What kind of argument is this.
What kind of argument is this
He's saying that imperialism leads to endless war upon war upon war. Which history has shown us to be truth.
without war men become beta cucks
>Edelgard vs. Dimitri
what about that Claude guy
good goy
>just let me kill you bro
>Let's kill people, destroy resources and hold back humanity just because I don't like your lifestyle
I want them to rape each other.
War causes and has caused more technological progress than anything else. It's peacetime that holds humanity back.
>Edelgard: Just shut up and let me conquer you, I know what I'm doing
She's not wrong.
But she is though she just ends up creating more problems
Why is that women cant be competent rulers?
In Black Eagles Edelgard says something like “why do people fight if they’re just going to surrender later”
I think she’s just autistic
No u
only for a short time, a society without crest nepotism is what the world needs
Manifest Destiny: the waifu
And she's right.
You give war too much credit, edgelord. Why dont you go to africa and experience all that progress yourself?
With war,men become ashes and dust.Peace spares the strong,war spares the lucky
She's right you know.
Wrong. Goverments invest during wartime, we reap the benefits during peace. War is an unnecessary middleman in this process.
Weapons technology, sure
Woah, somebody read a book or watched LOTGH. Enlightened fucking leader here. Teach us about the wonders of War.
She solves more problems than she makes.
Black Eagles is the basic bitch choice so I'm glad Edelgard turns out to be a crazy cunt.
>Black Eagles is the basic bitch choice
What did he mean by this?
Humanity, not apes
where is his eye patch? Does he not lose his eye on other routes?
>Edelgard road : LMAO just destroy everything and kill millions of people because fuck emblem and fuck the church
>Dimitri road : Lmao fuck the empire and fuck you Edelgard
>Claude road : I'm playing a 8D games so fuck Edelgard, Dimitri and fuck you Nemesis too (btw i already have my own kingdom lmao)
A based and redpilled one.
Yet you cook your ramen noodles using a military weapon. Curious
A stove?
>no you
Stupid bitch
That’s right a microwave! That’s the only stove you can afford
She was right.
Yeah if you win. I hope you enjoy living in a fucking mud hut if you lose.
The utter fucking cope emanating off you is hilarious
>human beings have to kill each other to have slightly more efficient toys
nice species you have there
>Slyvain proceeds to solve crest nepotism by cumming in a few vaginas
just like a microwave!
t. Sundowner
why do you need that technology if its cost is countless human suffering?
>Black Eagles is the basic bitch choice
no? BL is the normie route and church is the retard route.
Basic bitch spotted.
Content-wise, maybe, but IS' Edelgard shilling worked wonders, and her route is by far the most popular.
That has got to be the dumbest fucking bitch I have ever seen.
>bitch runs around killing people and taking over their homes, forcing them under her thumb
>people don't like this so they get their freedom back
>she equates this to her initial murderspree that was solely spurred because she wants to rule everything
>*autistic female screeching* stop freeing yourself!"
>BL is the normie route
BE is the normalfag route. Everywhere that isn't Yea Forums is all over it and it's the most popular route online.
>solely spurred because she wants to rule everything
Based speedreader.
Incredible argument coming from an incel autistic Yea Forumsirgin. Please let us stop the planet in its rotation and have the whole world listen to such wisdom.
Ah yes, "fodlans new dawn". Big difference.
Nice ignorance faggots. Where do you get your history lessons? Oh let me guess. /pol/
She's saying he knows he had lost but still continues to fight anyway, seneslessly throwing away lives for his revenge.
You can have hardship without war, retard
>millions of people die
>many of those people could have become scientists, artists, entrepreneurs, craftsmen, could have enriched mankind in some way instead of being a corpse in a ditch
>entire cities, countries, continents get razed to the ground due to war
>in the countries were the industrial capacity is not outright destroyed by bombing and conquest, it gets rerouted into serving military needs, meaning workers produce bombs and guns instead civilian goods
>countless precious metals and resources are wasted on creation of explosives and other war goods instead of on stuff that is actually useful to mankind
retards who go "war is good for science" are literally too dumb to even google broken window fallacy
Church > BL > BE > GD ("hurr we need more immigrants", fuck you Claude.)
>Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is War Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Battlefield Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha
>GD makes Blyat so retarded that Claude has to come back in the ending and save her
What were they thinking?
>why do you keep hitting people
>why do you hit back
thot answered a question with question too
Crests were litterally a none issue for 99% of the population
History speaks for itself so no matter if you're some right wing pro war edgelord or an anti-war faggot, the cycle is always the same.
Nations form and break apart under corruption, leading to another breaking apart no matter the system. French revolution, American separatist war, China for over 3 fucking millenias, China and Taiwan, the Byzantine Empire, The Roman Empire, Napoleon. Russia, the Soviet Union, etc etc.
You can give it to Hitler, he, at least, got defeated by his enemy instead of his own people, but that, too, was a matter of time.
And now today with more and more corporate greed and corruption leading politicians to spread their ass wide open and give the keys to its population's control.
The truth is war may be bad, but it's inevitable. Lmao we live in a society" aside, as long as we insist on these struggles of Nations and expansion, every Kingdom ends up killing itself eventually if someone doesn't kill them first. Peace comes in pockets so enjoy it faggots. Especially you edgelords because as much as you cum hard to your conquest fantasies, you don't know what war is like and you don't want to know.
I'll kill for my queen edelgard.
Did you even play the game?
oh wait, you're dimitrifags, never mind then
the 1% it affected were those in charge, who are the ones you want least affected by it.
You think too broadly and that's the mark of weak imagination. I say that because it's how children think. Any idiot is tempted to make broad assumptions about "how society works". If you want to make insightful remarks, think of specific, concrete countries. Is your country on the verge of a civil war? No? Would you believe if someone said it is, or would you think they are ridiculous? Your post sounds similarly ridiculous to me.
