Good morning fellow anons
lol is that shit real?
what a horrible horrible design
Splendid looking Whazoogles. Am I right, chaps?
>smoke stacks
Whoa, this says a lot about our society...
>It's fucking real
It looks like a BONG
Honestly, you'd have to be a pretty uptight faggot not to like this even ironically for how dumb it is.
what is that supposed to be? regional version? Dark/poison?
lmao. This. Upvoted.
Golded. Platnium post.
industrial revolution.......................BAD
They weren't even remotely subtle with this one
Regional variant. Poison/Fairy.
At first I thought they were bongs.
Here's a nitpick: why did they use two different colors for the smog? Why not just green or white?
ahahah a tophat and a factory because britain XD so clever and random I love it whoever dislikes it has too low IQ to get the concept
I think it's sucking in noxious fumes and sending out steam
oh, they're still using regional versions?
Gamefreak made a TotalBiscuit tribute? Holy shit. Very based. Didn't know he liked Pokemon but I'm sure he would have appreciated the design, the cancerous smog is in poor taste a bit, though.
Like Valve
This design is fucking shit. It's fucking retarded and I hate it.
that's a great design though
using the theme of an old pokémon and making it fit with england, the pioneers of the industrial revolution
wtf i LOVE pokemon now
If I don't see Marnie's feet within the next 24 hours I'll kill myself
>actually good design
>furfags start shitting on it
every time
I always loved Koffing and Wheezing, and that this is real makes me all tingly inside. Goofy shit, would absolutely use in my team.
No one will miss you
That dress is awful, she looks like a bloody sausage she does
>actually good design
Where? This is literally the laziest way to make a Pokemon based on Britain. They added in the fucking moustache for fucks sake
*hits pipe*
This is hilarious
Defend this shit pokefags
Daily reminder that Digimon won.
>The food in this region isn't very good.
Literally Ryo from Devilman
[I say in welsh]
Forgot pic lmao
>Even MORE Kanto Pokémon variants
Do you boomers even like it when they do this shit? I know it’s ironic to say this when talking about Pokémon, but do you guys really enjoy having the same 151 Pokémon regurgitated down your throats again and again?
If Digimon won, where's all the great waifus and cute boys. Huh, you bugger?
Looks based as fuck.
t. robber baron
I don't like NuGame Freak tarding up the old designs, no.
Zigzagoon got variants, so it's at least extending to post-Kanto Pokemon.
Spare a lozenge old boy?
Did I miss something?
I went to sleep for a bit.
This post is fucking shit. It's fucking retarded and I hate it.
nobody tell him
Wow a pokemon design thats actually good and not furshit wow.
>guys what if we crossed TF2 and pokemon XD???
Mr Creosote Snorlax when?
That's just a bong
No it doesn't, it's a reference to the industrial revolution which was centered in Britain.
Who /hamster/ in here?
He's more of a Muk.
>footfag threatening suicide
Don't tease me.
Apparently the smoke at the top is purified and safe to breath while the fumes around it are posion.
Oh great it's another funny Exeggutor.
actually a pretty great design
>I can be your angle
>or yuor devil
ah, thanks
Based, I love it
Don't ever use ~ again. Just use more vowels because ~ just makes you sound like a faggot.
Cringe, I hate it
Was wheezing ever a subtle pokemon?
>Covers faggot dragons and faggot fairy types
>Cool design
Thanks I love it
kill yourself faggggggggg
Has anyone made a nicest person ever or twisted fucking psycho edit yet?
Whats weird is you aren't using ~ and you still sound like a faggot? Explain?
someone already did
It's more of a chance thing. If you don't use ~, you only have a chance of sounding like a fag but if you do use it, it's a 100% chance. I just got unlucky. ~,~
>it's real
what went so right?
Fucking murdered like Nicole and her Jew boyfriend
We live in a society
No one is gonna post the zigzagfag?
>reference to industrialism
>reference to 1%ers
since when did gamefreak become so woke? is it james turner influence? is he throwing jabs at corporatism?
bcoz u are mr gay :)
Brought to you by this onions faggot, the man who is single handedly responsible for every bad design in the series. Including, the fucking ice cream cone, the fucking bag of trash, the fucking key ring, and more.
>XD le wacky pokemon that is actually something real!
