Here are your new pokemon, bro.
Here are your new pokemon, bro
Other urls found in this thread:
That's a high class looking pokebong and by high class I do mean 420
Galarian Zigzagoon and Weezing are okay. The rest are shit.
the full belly version of the pikaclone actually hurts to look at
>Furry Gene Simmons
>Mighty Beanz
Good job Gamefreak.
>Another electric type that looks like pikachu
Can we stop please?
>they turned Weezing into a steampunk bong
>edgy linoone fursona
Posh Weezing is great. Galarian badger are okay, though I need to warm up to the new evolution. Pikachu clone is terrible.
Hold the fucking phone. Why didn't they just give it to this guy then?
are these real? that wheezing is lit
because there's no reason for a badger to be on fire
It's still blowing my mind that after 4 generations they're introducing a new evolution of an already existing Pokemon AND it's exclusive to a regional variant. Honestly, I'm not sure if to feel good or bad for Zigzagoon. It's like it got cucked.
They look fucking awful. unironically weakest designs in the series so far.
If you don't like industrial tycoon Weezing even ironically you're full of shit.
KISS Linoone is great, fuck the haters.
>there are people right now who won't get the kiss reference
Will they sue as usual?
who would win, EU pikachu or US pikachu?
It's gunna be really hard not to go full edge with my team on the first playthrough.
I do like how there are new secondary normal-type mons coming out though
Wheezing looks like a fucking bong
why do pokemon nowadays look like should be in ni no kuni or something?
they don't look like pokemon anymore.
They all look awful.
>Galar, a region inspired by the United Kingdom
>Kiss, the American rock band
So we're back to you drones describing the concept and then expecting people to automatically like the designs.
anthropomorphic pokemon need to fucking stop. Its actually stupid.
Also a region locked evolution.
pip pip industrialism god save the queen
>vp went from hating and shitting on S&M to loving it in one reveal
kek I guess when they anons say "you'll buy it anyway" remains true
>top hat
>is poison/fairy
>represent industrialism
im not sure if they throwing jabs at corporations. is nintendo woke?
I never fell for the "new Pokemon are badly designed" meme until now. Holy fuck.
You can tell he's badass because he is sticking his tongue out.
tug forelock
please tell me these aren't real
Now you gotta give them credit because they are really trying. You don't get a game to look so fucking bad if you don't do it in purpose. Literal knock-off garbage tier is something you don't achieve by accident.
Why does every single electric rat/mouse/squirrel/whatever need to be Pikachu related?
But user we can't possibly go even a single generation without shilling the mascot in some way or Charizard! Or the entirety of the Gen 1 dex!
Can't wait to do the same thing I do every game and ignore the nu-mon and instead rek everyone with this crazy nigga.
If he's in the game.
It's like they're trying to fuck everything up on purpose. No one in their right mind would think this shit is passable.
Anything is passable when Pokemon has a fanbase that will eat anything Gamefreak shits out.
>ekans is backwards snake
>muk is....
Should i be happy about poison/fairy type for new weezing?
Weezing is sooooo fucking corny.
>draw a Pikachu
>change the colors a bit
>call it a new Pokemon
If not I'll just put him in myself. Cracked my Switch last year.
Seriously though, these Pokémon are just as ugly as anything post Gen 2. Remember that pig that looks like an inflateable toy in Gen 3? Or the genies in Gen 5? Gamefreak gave up a loooong time ago and only now are you realizing it.
>Some pokemons are get cut for bootleg pikachu
It's going to sell millions and there's nothing you can do about it. Cope.
>takes 2x from steel and psychic
>levitate, so no ground
>steel and psychic
You best hope there is no Bronzong or Metagross in this region.
Also, this is the least fairy looking pokemon.
haha imagine if there was a pokemon named REGGIN haha
user, if it's not the game you won't just be able to inject it, it will literally not be programmed into the game.
Corviknight = Galar Zigzagoon line > Ice cream/cake loli > The tortoise > Asthma Dragon >>>>>>>the rest >>>>>>>>>wooloo
It has a pretty good set of resistances and thanks to Levitate it gains two immunitys, even if it has the same stats as vanilla Weezing it looks like it might might pull a Alola-Muk on vanilla Weezing
Yes. Getting fairy only gains one more weakness while gaining several resistances, an immunity and a lot more offensive options.