Ah yes now the next problem to arise is whatever else people will use for prejudice and power.
Like money
War is political and usually serves as a means for politicians to gain more power.
Careful consideration was taken, and I think this settles most character related disputes
No user, you don't understand. By going on a massive killing spree and then "fixing" crests, Edelgard's empire will now be peaceful forever with no problems or loose ends.
do you know what pruning or culling do? do you know why it is done to strengthen crops and livestock?
She’s saying that he asked a stupid question.
Black Eagles is a literal cuckold route. Ed is embarrassed to be seen with you and none of the girls will have your children.
>b-b-but I recruited a girl from a better house
Cope. Imagine working against the gods and the crests when you are a god with the most powerful crest.
Claude literally doesn't care about Edelgard's stupid war and goes off to fight the main villain instead.
It’s funny because he actually agrees with her
>Ferdinand immediately impregnates Edelgard
>Blyat never even sleeps with Edelgard, and Edelgard spends all her time away from him ruling her empire
>she only comes back to spend the rest of her days with Blyat when she's old and withered
It’s so obvious people on here have only played Blue Lions
Imperialism doesn't lead to endless wars.
Human nature leads to imperialism.
actually, the greatest periods of peace come in regions where Empires peak.
Did you even play the game lol?
Edelgard is the most popular character in this game, while Dimitri is just a literal who irrelevant to the main plot, i'm sorry
>Another cutscene has her go "Umm, obsessed much?"
Edie is just a shitposter, no wonder Yea Forums loves her
Why are Raphael and Manuela so perfect?
Rhea talking about her fear of Seiros is from the Church route though Edeltard.
it is almost as if a powerful, stable government has the ability to protect its people
Rhea is the most evil cunty bitch ever in the church route if you think she’s done nothing wrong after playing it you’ve got a couple screws loose as well
>main villain
Edelgard is the main villain and the central conflict of the game is that between Dimitri and Edelgard, not the fucking slitherers.
How does she know? What if she fails, or her successor fails to rule the country effectively and everything just collapses before the country can even establish a period of peace?
This post reeks of fedora cringe
Please play all routes before you try to bitch.
yes, but also several smaller states in a balancing act can also protect their people, without a single bureaucracy dictating what everyone should do.
also, just as often as these empires have succeeded at establishing peace times, they've collapsed instantly and triggered long term civil wars.
Wow hahaha, amazing,twitter tell you that? amazing
People bitching about character in the game that they don't even played
small states in the same area that an empire would be, would have more strife due to competition over resources and the inability to coordinate things like infrastructure among other things
>i will find a suitable successor
She means she will pick one of the dozens of kids she is going to have with Ferdinand while Byleth is locked in chastity. I'm sorry that you fell for the NTR bait, but please stop pushing your disgusting fetish onto other people.
>We did it blyat, we fixed crestism!
>Now get away from me you filthy prole, the people might say something
Any cuck routes in this game ? Don’t want to fall for a character to discover they see sensei like a friend or it doesn’t has a convincing happy ending
>must you defend yourself!
LOL WTF? Bitch!
Why do you want me to man the ballista edelgard?
W-wouldn't it be better if I support from the back?
Black Eagle is the cuck route
Unironically every Black Eagles girl
>fucks your wife
What do you do now?
edelgard is a really one dimensional "warmonger with gold hearted intentions" trope and i don't doubt the localizers rewrote some of her dialogue to be "MAGA-ish"
I doubt in JP he said "stop hitting me" and she replied with "stop hitting me back" that is the dumbest fucking exchange two army generals could have
Suck his dick obviously
Even Bernie ?
The point of her saying that was to point out how dumb it was for him to have asked that.
This delusion is amazing lmao
your husbando also don't have any children with byleth btw, the only route where dimitri have a children is in BE route with some random irrelevant character just like Dimitri himself lol
Says the virgin basement dweller
Fuck him in the ass obviously.
>the most patriotic war-pushing house is the most popular
Really gets the noggin joggin.
>The world's Quality of Life drastically increased during the first "Long Peace" from 1830 to 1912
>The world's Quality of Life drastically increased during the second "Long Peace" from 1945 to today
That's quite a projection.
>first we send the strongest
>then we send the smartest
>then we send the pretiest.
>and we left with what we didn't send
The least cucked one is Dorothea and she is used goods and admits that she is only settling down with you because she won't be pretty forever.
Ask stupid questions, get stupid answers I guess
Guess I’m going full Punished bro’s then, whatever
you realize that's like a caricature of how leftwingers think rightwingers talk right, written onto a right-leaning character, in a series notorious for rewriting entire characters to be whatever the localizers prefer. "Obsessed much?" is a hundred percent a leftie thing to say
>first we send the strongest
>then we send the smartest
>then we send the pretiest.
>and we left with what we didn't send
hey, if you automatically identify with the loser, that's on you. the winning side doesn't worry about this
Is that why you're alive right now?
I'm detecting the localisers attempting real world political parallels in how they depict morality in this game
>knows what she's doing
lol fuck off beta bitch
Why would I care whether or not my bro has kids? The girls of Faerghus are all cute, noble and loyal unlike the whores that live in the empire.
>sent bandits to kill Dimitri and Claude at the beginning of the guy
am i really supposed to sympathize with her
Sure Dimtrifags, sure
Have you taken your med yet?
She did nothing wrong
fuck the kingdom
fuck the alliance
>the winning side suffers no casualties and is stronger after a war
Videogames are rotting your brain.
>entire argument is posting literal who's on twitter
>stop freeing yourself!!!
You sound so dumb. She was not telling him to not free himself, she was demanding him to put the situation into perspective and realize that the reason she was doing all of that was because just like him, she has her own goals and ambitions and will crush whoever to get where she wants to be which is the entire point of her saying her second line of dialogue in that picture. What I like about the writing in this game is that it demands a modicum or reading comprehension so it’s not surprise retards on here continually make posts like these. Now never post my husband again if you’re going to make such a stupid post.