I could have sworn someone posted it already... Maybe it was a different thread? Now I'm confused because I 100% saw it on this website.
Sligthly less
This one even has a a chimney that looks like a tophat with an "evil" mustache which should signify your stereotypical >muh evil rich capitalist industrializing the world
The only thing they missed was a monocle on the bigger blob's eye
>kiss linoone is fine because it makes my peepee hard
>this design suck, is doesn't turn me on
A britbong.
Can you not do that? My autism is starting to resurface and I swear I'm going to do something I'll regret if you keep laughing at me or post it again.
>they added a fucking KISS Pokémon
Goddamnit, and I decided against getting the new games.
>not old chaps
one job
You guys wanna see some shit?
Check this shit out
Is there a word to describe the feeling you get when you don't find something attractive at all, but you know other people are jerking off to it?
Alright, listen up. HURR DURR LOL I POSTED IT AGAIN AND PURPOSELY USED THE "~" SIGN TO INDICATE THAT THE VOWEL IS ELONGATED LIKE AN APE INSTEAD OF USING ADDITIONAL VOWELS! LOL! This shit is 200% gay and absolutely nobody uses it unless they are ERPing. Are you ERPing right now? Are you jerking off to you posting this stupid shit? Because I'm not, and I know for that fact that nobody else is either. You're the only one stroking your micropenis to writing your posts incorrectly. So STOP IT. STOP EMBARRASSING YOURSELF and starting typing like an ACTUAL HUMAN BEING (like me). We have a board culture to adhere to (or at least we did), and using "~" is taking us in the wrong direction.
And seriously, stop using shitty memes. Yeah, we get it. Some black dude had a reaction to whatever the fuck and Yea Forums found it funny. Ha fucking ha. How long as it been since this was created? Too long ago, that's for sure. Imagine someone posting "IT'S OVER 9000~!!!" and NOT thinking they were the gayest man on the planet? It's just not possible because by using "~" he is basically SCREAMING "HEY EVERYBODY! I'M LOOKING AT GAY PORNO!" to everyone in the thread. So please, for the love of god, learn some typing etiquette.
fits the zone
good KISS reference
honestly people just want to complain. There's far worse shit revealed already
This Pokémon looks like it wants to rock and roll all night, and party every day.
>top hat chimneys
>think it's a goofy steampunk redesignfakemon or some shit
>go on /vp/
>it's real
>they gave linoone an evolution that looks like a furbait street thug
>diehard fans are so mindbroken at this point they're actually defending this shit
>people will still buy this shit despite everything
I don't know if it's the 900 pkmn roster getting to them or if they legit just don't give a shit anymore but I'm sad to see pokemon in this state when just a couple of generations ago it had so much potential.
Mee Lady
Soon it'll be lucky if it can find half an hour a week in which to get funky
>it's a reference so it's good
Just fucking stop, this is embarrassing.
>furbait street thug
paul stanley isn't a street thug
>"IT'S OVER 9000~!!!"
Pokémon is Wasted Potential: the Franchise.
They're right there, you just have to actually look.
Thanks doc
it's a fucking badger
>He has pockets
That's pretty cute desu.
lmao I'm really liking this funny meme >it's real
alright this isn't funny anymore
Bruh look at this doode~
Look at the top of his post
It look great.
The green is fucking awful and should have been classic purple, but I like the design concept.
And now I see "people" saying it looks like a bong. Kill yourselves.
Those are some yikes "waifus"
Badger badger badger badger...
>Region specific evolutions
Thanks. I hate it.
You're gonna have to run faster than that, big guy
it's impressive how each of those designs suck in their own unique way
>leaks are real
>they didnt show fat pikachu
I wonder why?
Honestly I just don't like how tall the "hats" are.
Was dugtrio with hair any less stupid?
Or mustache Golem?
That's a really well made shoop
>Gamefreak literally has run of ideas and they're going to run with regional variants as far as they can
How fucking lazy
You're preaching to subhuman furfags.
alright I'll add that I like reference but I fucking hate that its more furry porn baitmon
Honestly they Weezing design is top-tier. Anyone that doesn't like it has bad taste.