There's a very good chance Gala Wheezing will see competitive play.
Ah, yes. My favorite pokemon: the auchwitz chimmney.
Why didn't they just adapt the existing skunk pokemon or the pandas?
The pikeaclone would look fine if its right side were also black.
There's nothing wrong with hangry mode.
>can’t see the hamster purple form with a badly edited smiley face
Who gives a fuck about KISS
>only Galar Linoone can evolve
Because there's no fucking skunks or pandas in England you stooge
They should have made the body of the pikaclone brown and both sides black to make it not a pikachu clone
Ah yes, England, beloved for its imps, ghosts and giant rock snakes.
gimme duh sauce bauss
unironically, based
Why they all look copied from other pokemon?
The pandas are confirmed in, though
Then I won't feel too bad for pirating it
What's your opinion of pokemon implementing human accessory in design or that the whole pokemon is based on accessory?
I am kinda torn on this. Like I am ok with Stuff like machamp pants etc. But what's too much? Like it starts getting weird for me when the pokemon is just a keychain or a flower necklace? How does that work? At least with rotom it is a ghost that possesses things...
extremely based user
>just a keychain or a flower necklace?
Those are fairies, the keychain is a sprite that carries keys around its arms and the flower fairy carries them on its tail.
Undesirable but also undeniably brilliant in the case if Weezer.
The fault in Pokémon designs should not be blamed on sweeping generalizations, but rather an overlack lack of effort, attention to detail and dismissal of what worked before.
People gotta stop with images like that, people are just bitching about pokemon designs that are essentially the exact same with a slightly more cartoonish look that isn't really all that bad
So is Sword&Shield gonna have a pokemon as a Queen reference?
yooo why'd they turn my zigzagoon into a poochyena
Well at least now zigzagoon can have a goth and edgy girlfriend
Maximum pedantry, and cherry picking with what you comment on. New pokemon has more detailed fur? Fur doesn't matter in this case. New pokemon has more complicated shape? Shape doesn't matter in this case.
You're the one cheerypicking though?
Or would you dismiss every comparison in a similar manner if you weren't so lazy?
koffing is a gentleman
quite the dapper
Is this a direct or a trailer?
Top left is cool, everything else sucks
I draw the line at copy/pasting a badger neck and head on to a bionicle body.
nobody remembers gen 2
Who thought fucking ZIGZAGOON was gonna be the furbait of Gen 8.
>a pokedex of vermin and mutts
Double meh
I don't even play anymore, but I enjoy watching how bad the designs are getting, its kind of funny
I don't play the main games anymore but i'm always awaiting a new mystery dungeon game never ever
what reference
it's lars from guitar hero
Don't cry because it's over; smile because it happened. As far as I'm concerned, SPMD was the last Pokémon game.
Ok, that's it, I won't even fucking pirate this game, I hate to see what I once loved so much being raped this fucking hard by it's incompetent, lazy and uncreative developers to the point it becomes not even a husk of it's former self, this this is so bastardized I deny it's existence, Pokemon died at gen 6, everything afterwards is just a fever dream, this game is not Pokemon, it is just one of those shitty bootleg Pokemon games, I refuse to accept it, this is not Pokemon the last good Pokemon game was gen 5 and gen 6 was the swansong, and there is nothing else afterwards, it died.
And to think I was once a big fan of this, and to think I despised other monster raising franchises because that is what Pokemon fans do because pokemon was better, right? but now that I played DQ, SMT, Digimon and Yokai watch, I now look back at Pokemon with shame, this is the worst timeline for Pokemon.
I fucking hate what they did to zigzagoon, he was one of my favorite pokemon.
bong weezing is dumb as shit but not much stupider than alolan dugtrio
>Love Gen1 & 2 designs
>Love half of Gen 3 designs
>Love even less and less as time goes on
These are actually pretty good so far. Animations seem fucked, but a lot of these just have SOUL!
I loved the previous ones but I bounced off super HARD and I have no real idea why.
Who is faster these days? Video game news outlets or artists?
My friend spent 10 minutes making this because he thought the actual design diverged too much from the previous evolution.
actual quote
>It looks like someone took the head of a pokemon and stuck it on a different toy
Because pikachu, being the fuckin mascot of the most profitable franchise of all time, sells; The Pokemon Company knows this, and the pikaclones have been selling everytime. Not as well as pikachu, but you best believe people buy that shit. You mean to tell me hangry pikabean isn't a-goddamn-dorable and won't sell toys or plushies? You must be out of your fucking mind if you think that shit won't sell to normiefags.