Of course as any other person I don't want war because horrible things could happen to me, my family and my country but it is absolutely true that war has many positives for society. After a big war prosperity usually follows.
-belong in the trash, now back to your cuck shed, yuricuck.
>Edelgard and her siblings get experimented on to try putting crests on them, to thw point where she hates crests and everything about them
>Decides that she's going to take over the world to end crests being important
>"Hm, how should I do this? ShouldI expose the secret dark magic cult that killed all of my siblings and scarred me for life and use my own example to rally political support from everywhere?"
>"Nah, I'll just use the secret dark cult that killed most of my family to usurp the church that almost every other kingdom supports while alienating every other house against me, then blame them for trying to defend themselves."
Edelgard's a power hungry autist who needs to be put down like the dog she is.
Well i can't post their stats in game, because dimirtifags don't even play the game haha
>Why are you siding with the person allied with your fathers killer
>proceeds to nigger it up and kill them
Sounds about right for a blacked eagle.
The Dimitrifags are talking about shit from the game while your arguements are just twitter screenshots.
>The girls of Faerghus are all cute
While i agree, but you sounds like a falseflagging fujo / homo, and you never post the girls, while keep bitching about other house girls
only idiots think that a flawless victory is the only victory.you still don't know what culling or pruning is. look it up. it hurts the herd and the plant, but there's more than just the present. don't reply to me until you learn something
>Claude was able to archive the same thing without acting like a psychopath
>Byleth I am the Flame Emperor and have been trying to kill and kidnap innocents for some greater purpose, now side with me against the church or die
>What is your greater purpose Edelgard?
>whoops I can't tell you yet teehee maybe side with me and find out ;)
Edelgard's goals are fine but her plans are retarded
Punished Dimitri is best boy
she lacked her "guts" the blank slate that is the profesor just fucks her over
some faggot weeb that never read the iliad will think this is deep
You're not really arguing against him, why do you think those quality of life increases happened after war? It's because things were invented during the war and afterwards made it's way into people's hands during peace. The radio is a great example of this, as it was something that evolved due to WW1 and then made it's way into the average Joe's life
They all succeed in their own route because the plot device is with them, without it they're all retarded
Actually the real men go and die and the betas stay behind and reproduce.
your father was such a shit parent you dont know your damn age
Dimitri kidnapped and tortured innocents too literally just because he hated Edelgard
Yeah but Dimitris actions are reactionary and wouldn't exist if Edgelard wasn't being a fucking moron and getting everyone killed to fix a "Problem" that not only everyone else (including the problem itself) agreed was a problem, but would have been able to do so with CONSIDERABLY less mass murder. Its literally punching someone and them punching you back and calling you an asshole for punching them and replying "But you're an asshole too then because you punched me!"
Thats not how it works retard.
>she's like Daenerys but anime :DDD
Holy shit at least I can fix Rhea with my dick.
after the war is over, the soldiers come home and fuck every woman and the beta's children. that's how we got the baby boomers. retard
>killing your strongest and most patriotic while the weak and cowardly stay at home
>divert your resources from useful things to ammo and bombs
>your infrastructure gets fucked by the enemy
Yet this somehow makes us stronger because some autist on Yea Forums took a Biology class in High School. War is oftentimes necessary but you are a fucking retard for thinking it is a good thing.
>invading Imperial officers
I don't care that she's willing to kill innocents for the greater good, but she won't fucking tell anyone what the greater good is until they side with her. Even in Dimitri's route her calls a meeting and asks why she declared war and she says "don't worry I'm preventing future sacrifices don't ask how or why"
>he doesn't know
Nigga her ending was the least secured ending of the three. It was a rule of paranoia under a secret and constant threat.
I think because at some point she realized that her plan was really stupid and caused way more problems than it would fix but she was too pig headed and stubborn to change because she was already in so deep and the only thing waiting for her if she didnt win was a freshly cleaved skull so she was just going to wait till everyone who cared was dead so she could rewrite history to say that she was right in the end.
Not him but I think user was being sarcastic
again you only identify with the losers.
in the case of the winners and some losers, the soldiers come home and have more influence than whoever stayed at home. and because reconstruction takes place, infrastructure has a chance to be upgraded. learn actual history. stop listening to hippies
>thats not how it works retard
Yes, that is exactly how I responded to what you just posted as well.
She is not mad at Dimitri for "being reactionary" and she's not saying "you're an asshole as well!" she's saying neither of them are assholes and are doing what they must do to realize their ambitions. Unless you're a corrin level retard who believes wars can be done without casualties?
This is a dumb post because you are neglecting to take into consideration how Blasphemous Edelgard's ideals are. There is no way for her to make the change she requires and get the entire continent on board without war. As the game pointed out several times, Crests are tied to the religion, they are tied to Sothis, and almost the ENTIRE content practices that religion.
was just thinking the same. most soldiers have to go through training so they dont kill their spouse when they come home, and realized shes been fucking around non stop. most soldiers get cucked
Fucking any of the students is degenerate. Real chads pick Manuela
I would've liked if she was a stubborn conqueror fatally devoted to her higher cause, but her own route cranks up the waifupandering so much it's hard to see it. Coddling edgy Dimitri in his route was wearing thin after a while too. I feel like Claude is the only lord who doesn't suffer from this but he's irrelevant to the main plot
Soldiers actually are statistically far more likely to be cheated on, both during and after service, to the point where you have to walk on eggshells when discussing infidelity at the barracks because it leads to so many breakdowns.
You do not know history. The elites larp as soldiers and give each other medals while real vets get fucked in the ass.
Black Eagles is the villain/anti-hero route.
I don't get the point of your post aside from the obvious denigration. Are you denying historical facts?