Is this real or are you guys pulling my leg? Please tell me you're memeing me. PLEASE
Come on guys, please. Just work with me here. I'm just trying to have a nice time on nice Yea Forums, into this nice thread, with all of the nice posters. BUT YOU FAGGOTS are ruinging EVERYTHING. You are putting in ZERO EFFORT into these posts while I am putting my heart and soul into every single KEYSTROKE that I'm making, including the characters that I delete for one reason or another. Maybe I had a typo, or maybe I needed to fix grammar, who knows. Maybe I just didn't like the way something sounded or maybe it sounded better in my head before I saw it typed out on my monitor (FUCK PHONE POSTERS!!!) and had to retype it out.
ANYWAY, it's about time someone starts trying to make some changes happen so people don't just think of us as "just another video games discussion platform". this is Yea Forums(nel), WE USED TO HAVE SOMETHING GREAT. But instead, here we are, just making low quality shitposts using "~". Get your act(s!) together so we can make a golden age better than the last golden age, whenever that was for you. But we're not going to raise the quality of this board unless you STOP USING THIS SHITTY CHRACTER! I actually just removed this little faggot key from my keyboard because of you pieces of shit. How's that feel, huh? I'll never, EVER be able to use " " again. I would have to make the conscious decision to copy it from someone else's post and then paste it into mine, JUST to contribute to the cancer that is in this thread. WHY CAN'T YOU PEOPLE LET MY POINT INTO YOUR THICK SKULLS? You JUST need to STOP using it and we'll make just a little bit of headway into making Yea Forums into a paradise again.
Hahahaha holy fuck. The chemical beards and eyebrows make it so much better.
it's real. turns out the one memeing is just you.
shit taste my friend, there's a lot wrong with sword and shield but pokemon design isn't one of them
the box legends are hideous though, only redeemable if they can combine like power ranger zords since they look like em so much
It makes sense, animals in real life adapt to new environments all the time, why wouldn't Pokémon do the same?
Do britbongs smoke weed as much as the americunts do?
holy shit it’s a literal brit bong
How fucking quick was this based post made, Christ
Dude weed lmao SwSh redeemed
>tfw no pokemon trainer goth gf
This is fucking based. I can't wait to use him and name him NORF.
Flesh pockets.
And i'm sure you couldn't even name a reason for even a fourth of them.
i wouldn’t imagine so since it’s still illegal over there afaik
Weed is illegal in England.
>poison/fairy with levi
OU for sure
It's illegal but the police do fuck all about it
thanks doc
I fucking love this place.
>It's a literal "Brit bong"
whats the fucking point of regional forms? they never appear again in future games
Maybe because each game is in a different region, you fucking nonce
Top laugh, cheers to whoever made this.
nice post, nerd~
shit taste
>Industrialist Boss Wheezing
That’s pretty good actually.
Why do they need to appear in future games?
Isn't she goth?
Are they actually going to give Arbok a new hood design? They've been fucking lazy and haven't give it one
1000 hours in MS paint.
They were so close, just needed to not overdesign the fuck out of it like they always do.
>no statche
You missed the entire point of the design. Good on ya retard.
Hey fuck you, do you think you know more than GameFreak you fat virgin piece of shit
I showed this to my brother and he said "It would be racist if it wasn't happening to white people."
What did he mean by this?
A cartoon industrialist needs facial hair or mutton chops
He means that stereotypes of any kind are racist, but since you can't be racist against white people, a stereotype of them isn't.
>No stache
I am making a band and I need the most rock and roll character you have
Why don't you want to go back the golden times? Huh? When EVERYBODY put their hearts and souls into their posts and absolutely did not post similar shit? Do you like posting in 4channel hell? Do you like posting like a neanderthal? Do you like it when people stop caring about the content of their posts? WELL OBVIOUSLY YOU DO LIKE ALL THAT SHIT BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU. JUST. POSTED!!! What happens when I leave, huh?
>If you don't like it, just look away lole!
Then you pieces of anonymous garbage are left playing with your OWN FUCKING FECES and tricking yourselves into thinking you're having a good time! It's terrible! It's DISGRACEFUL. It's... just plain DISGUSTING. Then you're stuck shitting in your own underwear having EBIN STORE RAGE THREAD OOGLE EDITION (or whatever the fuck that game's called) or WHY ARE NIGGER SO STINKY: IMAGINE THE SMELL EDITION or TWITTER SCREENCAP THREAD # ONE BILLION. You'll do this until the end of time, all while pushing people who actual care about this place. You might be saying "lol why is this idiot getting mad over a fucking character on the keyboard? holy shit lighten up." Well, to that, I say that I am but one man. I cannot take on the whole world (4channel) by myself. I need the public's support, and I need the public's team work. BUT YOU'RE. NOT. HELPING ME HERE.