Only because shit is cropped.
This actually does look better
I'm not a big fan of it but then again I'm not a big fan of most of the pikaclones after gen 3.
This is definitely my least favorite out of the bunch though.
It's much more hardcore and similar to a conventional roguelike. Which suits me just fine but rubbed typical Pokémon fans the wrong way.
I like roguelikes though, honestly of all game genres it's probably one of the ones that I've played the most of.
I was kind of disappointed since I loved the others so much.
do you want a galarian form for ampharos, ampharosanon?
As in, games like Rogue. With LOS and expendables and shit. Not "games with permadeath because the devs were too lazy to make a full game so just play these 4 levels over and over again"
I don't want them to taint my precious sheep
No I'm aware of the proper use of the genre, I've played a bunch.
I mean, I have also played a bunch of rogue-lites, I really liked rogue legacy, but I've played a bunch of real ones too.
I can understand, I'm upset about what they did to zigzagoon
>nobody remembers best gen
pearls before swine
I dislike the pikaclone but those 2 bong forms are pretty sweet, I hope we get a good chunk of them like alola.
I personally hope for a victorian Gardevoir
I really really love Linoons new evolution. It actually gives me a reason to use zigzagoon.
Pokemon is creatively bankrupt.
>Galarian badger are okay, though I need to warm up to the new evolution.
Yeah I liked my bro linoone, the evolution is too extreme and break the "running" theme of the 2 former steps. That said, it also allow eviolite, so who knows.
wow this is 10000x better
Well then I don't know why you didn't enjoy Super. The last 3 dungeons are the most fun I've ever had in these games since you have to traverse such nightmarish dungeons with nothing but your MC and your wits.
Cape fits with the theme too
>you have to be woke to throw jabs at corporations
Was this an actual Pokémon? I quit after Gen 2 but it's so forgettable that I didn't even remember zimzoomer could evolve.
It's not even a kiss reference dumbass
linoone was in gen 3 yea
i didn't like him as much as zigzagoon but he was still pretty good
Don't worry about it, some people have slower brains.
I mean there's no reason for a frog to have a tree growing out of its back, but when have we let that stop us?
i unironically love that weezing and the nigzagoon and linoone. pika clone looks like trash but i havent seen new designs ive objectively liked since like gen 3
I think most of the new designs are incredible and I am a genwunner. It feels like they fixed the issue I had with new designs where a lot of them we e trying to be a mix of cute and cool so they could sell merch of them (no one wants to buy a stuffed animal of an ugly pokemon). This time the cool Pokemon are actually cool. No ones gonna buy a stuffed animal of linoons evolution but it sure does look intimidating.
Because they can't think of anything else, and when they try something new it ends up looking retarded.
>what is pikablu
>You're cherrypicking by.....saying there's a general amount of comparisons where you make that say this is flimsy
What DID he mean by this?
>Game already have 17 fucking types
>Hur what if we created a new type? Exactly that the game needs!
it was what it needed though, do you not even know why it was added
They are going full ham with the brit memes, way more than with France in XY.
I fully expect a queen's guard pokemon/form
Dragon was supposed to be the ultimate reward of story mode, but as competitive pokemon grew it became a BIG problem.
That's a weird way of spelling gen 5
gen 5 was so bad it made gamefreak change their entire design philosophy
There are people right now who wont get that this is actually A FUCKING WEREWOLVES OF LONDON REFERENCE JESUS FUCKING CHRIST GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE
t. Literally has no idea what he's talking about
They could change the type's properties instead of adding a new type.
Is it a ungulatr reference?
>recolored 1996 mon with dumb hats photoshopped on
>edgy KISS furbait
>tailless pikachu
>gengar tailless pikachu
>recolored 2002 mons
>and gen 6 was the swansong
based retard, Gen VI was fucking dog shit and the beginning of the downfall.
It was a shitty swansong, but at the very least in that shitty game you had the national dex.
u in luck
The shit started in gen 2
>region exclusive evolutions
>yet another thing for gamefreak to permanently exclude from every future game because "we want each game to be special :) (read:we are both retarded and lazy in equal amounts)"
Fuck man I can't unsee now. It straight up looks liek a bong.
