Is she going to be referenced in part II?
Maybe a flashback...
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Actually she ends up being alive and Ellie’s sexual partner. They both kill Joel who goes agreeably since he’s a white man.
Who the fuck needs a random child who's purpose was to die for some stupid dramatic effect
Her real purpose is sfm and blender
Favorite animation of her?
This nigga knows.
that's a good burn
uncunny valley
Probably christmas morning.
Bad idea to look for the last of us wallpapers on bing.
Probably some cute and funny flashbacks.
I hope so
She'll be an adult ghost.
>it's real
The fuck? Yea Forums now memes people into reality?
out of reality too
>Yea Forums now memes people into reality?
It should be obvious by now that Yea Forums's collective autism conjures meme magic of the highest degree.
Literally who gives a flying fuck?
Damn, Sheev looks like THAT
based mods
Who’d they hit with the hammer?
No one important
Coach or Joel?
eat shit
Threesome with the magic dildo.
>best girl gets killed right away
>replaced by some mutt dyke
i don't know because i was never checking them out
kill yourself
Nothing because theres no one that makes Legalporno tier gangbang sfm of her
Ellie >>> Tess >>>>>>>>>>> horseshit >>>>>>>>>>>> Sarah
him getting deleted is a better one.
t. (((druckmann)))
We know jackshit about her, how is she best girl.
This just sounds like pure contrarianism
holy shit it's real
This and only this.
How can one animator be so fucking based and in tune with my blood flow? (Erection reference)
So much talent wasted on animating kiddie porn. He should be working for a major film/video game studio.
He did. Thats why his animation skills are in different levels. And thats why he stick to SFM so people who work with him dont recognize his animation style