And another thing: Why can't anyone answer the questions I'm posing in these heart-to-heart posts that I'm trying to have with all of you? I'm BEING FUCKING SERIOUS HERE. You're just shitting out one word answers or copying and pasting the same shit and reposing your reaction images that you undoubted saved SPECIFICALLY for when someone like me came around. Why do you want to stay in THIS 4channel forever, when we could be posting in the NEXT 4channel, one that everyone is as serious as I am? That would surely be the best experience ever and absolutely nobody would ever get tired of it.
Shut up faggot, it was funny the first time but now it's cringe
He's 9'10" tall
>cross-gen evo that isn't an eevee after 4 generations
>it's only cross-gen of a galarian form
very conflicted, but i'm starting to like this generation, even if you don't have the entire national dex
or if the graphics look like OoT
you mad~?
Count me in.
>japanese games don't have politic-
mutton chops is a good idea
Based and bongpilled
I had a stache initially but it looked kinda retarded so i changed it to eyebrows
The last panel killed me
You weren't asking me any questions, I was just telling you to shut up because you're being a faggot, faggot.
Wait is Mareep not in? Why not?
>it's actually real
how embarrasing, looks like something shitty poketuber would come up with
Way to miss the entire point of the fucking design you stupid fuck.
dude weed lmao.
Regice, Galar is too cold for you
But you got rid of the best part
It's illegal in most of the US too.
holy shit, /vp/ has fallen into a new low.
>introduce new character
>suddenly defend a piece of shit game
How is defending a shit game new to /vp/?
Even ignoring the facial hair removal being a bad idea
>changing the fucking smoke to toxic instead of clean
Come on dude.
Quintessentially British brap.
>making the smoke on top dirty
Fucking moron
The new meme sheep took it's place
Replaced with another sheep
why would a wheezing evolution make steam instead of just more toxic gas
Wait so Zizagoon has a third form? Or is it like Gloom with a second evolution?
If you told me this is a brand new Pokemon I would believe you. This edgy furry bait doesn't look like linoone at all
Third form, they showed Linoone evolving into it.
Why are they putting bongs in pokemon its a childrens game?
Its not a weezing evolution you dipshit
fake ass fan
most of them were adamant about the game being shit and unbuyable.
not now, though. fuck those cumstained babies.
The scene animations still look like something from a power point presentation.
Brit Bongs
Pokedex Entry
>Galarian Weezing thrives in high society full of pompous aristocrats. It collects their farts and converts them into clean oxygen, expelled through clean white smoke at the top. Very popular at parties.
God I fucking hate furries.
So a wasted slot for the Rattata of it's generation
Let me guess there's gonna be no new rodent for Galardex?
I miss when Britain was made fun of just by putting top hats and curly mustaches on everything.
Look up American badger vs European badger
You’d have to be a tasteless moron to even like that design ironically. It’s awful.
looks fucking BASED
I'm confused, was rock or metal a British thing?
I thought it was a black people creation thing in AMericanbut there's a lot of rock references in this game, if I go to the UK will there be a bunch of Brits in leather jackets?
Fuck me, when did Pokemon get so cool.
A yo nerds tell me how they got this nigger to evolve AGAIN!?
Anglogang here. Have to say, good proper British design. Not only does it have that old English charm of the top hat and old boy facial hair but it also looks like a factory chimney spewing out smoke, which is appropriate for the land of the industrial revolution which raised living standards worldwide. What a good lad.
You're correct I stopped playing pokemon when i graduated highschool
Based Gamefreak trying to normalise Eproctophilia globally
>Groundon and Fug just pop in
insecure dicklet spotted LMAO
I swear to god I'm going to pop a vein talking to people on this board. Did you not read ANYTHING in my post? I SPECIFICALLY said why I can't "just look away" from shitty content. Go back to my post and read it again, from top to bottom. Once you've done that, please return to this post. I'll even make a new paragraph so that you know where to pick up again once you finish.