>You mean to tell me hangry pikabean isn't a-goddamn-dorable
No, it looks like complete shit. Objectively the worst pikaclone to date.
Region off shoots were a mistake
whats kiss?
No, it started in Gen I pokemans was never good xD
I thought coffing was a bong for a moment but then I realised it was a top hat/chimney and was disappointed.
>there are Japanese wrestling themed tigers in Hawaii and ninja frogs in France.
Gen 3* gen 2 was a perfect sequel
>He doesn't remeber the shit taht was Mr. Mime, Jynx, Electabuzz, magmar, and the Magnemite line
Everything bad in Pokemon has been there since day 1. The only problem was instead of fixing any of their problems they just put out more games of the same, so its all the same shit today that it was back then.
You grew up. The series did not.
The industrial capitalist megaKoffing gets a smile out of me but otherwise very unremarkable.
Well at least there's only one of them this time.
>it's real
what the fuck
Is Zangoose a David Bowie reference?
>hangry pikabean isn't a-goddamn-dorable
You are a fucking embarrassment.
>tfw think this are fakemons
>check the Direct
>they are fucking real
So the National pokedex died for this?
>Electabuzz, magnemite and magmar
Give me a break
these are fucking amazing shit.
people are already speculating if it was on purpose.
>fairy type for being high
>the entirety of the design
plusle and minum are some of the best pikaclones though
It's still ugly
>These are actually pretty good so far
They fucking suck.
>Dat video
This is what the highest grossing media franchise in the entire fucking world can do?
t. actually wasted money on the 3DS titles
If sacrificing the national dex means more regional variants, I'm down with that
Gen 1-2 was the Pokémon era
Gen 3 was the plastic toy era
Gen 4-5 was the Digimon era
What do we call this? The overly simplistic era?
Most of the mons have been good so far but bean pikachu is pretty shit and punk rock evolution of zigzagoon is retarded
why does adults talk about this game? are you all retarded?
Is there any hope for Pokemon at this point? I just want a goddamn game with all the Pokemon that I can fight against friends that lasts just persists past every generation. Like if Home let you battle all your critters against friends I'd be far less pissed but with how lazy these fucks are I know damn well that's not what it's going to be used for.
No, you dilate, tranny
the new weezing is awful t. weezing is a fav a of mine since gen 1
The object era
Instead of being inspired by nature, they get inspired by artificial objects and people
The GameFreak/TPC doesn't give a fuck millenia.
Linoone's evolution looks like crap and so do the Pikaclones.
weezing isn't great but it's a meme variant like alolan dugtrio, not something that completely ruins the design (and then makes a completely unrelated evolution to it)
i dont understand the concept this weezing is supposed to convey. top hats, gas facial hair and chimneys. all its missing is a fucking monocle at this point
Wait, these are real? lmfao they look shite.
>I-I wanna play with my friendz! :(
>plays multiplayer once, just plays single player anyway
It is also missing a cup of tea
Thanks for making me realize that Weezing is a set of balls by adding two huge phallic symbols to it.
You have a penis on each testicle?
No you shit. The whole point of Pokemon is taking your favorite fucking monsters and fighting your friends and randoms. If they aren't there, on top of all the garbage lazy single player bullshit? There's no point in playing the fucking things. Stop sucking Masudas tiny cock for five seconds.
You fucking wish, Digimon have top tier designs, that Pokemon will never be able to surpass.
The point of Pokemon is single player. You're lucky if you could find another person to play with in the game boy games.
Not even 5 per cent of the games are spent playing against other players.
What the fuck, is that a pocket? WHAT THE FUCK, IS THAT A POCKET ON THE HAMSTER?! HOLY CRAP, SOLD!
>first dark/electric type
>it's another pikachu-like throw away, but a bean
Fuck you
That's the whole point though. It's a reason (not saying the main one) that they release two version to get people trading. You raise your favorites and it sure as hell isn't to fight the Elite 4 over and over again. Hell let's multiplayer isn't important at all. You still can't use all your favorites in SwSh because of their lazy lying bullshit and only having half the damned Pokemon in the game.
Can I just get a gun, or something?
Why does that chespin have downs?
>Hey you guys look like trainers! Let's batt- OK, OK, I'll leave!
>visit America
Because that’s a yellow human.
