Is it normul or puronurmal?
Is it normul or puronurmal?
lol so random and quirky xD
Man gook sluts are disgusting.
god shes like literally the ugliest girl ive ever seen like get real virgins lmao
White dudes who can't fuck white women see chimp girls from the lesser races as accessible because they literally throw themselves at any mildly attractive white man.
she looks old even with the makeup on
Seething white roasties.
The fact that this was considered a memorable moment speaks volumes of how boring and soulless E3 is without Sony.
Why are you posting Kojima?
God forgive them for having different tastes than what you expect, Thot.
>but all they want are submissive and docile women dressing womanly >:(
That's also their taste and choice and you can't neither stop it or judge or, begone.
She's alright. Looks like she is 40 though.
I fucked a couple of Asians - japs and chinks, and it bugged me how they didn't shave or trip their pubes.
Also the squeaking was annoying. Why in god's name is that a thing?
Could be worse. Could be a pajeet.
nice fucking blog faggot
how could you keep your dick hard with those hairy pussies and squeaking noises? I can't even watch japanese porn because of that
Let me guess, the prettiest girl you know is your wife (who also happens to be your sister)