So THAT'S why I can just filter everything. The filter is used for stupid shit, like tripfags or if doubles were still a think on Yea Forums. But using "THAT" character qualifies are RETARDED shit. There's a very big difference between them, like the difference between 1 and 2. They aren't the same. So between them qualifying as different types of "bad" and being such a vague character (that I can't fathom why its usage has skyrocketed in this thread specifically), you can't filter it. After all, someone COULD use it while talking about video games and I COULD miss out on what could otherwise be quality video games discussion. I wouldn't dare attempt to ruin a quality thread for the simple reason that someone used the forbidden character. But if it's just shitty shit shitposts, I'm going to be swooping in like FUCKING BATMAN telling you (not you specifically, unless you are the perpetrator LIKE RIGHT NOW) why using it is objectively and indisputably the wrong thing to do. SO EXPECT ME. I WILL be watching every single thread on this board and if someone, ANYONE posts that stupid fucking character, I'll be there. I'LL BE THERE AND YOU'LL KNOW IT'S ME. This thread is beyond saving though so I will have to tactically withdraw until next time.
>1000 hours in MS paint.
and ten thousand gallons of pure African cum too
not finished yet
Was that a few months ago? Because you seem like a real retard. You're on Yea Forums in a Pokemon thread so I'm not sure why you're trying to pull a "I'm very mature" card here.
>The leak said Farfetch'd's evo is called 'Sirfetch'd'
It is a brand new pokemon dumbass
>Bong meme
>Despite being painfully obvious what it is
How old are Yea Forumstards?
Never mind.
Nah, he'll probably be an actual knight with sword instead of a leek.
That's goofy as hell, I love it.
Thought it was a DUDE WEED bong edit. I guess it's still a type of bong lol
Koffing and Weezing were originally called New York and Los Angles, but a lot of you probably knew that already.
based and dimmapilled
if your galar weezing isn't named Dimmadome, what's the point
That's going to be weird to have two new bird pokemon that also have armor.
I'm too old to have been the audience for this PEOPLE SHOUTING IS HUMOR show.
I love this.
Doug doesnt even shout thats just how he talks.
>take old pokemon design in 2019
>slap something stupid it on it so dumb adhd children will make it into a meme
>hope it sells
can this series just be took out back and shot
Zeraora was peak pokemon design, and you have to be a fag to disagree.
this is vore done right.
still degenerate as fuck, though.
>5'11" vs 6'2"
we have the technology
well you disagreed with him, faggot.
nobody in their right mind likes that furbait design
They're going the digimon route, soon enough 3rd evos will always be bipedal and at least half will have to be humanoid
Seriously how does Kiss not sue over this?
Well obviously you dislike it since you're gay.
>not naming him Chemtrails
I know, that's why I became one.
its retarded and based
how did they do it bros?
what an odd mix between poison and fairy, i always thought fairy were supposed to be for pokemon that look magical, mystical and/or pink
you dint really say why you cant look away~
threads where fun occurs doesn't prevent other threads from having more astute and well constructed conversation~
im literally having a coherent conversation about fire emblem and final fantasy as i . . .
is this a deviantart fakemon? you can't make me believe that this is a real pokemon.
this aint new
They aint slick calling a bong a “”Poke Flute””
the design is great though. it combines the image of a brittish gentlemen with an industrial era factory. Also it's one more pokemon for team Mustache which is always a good thing.
>sw/sh pokemons have somewhat an alright design
>the game screams laziness so much it would be a crime to support it
can't wait for the sh/sw 2 with the national dex
>sw/sh pokemons have somewhat an alright design
Absolutely fantastic
... so it's a bong right?
Someone needs to edit the Animals cover with a couple Weezings. Make the pig that stupid pink dream pig that has flowers on it.
But is it made out of graphite
>fetish shameing
get out
if the arbok was wearing a turban this would be a 11/10 instead of a 10/10
*ding ding ding*
Jacob Rees-Smog
fucking amazing
Dr jekyll and mr hyde
Don't get me wrong, I just mean it's better than I expected even if it's absolute kawai uguu retardation, still better than a fucking keychain.
