to defend it's lack of features. That argument was made constantly just last month, why is it suddenly absent?

And? The added inconvenience of playing those games is hardly worth posting about, much less throwing an internet-wide shitfit and going on campaign against every game that goes exclusive to them.

>nobody was shitting on Steam before EGS came along

Attached: stewie.png (303x332, 134K)

How many Steam thread did you make until now faggot?

>dead silent

Hey asshole, I was among the vocal majority who shat on steam when they tried pushing paid mods. I was there laughing at their utter incompetency when they botched the unusual market in TF2. i was there criticizing them every step of the way, but your selective vision refused to acknowledge any of it.

Apologize to me for example, for grouping me in with the "toxic haters and trolls" all because I had legitimate concerns for being treated like garbage.

You backed a concept, which were liable to change at any time. Besides, you aren't a shareholder or anything, they have nothing to answer to you. What you gave was charity, in return for hope. You're still getting what you wanted, just not in the exact way you wanted. The real world doesn't work like your imagination.

You know that you aren't gonna get an answer from the EGShill dept. They're just gonna try to change the subject using one of Sweeney's tweets and call you a steam drone cause they don't even have any arguments to make.

If you don't like it, then leave the thread. Stop demanding people fit into your hivemind, otherwise you're no better than the "steam drones" that you complaining about it.

There have been valve hate threads for years you stupid newfag.

I'd say it's less about Epic themselves-- they've been shit since Gears of War and this is a reasonably expected turn of events. What's a little more shocking is the sheer volume of shortsighted idiots on the development side that were immediately putty in Epic's hands upon flashing a briefcase full of cash, failing to realize that nobody really wants to use such a barebones distribution platform, and on top of that many of them had explicit promises for release platforms during crowdfunded campaigns which they immediately reneged on. I knew this was a seedy industry but this is just plain bad business sense. How far is that cash going to take you after your exclusive releases and you realize you still need to sell games for a living and everyone hates you? Or have they all decided to just suck from the teat of Epic until they are eventually executed behind the shed for irrelevance, EA style?

Steam has been shat on since the moment it came out. What in the literal fuck are you talking about.

Is Tim taking PR lessons from Randy Pitchford? This is a very Randy move. All that's left is him singing about how steam sucks in some next conference.

>If you are going to reply with that, then let me tell you every human being is "known for lying", and shouldn't be trusted.

This is some parody-tier demagogy, I dont even know how to reply to this

>"Muh multistore future is awesome!'

Ok Tim can I get BL3 on steam then, or is it just on your store?

>Epic store
>Steam competitor
According to epics own roadmap they are a fucking months from being competitive with Steam in any way any user should care about.
The EGS is an Alpha build they shat out, no one should be using it until it gets feature parity with at least Uplay because that is the point it should have launched at and still should have been shat on for

>Your fault for backing a game faggot LOL GET FUCKED
Well yes but you see the problem is that because of this I will never use Epic and had PP refunded and will still pirate it later.
>Words words words words from the shill
Don't care. Its obvious you have an agenda and are disingenuous. I hope the chinks grind your bones into chili powder to eat with their dogs your boot licking faggot.

>It’s also really disappointing to see folks threatening to pirate a game just because they can’t get it on the game launcher they’re used to. Feeling like you’re owed the product of other people’s work on your terms or else you’ll steal it is the epitome of that word “entitlement” that people use to discuss immature, toxic gamers.

People that think like that are indeed entitled immature toxic gamers. Facts don't warrant the apology, even when you don't like them

Nobody wants to use Steam either. Not until they locked in everyone's game and created a mindbreak/stockholm situation. That's why Tim, being honest as always, said it's about appeasing devs and not gamers. Gamers are loud and annoying but they are not principled.

Right now it's real easy to be a brave anti-epic Yea Forumsirgin because the platform doesn't really have any good games we care about. That might change or it might not. However, it does have Fortnite, and like Half-Life, CS and TF2 enslaved our generation to Gabe, there's no reason why Fortnite won't do the same for Tim.

The winning move is to be nobody's bitch. Stop Steam from running automatically, launch games from shortcuts and pick games not stores. Someone is getting paid to distribute it but let the devs decide who they want since they are the people you should care about. Not these fatcats who wants to shove their stores in your face.