Why is no one talking about this one
I think it's kind of cool, named after duralumin
-- lectured by a boomer and his entourage of KKK supporters.
what the fuck
It's a video game for kids, why are you getting so worked up
Why do retards think that the region's basis actually affects what pokemon will be in the game?
Spoiler: There are no fucking crocodiles in New York
because it looks like the most uncomfortable motherfucker ever
only jynx is bad
For the first time I don't want porn for the new Pokémon.
Also holy shit dynamax was a disappointment. Diaperfags fucking everywhere. How are so many people riddled with two shit-tier fetishes at once?
>Digimon era
Then why weren't there any hot babe designs
You mean three? Because furshit is also one.
I want to suck obstagoon's dick
That Chinese bootleg looks fucking sweet
You're a knotty boy.
Yes but macro is based. I mean, they're not putting diapers in Sword and Shield for a reason.
Gen 2 has always been overshadowed by Gen 1. Most people only like GSC and HGSS because they allowed you to revisit Kanto after beating Lance.
These particular new designs are shit ,but your statement is pure shit taste each gen has kino designs as well as some bad ones
Boku no Fat Elfs
I unironically think this new weezing form looks great. Shame about the rest of the pokemon though.
Especially when said corporation is GameFreak.
Though gravitating towards bad ones the closer we get to the end of time.
Kiss has always and will always be a shit tier band.
Hoenn has the best Pokemon designs in the series you stupid Genwunner.
At least regional forms aren't limited to KANTOOOOOOO Pokemon this time.
Damn right 1 = 3 > 4 > 2 > 6 > 5 > 7 > 8
And eevee is eeeve backwards
Stupid contrarian.
I love this badger!
It would have been so much better if Luxray was Electric/Dark XD.
>gen 1 had farfetch'd
>gen 2 had stantler
>gen 3 had grumpig
your point?
Jesus Christ those Pikachu clones look fucking terrible
What were they thinking?
Souless shit
>Jesus Christ those Pikachu clones look fucking terrible
To be fair pika clones were always dogshit except Marill and Pachirisu. Lazy dex filler to sell plush toys.
I find it funny that the video that spawned this thumbnail doesn't exist anymore
I agree with you but please leave Farfetch'd out of this.
I like it.
is that way you braindead faggot
Dorkachu looks so dumb
A shittier version of seal/dewgong lmao
literally seething
Nah, this piece of shit will sell gangrape busters and confirm to GameFreak for the millionth time that the retarded fans will let them get away with literally anything so they don't even need to do the bare minimum anymore. No better time than now to disregard this shit series that hasn't been good since the DS era.
I love dewgong too. All of the seal pokemon are great.
>Digimon era
I still don't get how people can make that comparison. Not even the most "complex" pokemon share the same design philosophy as digimon. The only ones I could actually compare to digimon are the new legendaries, mainly the one with the sword.
>That Wheezing
I didn't know I wanted this, but now I do.
those are spherical because it makes sense for them to be.
Making the new pokemon’s heads gigantic is a dumb cartoony trend to make them look cute(r).
You’re dumb if that point went over your head.
gen 1 Magnetmite vs nu gen Magnemite
Gamefreak now is just copy pasting the same pokemon and changing their color or picking an old pokemon and adding dumb shit all over them.
The 3 starters have the same body type and head shape.
I saw this on /vp/ so now I don't wanna go back.
>all of the shilling ITT
nintendo marketers out in full force
This. Though I do like the second evolution of Zigzagoon too.
Exactly. GameFreak is just like Blizzard, they have a legacy of fans who will buy anything and keep confirming to them that they can't make mistakes. I mean, everyone made a shitstorm about Diablo 3 and its one of the best selling games of all time. Pokemon will stay relevant forever because even though the sales are not as high as in 10 years ago, they can still keep making games.
>Diablo 3
Literally the dumbest fanboys on planet earth along with pokemon niggers. They would eat blizzards shit.
That's some shitty fakemo-
The artist uses an actual pokemon in the first example, but not an actual Digimon in the second one.
I wonder if the author have some bias...
What's the problem? All this does is highlight the perfection that was Gen 1.
I ain't even mad if you don't like Gen 1 Pokémon. It must be hard for people who didn't start with Gen 1 to understand what makes them special, and it ain't nostalgia because Gen 3 was 18 years ago yet still looks like a pile of puke.