Who wins, tophat weezing or long neck exeggutor
>still mad about a keychain
They are bongs, just not the type you're thinking of
Not bad
Only retards would like this design, so good on you
Why fairy though
I try
But the point of a chimney is to divert the fumes away from the people
This Wheezing is suffering from a major birth defect that hampers its ability to survive in the wild
I was so excited for regional forms when they were announced, but the only ones that aren’t complete shit are Marowak, Exeggcutor, Raichu, Wheezing, and Meowth (not Persian, just Meowth)
I'd gladly roast that Mawile for a meal
The fume it releases is clean oxygen after scrubbing poisons out of it. It's literally a living filter.
Looks like a humorous parody of capitalists.
>it's Poison/Fairy
Okay I give up, can someone with autism that knows allot about pokemon explain why it's part fairy?
just use your gnoggin :)
It's a filter So it's doing good for the world
for the same reason the SUN LEGENDARY in sun and moon was weak to fire
modern pokemon is garbage
Because brits are a bunch of faggots
>Everything has to be British in fictional Pokémon bongland
Because reasons? If I had to guess, maybe its the faries answer to poison kiling them off?
a......................wait for it.........................britbong
oh that's kind of cool i guess, like the muk thing
Kairu is already on it. Give it about 2 weeks
I like this and I like that my OG main gets a third evo, zoom-zooms can beat off to furry bara nonsense just give me more cool silly shit.
To be fair if you're an exploding ball of fire reaching 15 million degrees Celsius you probably don't want more heat added on top of it.
Ha that's a good joke
>read thread
>it's real
And nothing of value is lost.
HxH edit when?
>15 million degrees Celsius
>steel type
Oh so it's basically like the alolan muk?
I can't believe Nintendo proved Jet Fuel can't melt Steel Beams.
He doesnt even need a retarded Britain version, just put him in the game
As far as I can tell nobody ITT that likes the new weezing actually likes the original.
They just like the stupid wacky memes.
I like both...
I like Weezing and I fucking hate it, you, and everyone ITT.
I love Weezing though? He's my go-to for a wall when I have ground weaknesses.
hopefully they don't touch my nigga
It's a dumb meme, arguably worse than dugtrio, but not atrocious or anything.
The worse thing is the other galar form
>english pokemon
Weezing was always one of my favourites because it looked like it wanted to die. I love this retarded variant design, I just wish the smoke from the hats was the same colour as the toxic brapgas it emits from everywhere else.
I absolutely fucking hate new Weezing and old Weezing was my favorite Pokemon for a long time.
I like every poison type
Even the garbage bag
Unironic best post
Has /vp/ finished any of the games it was working on?
xDD epic humor le weed friend!
British Weezing has a good concept it's jist executed clunkily
Original Weezing is better but this does have some charm, if only in a so-dumb-it's-endearing way
Clover was finished if I remember
If Yea Forums were an evil team this would be /ourpokemon/.
You're right and all your crying isn't going stop me, dumb pokefag.
they might like it.
There's a playable demo of Sage that goes through 3 or 4 gyms and it's still being worked on. I haven't played a mainline Pokemon game in a long time but I'm going to give Sage a chance whenever it's done (or if it never finishes, whatever the last playable build before it ended was).
No, punk. Even has a legion of hooligans.
Was there a new pokemon reveal or something.
raticate and zubat
Imagine being such a fag over circles
>White smoke out of hats
>Green smoke out of body
I don't get it. Like, is it supposed to be steam? It's all part of the pokemon right? Does it emit regular steam AND toxic gas?
>you are challenged by Team Yea Forums incel!
>Team Yea Forums incel sent out Weezing!
You fucking know they’ll make a meme trainer with badger linoone, foongus, and serperior or some shit
Why is this not called Choking?
It breathes in toxic gas through its mouth- that's the green gas stuck to its face as it does so.
The clean air is what it emites at a safe distance from the toxic gas.
Gold star post.
Correct. Old Weezing was boring garbage. Meme Weezing is more fun to look at. However Weezing as a whole is a dumb Pokemon.