Maybe it's a bit exaggerated because I really don't think War is likely to happen on North American soil anytime soon, but that was not the point of my post and you missed it completely.
Aside from that, refrain from projecting so hard. Low imagination? Child? I don't feel like the shoe fit at all. Isn't that strange? I am more than confident in my understanding of history, politics and society. If you disagree with me, it's one thing, but if you're trying to make me doubt my own education, it's not gonna work. Corruption is at the root of almost every falling Nation and war is a tool for politicians and aristocrats to gain more power. Thinking war can be prevented or that war leads to human progress is fucking foolish and, again, history speaks for itself.
>As the game pointed out several times, Crests are tied to the religion, they are tied to Sothis, and almost the ENTIRE content practices that religion.
Just institute the change in her Empire alone, why expand and fuck with others? Dimitri wouldn't wage war on her for just keeping shit in her own kingdom, and I doubt the alliance would give a fuck either as long as they could trade still and get their sheckels. But she couldn't be happy with that, she wanted to force change on everyone, even if it meant starting a bloody conquest and killing thousands.
First of all he brutally tortured many innocent soldiers who obviously did not have the information he was looking for. Second, I would appreciate it if you all would stop taking liberties with your paraphrasing because it's confusing for those who have read the dialogue and internalize it like normal people.
Dimitri has dead tortured souls screaming in his ears for revenge.
What edels excuse
Then Edgetards the moron for not answering the question at all, it wasn't a yes or no question, which is exactly what her statement implies, its a "Is this the ideal way to go about whatever you're trying to do?". Hes more or less demanding a reason for her actions and every single fucking time he asks this she doesn't tell him WHY shes doing this, she doesnt fucking tell anyone. So i guess in a way yeah, it is a yes or no answer, or to be more specific "Yeah I have to do all this shit because my plan includes really fucking stupid steps that force me to take this course of action"
>wanting discount Krabappel
>innocent soldiers
In the colonial days that might have been true, but in the modern era, vets are treated like trash, or simply not given respect they deserve.
>41 years old
The cakewhore that constantly talks about the guys she's fucking? Have some respect for yourself and go for Catherine at least.
Im in the presence of children!
Edelgard is clearly written to be unreasonably stupid, unlike Corrin, who's Naivete was pushed into retard levels in Conquest by ACCIDENT
>now people are trying to say the soldiers are innocent
Edelgardfags are looking for every excuse in the book to make their waifu not seem like a piece of shit
>Hey guys what sort of villain should we make?
>What if Hitler was retarded?
Checks out
>the guys she's fucking
Even the nameless guards won't fuck her.
The church has too much power for that to just happen.
Bruh, the only people that get glory in wars for the last century are the sons of the wealthy who most of the time don't even see action. The average soldier is left to fend for himself after war, is likely to have been cheated on by his partner while on leave, is going to be mentally unsound, and is just generally going to have a terrible time coming back.
Why aren't they innocent? according to Yea Forums the soldiers Edelgard killed in battle are innocent. Why the tune change user?
user they're soldiers, they chose to defend their land, which means they are automatically enemies to any opposing land.
>the respect they deserve
What respect do they deserve? They haven't fought a single righteous war since Korea.
They'd also be seen as justified for going in and stomping her shit if she was forcing people to renounce their religion. Edgelards plan was always "Go to war with the church", its just a really stupid plan. Also she could have just waited for Reah to step down as arch bishop although that wasn't public knowledge. Basically having to go to war with the church sort of forced her to fuck everyone else in the end because of how deeply rooted the church was in everything, its just that she didnt have to go to war with the church, just kill Reah. Claude figured that much out on his own.
>Dimitri: Stop killing people
>Edelgard: NO U
They choose to defend their homeland. I'm not going to pretend like it's the best thing in the world that people died in the war but in the Black Eagle path Edelgard states multiple times that as a leader she will use her soldiers to achieve what she wants. But that's what's better about her. She acknowledges her conquest is grisly but it's what needs to happen to pursue her chaotic aligned future for Fodlan. She never tries to deny that she's in the wrong for using them like that.
It's always been like this. Heroes were already from rich and powerful families while people like have found reasons to shit on the common soldier.
The common soldier deserves to get shit on, they produce no value, fuel the war machine, and are all around welfare queens living on the dime of the taxpayer.
They've become fucking parasites, and we're supposed to glorify them? Fuck that shit.
It IS a super difficult to achieve goal which is why she had to use the slitherers in the first place as the flame emperor. Even if it's just Rhea, all of Fodlan loves Rhea just as much as they value their religion. Besides Jeralt which is why he keeps the religion concealed from you in the first place.
Then the GOLDENCHADS come round and solve everything.
>ntr bait
>says in el’s route she goes to spend time with you alone frequently
please have sex if you don’t understand this. if you want to make your cuck argument then blyeth would be the one doing the cucking, not getting cucked. she only has kids with someone else if you chose another girl on the BE route instead of her
Look at this post friend
Hippy user here isn't saying anything new. This is how the people have treated veterans throughout all of history. The lucky ones die in the war.
I really think that if we could kill Rhea and Edelguard we probably wouldn't have to deal with any of this shit. It would be done without any major casualty and the Nemesis part would be done by Claude who would probably coopting Dimitri to his 8d chess plan.
please go back
hitler was pretty dumb, but he knew how to charm people into doing what he wanted, i mean, that kinda fits edelgard.
Edelgard is trying to assassinate students in the fucking prologue, not soldiers. That's what I was talking about before. And it's a completely ridiculous comparison to say that the "innocent soldiers" invading a country are the same as the "innocent soldiers" who are defending it
>kill Rhea
Doesn't she step down and make (You) the new Pope?
>sothis route will be beylith going into the past meeting a new cast of character some recognizable. And destroy the slithers before they root themselves into everything and stop nemesis from killing sothis.
>Preventing serios and edelgard from going insane in current time.