>gen 3 looks like puke
I agreed with you until that.
>Not made in a wallpaper resolution
>Why yes i follow makuta teridax, how did you know
C'mon. This doesn't even look like a Pokémon.
Neither of those points are correct anyways, a lot of pokemon deviate a lot on what they are supposed to be based, and Digimon is generally all over the place with its designs (not saying that as a bad thing) while not always using some base template.
>some new shitty mons
>everyone forgets about GameFreak erasing the national dex, doing dynamax shit which is total garbage etc.
This is why Masuda laughs at you all. Because you'll pay up anyway. Fucking paypig morons.
Remember when they actually rejected Pokémon designs? I don't think that happens anymore.
The Cubone one... wow
too much soul
they still look infinitely better than the stupid overly plushified bullshit we get today
retard alert
that pic reminds me of the stadium cries
gen 5 and 6 were being developed at thr same time though
>new Pikachu-like
>literally just looks like they just fucked with Pikachu's 3D-model a bit
>special form is just a re-texture
>named Morpeko (More Pika)
They're just taking the piss at this point
Read again, for each user that liked it there are ten more hating it
>nooooooooooo you broke my narrative ;_;
Taboo pokemon!
So how come something like Pikachu Libre works while Morpeko doesn't?
Also never google Pikachu Libre. Fuck me.
>Ignore all posts making arguments
>Respond only to the ones with insults
The /vp/ cycle is real
Gigantamaxing is neat and all but when will we get to go Digimon Frontier style and fuse with our pokemon?
I searched for 'morpeko' and I liked it
That already happened in a manga and everyone hated it.
Cause its a variation of a Pokemon that gets in regardless of version due to its status as a Mascot, and its a Mascot for a reason. All these Pika-Clones are just trying to grab onto the Pikachu love and rarely succeed with the only successful one in recent memory being Mimikyu.
Mimikyu isn't a pikaclone.
Ash fused wtih his Greninja, which is in the game as an event. If you want a Greninja that's 50% Jobbing.
The games are poorly done and are shit booth on technical and gameplay aspects, that alone makes them unworthy of being bought. However i cant understand you faggot saying post gen 2 designs are shit, when we have had some exlent designs even post gen 5. You cant see things objectively your judgment is clouded
I remember people liking Pachirisu, Dedenne and Togedemaru a lot, obviously none is going to compare to the original in terms of popularity, but still.
Fuck the manga, who pays attention to that? We need a transylvania expy region in the next gen with were-pokemon.
I think every pokemon can be caught in galar meaning the national dex is still in
>that one on the right
>modern pokemon totally isnt pandering to furfags guize
>I can be your angel or your devil pikachu
>werezigzagon evo
This shit is literally just Digimon now. How can one comany be so incompetent and lazy with one of the biggest IPs in the world I will never know.
Mimikyu isn't even the pika-clone, that was dedenne
Weezing looks alright but the pikaclone looks absolutely unservicable in design, good lord. It looks like a bootleg from a different series.
The regional Zigzagoon and Linoone look somewhat passable too but the evo would genuinely pass for a digimon if you shaded it darker and gave it a few more wrinkles/fuzz lines or a weapon, and I say this as someone who adores UBs and vehemently denies they look like that.'s over.
It will sell, but it's absolutely the least cute out of all the Pikaclones.
The happy form legitimately looks like one of those loosely interpreted gen 5 reveals on the front of corocoro or whatever, the ones that weren't the actual designs but were redone the best they could from fuzzy screencaps or something. It's the first Pokemon I've seen and instantly thought "chinese bootleg"
>Gengar Pikachu
I'm okay with this.
The badger is pretty cool.
thr fuck did they do to my boy ziggy?
More like piss reference lol Cuz the design is piss tier
did they have normal rattata and shit in SM I can't remember
I'd like to have one but fuck getting the retarded version
They have some that are great, but usually once they get to Mega or whatever they elect to be better than Mega, they tend to look like a mess.
A lot of the best designs are clustered around Champion level ones, with a few great ones in Ultimate and the occasional amazing one in Mega, like Machinedramon. For example, I adore a certain ultimate level bug digimon, but once it hits the Mega form it ditches the neat aesthetic of all the Champion/ultimate level ones and looks like shit.
