Marnie hug pillow when

>marnie hug pillow when

Attached: Screenshot_20190807_213430.jpg (960x540, 256K)

>female character shown
>cúmbrains get excited
>artists rush to draw as much as they can to get cheap and easy attention from cúmbrains
>cúmbrains get excited even more and share the art all over the internet
>"LOL US GAMERS ARE SO FUCKING BASED" they think as they rush to jump on the cumstained bandwagon

Shoo shoo /pol/, don't you have a Walmart to shoot up?


I don't get it where's the problem?

>cümbrain gets filtered
>have sex, seethe, dilate, cope, sneed don't
nice work chink moot

and cuck

He doesn't like thing, so you're not allowed to like it either.

Dilate, tranny. You will never be a woman.