Retarded reading comprehension. Obviously it shouldn't be a thing on consoles but everyone is directing their anger at Epic instead of the consoles or devs signing up for timed exclusives there. Don't try to say people get this angry over console timed exclusives because it's not even close.

this guy is literally worse than hitler

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>immature toxic gamers

There are people out there who unironically use this resetera lingo.

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>Tim, being honest as always
Even if there isn't a god how are you not being struck down by divine retribution for such brash lies that fly in the face of the heavens?

>deepfakes work on text
imagine being this retarded

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Now, that was funny. He still a shit.

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You are a fucking idiot, you fight the creeps that spawn before you take the tower, console war faggotry is entrenched and breaking it down will take years, dealing with epic is both quicker and a good tutorial on how to start dealing with the console problem.

personally i just call them steamdrones

I'm ready to end it all.

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>Just don’t buy the games on it and move on fucking faggots
sadly user, your infinite wisdom doesn't apply to most drones

>this chink game
>What is arguably the biggest upcoming fighting game.
The CEO is retarded for expecting a million sales, but Samurai Showdown is guaranteed at least 2-300k sales.

>moba analogy
Your feeding tube will run dry before you can make a difference go back to playing your moba.

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>literally indistinguishable
Pepsi is a metallic aftertasting bile wash of a piss drinkers mouthwash, get the fuck out of her.

>I just call them DRM drones


Or do you think you're special?

>>pirates games he doesn't like

So this is bad instead of spending money on games he doesn't like? With piracy, you can just delete that shit when you don't like it and have the satisfaction that the devs got zero money from you and you didn't waste a dime for it.

I am picking games, that's why I'm annoyed, because those games are now Epic exclusives (admittedly it's only 2 games so far, but regardless). As I said in an earlier post, I'm really not inclined to create yet another storefront account that I need to worry about being hacked, in a context where China is significantly invested no less. I already have accounts for Origin, GOG and Steam. It's simply not worth the hassle to me to get these games on Epic's store even though I want to play them. So now I'm probably going to pirate those games on launch instead -- maybe I'll buy it later if its worth it. Is it worth it to the devs? Guess they need to decide that on their own.

I realize that this is correct, and that I'm using the word fungible incorrectly, so pardon me on that front. Two cans of coke are fungible, not two brands of cola.

Having ceded that point, I still stand by the overall point that I'm making, which is that discussing "competition" in an economic sense is only meaningful if you are discussing two goods or services for which you would reasonably expect a customer to only ever choose one or the other.

Obviously we can dream up a hypothetical person who buys 3 brands of salt because he appreciates the differences between them, but that person should be atypical enough to ignore. The average consumer is buying salt, of some variety or other, and once they select one they have no reason to also purchase a second one.

This state of affairs does not apply to video games. It would be ridiculous to presume that the average customer, all other things being equal, would only ever want to purchase EITHER Ooblets OR Portal, and thus conclude that the only store where you can purchase Ooblets is "competing" with the only store where you can purchase Portal.

Do an ABX double blind taste test, you will fail.

>i'm reasonable and fair
Yeah, I never bought this "argument".

Im with you man. I hate egs because im gonna have to play bordelands 3 and outer worlds later and i dont really care about the rest but you have to admit that you have to be an obese pile of mediocrity to support egs scums.

Tim is not helping this cause by creating an equally restrictive and tremendously worse platform. Devs don't see a fucking penny from the lower fee, it goes to publishers. Devs who get bought off and destroy their good will with their customers will never make worthwhile games again. Your defense boils down to
>EGS is so shit that people might stop using platforms altogether therefore EGS is good
The absolute state of epic shill reaching

>who cares if EGS has horrible security and you'll have people trying to hack into your account every 5 seconds, just download it goyim

>the videos are deepfakes
>the chat showing the man in question are fake because you can create fake head swap videos
what the fuck

Better than a food one since it is still videogame related, point still stand, the creeps always spawn and they always get in the way of the bigger issue.
Allowing Epic to entrench themselves and establish any kind of shitty foothold on PC at all adds to the problem rather than detracts


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You really think your accounts are safe? My buddies just told me in a group chat this morning that their Origin accounts got hacked and that I should check mine. Are they retarded? Maybe they did something dumb, but I doubt it -- we all went to college to become software engineers and all of us know the OWASP top 10.

I get your argument but I have 423 games installed on my computer right now and I have no intention of launching them through shortcuts.