Literally my brother's skunk fursona
The only way to get them was to transfer one in. Regional dex wise, tourist trainers had the non-alolan versions so they would be marked as seen in your dex.
Evolution wise (e.g. for stuff like Exeggutor) they had to be evolved in an ultra wormhole's area to be the non-alolan form.
I guess all it needs is a cape, which should still match the KISS motif. I don't know a lot about KISS but it does look good
wtf that's just plusle and minun again
there's a reason it's the only one of these mons is trending on twitter right now
was watching vinesauce the other night and he expressed genuine regret at the fact everyone was begging him to play Sword/Shield but he has absolutely no desire to even buy it
>they had to be evolved in an ultra wormhole's area to be the non-alolan form.
well it's a good thing that there's no 'normal' form for linoone to evolve into
Zigzagoon is one of my favorite pokemon, I didn't want him to be ruined this thorougly.
I wonder who's behind this post...
They have their B Team making this because Game Freak hasn't enjoyed making pokemon since it went 3D which is stupid obvious since creature inc had to do all the heavy lifting making 3D models of all 800+ mons and shinies for X/Y trading.
You're talking to a 100% certified hoenbabby so I don't know what you're shitposting about.
The pikachu was a birthday present from some cousin a few years ago but I specifically bought the kyogres for myself, him, blaziken, and quite a few gen 3 mons are my favorite, including zigzagoon.
Better than all the crap from gen 5 to 7
I unironically love that Weezing and that Zigzagoon/Linoone
Edgechu is pretty cute too
I wish this was still true for digimon but all the mosters are just knights/mechas/hot girls in cosplay now
>SWSH is shit and we're not buying it because of lack of nat dex, dynamax being shit, the game looking like wii era trash a-
This is why we can't have nice things.
The keys on Klefki aren't an inherent part of its body. It collects and/or steals keys.
I told people this shit would happen the minute they released a sufficient trailer. For a good while a ton of people completely forgot about their complaints because of the Nessa debacle and all that Bea art afterwards. I know it's a tired saying, but people will buy it anyway. Perhaps not you people, but 200,000 angry people isn't going to make even a noticeable dent in the game's sales, especially when people who do buy these games often buy both versions. Soccer moms who need a new safe game to shut up their kids, fanboys/girls who would literally buy a used barf bag if it had Pokemon branding, and people who don't participate in any form of online community other than their own little discords and shit will lap it up.
Before seeing the news that these are from SwSh, I literally thought these were all from some edgy gore romhack.
more like
bowel obstruction
You fucking casual, even if he's weak to those two types, you can't attack it with them at the same type.
Best counters should be steel types un general since they resist both if its STAB
>they turned Weezing into a steampunk bong
What's it like to be retarded?
>another furrybait design
Ive already got 20 pieces of porn of it.
Linoone was just generic brand Furret and a waste of an excellent first stage like Zigzagoon
He's from Kanto so he's guaranteed to be in.
Kanto is safe. Gamefreak are Genwun ass slaves and probably already are reusing the LGPE assets.
i hate when they draw shapes and designs on the fur that just make no logical sense to evolve that way. scaring away potential predators is one thing but their designs shouldn't look like a human drew them onto a wild animal. it should look like a wild animal with coincidentally similar patterns to human patterns/symbols.
honestly the shitting on sword and shield is so obnoxious. i really think people just get off on being contrarian. it looks way better than sun and moon. what am i missing here?
Walrein is getting a form based on the walrus from Alice in Wonderland. Ice/Dark.
nips love hawaii and the french are huge weebs so it makes sense
It's like someone's inhaler fused with the Tim Burton Batman costume.
wait this is real?
It's obviously a joke user i hope
I've lost too much faith in this place over the years to believe anyone's joking anymore. We've gone beyond even trolls trolling trolls.
Thank you for stating the obvious Mr. unfunny Jumpcut Youtube Man.
The furry bait is the original one.
Granted people could also jack off to the one that looks more like an animal instead of a human but it looks marginally better
These guys could teach GameFreak a lesson or two on monster design
Fucking based.
What the fuck is up with origin forme's teeth though
Also cute cat and regular kyogre
Wait the champion has a charizard right?
How are they gonna make it seem strong without a mega
elf san wa yaserarenai
Make it big.
>People still mad about the lack of content in the games
Look if Witcher 3 couldn't fit on Switch how could Pokemon fit?