Imagine being smallbrained enough to hate Edelgard.
Why would vets deserve any respect?
>muh duscar tragedy
>Still obsessed over her when it's clear the Church is evil
>Accusing anyone else of murder when you authorize turning innocent civilians into monster suicide bombers
Dmitri was fine in BL, but holy fuck did he go full retard in BE.
Yes but a good beheading at the start of the game saves a lot of people from her retarded decisions
Because they are doing their duty to the state and if they didn't exist people would come over to your house, rape you and steal your stuff.
>Wake up 5 years in the future
>Kill some bandits
>Oh btw, Dedue is dead
What the fuck? That seems a bit unceremonious.
This better be a swerve.
Only if she doesn't go insane, which there's a good chance of if you tell her the Church is a lie and crests are bad.
Everyone but Claude goes full retard in other routes. Edelgard turns herself into a crest monster in BL because she refuses to lose, but would be stuck as a crest monster forever if she won. She should've just been her Emperor class like the same map in GD
Are you just going to forget that edelgard authorized the transformation of people into dark beasts too? It happens in every route
he didn't have the teach there to bring him back down to earth.
hope you did the prologue good enough with him in it, you'll find out if he made it or not later.
No I didn't. But I'm saying it's quite ironic Dmitri acts like he has the moral high ground when at this point he's just as bad as Edel. The point of BL/BE is that both sides are retarded and GD solves everything they fuck up with minimal bloodshed.
Almost as if... Golden Deer is the canon route
I live in the US, our cops alone could take on any invading force thricefold and then some.
Our military is not used defensively, it's made of birdbrain morons tricked into giving their entire lives to the war machine, and then footing the bill to the taxpayer. They're literally a burden on all of us. Cops are a proper service, so are firemen, first responders, and like. But the military? No, can't wait until they're all replaced by drones and we don't have to keep their useless asses clothed and fed.
Nah, BE is clearly the canon route.
i have to admit that claude is by far the most overall heroic character, except in the BL route where he takes a level in jerkass/dumbass and dimitri gets redeemed
It worked for America
>The church is evil
Rhea(sothis) is "evil", and even then she knows how its turning into a problem and its why she wants to step down. Generally the church is very good, what with adopting children and maintaining peace and making sure the three main factions dont fuck murder each other.
I feel like the game was trying too hard to make Rhea seem sketchy or evil and I saw that shit coming a mile away with how intentionally obtuse she was being with everything and everyone except when she was revenge murdering fuckers who were planning on murdering here. She comes off as extreme but not evil most of the time even.
>dude just let us kill you
>cops could take on a military
You are the birdbrain here my dude
So I take it you are in the military and often see field action?
So how come edelgard suddenly stops using darkbeasts in her route?
>play 3H
>after one mission Flame Emperor asks me to join him
>he says ''fuck you, mate, I know you're joking''
God damn it.
Let's see the Vietcong take on the NYPD in the middle of New York, friend.
meant to type Seiros
The vietcong would win easily. Cops are trained for shit like that.
The Vietcong can't do shit without their rice paddies, neither can the goatfuckers without mountains and civilians to hide in.
Cops would have them for breakfast.
But he IS my wife???
Flame Emperor/Slitherers DLC route when, IS?
Can someone explain the ballista meme to me
I haven't played this game and correct me if I'm wrong but this seems like idealism vs realism at it's core. Is that how these routes play out?
This is a very American post. Put down your cheeseburger for a second and read a book.
Sothis isn't evil speed reader bro.
Also Rhea has a core sect that clearly worships her and commits atrocity on her behalf, which is what Edelgard is concerned about since she wants to remove Rhea without dismantling the entire Church.
During the 2nd battle of grounder. Edelgard positions bernadetta on the middle balista.
But the truth of it is that Shes used as bait to get enemy's to rush her than burn the shit down when she gets inevitably killed
Trying to remove Rhea is unforgivable. She is perfect and I love her.
>Japan hasn't had a standing military since WWII because of the treaty
>Has become one of the world's technology and business centers
>using Japan as an example
>a land of beta cucks who are dying out because they won't breed
This cute little loli cucked him so hard he thought she orchestrated the death of his family and her own mother at age 13. He's pretty retarded, user.
Rhea is Seiros you absolute retard
He got credit for a few successful tactics including his most famous, the Blitzkrieg, which got so far to his head that he tried it again in a time of absolute crisis and in the most ill-timed moment, ending in pathetic failure.
He was kind of a dumb genius. Obviously he was good at many things, knew how to get to his people's heart, had a pretty decent grasp if where the war needed to go at the beginning and was a notorious workaholic, but, at the same time, he suffered from severe delusions and was obviously not an actually competent military leader and tactician.
I like to cut him a break, though, by the end of the war, he was a meth and various medication addict who suffered from syphilis and Parkinson. Also people attempted assassinations on him 3 times and when Valkyrie failed and ge miraculously survived, he started having delusions of invulnerability.
How did this cuck meme even start? I recently got the edelgard ending with S support and nothing even hints at it. Is it because they don't mention children due to the fact that both male and female Byleth can S support edelgard? It's literally "I will find a suitable person to be the next emperor (Edelgard states there won't be nepotism anymore) then we can settle down somewhere"
Also his private court was a beta fatlord manlet with Teutonic delusions who would no doubt have been a regular of r9k if he had lived today, An has-been eccentric war hero who was only in it for the luxurious expenses and fame and a shit genetic borderline cripple with inferiority complex towards the very Aryan ideal he tried to overcompensate fir really hard.
Yes. She fears herself because she has a Crest fuckery split personality that's growing more powerful in her mind.
She doesnt come back to you until shes a wrinkled old fart
user has decided that any route that doesn't explicitly say you have kids is a cuck route. There's no logic to it. Who the fuck even wants kids
>doesnt announce your marrige
>doesnt want to be seen with you.