I use Steam because it is a library manager; that it is a store is secondary to that function, and I know Gaben is banking on that (since I am already using the library manager, using the integrated store is convenient for me).

You show me a library manager that outperforms it and I will happily switch. But Timmy Tencent certainly isn't making any inroads there.

I think the point was to say that if people can trivially switch people's faces in videos now, manipulating some text in a video of a discord is the least of what they can do.

I don't think anyone beside steamdrones belive they have rights to have games on their drm platform of choice.

>you can edit a message before its sent
yeah nah. thats too much effort and work in real time or in editing to be worth it, especially when the retards are saying really stupid shit in the first place

>If you don't like it, then leave the thread
>complaining about hivemind
I hope you improve.

Stop using "open1234" as your password maybe? Epic uses two factor log-in with associated email too so you'll be a grade a retard to be "hacked".

Member when to play a game you didnt have to register anywhere at all, not a single time
you just install and play

>why is it suddenly absent?

I think more people were starting to catch on that EGS was lacking lots of features when compared directly to Steam and the sale fuckup when users were trying to buy multiple games caused them to get banned

It's not about having the "right" to anything.

It's about the fact that when I want a game, one of the places I can get it is always going to be The Pirate Bay. If you want me to get it from your store instead of from there, you need to give me a good reason. Valve, for all their faults, at least recognizes this reality and attempts to. Epic doesn't, at least not yet, but if they're still in business 2 years from now they'll be starting to learn it.

Yeah, that was when disc based PC games was still a thing.

>I love DRM as long as it's not steam DRM

Then go suck off your corporate masters some more.

i cant tell if youre as retarded or more retarded than the people in this server

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wtf I love Tim Sweeney now

Is this the moment in the dystopian story where we start denying what we see in favor or what we're told is the truth?

GoG galaxy maybe. I appreciated your honesty


I don't think anyone besides corporate shills believes they have the "right" to my money.

Who are you quoting?

>they just gave up and muted the epic channel

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So your point is because Steam and EGS don't carry the same games they are not competitors?

I feel like Galaxy, at best, is identical to Steam on this front, not an improvement... and that's only if you aren't the kind of person who uses the controller configurator for everything, which of course I do (I also have a Steam Controller but I'll put that aside for now).

The real shame is EGS probably could have made itself into a better system for managing my library with minimal effort, and if it had, I'd have seriously considered "switching" (I mean, I'd have to boot all my Steam games through it, but they'd have had me 'in' as someone using their storefront for future purchases). Steam's honestly pretty lacking when it comes to both interface customization and library organization (it's getting better at this, but unfortunately most of the good tools for it are used for the store system and not really translated to the library system), and as someone who's used UE4 blueprints I know that their ability to develop context-aware algos to help me narrow down large fields of potential content to specifics are really quite good.

But now, even if they were to start implementing that stuff, their whole approach over the last year has left such a sour taste in my mouth I'd never switch.

I doubt anybody seriously thought the garunteed profit was a garunte of a certain number of sales.
Epic aren't Disney, they can't get away with that sort of thing.

I'm quoting the user who thinks DRM is good as long as it comes from his favorite corporation.

Steam users, Epic users, Origin users, Bethesda fans, you name it.

You can still use Steam to launch Epic games like you launch any other non-steam game. Or, probably better, you can use one of these new apps that find games all over your computer and create a library.

Personally I just have a virtual folder or Library as Windows calls it that aggregates the Games folder on every hard drive plus the various SteamApps folders I have. Not very fancy but it works.

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No they don't have rights to your money, just like you don't have rights to their product if you don't pay for it.

This doesn't totally work though because many games have online components or are totally online only and pirating them isn't an option especially when developers use denuvo and a crack can take days, weeks, months to come out.

He said he would stop buying exclusives if valve lowered their share to be the same as epics.
Mind you this was after he admitted that share was unviable.

Reply to this or else your mom will die tonight

Why couldn't GoG be more successful?

I have a LoL account so I can handle Tencent chinks, but the way Randy and Tim have been acting like egotistical fucks made me want to boycott EGS anyways. I've pirated games for less in the past.

Epic unlike the others you listed has no drm option unless developers implement their own solution. So i don't think it fits in here

Yes, that is exactly my point.