Kidding/Weezing are legitimately my favorite Pokemon of all time and I love the redesign. The naval mine/pollution concept was already on the nose so this is a perfect way to keep the pollution concept running in a different way. Using the smokestack as a top hat is a pretty inspired idea too. I'm curious what the lore will be like how Grimer got into some fucked up chemicals. It seems like the smoke stack is releasing a purified form of the toxic fumes. Makes for a nice spin if in Galar Koffing and Weezing are considered useful Pokemon to have around compared to other regions where they're a smelly dangerous nuisance.
So original Weezing criticized industrial pollution, but now they are defending their practices?
The retarded british stache is half the point
It looks just as bad as literally every other Pokémon game since Silver! How unexpected!
New designs are pretty good. For all of my complaints about SnS outside of the legendaries the Pokemon look nice
It's not really a criticism so much as a depiction. The modern Weezing reflects how some factories actually release helpful shit into the air now. Not everything has an agenda nigger.
>All these newfags not understanding what bait looks like
>shilling this hard
>I stopped playing pokemon when i graduated highschool
>That's why I'm in a pokemon thread complaining about designs and making edits
Can't make this shit up.
go away joel
All they had to do was include all the previous gen pokemon and people would be fine. That is all GF had to do and they fucked that up.
didn't he just say everything after silver was shit though?
Do we still hate Sword and Shield?
This is literally just Alolan Exeggutor all over again, which is funny since both of them were the first variants revealed.
When are we gonna get more advanced edits?
Yes, but that doesn't mean we can't laugh/enjoy the designs.
we call them SwSh now like with SuMo
>tfw it works
All the darkies in Galar are also a depiction I presume?
your mom is boring and ugly but i still fuck her in the ass
Tvinga mig.
SwS what's this? Is this a blugy wulgy I see?
>comments and ratings disabled
clover is finished, as in you can beat the game and do some postgame stuff, but a lot postgame pokemon aren't in yet. Appartently they are updating moves to 7th gen and a few other things that are taking a lot of time. They're adding some more islands too, very large ones.
Holy fucking shit pokemon is complete fucking garbage now.
That sure is a cool completely unrelated thing to say in response and all but it still doesn't really change what I said.
jolly good
good sir
What's that tiny little rock pokemon with the miners lamp rolling on a single wheel?
holy fucking shit pokemon is completely fucking awesome now
Sword and Shield may look dodgy as hell but let's not kid ourselves, we've been saying this for many, many years, every single time.
Arbok must be getting one too and maybe meowth
good morning gentleman
Still looks better overall than Alola. Fight me.
Almost all regionals are superior to their counterparts, Persian can abuse Nasty Plot, Ninetales has Aurora Veil with Snow Warning and Golem is way bulkier and stronger than people think thanks to Galvanize.
Now we have Galarian Weezing being Poison/Fairy, has Levitate, has five resistances, two inmunities and only two weaknesses and considering it will have almost the same stats as the original, it turns it into an amazing physical tank.
>punk shaved skrillex haircut
Garbage, literally ruins everyone its on, stop using thia trash hair style.
shorter chimney and ditch the brim part of it and it would be immensely better
Gen 5 was 9 years ago. It's just a corpse being puppeted around at this point.
based drawfags
We also got a cute goth girl rival which is nice
Huh???? What DID they actually mean by this?
Is it a metaphor for smoking an actual bong and get trippy? I don't understand this typesetting.
actually a good cute alternative design.
that'd be pretty great to be honest
get gassed furfag
It's good for the environment. Fairies are nature spirits. It looks like a goofy design from a fairy tale.
probably because poison/dark was already taken by alolan muk
also its fairly dapper and purifies air which both match the fairy typing
>capitalist fatcat that spews pollution
>fairy typing
>good for the environment
I knew the homosexuals from /vp/ and the pokémon community were weird but this is unexpected
I don't get it? This Weezing is poison type so that acid would do nothing
I love Weezing and this new one is just an Alolan Exeggutor tier joke. He better get an evolution.
Galar Weezing is also Fairy type.
it emits clean air you turkey
It filters pollution into clean air like a capitalist fatcat that learns the errors of it ways at the end of a fairy tale.
>posion pokemon
>spewing clean air
commit die
Because it feeds off of smog and purifies air
Fucking christ, this board is so goddamn retarded
Finally a representation of stoners in pokemon!
Motherfucker, you beat me to it
Yes? Go on with it.