>will fuck ferdie and have kids though
Cope cuck
Because she's dimitrifags, and we all know that dimitrifags are salty because their house is unpopular and their husbando is irrelevant
>>then we send the pretiest
Lol, you never send the best breeding stock
>literally no u tho
>Why are you throwing shit at everyone
>Why are YOU throwing shit back
But she does those first two things and only does the last if you don't marry her?
t. trannies following a stonk womyn
Which girls even state that you have kids in their ending anyway? Hilda's a devoted wife and it doesn't mention it, just how good of a wife she is.
Kids suck either way.
Do stats improve items carry over into new game? Because i have like 20-30 of them still unused.
>>>innocent enemy soldiers
but he has a boyfriend?
>t. hillary clinton/jews
Dimitri, stop arguing with that boorish woman and come plant your seed in me.
You've got to ensure your bloodline and crest live on.
Did they really off screen Dimitri on the GD route?
I can see why everyone says this is the third wheel route.
Also on church route.
Well the game would have been rated R if they actually showed Dimitri getting gangbanged.
Now this is: insecurity the post
Finish high school
I wanna her to step on my cock
Do you like Tiddies Emblem Yea Forums?
The intent is not denigration because this is an anonymous board so that's ultimately pointless. I am being brutally honest by saying that making such broad points is what a brainlet does. It's not about education, more like about maturity. You won't question your own maturity now, but I'm sure you'll realize what I am saying after a few years. I used to make strong remarks about how society works, about how humanity is destined to some specific fates and so on, and nowadays I feel ashamed of feeling pretentious enough to think I know what direction the world is headed at.
Also, I understand that you think your analysis is accurate because history supports your side, but consider for a moment that history can't be used the way you are using it. Many are tempted to think history is like science, an objective listing of facts, but that's not the case. Science is in charge of asserting what actually did and didn't happen. History is in charge of selecting specific facts (it's inevitable, after all there are millions of facts, so we must pick the main ones) and construct a narrative. You can construct any narrative by picking the right facts. History has its uses, but I highly recommend to abstain from making predictions with it. Because what happened in the past must have happened under a gigantic set of extremely specific circumstances and contexts that will never repeat themselves ever. A historian will pick what they consider to be the main agents responsible for that event, but who guarantees these really are the determining factors? No one can guarantee that simulating these nitpicked circumstances will result in reproducing said event.
What I mean specifically by this is that yes, conflict is inevitable, but it's not that simple. The way conflict is done has changed to a more indirect one. Nukes are a great new deterrent. Countries now hold better relations than ever. The West is not under the threat of being torn apart in war.
based on what you just said, we need war with some breaks here and there
We need three charts for this, one according to 3D model, one according to still art like the S-rank stuff, and lastly one according to FEH art.
Only then can we have objective comparison of tiddies. It's not really fair to compare stills to models since they don't seem to be consistent. Just look at Dorothea.
I prefer Sothis DFC
Yeah ok, I get it, you're patronizing me. Don't lecture me about honesty or maturity.
It's a shame because I do understand you're trying to have some semblance of educated discussion, but you're off to an awful start by looking down on me.
>In a few years.
You don't even know me, my age or where I'm from and what I've seen. You're building an image of me based on an opinion and I may be open to be told I am wrong or be shown a different perspective, but I don't deal with patronizing kinds. You're not my fucking dad or my teacher.
>I'll find a suitable person
>nope no nepotism I promise I won't just pick someone who agrees with me on everything just the best person for the job :^)
lmao go watch FerdiCHAD impregnate your wife, Cuckleth
what did he plan to accomplish by joining the second battle all he does is get his troops killed
He was ostensibly there to fight the Empire but Edelgard tricked him into sending Hilda right behind your spawn point and rushing the hill to hunt you down specifically. Was an honest mistake.
Fuck edelgard her motives make little to no sense.
Seriously like 80% of the characters have way above average tits.
come to my hometown, we'll put you to plowing and farming the fields and herding the cattle. I guarantee you'll collapse under the sun in the first day like a faggot and some actual chads will come to carry you off.
>feeding humanity from the reptilian overlords makes no sense
t. Reptilian overlord
why would you feed them user
Reptiles are really cute when eating.
I'm gonna make Lysithea a Mortal Savant and none of you can stop me.
Based and seething reply pilled.
so... better that tons of innocent lives be lost, so that some idiot can have a little more pride? What is the point of pride if you have to die to get it? what is the point of becoming "great" if everyone else hates your guts?
You want to see her in that weeb outfit that badly, huh?
>failing this hard to see the argument
You know it.
you are stupid, wrong, and insane! War destroys progress, literally burns resources, viciously distorts population balances, and a ton of other shit. you want to see how awesome it is to live in a perpetual warzone? look at central Africa, or Yemen. Ask the people of Syria how much technical progress they have gotten out of the decade of civil war. Ask the Guatemalan refugees that Drumpf hates so much, why they are coming to the US, if their country is becoming so much better from all that war?
you need to look up some female rulers. their reigns tend to be more peaceful and prosperous
>Dorothea got two crits in a row against me
man what the fuck
>hating being evil and killing loads of people
when did Yea Forums become such a pack of pussies
isn't this what people wanted Conquest to be instead of Corrin bitching about killing people
>Not stealing dorothea to be your dancer
That was your first mistake. And gods punish you for this.
what route does this conversation happen in?
Blue Lions?
this is literally the mock battle though, she got a 7% and 1% crit
that depends on how interlinked their economies are. One reason the USA is so powerful is because it operates like a ton of little kingdoms, with deeply interconnected economies. the states have some common laws, but each has its own economic and domestic policy. some states focus on high taxes and high investment in public goods. others focus on low taxes and higher flexibility for private businesses. The businesses are able to take sales from one state, and invest it in products that will sell better in another.
this is currently how Europe works, with its EU. A large, central government would be too slow and too cumbersome to manage a massive empire. by breaking everything up into tiers of power, large areas can be managed more effeciently
Isn't EU trying to become a large central government though?