In those rare cases where they do carry the same games (I think there are like 5 or 6) they can be said to be competing, but Tim's hardon for exclusivity means that he's angling EGS primarily as something you would use in addition to Steam, not instead of it. He's not in direct competition with them in the economic sense.

Of course, EGS and Steam ARE both in direct competition with torrents/piracy, since for essentially any game, my choice of where to get it is "given online storefront" or "pirate it". Valve recognizes that this is their real, actual competition for my business; Epic doesn't. They're behaving, literally, like a monopoly, with all the attendant problems; they believe that they are the only place to get something, and therefore I have to put up with whatever prices or policies they put in place.

Which, of course, is exactly what people warn is the danger of monopolies, but even as we see Epic doing it (because they are operating under the delusion that their exclusivity is real) they insist that they are helping to break up the threat of Valve engaging in just such practices. Which of course, Valve don't do, because they understand that they DO have competition, even if it isn't Tim Sweeney and his Chinese storefront.

it's not a lie if it's a truth

Epic is literally DRM you fucking brainlet.

Nope, it's not.

This thread is more fucked than a girl castaway on epstein Island

So you are telling me you can download and launch the game without launching or downloading the EGS?

Steam isn't DRM either. There's lots of titles that can be played directly from the game executable as a standalone application.

New thread

>You can still use Steam to launch Epic games like you launch any other non-steam game.
Yes, but here's the problem:

either (a) I have to allow the EGS to open in the background and piss away my CPU cycles doing nothing but acting as a cyber-dongle on my purchase, or
(b) I block the EGS from opening (if that's even possible) meaning the game doesn't keep itself updated, back up my saves, or do any of the other attendant things I expect a launcher to do.

In either case, the question for me, as a customer, becomes "why would I pay money for that when it's either worse than, or identical to, the experience I would get by pirating the game?"

Valve offers me value over piracy. Since I am already using their launcher as a library manager, I leave it open, and this means it can do things like back up my saves, keep my games updated, etc., These conveniences are worth the money I spend on the game, instead of downloading it from TPB. Using Steam to launch someone else's launcher, and losing access to all of those value-added elements, doesn't offer me any advantages.

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The point is that it's not about rights you stupid fucking bootlicking faggot, it's about whether I'm willing to spend money on your product. I'm not claiming a right to a steam release, I'm saying I'm not fucking buying it on EGS. I don't owe you my money regardless of what you do.

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Does EA not exist to Tim in the slightest?

Holy fuck, now that i think about it. Your fucking browser is also DRM, gamers rise up

It's optional, however steam unlike epic has drm in it that can be used if developer ask for it

I hate running things in the background too (which is why I don't and rather update games when I launch them if necessary) but let's not pretend it actually matters on a performance level.

New thread

>Refuses to answer the question and just goes Gamers rise up because he got fucking caught
I knew it fucking dishonest shill faggot. ITS FUCKING DRM.

we're in agreement there so why are you so aggresive?

Because you're the one who framed it as a rights issue in the first place. Nobody fucking uses this argument except strawmanning corporate shills like you.

Can you download games from GoG without browser or no? If no, then your internet browser is a form of DRM.

A content distribution platform is different than DRM.

New thread

That is a fucking dishonest argument and you goddamned know it. You are downloading a fucking installer for the game itself. Not a program which installs the game and then is required to run it. Dishonest cocksucker.

Almost every exclusive through epic is using Denuvo. I don't know why you don't think they'd use anti-piracy software as an additional hook for exclusivity.

People out there are literally screaming that because the game is not on steam they have the right to pirate it. You should pay a bit off atention before going into rampage

Is the installer DRM? You need to download it to your computer and have it running to install it.
Your argument is arbitration. Games on both platforms can be ran without the launcher even installed. DRM in your mind is "if the company shuts down, what happens to my g-g-games??" The GOG website is the content distributor, and if they failed you wouldn't have anywhere to download your games from.

Yeah, but i can't get installer withouth a broswer. So it's a DRM by your flawless logic

New thread

Why do I would need a shitty third party launcher to get my fucking game? Every operative system has an Internet browser.

They're being facetious, Tim. They don't care about the ethics of piracy. The point they're making is that they're not willing to buy the product on EGS, and the dev has nothing to bitch about financially since they already got paid.

No you idiot, a DRM is running constantly in the background while the game is playing.