But it eats poison, so again, what would it do? It's likely neutral if anything to poison types now.
straight from the pokemon site
>Arbok used acid
It most likely can use the poison it has stored for defense or for conversion. It has fart clouds on its face where the poison has not been converted yet and white clouds from the stove type, implying it's clean.
too slow
Sorry, trollface 2.0. You are not welcome here anymore.
Nice, helpful, environmentally friendly chaps
Does this mean that Team Rocket is going to finally reunite with their first Pokémon?
Fuck, I ctrl+f'd and everything.
/pol/ was also freaking out when panda went down, whyd you cross them off?
probably a butthurt tranny
when more advanced users logon aka never
Its actually impressive how pokemon manages to keep surprising us with the most terrible designs fathomable.
Ranamon is my wife
took me a while to get the acid
>oh user kun~ I love it when you talk to me like that
>my pp feels so good~~~~~~~
>people who don't know how smoke stacks work commenting about how smoke stacks work
I can smell the walmart employees stench from here.
I don't get it
the joke is that actual britbongs get acid to the face every day because their uncouth youth can't use guns or knives to harass civilians.
just because a fictional animal has smokestacks doesn't mean they work like real life smokestacks you brainlet
>took me a while
How does it feel to be sub80?
>these smokes stacks surely wont work like the smoke stacks they're modeled after
you need to be 18+ to post here
Just tell me
From your own pants, I'm guessing? Because they're used to burn shit that cleans the air now too.
>Muk off, I'm full.
It's a pretty cute evolution of concept desu considering the joke was that all Weezings smell like shit and are one bump away from exploding. Galar people turn it into a force for good and it becomes a clear air emitting businessman
they don't, real smokestacks emit pollutants and these smokestacks emit clean air
you should try reading before posting your opinion on something next time
Those stacks clean the air as best as possible and filter out deadly shit unless you live in some 3rd world shithole like mexico or china. Obviously it's not PERFECTLY clean air like a video game.
I'll be honest I didn't remember what you were talking about until you called that guy underage for not getting it, but getting the right time frame made it come back immediately. Now the song is stuck in my head.
This is worse then what they did to exeggutor.
I'm going to assume others thought it was a bong, right?
Was it a intentional reference to BritBong? You know, being based on Britain this time
>Everyone on Yea Forums complains about when gen 1 Pokemon get attention
>They ignore when a gen 3 Pokemon not only gets a brand new regional variant but also an entirely new fucking evolution and instead focus on the Kanto Pokemon
Won what?
The race to the trashcan?
You're exactly the type of faggot that would join Team Yell.
Because one looks good and this like absolute garbage.
The industrial revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
anyporn of it?
Both of those designs are shit, not just Weezing.
For the majority of it anyway. But they don't have internet so who cares?
I'm not a huge fan of the design but the door that it opens is really exciting
if other lackluster 2 step evo pokemon get third evolutions alongside region forms that shit would be so awesome and would definitely make up for removing mega evolutions
I can only hope. If gayass Iron Maiden can ruin Ion Maiden over nothing then based Kiss can probably nuke Pokemon back into the Stone Age.
Don't look at me like that motherfucker, I know about Weebl
>join my discord
Complete brainlet detected
Didn't you kill yourself last week tho?
How is Obstagoon any worse than this abomination?
when i saw the trailer i thought that was some sort of old woman rival.
A-ha-ha! You are as PRESUMPTUOUS as you are POOR and IRISH. Tarnish notte the majesty of my TOWER of HATS.
Good thing most of the US is irrelevant.
this is posted on /pol/ several times a day
dont click that link anons
This guy posts his stupid shit like every other day on some of the other cancer boards. Don't waste your time.
For a second I thought we were going to have TWO major autists in one thread but nope.
I hope your state gets earthquaked to death.
why not?
I wasn't going to but now I will
just a pastebin link to some guy streaming his suicide
glownigger watchlist
>streaming his suicide
It's just a discord link. Don't waste your time.
>not florida
>he hasn't seen the multitude of EJACULATARDS BTFO threads
those retards post here, and I don't think you can claim it's 100% /pol/ anymore, it's just so many retards infesting the site
Fair point. I've even seen this one reeing frogposter from Yea Forums demanding threads about its return be deleted based on some pedophile thing. Besides, only jews and women can be pedophiles in current year and get away with it