>Why must you defend yourself, just let me kill you
Peak writing
This is fucking retarded
Everybody was living in peace before. Nothing was wrong.
>Wars are fought because of ego
True desu
Reminder that Dimitri is not a virgin
Reminder that Dimitri is impure
Who he banged though?
holy based
Ferdinand von Aegir impregnated him.
Where did the "Dimitri fucked Cornelia" meme come from?
This user is right but people are too ignorant to know.
Yeah, perfect example is the guy who made this post
>tfw beat BE and actually grew to like Edelgard and her autism, married her
>realize now I'm going to have to kill her on the other routes
I'm just gonna pretend they're not canon in my head. I wonder for the story DLC, they'll had a happy end route or some shit where everyone works together.
>Dimitri fucked this woman
You're showing right now how immature you are, imagining have that much of a fragile ego over an anonymous board. Yes, I started off insulting you because I am being brutally honest and speaking without filters, you're a major faggot for getting offended and taking it personal in this website over soft shit like that
And for the record I don't know you, that's exactly why you shouldn't be that insecure over what I (or anyone else in this website) says about you. If I say you are being dumb that actually means you did something dumb. Your last posts were very dumb. That does not necessarily mean you are dumb as a person, especially because I used to have several pretentious ideas like yours in the past, and I don't consider myself particularly dumb, people just have dumb moments sometimes.
And last but not least: faggot.
There's no way Dimitri would fuck that old hag. It was probably some random nice village girl.
Remember that the reason everyone is killing each other is because Edelgard started the war, it's literally her fault that you have to kill her
You're fucking lying. But if it was true that's one hell of an ironic twist of fate.
I think it's a meme
The fags who claim she did nothing wrong are wrong, but so are the fags calling it a villain route. The course of events differs drastically.
The bastard actually did it!
>just have to waggle your tits in his face for him to betray his childhood friend
damn, too real
>tfw that's exactly what I did
I wonder what the dialogue will be like when they fight each other?
When are we getting the golden ending where El and Dimitri hatefuck their problems away
Every edgy high-school white nigger that says shit like this should be thrown in the middle of a war, or have someone close to them be drafted. Dumb fucking cunts. War is terrible you retarded amerifat.
But who will the edelgardfags and dimitrifags fuck then?
Hopefully never, he's too good for her
I was always for Annette. I just liked Dimitri's route the most (also Annete had some story relevance).
they loudly fuck outside the deerfag's room
No. They have a few goals in common, like making people equal, but he straight up tells her that bloodshed isn't how this should be done and she should fuck off from invading the other territories.
Nah symphathy isn't required. Just realizing that removing an insane and insanely powerful man (without Byleth milkies around to heal him) and a galactic-brain trickster (without Byleth milkies around to actually make him care) before they get to lead entire countries is a grim but very effective idea.
Any argument that is based on "human nature is the reason" can be thrown out entirely without counter argument because it is based on junk science. The person making said argument does not actually understand what they mean by "human nature".
>BL basic bitch
>Black eagles on Nintendo's website has 45% of votes
ok nigger
She IS the biggest problem in part 2, user.
Define human nature. I guarantee you will come up with some cliche nonsense that doesn't actually hold water when compared to the actual historical events you are claiming are the result of human nature.
Human nature itself is a stupid concept based upon the idea that all humans, everywhere, for all time, are driven by a single primal idea that guides everything they do. Its lazy at best, and retarded at worst. There is no such thing as "human nature". It is simply a catch all term idiots throw out when they don't want to think about the real, more complex reasons for bad things happening.
Teatime is unironically the hardest part of this fire emblem.
Edelgard? More like Edgelard lmao!
>"imperialism leads to endless war upon war upon war"
How can you have any more wars if you've conquered absolutely everything?
hating nigs fags and jews
>hilda is an airhead who likes fashion, gossip and hates being in battle and being compared to her overachieving brother
>answer with things related to friends, gossip, clothes, trends to get points
>avoid talking about combat, her family, studies and labor
Jeez was it so hard? Like for as much as the Fateawakening crowd likes support I must wonder if they actuallt even pay attention to dialogue at all.
Claude's kingdom is still standing
That is /pol/tard nature, not human nature.
The difference is dimitri would actually stop if edelgard did. Hes doing the monster shit because he has to in order to not straight lose to enemy monsters. In fact, he does the monster shit and loses anyway to an overwhelming force of enemy monsters.
The difference is that Dimitri is defending an insane dragon tyrant. This is BE route where Seiros had completely taken over Rhea already. She can wait until they die and start enslaving humanity under her rule again. Dimitri does not deserve to be defended for his stubbornness at this point.
I meant in general, user. Not in-game.
Fuck the eagles.
Lysithea and Claude. Golden Chads always win.
Don't use the truth against americans user. It's not healthy for them.
Yeah, the EU is doing the "Empire by inches" strategy. They are currently working out how to implement an EU armed forces, with soldiers drafted from every member state. How they would decide what equipment to use is another matter, Germany will probably just do what they always do and bully through their own choice.
Also with currency he EU is the worst of both worlds, the EU is valued relatively high compared to most countries, fine for the richer states like Germany and France who buy more than they sell, but for the dirtpoors, they can't sell their shit because it costs too much for foreign markets. So they are forced to sell within the EU and pray they aren't undercut.
Guys tend to be really easy to talk to, but I really have no idea what most the female characters are expecting you to say. And when you get a perfect tea time they ask you a bonus question and the answers are one word and never make any sense.
