Why is he so based?

why is he so based?

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We must resist Capitalism

Isn't this the same soft faggot that deleted a joke about the trannies at AGDQ because a friend got offended?

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rockcock? more like softcock

Attached: Zach2.PNG.png (195x254, 94K)

Rockcock was always the most based gamer of TBG

He was just the only one that really tried

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It's true. Even though I do miss Karnivore

Alsk he's the only one of them that's actually still doing shit too. It's sad he doesn't get enough views.

supermalevitality really works wonders

Is this Zach's final form after collecting all the tomar emeralds?

nice dude

Literally who is this faggot?

I don't care what happens to other people who work for randy as long as I have my fun playing the game. Not my problem. I don't benefit in any way from his employees being treated better.

>advertising a litral who
>dead YT channel
>pandering to Yea Forums


I get what he's saying but this part is hilariously shortsighted. I'm sure those people want the stable job they have.

Firing Randy would only improve the games

He's the owner. Cant fire him. He owns Gearbox completely.

I just miss TBG bros

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ye olde gamer culture doesn't really work nowadays

It didn't really work back then either. It was still entertaining. Also Rockcock has a style that still works with the videos he's been making.

>you're only hurting devs

Blame reddit for this. This is their go to excuse if you are critical of a video game. They call you horrible and accuse you of wanting Devs to starve to death.

A prime example of what happens when you try to get a bunch of Yea Forumsirgins together to do something productive.

>bunch of Yea Forumsirgins together
they were from something awful faggot.


Oh really? I thought they're from Yea Forums. I'm dumb!

>Yea Forumsga redditors ask TBG to make a skit
>TBG submits a 10 minute long insult calling the """""event""""" organizers losers, faggots and retarded for making a Reddit nigger awards show
>Yea Forums seethes with rage and can't stop crying for a week
The absolute madmen!

Damn that sounds based af wish I could've seen that

no thanks

>its a newfags attack Yea Forums when they dont know anything anyways episode
Seen this one

only a matter of time before he kills that tranny he's still orbiting

typical newfag talking shit he doesn't know. why don't you go back to discord?

Anyone who shits on gamers is okay in my book. I guess that's why I like Epic Games Store so much even if I don't even use it (yet).

Pretty sure Borderlands being a shit series should be reason enough to not buy it.

I've been here since 2006 and I always assumed that TBG were from Yea Forums, and I was proud of the site for that, when they were active.

Whats it like being fueled by spitefulness and self aggreasion

"Gamers" don't give a shit, they will buy the game just the same.


Take 2 have a 3rd party making Twitter sockpuppet accounts to try and sway public opinion on BL 3.

Search AnthonyKovacs5 on Twitter

I'm not surprised, white people (especially Eurotards) are giant corporate drones and will buy whatever their corporate masters shovel down their throats.
It's refreshing to see one who's not like that, but he'll just be shit on by all the other white people.

I have not seen a single black or Hispanic PC gamer defending Epic buying up exclusives, but white people defend that shit to no end, because most of them are corporate paypiggies anyways.
Asians either defend or hate the EGS because it's run by chinks.