>he's never heard of Pax Romana before
To protect his homeland, how is that any worse than Edelgard allying with the slitherers
if you dont have a proper grill boil is your best bet. but otherwise yeah, don't boil
it's why africa is the most technologically advanced continent in the world
Dimitri willingly accepted Rhea/Seiros into the Kingdom and vow to protect her while Slitherers controls half the empire and she has no choice but to accept their help if she wants to kill the insane dragon since they both want the same thing. Dimitri can protect his homeland without spilling a drop of blood just by giving up Rhea, but he fucking doesn't.
Dinitri has rhea standing over his shoulder in his worst route.
Edelgard has thales standing over her shoulder in her best route.
Why does this bitch get off scot free? Shes the dragon equivalent of Charles Manson.
Charles manson did nothing wrong though
Wrong. It's the funding that causes technological progress. It just so happens you get more funding during wartime.
>Edelgard literally goes NO U
Are you for real
Of course americans would think that
Its not their soil getting bombarded and their infrastructure destroyed
Tell me how that progress happens when half a country is a wasteland and the brains all escaped long ago
Charles Manson literally did nothing wrong, though?
I'm almost certain she's just mocking him since it's a war and he's sacrificing his country to protect the crazy dragon.
I guess that the marshall plan was unnecessary huh
She said she was sorry, and is actually above most if the shit hummies deal with. Probably glad she can take nap without her continent shitting itself.
>Hey Dimitri I know I started that war five years ago through subtrefuge and lies but Rhea is secretly Seiros and she's controlling everything so just give her up I totally promise to stop attacking you even though I've already lied through my teeth about countless things already ;)
>I'm almost certain she's just mocking him
No, you disgusting waifufag, shes just dumb
Just because you're correct doesn't mean you're right
>Dimitri can protect his homeland without spilling a drop of blood just by giving up Rhea
And also every kingdom noble family goes to kangaroo court for crest crimes, and also each villager must accept the imperial inquisition in their homes to purge any potential slither ideology (my uncle is fine though) and also the ebtire kingdom will be subsumed by the empire regardless of their very legitimate reasons for leaving before.
Does Lysithea need to spend a few levels in Merc to prep her for Mortal Savant?
Just get A rank in swords (or B+ if you don't mind save scumming the certification exam)
>Children at the market...
>Favorite sweets...
>Shareable snacks...
"Professor I often find myself craving the sweet release of death"
"Professor, it's a waste for you to spend time with me..."
What the fuck am I supposed to say here? She's antisocial so the first just makes her withdrawn and she's got crippling depression so the third makes her feel worse. I don't even know what kind of autistic sperg would react with the second
Just be yourself.
Can I get Felix and Flayn to fuck? Sounds like the most based pairing other than Felix and useless firewood girl.
>Dimitri: Crests aren't inherently bad they are a necessity for some but building a world where they aren't needed should be valued.
>Edelgard: Crests are to blame! But also the Church.
some mad bluecuck with no arguments started it, I'm still lmaoing at his seething spree
The issue here is Edelgard's ambitions are retarded in the first place, so yes, she is an asshole for doing what "must" be done to recognize her ambitions.
Based and redpilled, imperialism is the result of capitalism. Read Marx.
In Dimitri route Byleth takes over the church and Rhea becomes politically irrelevant.
Which makes it basic as fuck.
Everybody loves muh edgelord antihero.
Dimitri wasn't insane before Edgelord decided to start her genocide crusade
I automatically assume anybody who says shit like this wears a fedora and imagines themselves as a "strong man during bad times"
based and redpilled
She had explain that she was an evil dragon five years ago through her manifestos and other shit, and they saw her turn into a dragon. Do you think dragons is some common shit you see everyday on the continent or something?
Yes he was. He was just very good at hiding it.
It's only retard if she was wrong but she wasn't.
I guess that's true, just like Edelgard was always retarded and just good at hiding it.
You dont even have to save scum it. You have 3-4 weeks to throw certs at every class up between chapters, and theres enough money in the game that theres no reason not to.
>What the fuck am I supposed to say here?
Whatever the serenes forest tea party guide tells you to say. The response list is retarded, only about 1/3 of the responsrs actually make sense to the character and the rest are just picking options out of a hat. Half the roster apparently likes the school uniforms even though maybe two people actually mention uniforms ever.
Basically, if any of the options pertain to their specific interest, pick that first. If the other options are their dislikes, don't pick that ever. If there's nothing that pertains to their specific interest, pick the neutral option. The 4th one is the wildcard that I have yet to figure out but I think it's most likely just what you did for the prior three choices and pick if you agree, neutral or disagree with what they said and how it pertains to their likes/dislikes.
You don't get to choose when it's a war of annihilation. Who do you think died first in ww1 and ww2?
>literally "NO U!"
Edelgard is a dumbass
How about you ask one of the many failed empires in history?
with war, men become the deads
imagine if when you asked someone for the S rank support they actually turn you down cuz they already have someone they like cuz they had their A rank with someone else, how much butthurt would it cause?
That's only partially true. War speeds up the practical application of scientific theories that already exist, but also slows down development of new ones. If you get war for a couple of years, shit gets done. But if you spend decades if not centuries warring, like Roman and Persians did, you stagnate, you run out of anything to experiment with because your infrastructure is too busy creating materiel for use in war and there is no room for civilian applications. It's why militarized societies never worked and why Sparta imploded. I know it's cool shitting out vague non arguments on an imageboard you picked up somewhere because someone "cool" said it, but unless you can actually explain your position, the only ones you'll impress with this shit are low IQ niggers just like yourself.
Until someone wins and reduces the amount of diversity, and thus infighting, by degrees of magnitude.
Too bad Hitler lost.
I'd highly advise you to actually check the SF guide even if you dont actually use it. You will quickly understand how dumb the first part with the three responses is.
>recruit him to BE
>Imperial armor is black
>Sylvain's unique appearance in cav classes is black armor
>Sylvain hates Crests, Edgy wants to remove Crests
Really makes you think